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February 05, 2005
Video Mann
I took a short video of Steve using his Funtain. It is about 7megs.
Posted by jason at February 5, 2005 03:51 PM
Reminds me of a Jean Michel Jarre concert I saw on TV a few years back. He had large columns of light projecting up in the sky. When he blocked the projection with his hands the column of course was no longer illuminated, but this activated the corresponding note. Was cool as so many people were watching from afar and had an immediately intuitive (and unmediated) grasp of the connection between the sound and the physical action. i.e. by projecting the instrument rather than the playing of the instrument.
Posted by: Blurky at February 7, 2005 08:24 PM
here is a good wiki intro to the subject: reviewing my own memory, fibanacci is an important thing to think about during a hackfest.
Posted by: stefanos at February 6, 2005 11:36 AM
need more info on this idea: been looking at the triphasic idea, the anoequity idea, and the instant loss of privacy when one is in danger.
even if I get the math ideas wrong, the repetitive seeing of the images of equations builds a knowlegde base towards a future date when one does achieve an good understand and can begin manipulating the ideas/equations towards impact on natural phenomena, or to better describe social phenomena on the aggregate level, or glog pooling based upon collection of sensate experiences and the physiologic digital representations.
Essentially, the bournelli equations are quadradic in nature, and are closed comparametrically: so just as we close grammatical tenses in greco/roman languages, we close mathematical relationships towards understanding how wycoff sets fit into the comparametric grammer, with everything begining with a shared experience of cameras towards lightvector painting.
Now knuth does alot of things with organ playing: and from poetry and harmony, touches upon many of Euler's and Fourier's priniciples towards handling finite and digitilazed data in most interesting heaps and mounds.
I think this link will down load in the gz format which is linux based: got this very interesting article using a Knoppix based disc which got my computer working again (though I still cannot download the openvidia and plog programs onto my debian): the guages ranging from hebrew, greek, to chinese and sankrit.
intuitively, I feel that this touches on steves' funtain fountain....but that is an intuition which could be right or wrong: regardless, it forces the mind to try and go beyond what it knows towards an intellectual advancement.
Posted by: stefanos at February 6, 2005 11:05 AM