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January 30, 2002
Other books. I'm at work
Other books. I'm at work now, and can see what I bought: Snowcrash, Neil Stephenson. It is my 3 or 4th copy. I lost the other ones. Manufacturing Consent, Herman/Chomsky. When am I going to read this all?"
Posted by jason at 02:22 PM
January 29, 2002
Book Central. Boy did I
Book Central. Boy did I get books today. First of all, I saved $65 + tax on a copy of Cryptomimesis by Jodey Castricano. I got a review copy, and I'll do a write up for the journal of dracula studies. Then I got two books by Peter Trifonas, all around cool guy who was on my dissertation committee. His gems are ""Barthes and the Empire of Signs"" and ""Umberto Eco and Football"" both by Icon books. They're short 12000 word essays in book format. Very cool. Also bought a somewhat scholarly ""JK Rowling's Harry Potter Novels: A Reader's Guide"" by Philip Nel. In bold letters at the bottom it reads ""This publication has not been authorised by J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros."" I didn't need that info, since it was in the criticism section at the UofT bookstore. Oh, I also bought some other books ""Introducing Critical Theory"" and ""Introducing Cultural Studies"" both good primers for teaching theory to teachers. And finally a big fat book I can't remember what it was, but it is in my office now and felt like a good idea at the time to buy it. They were all departmental purchases, so I didn't have to pay tax on the money as income, and got a 10% discount to boot. That does mean that the university technically owns them, but if I wasn't teaching there, I'd not have bought them anyway, so that seems fair."
Posted by jason at 04:14 PM
Domain Central. I've registered more
Domain Central. I've registered more domains in the past week than ever before. I bought or procured, or scarfed: knightisland.com - bought it for my dad, but he didn't use it, so I get it roomofbensown.net - for ben's stuff. he owes me torontodarkwriter.com - for our writer's group. they owe me punchpuppy.com - guess who? edublog.org - this will be my box for storing blogs. They're all hosted by xtrinsic.com/emma, cept edublog.org which will be my rose iMac, presently known as edublog.forestry.utoronto.ca"
Posted by jason at 11:33 AM
"Emma has a new bike,"
Emma has a new bike, at Strange Little Girl! Very cool."
Posted by jason at 11:30 AM
January 27, 2002
Queen Street #1 are photos
Queen Street #1 are photos of yuka and my walk today. I'm going to compile a walk-along of every building on Queen St West in Toronto that I like. Cause I can. Sorry. The pictures are MASSIVE. Can't be helped. You can appreciate the thumbnails, if you're on a slow modem."
Posted by jason at 05:21 PM
Here is a very nice
Here is a very nice panoramic picture of my apartment, about 180degrees worth. This is pretty much what dave would have seen too when he was living in the building. Left to right we have the CNtower with Skydome below it, city hall in front. lake ontario can just be seen on the horizion between 2 buildings. Below is Ontario College of Art, with Grange Park behind it. The smoke stack on the horizion is Toronto Western Hostpital where I was born, and in the foreground is the Art Gallery of Ontario. Everything else is basically Queen Street West, and Chinatown. Though, at the right edge is the beginning of the University of Toronto. My office is right behind the tall building at the right edge, and Yuka's library is just in front of it. A small world, but it is ours."
Posted by jason at 10:38 AM
January 26, 2002
markham district highschool is where
markham district highschool is where I went from 1976-1980, when I dropped out. Nostagically disfunctional web site."
Posted by jason at 04:55 PM
The Globe and Mail: Prime
The Globe and Mail: Prime Ministers Day of Honour? Should we have a Dead Primeminister's Day? I say ya! The more dead the better!"
Posted by jason at 12:36 PM
January 25, 2002
This is my earliest RECORDED
This is my earliest RECORDED presence on the Internet. Thanks to dave for putting me on to this. For some reason, everything done from 1987 to 1992 is lost. Or maybe I was lurking for that period of time.
Google Search: Jason@writer Search Result 10From: Jason Nolan (jason@writer.yorku.ca) Subject: ftp-able kanjitalk and shareware??????? Newsgroups: sci.lang.japanView: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format
DATE: 1992-04-15 16:07:01 PST Hi, I heard someone telling us that they got Kanjitalk for free on a CD-rom. Are there any other ways to get it for free? Is there an ftp site? Is there someone who would get a kick out of mailing a copy to me? Also, I found Gomtalk (with is useless to me since I'm running 6.05), but it set me to wondering if there was enough share/free/postcardware to get me started with alittle wordprocessing or something to tide me over until I've got a real job. Thanks in advance for the info. Jason Nolan __________________ Sometimes mistaken for the Grand Pootweet!"
Posted by jason at 03:30 PM
January 23, 2002
Did a lecture tonight in
Did a lecture tonight in MIE1404 (those are my notes) in the Interactive Media Lab. And there was much rejoicing."
Posted by jason at 10:37 PM
My office. A walkaround. I
My office. A walkaround. I just realized that iPhoto doesn't shrink file sizes. The thumbnails are good, but all large images are 300K plus. I'll work on that."
Posted by jason at 05:06 PM
THE CUSP OF CHANGE: A Review by Maureen Scott Harris of TALES FROM EARTHSEA and THE OTHER WIND. These are my favourite LeGuin things. And Maureen lectures in the course I run. She's wonderful, as you can imagine."
Posted by jason at 12:25 PM
January 22, 2002
Select-Bistro is where Yuka and
Select-Bistro is where Yuka and I have had our wedding anniversary dinner for the past 13 years. This is a brief photoessay description of the dinner, using the Olympus D-510 digital camera we picked up this afternoon. A good day."
Posted by jason at 10:07 PM
January 19, 2002
Cryptomimesis :The Gothic and Jacques
Cryptomimesis :The Gothic and Jacques Derrida's Ghost Writing, by Jodey Castricano. You can tell that I need it bad, right? And of course Yuka found it while looking for books on Lucy Maud Montgomery."
Posted by jason at 10:12 AM
January 15, 2002
"From the ""It never rains"""
From the ""It never rains"" department. Just handed in the form that 'should' allow me to teach an online course this spring (May/June) called English and Technology: New Discourses and New Pedagogies with the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at OISE/UT. Wheeee... Here's my tentative outline...
EngTech will focus on conceptualizing the Western Enlightenment metanarrative of technological progress as presented in the realization of Cyberspace. Students will have the opportunity to draw from fiction, academic texts, and personal experience in online environments in order to develop and articulate both practical the theoretical perspectives on the role(s) of English education in technology-based learning environments."
Posted by jason at 02:29 PM
Just got back from a
Just got back from a meeting with Ron Baecker, a computer science prof here. We are planning a full year grad course ""KMD 100Y: Core Seminar in Knowledge Media Design"" which we will be co-teaching starting next september for the Knowledge Media Design Institute. I can't wait until we can give out all the juicy details, as I know it is going to be an absolutely stellar course taking up KMD from a variety of perspectives with expert speakers from across the university. Stay tuned."
Posted by jason at 11:22 AM
January 14, 2002
Here is an article that
Here is an article that Yuka and I just finished for Canadian Children's Literature / Litterature canadienne pour la jeunesse called ""Too Many Bends in the Road"" about the Lucy Maud Montgomery CD-rom put out by the L.M. Montgomery Institute in PEI. Please don't quote from it without talking to me, as it may get modified before publication."
Posted by jason at 09:53 PM
I just finished helping Rhonna
I just finished helping Rhonna get the most recent edition of E2K: a journal for the new literary paradigm up and running. A day ahead of schedule. It is an entirely new design for E2K which is rated as one of the top places to be published on the Internet. I have an article in it, on blogging. And I'm very happy to say that I designed the new site, with all its stark minimalism, bells and whistles. But it is Rhonna's baby. Please have a look."
Posted by jason at 05:49 PM
January 10, 2002
Just downloaded and am testing
Just downloaded and am testing DocDetox to remove the stupid bouncing notification in the lower menu of my macOSX"
Posted by jason at 07:59 AM
January 08, 2002
Does it get more fanatical
Does it get more fanatical than this? "
Posted by jason at 09:23 PM
Online Learning in the European
Online Learning in the European Community: New Learning is another article I finished today. It is for IFETS, and I'll blog when it gets published. Hope you like it."
Posted by jason at 08:51 PM
Just finished a couple of
Just finished a couple of articles today. This is not a blog. is one I am working on for Netauthor.org/e2k. It is a draft, so don't link to it or anything. But comments are appreciated."
Posted by jason at 08:41 PM
January 07, 2002
Stephen Fine reminds us all
Stephen Fine reminds us all that theory can be fun:
Theory.org.uk action figures"
Posted by jason at 04:25 PM
January 06, 2002
I bought SHOES. On sale.
I bought SHOES. On sale.
And so did Yuka"
Posted by jason at 05:27 PM
January 03, 2002
SOme of you may not
SOme of you may not care. If so, read something else. This link is to a server that servers a list of Newton palmtop computers that are hooked to the internet. You can actually visit these newtons and read/add data. Try that on a palmOS thingy... NPDSTracker @ misato.chuma.org. I gotta get with the 21st century, and fix up my newton 2100."
Posted by jason at 09:21 AM
January 02, 2002
"Tonight Yuka's buddy, and my"
Tonight Yuka's buddy, and my friend, Sadako passed away after a long battle with breast cancer. She will be missed but us all. I've nothing more to say tonight, but I hope I will in the time to come. My thoughts are somewhat confused."
Posted by jason at 11:51 PM
I got a copy of
I got a copy of this book today in the mail. And I got a consulting credit! It is called ""Remember Your Happy Days"". And it is pictures from Zoos in Japan. I previously helped the author, Furukawa-san, out on previous book ""Panda Planet"". "
Posted by jason at 05:51 PM
January 01, 2002
Yuka and I replaced our
Yuka and I replaced our dead machine, with a new coffee machine.
And there was much rejoicing."
Posted by jason at 10:50 AM