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November 17, 2003
The Significance of 'Communities of Scholars' in the Academic Environment
The Resource Centre for Academic Technology brings you two perspectives on the value of ""Communities of Scholars"" that use weblogging (blog) technology in today's academic environment. Please join us Wednesday, November 19th, 1-4 pm, Room 4049, 4th floor, Robarts Library. Refreshments will be served. For a richer description of this event or to register go to: http://www.utoronto.ca/cat/whatson/blogging.html *** Journaling Communities for Scholars By Jason Nolan 1 - 2:15 This presentation will look at two of the major weblogging tools that dominate the market: Livejournal and MoveableType. Each tool as a particular role to play in academic writing. Moveable Type works best as research tool for sustained reflection, while Livejournal is suited for very large groups of students and classes. By January 2004, livejournal.utoronto.ca should be available for limited use with the opportunity of providing all members of the university community with their own journals. **** Digital Citizenship and Communities of Scholars By Robert Luke 2:30 - 3:30 Cultivating communities of practice and learning networks that foster civic engagement and ensure open access is a key step in ensuring that ""digital citizenship"" is founded upon fundamental rights of participation and engagement for the public good. When communities of practice are fostered and created around the use of new technologies, digital divides can be ameliorated, accommodated, and overcome. These communities are the Community Learning Networks, the Community Access Centres, the Open and Public Knowledge Initiatives, and the informal community based groups that share information and knowledge, support the acquisition of information and knowledge, and support and encourage community members to participate in the knowledge based society. In this presentation, Robert Luke will define ""digital citizenship"" and explore the relationship of digital citizenship to public research and communities of scholars. *** Registration: http://www.utoronto.ca/cat/whatson/blogging.html Questions or comments: contact Mia Joy Quint at 416-946-3558 or write to mia.quint@utoronto.ca. -- Mia Joy Quint Instructional Technology Training Liaison Resource Centre for Academic Technology University of Toronto (416) 946-3558 Please see the Academic Technology Newsletter: http://www.utoronto.ca/cat/newsletter/"
Posted by jason at November 17, 2003 08:37 PM