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May 30, 2002
Today was a nice feel good day.
Spent the morning working through things, as per usual, an sauntered off to the KMDI collaborative program planning meeting around 10:30. We're reviewing applications and whatnot. And planning KMD1000 that I'll be co-teaching this fall. Good bit of news is that the course will be open to UofT students not enrolled in the program. Lots of questions as to how we're going to present the course, but we have everything we want to do, and are whittling away to what we can do. On my way back I stopped in the InfoCommons at UofT to see if I could get some help setting up my on campus wireless connection. Couldn't. It is an ongoing snafu, but I'll get it done at some point. Medium Priority. There was some prof lined up at InfoCommons. He didn't speak much english, but luckily the InfoCommonsGuy spoke french. Turned out that he wanted to print out his paper. InfoCommons only can handle floppydisks, not profs with computers. Seeing that he had an iBook, I told him to come with me. We walked back to my office, I plugged him into the network, no fuss, no problem, printed off the paper and we went our separate ways. Very nice guy. Why can't all computer problems be solved in that manner? I love Macs. Came home and wasted the rest of the day."
Posted by jason at May 30, 2002 05:48 PM