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December 13, 2001
Oh well. There's nothing happening
Oh well. There's nothing happening in my life right now worth talking about. Try one of the blogs on the left and see. Dave and Miao both have baby pictures, and Kat has crawled out of her exams long enough to post. And salmon, emma and hildegarde all have new snippets to share. I'm sure even sarah's saying the same old thing in new ways. Well, Joel Weiss, Vera Nincic and I are finishing off a book chapter for Peter's book, the Pedagogy of Difference, called tentatively ""The Net, Ethnicity and Difference"". So that is something interesting I guess. But it is in such a nebulous state that there's not too much I can say about it, so it feels like nothing happening; just something getting ready to happen. Oh, and DAVE SAID I COULD BORROW HIS MACKIE BOARD!!!"
Posted by jason at December 13, 2001 06:33 AM