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August 01, 2003

"Yuka says, ""Jason Blog this..."""

And I comply... Hello Yuka, Ever since I stumbled over your website, I've thought we should let you know about our project, which is a musical called ""Anne and Gilbert"", based on the second and third books. We'd originally hoped to have it produced in Charlottetown (my home town, actually) but discovered after the first draft was finished that the authors of the ""Anne"" musical there did not want a sequel produced in that theatre. So we're searching for another theatre to do it, rewriting (for instance, the parrot didn't make it to the second draft, to my sorrow!), shortening, cutting characters, all that stuff. Anyway, next time we do a reading in Toronto, we'll definitely invite you. Meanwhile, if you have any friends in New York you think might be interested in coming to this reading, please forward my invitation! with every good wish, Nancy White"

Posted by jason at August 1, 2003 10:17 PM