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November 30, 2003
Tequila Vampire Matinee at the Theatre Passe Muraille
Ya, THAT was funny. Very funny. Go see it. My review: Tom Waits, without the deeper and terminal strangeness. That's Tequila Vampire Matinee. The songs are in Wait's TexMex-whorehouse meets Brechtian ""Black Rider"" if you know Waits' music. Of course Waits never had any vampires, though he did have silver bullets and plaid Renfield in Coppola's version. But since there's no chance in hell that you can spend a sunday afternoon with Tom, check out Tequila Vampire Matinee at the Theatre Passe Muraille, and dream on. It is sort of ""Black Rider"" meets Charlottetown festival. I'm no theatre person, as I've said, and I don't get the idea of workshopping performances or the idea of singing as if you're someday going to be in a broadway musical (or a Mervish production), but that's just me. But there was not a moment when I wasn't engaged, and that is the highest praise possible for an ADD afficcinado. Then we three went to Amados for pasta. And all was hell with the world."
Posted by jason at November 30, 2003 06:47 PM