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May 05, 2005
Parents 'neglect ugly children'
BBC NEWS | Health | Parents 'neglect ugly children'
A team from the University of Alberta looked at how much care parents took to ensure their children were safe while shopping. They claim children they assessed as less attractive were more likely to be neglected.
Posted by jason at May 5, 2005 08:38 AM
Thanks for pointing out this BBC item. Poor old Darwin getting dragged into yet another sociobiologist's reductionist theory! Maybe another hypothesis is that, in our ad-saturated culture and tv-conditioned view of the world, a certain notion of "the beautiful" dominates to the extent that people are unable actually to look at their world except in terms of what has been officially designated as beautiful and "new", whether it's fellow creatures, or the rest of the living world. Look at the average city "garden" where dandelions and their wild kin are considered blots -- oh: I won't go on!
I'm pleased to have come across your site, Jason, having found it when searching on google to see if there were any reviews out there yet of Maureen Harris's wonderful new -- and award-winning -- Drowning Lessons. I would admit to bias about my admiration of the book, because she is a friend, however I have talked to other people who have read it and been impressed with and moved by it.
If you are the same Jason who was involved in the U of T course with her, then there is indeed a link between you and Atalanta and con permesso, I will make a link to your blog once I've figured out how to do so, because I do enjoy dropping by to read.
Posted by: Norma at May 5, 2005 10:30 AM