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October 11, 2002

My CV... in a nutshell

I finally decided to upload and make public my Curriculum Vitae. I've thought a lot about this, but since it is the season for applying for positions, and that is a pretty public experience, I figured that I'd share it with the world. Sorry for it being 90k. It is a word > windows document in XML, and as Salmon knows, it takes for ever to exorcise XML from Word > html documents. Please let me know if you see any typos or errors, since most of you who read this blog are mentioned in it somewhere. But don't worry about the missing ). from time to time. That's something that Word does as a special touch of its own that I can't remove. Ugh. Ok, I get the picture. Here it is in .doc and .rtf as well"

Posted by jason at October 11, 2002 01:34 PM