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June 28, 2003

Jr Panic Time Today.

Rochelle dropped by today, and we (Yuka and I) accompanied her to the UofT bookstore to pick up her iPod and old laptop. Both weren't available, but there was an art opening going on in the computer department. Many of the staff were showing their work. Juice and cheese was served. After that, we three wended our way through Kensington Market, doing some shopping, and stopping by the Moonbeam Cafe. Fun times. While we relaxed back at our place, we were fiddling with computers, and I said, ""Hey, lets pop my spare wireless networking card into your brand new iBook, so you can go online."" And I did. And pop! Her trackpad was dead. She laughed nerviously. That is Rochelle. I freaked quietly. Tried everything, and finally decided to lend her one of my old iBooks while her new one went back into the shop. Obviously some serious problem that wasn't my fault. Though I felt like it was my fault. Well, it was. So I tried one more thing... while everyone watched nerviously. I popped off the cover for the memory slot, and found that the trackpad fastener hadn't been closed properly. Probably when new ram was inserted when Rochelle bought the computer. It was installed at the store. I quickly fastened it down, rebooted, and prayed. Bingo! All was fixed and running. And Rochelle ran off to catch her ride home to Guelph. And I collapsed in to a heap of pigeon droppings."

Posted by jason at June 28, 2003 06:04 PM