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September 15, 2002
I love Sundays.
Crazy day. Not only to I have to finish writing my lecture for next thursday's KMD1000, and have to clean up the apartment, and have to take Ben to get a new laptop and printer, cause UofT's oh so much cooler a place to buy a laptop than anywhere else. But after that I get to feed Ben, Yuka, EvaB, and Elizabeth Miller. Life doesn't get much better than this.
To continue... Ben showed up around 2pm at the UofT Computer shop where we picked up his new iBook and printer. I got to pay for it cause you just can't take that much money out of a bank machine any more. Good fun, as ben would say. I let him carry everything down to my place, stopping on the way so I could get some veggies for dinner, where Yuka had been cleaning the apartment (read lounging and chatting on the phone). Some how the apartment was wonderfully clean despite all her cleaning, when we got there, so I didn't have much to do. (Cleaning had been my job.) I cooked, yuka helped, while ben installed software on his BuddyJr (read iBook). Until EvaB and Elizabeth ""bloofer lady"" Miller got there. This was the first time Elizabeth had met any of my friends, but since Evab's an ex-vampire fan, and ben and I are writing a paper on 12th C English vampire stories written in Latin for a conference she's organized in Romania... so it was good that they all met. I got forced to explain my ""Anne of the UnDead"" thesis (why Anne of Green Gables is really a Vampire) to general agreement, and we discussed how Elizabeth's going to move her famous Dracula's home page from Memorial University to Toronto, when she moves to Toronto full time this November. Finally everyone puttered home, and I fell over in a heap."
Posted by jason at September 15, 2002 09:18 AM