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October 19, 2002
Spent the day with Ben and Yuka at the Leaskdale manse. We were invited guests for the opening of phase one of the manse resstoration project. Lucy Maud Montgomery lived in the manse for a number of years, and it is being restored as a national monument to LMM. So far, they've removed the stucco, and replaced the door. And the budget is gone. I took 107 pictures. Yuka's processing them, and a site will be up soon. addendum Pictures are up. And I might add, that I did spend a couple of minutes having coffee with The Honourable Janet Ecker, Minister of Finance. I didn't tell her that I was a crypto-postmodernist-ivory tower academic. But then again, she never told me that she was Minister of Finance. And we had a nice chat."
Posted by jason at October 19, 2002 07:15 PM