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January 14, 2005

livejournal suffered a catastrophic power failure

Yuka went to livejournal.com and saw the following, bork, eh?

Our data center (Internap) lost all its power, including redundant backup power, for some unknown reason. (unknown to me, at least) We're currently dealing with bringing our 100 servers back online. Not fun. We're not happy about this. Sorry... :-/ More details later.

Posted by jason at January 14, 2005 10:14 PM


Hi Jason. I just read your article on E2K and I am very interested in the way you have set up Blogger for use in your teaching. I am an academic in English Literature (in Sydney Australia). I am planning to create Blogs for all my students, hoping that they will use this as a way to keep active and creative in relation to their reading. What is the best way to set this up? Should I let them all create their own log and then look in from time to time? How can I get them to look into my Blog from time to time? Should I create a community? Any experience you have had on this or any useful links would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

[great! I'll email you...]

Posted by: Michael Griffith at January 15, 2005 02:09 AM