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October 20, 2004
Off to LA
Gotta get up a 5am and get to the airport. Going to LA for the weekend, USC Annenberg Center for Communication exactly, to spend the weekend chatting about Blogs and Wikis in acedemia.
Just got a full list of all the folks...
Mimi Ito, danah boyd, Liz Lawley, Todd Richmond
Invited Participants
Sˆ©bastien Paquet, Anil Dash, Alex Halavais, Ross Mayfield, Sarah Lohnes, Peter Lyman, Jason Nolan
Graduate RAs
Graduate Fellows
Richard Hodkinson , Daniel Chamberlain , Aram Sinnreich, Nick Mote
Invited Faculty Participants
Scott Fisher, Lewis Johnson, Franˆßois Bar, Marita Sturken, Maja Mataric, Joseph Sullivan, Doug Thomas, Tara McPherson
Posted by jason at October 20, 2004 10:03 PM
hey: we got a contact out there for arun: need to find her email: she is friends with joi's sister.
Posted by: stef at October 22, 2004 10:19 PM