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December 21, 2003
Happy Winter Solstice
And a cool Yule. Not being someone who practices any of the major world religions, even the newest one of crass commercialism, I don't really go for celebrating christmas. I didn't like it much as a kid either. Too many potentials for letdown and despair.December 25 is usually just a wonderfully quiet day for Yuka and me. We usually walk about downtown, find the odd restaurant open, see a movie, just spend time quietly together. Nice, quiet and peaceful. Well, I guess we're celebrating it the way Christians should, which would be great if it were. That said, we both love presents. Giving them more than getting. I'll meet sMom Cheryl my little sisters Cats and Emmers when they're back from christmas in Florida with my dad. And I usually celebrate my mom's birthday in February with her, rather than anything this month. But today is Winter Solistice... which is the day I chose for me, to celebrate the season. It is the only day that really makes any sense to me. Always has. But it has the added importance now of being my nephew's birthday. Going to go and pester him with presents. Luckily he's too young to read this blog, or he'd know that I got him a wooden sword, among other things. And we'll take up all our holiday gifts to big sister and family, and get her to take some off to mom and sDad Larz. So, to recount: buying presents is fun. Giving them whenever you have them is great. And today is the only day I celebrate. Best wishes to all."
Posted by jason at December 21, 2003 08:17 AM