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October 30, 2001

I bought my own domain

I bought my own domain today!!!! jasonnolan.net Life is good. Also, from a GTA blogger http://www.transit.toronto.on.ca. Finally... regarding my firewire harddrive enclosure, I got this nice email from Nancy @ macally: Dear Jason, Thank you for considering Macally your product. Unfortunately, we just ran our of the sticker. Can you email me again sometime next month to remind me and I will be happy to mail you a sticker. =) Once again, thank you for being supportive and choosing our product. Best Regards, Nancy -- Nancy Lam Macally Peripherals 15861 Tapia St. Irwindale, California 91706 Tel: 626-338-8787 Fax: 626-338-3585"

Posted by jason at October 30, 2001 02:56 PM