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April 02, 2003

Success... the Triangle Project workshop will go on!

For the last three years, I've had the opportunity to run a month long workshop on gender and identity using our Project Achieve CVE for the Triangle project. Triangle is Canada's only queer secondary school program. I've had wonderful help over the years from a variety of people, including Katherine Parish (salmon) and Rochelle Mazar (hildegarde), but this year I'm doing it alone. Well, not quite, for the past 6 weeks Kat and Muddy have been visiting the Triangle classroom to prep the students. Thanks Kat and Muddy! This year we had a problem accessing lab space on campus, and we're planning to start next week. Panic time. But at the last minute Tony G at OISE offered us space for half the workshop period that we were having trouble getting space for. Thanks Tony!!! And Professor Suzanne Hidi who is our faculty host there. For the rest of the period we're using the Unversity College labs, thanks to Professor Hilary Cuningham who's our faculty host for Undergrad. Since I'm only teaching graduate courses, I don't count in this context, and I'd have to rent lab space. Isn't collaboration wonderful!!!"

Posted by jason at April 2, 2003 05:48 PM