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December 09, 2001
I got my first christmas
I got my first christmas present today... a hardcover first edition of William Gibson's Mona Lisa Overdrive. I was at Jamie Fraser Books on Queen Street, in Toronto, and it was on the shelf. I'd taken Yuka, my mom and step-father Lars (aka Large) to Jamie's to see his collection of mystery pulps, and to check on my stack of books I have put aside to purchase later, and was going ot add MLO to the pile, when Lars decided to buy it for me as a christmas present. The dust cover is a bit rough around the edges with a slight tear, but it has a mylar jacket, and is otherwise in really good condition. And I don't even have a reading copy of it.... for shame. Thanks Larz"
Posted by jason at December 9, 2001 02:46 PM