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February 20, 2004
Further Achievements...
It seems as if the once dead http://achieve.utoronto.ca is on its way for a comeback, revenantly speaking as my niece is wont to say. Replaced the powersupply ($45). And then realized the the Fedora Linux can be installed over RH7.2 with not much problem. That's going on now. I think I'm going to move the moos (and projectachive.net) back over to it. Just have to work out a backup schedule without a DDS3 drive... fun... wow! Oh, and the URL of the day is http://www.lares.dti.ne.jp/%7Eyugo/storage/monocrafts_ver3/03/index.html thanks to ken"
Posted by jason at February 20, 2004 04:02 PM