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January 31, 2003
Greetings from Haneda Airport
Yay!Excuse the typos. I am challenged when it comes to a japanese keyboard, especially when it comes to punctuation... but here I am! I am at the Yahoo!Cafe, in the airport. Took a picture, and I'll upload it in a bit. Using computers at the cyber Cafe's free. That is free internet access, as long as you buy a drink, and don't stay too long. And actually paying 350 yen for an iced late is not much more than you'd pay at Starbucks, and cheaper than anything at Toronto Airport. I just realized, as I was looking out at the airport, and the water beyond, that I'm flying out of Tokyo without ever seeing it... except as a haze in the distance. I've written two proper length blog entries, which I'll upload as soon as I'm online at Larry's office tomorrow (Sunday in Toronto). Gonna go and check my email now, and see if I can log onto Achieve."
Posted by jason at January 31, 2003 10:25 PM