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July 07, 2005
iVog: iMovie Video Plugin Project
vlog 3.0 [a blog about vogs] iVog: iMovie Video Plugin Project
In collaboration with Dr Seyed Tahaghoghi of computer science here at RMIT I've been successful in getting an Apple University Development Fund development grant (now that's a silly title isn't it?). The aim of this is to develop a plugin for iMovie that will:
- compress your edited video to appropriate format (ideally a decent mp4 file)
- export this compressed video directly into your blog CMS
- allow text entry to accompany the blog post (including title of post)
- automatically allow selection of categories and the usual raft of additional things that blogs support (comments and trackback enabled, date and time of publishing)
- automatically extract a series of still frames to produce a micron (micro movie) for use as poster movie (say, 20 frames from throughout the video)
- make this micron autoplay when mouse in event occurs and load vlog clip when mouse click event occurs
Posted by jason at July 7, 2005 07:00 AM