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May 27, 2002
On the rock
Yuka and I went climbing at The Rock Oasis Inc. yesterday... it was the first climing experience since December, which was the first since last June. We've been bad. But we're going to get gooder. The goal is once a week all summer, at least. And since we've been keeping up with our 'evening constitutional', I can't see why we can't get back into climbing. Yuka was able to work on a 5.8 and I was able to get one 5.10a done, and half of another, before the fingers religated us to lesser activities. But she should be able to get up to a 5.10a, and me back to 11b's before too long. Then we'll get out the camera for some pictures. Anyone wanna joing us? Rock Oasis has done some major renovations since December with new changerooms and showers, and a large cave structure and boldering complex, and one new wall. Looks very coool."
Posted by jason at May 27, 2002 08:10 AM