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May 02, 2005
30% off Internet Based Workplace Communications
Since you are all my friends and colleagues, here's a form for a discount on Internet-Based Workplace Communications: Industry and Academic Applications, which includes Rhonna and my chapter on MOOs(pdf)... along with other stuff.
Internet-Based Workplace Communications: Industry and Academic Applications examines the different ways in which online media are becoming a part of and affecting educational and professional writing practices. By overvieiwng how Internet-based technologies affect the communication process, this timely book provides educators with a synopsis of the tools and techniques that could be applied to a variety of educational and professional activities. Similarly, by covering the uses of online media in communication education, this book provides employers with insights related to the Internet-related discourse skills of prospective employees. This book serves as a bridge between educational developments and industry practices, and readers from a broad range of backgrounds learn of different concepts, technologies, and techniques that can affect the online communication process.

Posted by jason at May 2, 2005 05:35 PM