August 02, 2005

Corry's Pissed, as should we all be...

Boing Boing: Apple to add Trusted Computing to the new kernel?

People working with early versions of the forthcoming Intel-based MacOS X operating system have discovered that Apple's new kernel makes use of Intel's Trusted Computing hardware. If this "feature" appears in a commercial, shipping version of Apple's OS, they'll lose me as a customer -- I've used Apple computers since 1979 and have a Mac tattooed on my right bicep, but this is a deal-breaker.

As I told rochelle on IM: "as long as someone has a work around that bypasses this I'll be ok. but if it isn't bypassed you can be sure that more people who write software will move to linux, which ay improve linux. And I'll move back to it." Mac was my OS of choice after SunOS, DOS, NeXt and the like. I don't mind changing.

Posted by jason at 03:55 PM | Comments (0)

July 21, 2005

Must-Read Mazar

As usual, Rochelle's right on the money in Random Access Mazar: Dangerous Waters. The whole validity of web resources vs printed texts drives me crazy. As an academic, I am continuously confronted with shoddy, inaccurate and down right wrong information. And I'm talking about peer reviewed scholarly journals and texts published by academic publishers. Don't tell me that the net is a place where you cannot trust the information. Get your own house in order first!!! Lazy gits. I'm tired of hearing how the establishment wants to shoot down things like wikipedia because they cannot control it, when if they were willing to participate they could make it even more useful than it already is. Oh, Rochelle says this better.

And alex has something to say on this topic too.

Posted by jason at 07:23 AM | Comments (0)

July 13, 2005

From the Duh, Obvious dep't

[Check out the comments: Jeremy, Rochelle, Tyra and me.]

Inside Higher Ed :: Undercover Freshman

So Nathan, an anthropologist who has previously devoted her scholarship to research on a village in a developing country, decided to apply her discipline on her own campus, a public university. Nathan applied as a freshman (submitting only her high school transcript to show her academic credentials), moved into a dorm, enrolled in courses, shared beers and gossip with her fellow students, and took careful notes throughout.

The result is
My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student, which is about to be released by Cornell University Press. Nathan is a pseudonym and she does not identify her university or any students by name because she doesn't want to violate the privacy of those who confided in her. In the book, and in an interview, Nathan discussed the unusual ethical issues she faced, the joys and hazards of dorm life and what she learned about higher education by spending a year on the other side of the power divide.

Posted by jason at 08:15 AM | Comments (0)

July 12, 2005

Clickers? Gross

Wired News: Classroom Clickers Make the Grade

Hundreds of colleges, high schools and even middle schools are using "clickers" -- as even manufacturers call them. A moderator can pose a question and within seconds the respondents' answers are anonymously logged on a laptop at the front of the room.

Ok, lets use technology to further isolate us, ok?

Posted by jason at 12:07 PM | Comments (1)

July 10, 2005

Me toooooo!

Random Access Mazar

Disclaimer: This is a personal weblog. Opinions expressed herein are exclusively my own and do not necessarily represent the policies of my employer. Or the opinions of my friends, relatives, or neighbours.

Posted by jason at 08:25 AM | Comments (0)

June 13, 2005

Instant Messaging in Industry

Wired News: Never IM in This Town Again!

In Hollywood, where everyone's a freelancer and career networking veers between art and warfare, a new weapon is emerging as champion: instant messaging.

Movie producers, directors, actors and crew workers bouncing from one job to the next have traditionally relied on agents and Rolodexes for finding their next gigs. But these days, many are discovering it's easier to post their job availability on IM.

Posted by jason at 07:41 AM | Comments (0)

June 02, 2005

Internet Group OKs 'Xxx' Web Addresses - Yahoo! News

The Internet's primary oversight body approved a plan Wednesday to create a virtual red-light district, setting the stage for pornographic Web sites to use new addresses ending in "xxx."

Posted by jason at 06:04 PM | Comments (0)