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December 07, 2002
cleaning day
Spending the day cleaning. After getting a pile of job applications out this week, and getting the KMDI1000 students' assignments back, I need to get the homelife in order... in time for yuka to come home. Got pizza dough defrosting even. Gonna go and get a movie in a bit. But cleaning first. Time to go and clean the tiles in the bathroom... heavy duty. Got that done. Then wash the humifier and get it ready for the season. Done. Cleaned out the vacuum cleaner, washed the 2 filters, and got 'em drying. Did some industrial plant watering and fertilizing. Then went through my wine making equiptment, cleaning up stuff, and throwing out the old stuff that was getting ratty. I'll have to buy more tubing mostly. That was the easy stuff. The hard stuff was cleaning the balcony, which I've left lay fallow for months. Had to cut down the old hops vines, and bring the heather plant inside. Also the two big hopvine roots need to be removed from the soil, and wrapped up and put in the freezer to keep them dormant until spring. THEN cleaned up the rest of the balcony so that it looks less like a rubbish tip. Now what? hmmmm.... clean the kitchen. I've got the web cam on, and it is set on 'motion sensor' so all you can see is blurrs of me walking by... but it proves I'm moving still..."
Posted by jason at December 7, 2002 02:54 PM