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January 16, 2004
Terry Talks
[It was one of Terry's books that first helped me understand critical theory back in the 1980s. He's great.] Terry Eagleton will be here, in Toronto, in 2 weeks time. He is speaking at U. of Toronto the week of January 26 -29 on a series of lectures concerning the Art of Terror. Below is the blurb: Jan. 26-29, The Alexander Lectures presents cultural theorist Terry Eagleton, regis professor, University of Oxfod, England on the ART of Terror. The series includes ""Terror and Modernity"" (Jan. 26); ""The Art of Terror"" (Jan. 27); ""The Metaphysics of Terror"" (Jan. 28); and ""Beyond Terror"" (Jan. 29). All lectures take place at University College, room 140, 15 Kings College Circle at 4:30 pm. (416) 978-7516 or sue.underhill@utoronto.ca"
Posted by jason at January 16, 2004 05:21 PM