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August 15, 2003
No power? No worries... or few
Yes, I lost power, along with the rest of you, but it was an interesting evening, worth sharing. Servers... http://projectachieve.net is on a nice smart server; an old linux dell. Though I didn't have it set up to restart the three moos (Achieve, eden(telnet), MOOkti). So I had to come in and turn them back on manually. Nothing lost though. The server did restart itself, AND still backed up the server at its appointed time (around 4am) successfully. http://edublog.com didn't fare quite as well... it hosts this blog, Yukazine.com, http://roomofbensown.net, http://lmmontgomery.net, and probably something else. I had to come in and manually restart it. As for the rest of the night... everything you heard about ""Toronto the Polite"" was true. We didn't have any impromtu traffic wardens at Dundas and McCaul (Where the Art Gallery of Ontario is located.) but we didn't need them. Everyone just moved through the intersection a few cars at a time, giving space to the other cars and pedestrians. The only place that was lit up was
Posted by jason at August 15, 2003 12:37 PM