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May 18, 2004
"O\'Reilly Network: The Fuss About Gmail and Privacy: Nine Reasons Why It\'s Bogus [Apr. 18, 2004]"
The Fuss About Gmail and Privacy: Nine Reasons Why It\'s Bogus [Apr. 18, 2004] Of course most of us were weaned by Tim Oreilly and his books. Well, for me it was Ed Krol\'s \""The Whole Internet\"" back in 1992. Tim\'s got the geek\'s library in his pocket, and somehow you get the feeling that he\'s not making a buck off the \'net, but that he\'s just helping get the information out there, and making many bucks in passing. Anyway, good article on gmail, and the dangers of ignorant paranoia. Well informed paranoia is where it\'s at."
Posted by jason at May 18, 2004 12:00 PM