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January 20, 2004

Fixed my iPod

My iPod's been broken for months. Can't play music without holding the headphone jack at a funny angle. Tried to look at it 6 weeks ago and severed the harddrive cable while opening it. Spent $75 on a new cable and then got it back to its previously broken state. This morning, I figured I'd have another look at it. NO sharp knives. Opened it with two plastic toothpicks from my swiss army knives. Turns out that the cover to the headphone jack enclosure is soldered tight. Puzzled and proded inside with bits of plastic, and realized that all the solders are bad, but one specifically was a problem. Used a tiny screwdriver for fixing eyeglasses, and realized this connection is for the ground. Wheeeee... Went through a couple of boxes until I found some old wire, stripped it of it's plastic cover, and then poked it in and around bits of the iPod, and twisted it tight, and voila. Fixed. Nothing you can't do with a bit of wire and a couple of hours without distractions. Tune time!"

Posted by jason at January 20, 2004 01:11 PM