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January 18, 2005

Cleaning up LiveJournal

I've been cleaning up my livejournal account. It got filled with lots of friends and interesting people, but it also got confused. I use it for teaching, and I don't really update it for any other reason. A couple of days ago, I got this here blog syndicated on LJ (http://www.livejournal.com/users/jason_nolan) so people on LJ can read me, if they want to... and I did some stuff noted below. All my LJ friends are blogrolled on the lower right of this page... and I feel like I've done some good cleaning.


1/18/05 04:49 pm - I have not really unfriended anyone...
Since I've moved my non-teaching, non-harrow.com content over to http://www.livejournal.com/users/jason_nolan I've also gone and moved everyone from my friends list to my http://blogrolling.com roll (down the right of http://jasonnolan.net/words). That is, if you have updated your blog in the past 6 months (one month for students) I've blogrolled you at http://jasonnolan.net/words and I'll read you off there (actually off a cool little function I have there).

If you do a lot of 'friends only' posting please keep me as your LJ friend. OK? Otherwise I won't be able to read you when I click. But if all your posts are public, feel free to unfriend me, I'll see you nonetheless (again, unless you only allow friends comments).

I'll still be using this account a lot, but only for teaching and http://theharrow.com stuff...

I hope that this works out. I'll try it for a term, and maybe change it later. If anyone wants to be on my friends list cause they just feel like it and don't mind periodically getting confused with my students and by my students, it's fine by me. But for each class students will be told to "friend everyone on my friend's list".

Posted by jason at January 18, 2005 05:05 PM
