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October 19, 2003
Gala Dinner
I actually went to my first conference Gala dinner... and enjoyed it. I know it was the general crowd, and my table in particular. Though it was extremely loud for someone as hard of hearing as I am, most of the shouts got through. When I got in there was only one table left that wasn't full. Just two folks quietly chatting until we joined. It was Gary Natriello and Brian (forgot to get his full name) of TCRecord at Columbia. I'd never met them, but I quickly realized that this was GARY from TC Record. Joel Weiss is getting a big honking article on the history of the school year published with them, and Gary's doing something for our handbook. We just had room to fit in keynote speaker and collective intelligence d00d Pierre Levy, Daria (forgot to get her full name), and Barbara Reinhalter, who also works at TCRecord. Oh, we are Katie and Brandon Barr. After dinner, and some all so fun and short speeches, we all headded off. ""We"" ran in to Bernie and Tracy Kennedy netwoman and were invited up to a party in room ****. Katie, Brandon and I took off on a strange combination of above and belowground walking paths, through the rain, to get to the LCBO at Yonge and Dundas, not only to find that it was closed, but that it was 10pm. So, undaunted we hopped into a cab up to the Summerhill LCBO, which is about the size of a football field. Stocked up with stuff, andheadded back down to room ****, for a bit of a party. At this point, I'll mention no names... or what happened, or where brandon got those 6 glasses. But **** happened until we were all politely turfed out of the room... and I turned away from a group working their way along Queen Street at McCaul, and know not where they went."
Posted by jason at October 19, 2003 08:43 AM