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January 31, 2005
Yep, she has made the big time...
Rochelle A. Mazar, who has a great title for her blog ("The Trials and Tribulations of a Subversive Librarian) wrote about this issue a few weeks ago:"Most organizations already do something else in place of a group blog. They send mass emails. Hundreds of mass emails a week, which generally clutter up mailboxes or get deleted. Wouldn't a blog be better? Rather than spotty archives in people's email, everyone could have access to ONE keyword-searchable, date- and time- stamped archive. Rather than carry on a conversation on a listserv, forcing all staff to get our witty repartee via email, staff with questions could post comments and have them answered by the poster or anyone else with information. I suggested complex, threaded comments for educational blogs, and I would definitely suggest them in this context as well. With threaded comments, questions could be asked, answered, and archived in a forum open to all staff without clogging up inboxes."
Posted by jason at January 31, 2005 04:01 PM