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December 31, 2004
Call for Submissions: Harrow Anthology - Midnight Lullabies
THE HARROW is pleased to announce its new anthology
Midnight Lullabies
Co-Editors: Kfir Luzzatto & Dru Pagliassotti
Poetry Editor: Jason Nolan
Art Editor: Yuka Kajihara
All proceeds will benefit Doctors Without Borders/ Mˆ©decins Sans Frontiˆ®res
Submission period
Opens: January 1, 2005
Closes: when full
See full guidelines at http://www.theharrow.com/books/ml/index.html
In Brief
This anthology will be a collection of between 10 and 20 outstanding short stories in the dark fantasy and horror genre. Each story will be preceded by a short poem. The anthology will be illustrated. The anthology will be published in eBook format and paperback publication will also be considered. All proceeds from the anthology will be donated to Doctors Without Borders.
Stories and poems must be horror or dark fantasy. The theme of the anthology is "childhood stories that terrify little children who have survived to become adults, to the point that they wish they had died in the cradle ...". There will be no dead babies in the anthology, though. Grown-ups, on the other hand, can die profusely.
Beyond those requirements there are no limitations to the type of story that you may submit. However, in order to be included in the anthology, the horror and gore must be tasteful within the context of the plot.
Submission Deadline: Until approximately 12-15 works of poetry and fiction have been accepted.
Projected Publication Date: Fall 2005
All proceeds from the anthology will be donated. Payment to accepted authors will be $5.00.- and to accepted poets $3.00.-, to be paid within 60 days from publication, via PayPal only.
Accepted authors and poets will grant The Harrow Anthology one-time exclusive first English-language rights to their work, for electronic and print publication. Accepted authors will receive a detailed contract upon acceptance.
Posted by jason at December 31, 2004 08:17 AM