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June 17, 2005
A blast from the past
I was ordering transcripts of my undergrad work (for my new job), and found a button that said, view courses and marks. Thinking it wouldn't work, I clicked, and found all of my grad and undergrad marks. It is fun to look at things from such a distance. And so, I blogged them:
SU89 GS EN 6000B 0.00 M.A. Research Paper A-
SU89 GS SPTH 6340 6.00 Aesthetics & Contemporary Crit Theory A
FA88 GS EN 6000A 0.00 M.A. Thesis Research
SU88 GS EN 6000B 0.00 M.A. Research Paper
FA87 GS EN 6140 6.00 Middle English Romance A
FA87 GS EN 6350 6.00 Romanticism B+
FA87 GS EN 6860 6.00 18th Century Intellectual Texts AU
Under Grad
FW90 AK GEOG 3590 6.00 Conservation In Canada A
FW90 AK NATS 1790 6.00 B People And Environment B
FW90 AK STS 4720 6.00 Seminar In The Social Studies Of Sci. A
FA87 AK LA 1400 6.00 Introductory Latin A
FW85 AS EN 4180 6.00 A Studies In Renaissance Lit. B
FW84 AS EN 3110 6.00 A Old English B+
FW84 AS EN 4150A 3.00 Post-Modern Poets B
FW84 AS EN 4150M 3.00 Spec.Topic: Eliot/Amer.Fiction Of '20s A
FW84 AS EN 4160 6.00 B Independent Research B+
FW84 AS GER 1000 6.00 D Elementary German B
SU84 AK EN 3590 6.00 The Modern British Novel A
SU84 AK FILM 3440 6.00 The European Cinema B+
FW83 AK NATS 1720 6.00 A Exploration Of The Universe B+
FW83 AS EN 1000 6.00 H Eng. Lit. & Backgrnds (Hons. Seminar) B+
FW83 AS EN 2020 6.00 G Creative Writing C+
FW83 AS EN 3140 6.00 A Dryden/Pope/Swift A
FW83 FA MUSI 2140 6.00 Electronic Media Workshop I C+
FW82 AS EN 2480 6.00 Satire B
FW82 AS EN 2510 6.00 B Brit/Amer. Poetry/Fiction B
FW82 AS GER 2710 6.00 20th Cent. Ger. Lit. (In Translation) C+
FW82 AS MC 1280 6.00 Search For An Authentic Self B
FW82 AS SOSC 1800 6.00 A Social Issues Through Lit. A
Posted by jason at June 17, 2005 09:57 AM