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March 30, 2005

Beachcombing on Technology's Shore

[Ken is one of my oldest friends, and we've collaborated on odds and ends over the years. If you're in Ottawa, check it out!]

Artist Kenneth Emig will give a talk on his new exhibition "Bits of Technology" at Pukka Gallery this Saturday April 2, starting at 2pm.

Beachcombing on Technology's Shore

Kenneth Emig – Bits of Technology
Pukka Gallery
1178 Gladstone Avenue, Ottawa
1 –-4 pm, Saturdays and Sundays
March 19th and 20th,
April 2nd and 3rd, 2005

Opening: Friday, March 18th, 5 – 8 pm
Artist's Talk: Saturday April 2, 2 pm

Ottawa (March 15, 2005)—Artist Kenneth Emig is enthralled by the beauty of the technological flotsam and jetsam that regularly drift his way. He hopes that viewers of his upcoming show, Bits of Technology, will come away sharing his curiosity and fascination with the pretty little things that make up the technology we use in our day-to-day lives. The work explores the beauty and elegance of discarded technology and offers a new way to look at the machines we take for granted. To create his compositions, Emig uses a variety of found and surplus materials from hard disks to copper gaskets to lenses and rotors.

"We often use technology, but don't look at what makes it work," says Emig. "I hope that viewers will look at the components of technology, which they might use and not normally pay attention to, and take pause to consider them—the design work and skill that went into them—and maybe come away with a different appreciation of the world around them."

Over the past year, Emig has completed several commissions including a public artwork for the City of Ottawa for the Eva James Memorial Community Centre in Kanata. From his studio at Enriched Bread Artists in Ottawa, Emig has worked since 1995 to present his ideas and explorations across southern Ontario and the Northeastern US. He is currently a guest worker at the National Research Council Institute for Information Technology exploring the artistic uses of collaborative spaces over broadband Internet.


For more information contact:
Julia von Hahn
tel: (613) 798-9870

Posted by jason at March 30, 2005 12:39 PM
