Posted by jason at 05:07 PM
November 19, 2003
Off to RCAT to speak on blogs and scholarly communities
I'm giving my talk on Blogging and the The Significance of 'Communities of Scholars' in the Academic Environment at RCAT in 30 minutes. Hope some of you can come by. Here are my notes: Community of Scholars if you can't."
Posted by jason at 12:30 PM
November 18, 2003
Dave Goulden Rulz
Dave Goulden , pictured above in his camping glory, sent me a package. Spontaneously sent me a package. A heavy package with IAIN BANK 'S NEW BOOK IN IT! The book ""Raw Spirit: In Search of the Perfect Dram ."" For no reason. He just thought it up and did it. All the way from England! Thanks Dave!!! "
Posted by jason at 07:19 PM
November 17, 2003
The KMDI Diary is up and available. I have a small, and slightly, inaccurate blurb in it. And the new KMDI site is so much nicer. You should take a look."
Posted by jason at 09:36 PM
The Significance of 'Communities of Scholars' in the Academic Environment
The Resource Centre for Academic Technology brings you two perspectives on the value of ""Communities of Scholars"" that use weblogging (blog) technology in today's academic environment. Please join us Wednesday, November 19th, 1-4 pm, Room 4049, 4th floor, Robarts Library. Refreshments will be served. For a richer description of this event or to register go to: http://www.utoronto.ca/cat/whatson/blogging.html *** Journaling Communities for Scholars By Jason Nolan 1 - 2:15 This presentation will look at two of the major weblogging tools that dominate the market: Livejournal and MoveableType. Each tool as a particular role to play in academic writing. Moveable Type works best as research tool for sustained reflection, while Livejournal is suited for very large groups of students and classes. By January 2004, livejournal.utoronto.ca should be available for limited use with the opportunity of providing all members of the university community with their own journals. **** Digital Citizenship and Communities of Scholars By Robert Luke 2:30 - 3:30 Cultivating communities of practice and learning networks that foster civic engagement and ensure open access is a key step in ensuring that ""digital citizenship"" is founded upon fundamental rights of participation and engagement for the public good. When communities of practice are fostered and created around the use of new technologies, digital divides can be ameliorated, accommodated, and overcome. These communities are the Community Learning Networks, the Community Access Centres, the Open and Public Knowledge Initiatives, and the informal community based groups that share information and knowledge, support the acquisition of information and knowledge, and support and encourage community members to participate in the knowledge based society. In this presentation, Robert Luke will define ""digital citizenship"" and explore the relationship of digital citizenship to public research and communities of scholars. *** Registration: http://www.utoronto.ca/cat/whatson/blogging.html Questions or comments: contact Mia Joy Quint at 416-946-3558 or write to mia.quint@utoronto.ca. -- Mia Joy Quint Instructional Technology Training Liaison Resource Centre for Academic Technology University of Toronto (416) 946-3558 Please see the Academic Technology Newsletter: http://www.utoronto.ca/cat/newsletter/"
Posted by jason at 08:37 PM
Catspaw... International Hacktavista
Thank you Catsy ! KAT! of the many iterations came into my Ryerson ECE921 course to talk about all things Code and Catspaw. I can't imagine anyone speaking better of the intersection between Early Child Education and Hacking."
Posted by jason at 08:31 PM
November 16, 2003
KAT! and the Deebster on the big screen...
Posted by jason at 10:52 AM
Hell and Back Bear...
The story of this bear is cool enough. Some bears go to hell and back."
Posted by jason at 10:32 AM
What's the Wallah Word
Alan send word that his partner Yuko's displaying some of her artwork at the International art event ""Design Festa "" & Harajuku's artists stomping ground Design Festa Gallery (very multilingual web site) in the ever fashionable artificial islands district of Tokyo. If you're in the neighbourhood, check it out. I wish I had some pictures of her stuff to show online. I'm sure it would be particularly interesting. Alan?"
Posted by jason at 08:01 AM
November 14, 2003
Two new web sites...
http://kmdi.utoronto.ca has been revised and http://osconf.kmdi.utoronto.ca is a great new site for our upcoming Open Source conference."
Posted by jason at 08:37 PM
November 13, 2003
Eaten missionary's family get apology
It is just a special day for news. A touching story about a tribe who have experienced 136 years of bad luck for eating a missionary."
Posted by jason at 08:27 AM
Rail Link to the Airport!!!`
Busy day today.... ""TORONTO � A proposed train service between Pearson Airport and downtown, with trips every 15 minutes and a one-way fare of $20, takes a big step forward today when SNC-Lavalin is named to build the $200-million project, sources say."" Full Story "
Posted by jason at 08:23 AM
Audio Blogging
audblog is a service that provides bloggers with theability to post audio to their?blogs from any phone .Atthe end of the trial sign up we will provide you with the telephone number...allyou have to do is call the number and the world hears you. Use it to make a difference...Use it tomake your voice be heard."" Funny thing is that I've never had a cell phone. I guess I'm inverted."
Posted by jason at 08:10 AM
Computer viruses now 20 years old
From BBC News : This week computer viruses celebrate 20 years of causing trouble and strife to all types of computer users. More... Though I'd like to note that according to Zakon's Internet timeline, the first virus to shut down the internet happened in 1980... which is what I remember reading."
Posted by jason at 07:55 AM
November 12, 2003
Dad's Birthday...
Was with dad (on the left) and the crew at the Top of the Senator for his 67th birthday. I'm still recovering. Sisters (Kelly, Siobhan, Cats) and about 30 of his friends were there."
Posted by jason at 09:45 PM
Video Chat with Ken Emig
Ken and I are doing the technology shuffle... we were doing audio and video chatting, while doing a text only chat with his bro in NYC. Works well."
Posted by jason at 09:08 PM
The Royal...
Yuka and I were at the Royal Winter Fair yesterday. You can see why."
Posted by jason at 08:38 PM
November 11, 2003
"Visiting the Osborne, and Yelling at Students"
I barked at my Ryerson students today. Almost none of them did the readings. :( Sad. But I guess it is just my old sins coming back to haunt me. I really did plan for a nice discussion on Lisa Nakamura's book Cybertypes. Harumph. Before that, I took my Vic1 class to the amazingly wonderful Osborne collection of early children's books. Yuka works there, as you well know or know now. Head Librarian Leslie McGrath gave the students an excellent lecture on the resources at the collection, how and why original source materials are to be used, and just gave a great general introduction to the collection and researching literary resources. Tomorrow's class will be a duplicate of this one. Wednesday and Thursday will focus on LM Montgomery and Anne related issues. Vic1 is certainly going to be the highlight of my week."
Posted by jason at 12:02 AM
November 08, 2003
Reading... and the eyes...
I went to get a new prescription for glasses. Tried out Dr. Kristin Heeney at Yuka's command. Dr. K has a puppy that runs around the store and Yuka wanted to 'meet' it. Unfortunately she had to work the day I went, so I met the puppy and yuka will have to go another time. Dr. K diagnosed me with a chronic eye infection that was causing me problems, not just over use of the computer. We're dealing with that. Then she actually lowered my prescription. Yesterday, Yuka and I met up at RAPP Optical, where I get my glasses. The woman there recognized my business card I'd given her... to get my 'data'. Turns out that Gale Moore (director of KMDI) goes there. I knew that Steve Mann was working with Mel Rapp to get his cyborgspecs... seems like KMDI should get a discount or something. As a result of all this... I've been reading and reviewing papers. Read Jasjit and Ben's contributions for the International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments and reviewed articles for the journals ""Surveillance and Society"" and ""Educational Technology and Society"". Now I'm off to celebrate Bram Stoker's birthday with Elizabeth Miller and Crew."
Posted by jason at 05:02 PM
The whole point...
Nasty little picture. See the puncture in the cable at the lower right? All around MacGuru Alan is checking around Akihabara in Tokyo to see if he can find the part. Will I ever learn?"
Posted by jason at 04:50 PM
November 05, 2003
No User Serviceable Parts
Just One Dead iPod... Well, Mr Fiddler broke his iPod. Broke it real good. My audio jack was busted, it is a well known problem, and I was going to open it up to fix it. Did some searching about and found some instructions . And things went pretty well, until I had the cover all off. Great. Pulled it apart gently and noticed that I had poked a hole in the ribbon cable that goes from the harddrive to the circuitboard. There you go. A useless and dead 20 gig iPod. Moan. I did some searching, and have found some damaged iPods for sale... shouldn't be a problem. And then I found a reference to someone in Michigan who says that he'll repair iPods cheap. Have emailed him to see if he'll sell me a cable. He's checking. And I'm holding my breath. And yes, I checked with Apple. Repairing the plug would have cost more than a new iPod."
Posted by jason at 05:50 PM
November 04, 2003
Whack the Mayor
Found this on the McLuhan blog: Whack the Mayor . Politics as it should be."
Posted by jason at 09:45 AM
November 03, 2003
Gaiman responds... from SlashDot
Gaiman Responds to questions asked of him via SlashDot . I just saw the BBC video version of Neverwhere recently. I like it."
Posted by jason at 01:35 PM
November 02, 2003
24 hours without jasonnolan.net
The Internet lost its heart and soul yesterday when http://jasonnolan.net fell off the face of the earth. I knew it was going, but was otherwise occupied, and I didn't think that a day without it would cause much trouble. I'd just not taken the 5 minutes required to go online and pay for the domain name for another year. What I forgot was that my email would immediately fail at 12:01 am November 1. Silly me. As soon as I realized this, around 11am, I paid up and had to wait for the next 12 hours until the internet knew it was back. And here we are."
Posted by jason at 07:16 AM
October 31, 2003
Charting and Bridging Digital Divides
Wenhong Chen & Barry Wellman's Charting and Bridging Digital Divides: Comparing Socio-economic, Gender, Life Stage, and Rural-Urban Internet Access and Use in Eight Countries is now available online."
Posted by jason at 04:05 PM
Death to Creative Expression: Girl expelled for journal entry changes school
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- A 14-year-old student disciplined for writing a fictional account of a student who falls asleep in class and dreams of killing a teacher is moving to another school, her father told CNN Thursday. Rachel Boim was expelled from school after writing a fictional account of a student who falls asleep in class and dreams of killing a teacher. Read the full text . I don't know what to say about this except that KAT! should hide her flash vids when travelling. Seriously, what would happen if they saw the Project Achieve data files (luckily protected by ethical guidelines), or blog entries. Livejournal should, I guess be banned as dangerous by schools? That would go for instant messages too. School teachers should now have to teach ""right-think"" to everyone so that they will not have any bad thoughts about anyone any more, during school hours."
Posted by jason at 07:16 AM
October 30, 2003
Telling Tales Over Time: Constructing and Deconstructing the School Calendar
Joel Weiss and Rob Brown's long awaited article ""Telling Tales Over Time: Constructing and Deconstructing the School Calendar "" finally came out in TCrecord , the journal of Columbia Teacher's College. You must register to read it, but it is free to register, and well worth reading. Yay Joel! Click below to read the abstract: The September-to-June school calendar has been a fixture of North America for almost a century. Its origins have usually been told as an unexamined tale attributed to features of nineteenth century rural society. We challenge this interpretation by suggesting that multiple pressures arising from increasing urbanization influenced its roots. We present information on the importance of the summer holiday in the development of compulsory schooling in several North American jurisdictions, with the main evidence from Ontario, the most populous province in Canada. We suggest, along with Gold (2002), that this development had wider applicability in several Northeastern and Midwestern American states. Beyond the issue of having an accurate story line, we examine why there has been such resistance in recent times to changing the school year. The school calendar may be another example of an enduring institutional form referred to by Tyack and Tobin as a �grammar of schooling� that resisted fundamental change in the twentieth century. Viewing the school calendar�s ties with changes over time in the construction of other clocks of society may enable us to rethink the format of the contemporary school calendar. Finally, we consider the school calendar as part of a larger, ongoing discussion of what constitutes effectiveness of schools."
Posted by jason at 03:19 PM
October 29, 2003
I've just installed a livejournal server at uoft with the help of Brad Whitaker, one of the LJ developers, and James Wilson in meds. Special thanks goes out to Derrick de Kerckhove, Michael Edmunds, Mark Federman from the McLuhan Program, and Lawrence Spero (Pharmacology) for helping me make it happen. More info will follow, but please, if you want to help out, let me know, either with a comment here, or by email. The goal is to offer blogging to the entire unviversity community, and I can't do it alone. Thanks. And no, the address is not http://livejournal.utoronto.ca, yet."
Posted by jason at 09:53 AM
October 27, 2003
Two Faces of Transylvania... and one of my photos
Just got an email from Lokke Heiss to say that his article The Two Faces of Transylvania has been published by the New York Daily News. The picture in the middle of Dracula's birth place is one that I took. I'm pretty sure. Just waiting for the cheque to come in to be sure. I am sure... here's the original "
Posted by jason at 11:51 PM
flyblogging = Blogspam
Spam Rapidly Increasing In Weblog Comments notes that BBC News has a nice article discussing 'flyblogging', the phenomenon of spammers leaving advertising-related posts on personal weblogs. And there are some comments on tools. Interestingly enough, Live Journal has built in antispam tools. You can set your journal so that only users with accounts can comment. Too much trouble for spammers. And of course this LJ facility also means that you know who is reading/commenting, and you can read them back, easily enough. I've had to turn off some of the comments functions on my MT because of the spamm... did it last month."
Posted by jason at 01:29 PM
Flailing in the Burka
The Clever Girl has a new blog image that rocks as much as her posts do."
Posted by jason at 07:51 AM
October 25, 2003
The Ugly Building Cam... Hijacked!!!
If you go to Artsnetwork.tv and click about, you'll find my OCAD ugly building Cam . No one told me, and I've been using the feed for other things... like pictures of the inside of my apartment."
Posted by jason at 06:22 PM
October 24, 2003
UofT Bulletin on Blogs
... and me. No one told me, until barry mentioned it just today, that the UofTBulletin (pdf) has a nice article on blogs that mentions me. You think they'd have contacted me or something, but no, I guess enough of my life is on the blog that contacting wouldn't make any difference. Here's the text: Net News Getting Blogged Down By Audrey Fong IN CASE YOU HAVEN�T HEARD ABOUT THE �HOTTEST� THING IN THE EVERchanging Internet subculture, a significant number of Internet users are jumping on the blog bandwagon. Although some portray blogging � a daily web log or journal � as a faddish digital phenomena, others believe it is here to stay. In fact some academics like Jason Nolan, lecturer and scholar-in-residence at the Knowledge Media Design Institute, have been blogging for years. Others, such as Professor Henry Farrell of political science at U of T at Scarborough, are fairly new to blogging. �Blogs are pretty much what you make of them. They are clearly flexible in their interpretation, manifestation, implementation and distribution,� Nolan said. Nolan, who views keeping a daily web log as an empowering communications medium, has been doing it for over two years. �Back in 1994, the World Wide Web was going to give everyone access to their own web page and the potential for them to have an online presence,� he said. �I�ve seen how hard it is for the average individual to negotiate all the aspects of maintaining a web presence, even without considering the difficulty of conceptualizing and organizing content.� Many academics see blogs as potentially useful teaching, learning and research tools. They can be used to update course information and provide journaling and/or research tools for students as well as the ability for researchers to share information with colleagues. �Blogs are a valuable sounding board for ideas at their early stages,� Nolan added. Farrell also sees many advantages of blogging for academics. �It�s a medium that allows one to give forth on issues of interest without having to write academic articles or go through the pain of getting op-eds accepted by papers with wide circulation.� Although Farrell sees blogging as a congenial way to mix scholarship and his interest in current affairs, literature and various other topics, he hopes to incorporate a blogging component into a course next spring. Nolan is currently researching problems with blogs � who�s actually doing it and identifying the cultural biases of blog technologies. To view Nolan�s blog, click on http://jasonnolan.net/; Farrell�s blog is at http://www.henryfarrell.net/blog/."
Posted by jason at 05:48 PM
October 23, 2003
Enriched Bread Artists 11th Annual Open Studio
Enriched Bread Artists 11th Annual Open Studio Opening: Thursday, October 23, 6-9 p.m. Continues: Fridays: October 24 and 31, 6-9 p.m. Saturdays: October 25 and November 01, 11 a.m. -5 p.m. Sundays: October 26 and November 02, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Kenneth's Artist Talk/Performance: Saturday, November 1 at 1 pm 951 Gladstone Ave (west of Preston) Ottawa, Ontario Info: 613-729-7632 Web: www.artengine.ca Admission is free. Housed in the former Standard Bread Factory building, the Enriched Bread Artists Studio is one of the most dynamic spaces on Ottawa's contemporary visual art scene. Since 1992 this group of 20 artists has opened its doors inviting the public to tour the studio and gallery spaces at 951 Gladstone Avenue. As part of the open studio, Kenneth will present a combination of an artist talk and performance focusing on his work in progress exploring the intersection of sculpture and dance. This will take place on November 1 at 1 pm Kenneth gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts which last year invested $1.7 million in interdisciplinary work and performance art throughout Canada"
Posted by jason at 07:52 PM
Dracula's Birthplace...
Just sent this picture off to a New York based newspaper. They want to use it in a story, it seems. It is of the birthplace of Vlad Tepesh's (Dracula) birth place. The house was owned by his father Vlad Dracul. It is now a restaurant. "
Posted by jason at 08:08 AM
October 22, 2003
My most popular post...
Exactly a year ago today, October 22, 2002, I posted an entry about shii's song on my blog. I've had comments on it ever since, as late as 4 days ago. I just want to commemorate that busy topic..."
Posted by jason at 10:51 AM
October 21, 2003
Oct. 31: Nosferatu
The Toronto Sinfonietta performs live orchestral musical selections from Mozart, Bartok and Kodaly as accompaniment to 16 mm screening of Nosferatu (1922), the quintessential silent vampire film directed by legendary German director FW Murnau, and featuring Max Schreck as Count Dracula."""
Posted by jason at 06:39 PM
October 20, 2003
ECE Annotated Bookmarks Assignment
Just made up a neat Annotated Bookmarks assignment for my early childhood education students at RyersonU. If anyone else does these kinds of assignments, and wants to check it over and make suggestions, I'd appreciate it. It is not something I've done before, and couldn't find any exemplars."
Posted by jason at 12:19 PM
October 19, 2003
Entered my last post on the AoIR blog for this year. I'll leave the feed on until at least midnight for people to post their little posts... I hope that they're having good thoughts about what was really a pretty good conference."
Posted by jason at 03:13 PM
Crazy conference...
Well, the strange thing is is that I've not had much chance to blog. I've been tooo busy. Most with doing ad hoc tech support; lending out my computer to folks, converting file types, and even setting my computer up as a basestation at one point. Check the conference blog feed to see what everyone's been saying/doing. And I'll see what I can catch this morning."
Posted by jason at 08:49 AM
Gala Dinner
I actually went to my first conference Gala dinner... and enjoyed it. I know it was the general crowd, and my table in particular. Though it was extremely loud for someone as hard of hearing as I am, most of the shouts got through. When I got in there was only one table left that wasn't full. Just two folks quietly chatting until we joined. It was Gary Natriello and Brian (forgot to get his full name) of TCRecord at Columbia. I'd never met them, but I quickly realized that this was GARY from TC Record. Joel Weiss is getting a big honking article on the history of the school year published with them, and Gary's doing something for our handbook . We just had room to fit in keynote speaker and collective intelligence d00d Pierre Levy, Daria (forgot to get her full name), and Barbara Reinhalter, who also works at TCRecord. Oh, we are Katie and Brandon Barr . After dinner, and some all so fun and short speeches, we all headded off. ""We"" ran in to Bernie and Tracy Kennedy netwoman and were invited up to a party in room ****. Katie, Brandon and I took off on a strange combination of above and belowground walking paths, through the rain, to get to the LCBO at Yonge and Dundas, not only to find that it was closed, but that it was 10pm. So, undaunted we hopped into a cab up to the Summerhill LCBO, which is about the size of a football field. Stocked up with stuff, andheadded back down to room ****, for a bit of a party. At this point, I'll mention no names... or what happened, or where brandon got those 6 glasses. But **** happened until we were all politely turfed out of the room... and I turned away from a group working their way along Queen Street at McCaul, and know not where they went."
Posted by jason at 08:43 AM
An Internet First...
Barry Wellman blogged! And I have witnesses. I'll dig up a picture to prove it as well."
Posted by jason at 08:10 AM
October 16, 2003
Broadening the Blog I & II: Thoughts
Thoughts on the morning... sessions I attended... and presented at... Broadening the Blog I Alex Halavais, Thomas Burg, Cameron Marlow, Matthew Rothenberg I'm not giving a transcript of this presentation, but rather just the thoughts that I have on what I heard. If I misheard, my apologies. I came in late, as I was running around the hotel with ""macStumbler"" checking to see where the wireless network was active. Then I tracked down the apple rep, and found out that he'd not plugged the wireless in yet. Ack. Missed Alex and Thomas Cameron: interesting take away message for his presentation was the problematizing of the notion of blogsphere, and how it made him uncomfortable. Whereas blogdex has become one of the defacto arbiters of who/what is cool, the intention is not the intention. Matthew: Mining the data... me talking about you doesn't make us a community, if you're not aware of me. But metadata and linking and indexing. It is difficult to to let you know who your community is. Strangely enough, the notion of the Livejournal.com doesn't seem to make it on the horizion. Especially the marinel.org/jouel linkage mechanism for LJ. - Matthew noted that he too is getting blogSpam, which has been driving me crazy. That is the same as emailspam but where someone posts multiple comments to your blog, with links to viagra or porn sites. (gak: something borked on my computer and I lost some comments I'd typed on the questions.) Someone said: the maps and mapping of blogging are reductionist misrepresentations. Cameron (response) sees it as individual/individual. - Take away: how has the Internet changed under the influence of blogs, in light of the commodification of the net as a business tool (after 1994) in that the opening of opportunities afforded by blogs for community and communication has so quickly been 'polluted' by spam. Does this mean that every new affordance is infected by spam as soon as it leaves the womb? Broadening the Blog II (~45 participants) Well, I got through my paper, before the time was up... which is strange,since I've talked on a similar number of points in 30 minutes and Elizabeth Lane Lawley ""Cultural Capital Dominance in the Weblog Economy"" - Self-reflexive sociology of Bordieu and the cultural validation/reputation (class and power) and who controls these kinds of environments. She wants to apply Bordieu's model to the context of weblogs: field/habitus/cultural capital. I wish vera was here for this, as she's a big Bordieu fan. http://mommamusings.net Q: what is the cultural capital of the average blogger? - or what is the cultCap of the bloggers we are aware of or conduct inquiry on. Q: are not blogs self reflexive ex officio? Q: anyone studying trash blogs. Some of us want to be beyond the horizion Q: what about livejournal popularity contests of cheesecake photographs "
Posted by jason at 11:59 AM
October 15, 2003
Aoir Test
ignore me
Posted by jason at 10:40 PM
AoIR Blog
KAT, Bernie and I, and hopefully with the help of Bram and Susan, will be running the Aoir blog for the AoIR 2003 conference. I'll be blogging the conference here as well, no doubt, so don't be shocked by a change of content. KAT has whipped up a very cool RSS feed to bring together all the other blogs that are run by attendees of the conference."
Posted by jason at 12:57 PM
Globe Ranking UofT
Globe article on university education says that UofT undergrad sucks and UofT grad rulz. Notice that I only really ever teach Gradschool. Yay me."
Posted by jason at 08:56 AM
October 14, 2003
"October's edition of ""E2K: a journal for the new literary paradigm"" is up!"
E2K: a journal for the new literary paradigm Welcome to the October issue of Net Author's E2K! This issue continues our countdown of the Net Author's Third Annual Flash Fiction Contest winners. If you missed the first and second place stories, please do go back to the last couple of issues (via the Archives link above) and catch them. In this issue, it's a pleasure to showcase the Third Place winner: Sarah Brandel's "Dear and Dearly Beloved." [PS: I'm editor at large on this eRag, thus my pushing it on you...]"
Posted by jason at 11:51 AM
October 12, 2003
I was out doing the proper uncle thing with a neice recently and she found these: Just got some budget choices to make. But I'd do it."
Posted by jason at 04:40 PM
Amherst Island
Yuka and I are off for lunch, with mom, on Amherst island, somewhere off the coast of Kingston. Kingston Ontario, of course."
Posted by jason at 10:38 AM
October 10, 2003
Water or Coke
1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to half the world population.) WATER 1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to half the world population.) 2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. 3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%. 4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study. 5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. 6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. 7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computerscreen or on a printed page. 8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of coloncancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of water you should every day? COKE 1. In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from the highway after a car accident. 2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days. 3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the ""real thing"" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china. 4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola. 5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion. 6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes. 7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for sumptuous brown gravy. 8. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield. FOR YOUR INFORMATION: 1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase in osteoporosis. 2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous Material place cards reserved for highly corrosive materials. 3. The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years! Now the question is, would YOU prefer a glass of water or coke?\"""
Posted by jason at 04:01 PM
October 09, 2003
Julia says...
among other things, that I need one of these . Anyone buying?"
Posted by jason at 03:53 PM
October 07, 2003
As per Yuka's request
Yuka told me that I need to blog something about this woman . O brave new world that has such people in it."
Posted by jason at 01:50 PM
Obit: Neil Postman
From steve jones on the aoir list:
It is with deep sadness that I inform the list of the death of Neil Postman. Professor of Culture and Communication at New York University, Postman was a leading figure in media ecology and has greatly influenced many media scholars across many disciplines. I am sure that innumerable newspapers and journals will carry well written obituaries and that I cannot hold a candle to those, so I hope that it will suffice to say that I mourn his passing and send my condolences to his family, friends, colleagues, correspondents and readers. I knew he wasn't well, as he'd said so when he passed up our request to contribute to our handbook . They're dropping like flies."
Posted by jason at 12:05 PM
Moving to Megabit
KAT! reminded me and BERNiE that we should reconsider using Megabit for our internet service. I'd used it in the past and had had to stop. Megabit is a service by which your Sympatico ADSL connection is routed directly to the university of Toronto. Many and sundry advantages: better and faster service, not having mail bounce because Sympatico is a spamhaven, access to UofT licensed online services such as the OED and silverplatter search functions... the list goes on and on. I can, by virtue of my facultiness, get a static IP address which will allow me to sync up computers at home and at work. Sometimes tech works."
Posted by jason at 11:58 AM
October 06, 2003
Beat Massive...
One of my old KMDI students, Henry Moller, is performing with BeatMassive at Reverb on Queen tomorrow, if anyone's interested. I can't go,unfortunately."
Posted by jason at 10:11 AM
October 05, 2003
Out and about
Yuka and I did the fall urban thing... chasing small animals around Garrison Creek park. First she chased the pumpkins... Yuka caught a dog. "
Posted by jason at 09:32 PM
Weekend entertaining...
I finally got to meet Hossein who runs UofT blogs , as well as some Persian language sites. Always nice to meet people you only know of online. And I got to learn more about the trials and tribulations of blogging in Persian. Which nicely compliments my reading of Salam Pax, which I'm really enjoying! We were down at John's Italian, chatting until my next meeting showed up. Elizabeth from Sheridan... and something mysterious we talked about. Saturday JuliaD, and Amy who has not net presence, came over for pizza night, and to talk about some jobs Amy's applying for. Yuka and I did some power shopping at the St Lawrence Market and got some great stuff... For Pizza: fresh peas, wild boar, goat chedder and sheep cheese called Ramenbert (think sheep brie). Julia showed up for an attempted repeat of Ken's great sheep feta and green pea salad, and my attempt was found wanting. Julia brought a wonderful cake which we sprinkled with the last of the year's fresh blueberries, as well as a bottle of cranberry infused wine that I think was banished from her house. Sunday morning, trouble caused, and we're out for a march about town."
Posted by jason at 11:43 AM
October 04, 2003
iSight Cam
Yes, it is the iSight firewire cam! Picked it up yesterday, after talking with Ken of the NRC. The cam works with iChat (AIM for you plebes) and allows for video and audio chatting. It will also work as a blog cam. I plan on using it while KAT! , bernie and I blog the AoIR con this month."
Posted by jason at 08:23 AM
October 02, 2003
Daina Chaviano GUEST SCHOLAR:Marcial Souto
ICFA-25 CALL FOR PAPERS (deadline Oct 15, 2003) 25th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts March 24-28, 2004 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida HERE THERE BE DRAGONS: THE GLOBAL FANTASTIC GUEST OF HONOR:"
Posted by jason at 12:36 PM
October 01, 2003
Instant Messages to the Rescue.
Mainichi Interactive - Abducted school girl uses cell phone to lead police to attacker After she entered the vehicle, he sped off, but the quick-thinking high school girl called her mother on her mobile phone and sent an e-mail. Her father then conveyed the daughter's information to police, and officers spotted the car at about 9:20 p.m., some 30 kilometers from the station. [The English article has less info than the Japanese one. The girl sent all the communications by instant text messages from her cell phone. Yuka notes that this is done by japanese girls, without having to look. A handy skill.]"
Posted by jason at 11:02 AM
Sympatico !help
What a waste of time. Most of you know that Sympatico's SMTP servers are a mess. And that many other ISPs block sympatico mail because Sympatico ends up on lists of ISPs who forward spam. So, I want to use my own SMTP servers. And yes, I have a few up my sleeve. But Sympatico blocks me from talking to my own SMTP servers. My servers which are working, and which do not forward spam. First this wonderfully rude joker, the first wonderfully rude joker that I've communicated with at Sympatico, but no doubt not the last, tells me that I'm wrong, and that sympatico's not blocking port 25. Then after I tell him to check, he says that they are. When I ask for access to documentation describing what the problem is, he puts me on hold for almost 20 minutes, before giving me a web page, that doesn't exist, and forwards you to one of those moronic web sites ""What is email? And how do I send it?"" I'm asking about why they're blocking port 25! I finally, and you heard it first, yelled at him, called him rude and obfuscatory, and that he's wasting my time, and hung up. Now, when's the last time anyone saw me really angry? Probably never. I'm not recommending Sympatico any more. They can kiss my SMTP."
Posted by jason at 10:05 AM
Congrats Kfir!
Kfir Luzzatto, one of the Anthology Editors, and sometimes legal council, at The Harrow has just had his first book published by Echelon Press: Crossing the Meadow, by Kfir Luzzatto . I like that Echelon does both epublishing and print publishing of books simultaneously. I have to learn more about epublishing..."
Posted by jason at 08:12 AM
September 30, 2003
I went out to the Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning today. It's out in Oakville, west of Toronto. Commuting. Ugh. Got to the train station at 8:35 for a 9:43 train. But there was a 15 minute line up for train tickets. Missed it. However, after getting a ticket,and having an hour to wait, I went up to the great hall at Union Station. Kenny had sent me an IM last time he was there tosay that there was wireless access. And there is. And it is free. Or seems to be. The network is Bell based, so it maybe recognizing my sympatico account and letting me on. There was a Bell guy there watching me, he'd been installing an internet Kiosk thingy, and he asked me how I was connecting, and was a bit shocked that I could get on, but he too thought it might be because of my sympatico account. Trains. I like trains. For all too many reasons. They are the great good form of transportation. Though, of course, in Canada, we are punished for taking the trains. Poor and irregular service. And when you do get to a station, it is in the middle of nowhere, and you really need a car to get anywhere from it. Or a bus in this case. I did catch the Oakville transit bus to Sheridan, and got there 15 minutes before I needed to. Sheridan looks very nice, though it seems to be modelled after a shopping centre rather than a university... that is you can't get near the campus unlesss you're willing to wade through a couple of thousand cars. Well modelled after York University. Obviously I have transportation issues on the brain. Don't mind me. I'm a broken record player when it comes to tranportation issues. Sheridan is definately a bright and shiny up and coming Institute. I thought it was more of a college, but obviously not. It's got 'institute of technology' written all over it. I finally got to meet Dan Zen. I fit in with what appeared to be the manditory departmental dress code: black. I don'tthink that either of us were sure of what to expect from the other, or from the experience, but we both seemed to be willing to 'wing it'. Plugged in my laptop, only to find that I couldn't synch up with one of their two large screens, so we went back to using their system. They did have a bright and shiny touchscreen that allowed me to point and click right on the screen, but I didn't get to make too much use of that. Just a cool building, interesting educators, and an attentive group of students I would rather have spent the afternoon talking with than lecturing to... Then my mind went blank. And I don't really remember what happened. I call this lecturing. I guess I don't really have room for meta-awareness when I'm trying to get all my synapses firing in syncrhonous orbit. But after an hour, everyone wanted to continue, so I spent another 30 minutes covering what seemed to be the right constellation... About me: "
Posted by jason at 08:21 PM
The Role of the Delete Key in Blog and Business fears
[Two articles on blogging... I'm wireless at union station, heading out to Sheridan to give a talkon tech. Missed my train.... oops. next one's here.] The Role of the Delete Key in Blog Is a blog still a blog if someone else edits it? A recent policy change at The Sacramento Bee has raised questions about whether taking an editor's pen to a Web log before it is published detracts from very nature of Web logs, or "blogs,'' as the online diaries are called.
Guardian Unlimited | Online | Why blogs could be bad for business Why blogs could be bad for business In today's corporate culture, where knowledge is power, the information-sharing capabilities of weblogs may not be entirely welcome, writes Neil McIntosh"
Posted by jason at 09:32 AM
September 28, 2003
Word on the Street
Went down with yuka to the 14th annual Word on the Street festival, which closes off Queen from University to Spadina. My favorite image is of the owner of 3rd Quadrant, sitting outside his store under Spider man. As usual, I find 'word' to be a frustration. Word on the street is to literacy what a midnight madness sale is to fashion. Pushing and shoving and crowds all lining up to buy buy buy! Yes, books. Better than land mines. But it is a consumerist romp, that doesn't endear me to the day. That said, I bought a book, and like 'word'. I bought Salam Pax's ""The Bagdad Blog."" Having read his blog all through the war, I figure I might as well buy it, and use it for teaching... and it is a fascinating archive. As for word, there are lots of interesting and strange booths peopled by folks I'll never see until next year. That's what makes it for me. I just wish all the people would go away..."
Posted by jason at 02:17 PM
September 27, 2003
Blogs and the Za
Bernie and KAT! are coming over at 3 to discuss how we'll organize blogging at the AOIR Toronto conference next month... then Za with JuliaD and Alan ."
Posted by jason at 01:19 PM
September 26, 2003
Obit: Edward Said
Edward Said , dead at 67. Read the story..."
Posted by jason at 12:10 PM
Minor Disruptions...
T'was a long day. One that I shall describe in brief. Went to my KMDI office to install the 60gig HD that Larry (Diving Dazes on the right menu) had FedExed to me from the US into Edublog. I have to pay GST on the value of the harddrive, even though it is Larry's and we're just putting it in my computer for a while. Took the puter apart and installed it. Nothing new there. But I couldn't boot off my backup drive or my CDrom for some reason. GAK. Actually, I knew I couldn't boot off my backup drive, that's one of the reasons I wanted Larry's 60gig. I was about to walk home to get my other 60gig backup drive, cause I know you can boot from that, when I had a brainstorm... hey, I can boot from my iPod!!! Dragged my iPod out, plugged it into my laptop, and installed an OS on it. Took iPod and backup drive to Edublog, plugged it in, booted from the iPod, and initialized the 60gig, and transfirred all the stuff over to it... and turned on Edublog again. It *seems* to be OK. Since the day was disrupted, I decided to clean my office. Our room has work stations for 5 people. I had two of them, and peter had 3. As he has 10+ computers to my 3-4. Now he has 2 assistants, and so I'm losing half my office space, and have to cram 100% of my stuff into 50% of the space... like 3m x 3m. Ack. So much for moving up in the world. I guess I'll move more over to my Ryerson office, or home, or throw it out. Actually, I have two broken 17"" monitors for the Achieve server, which I'm finally dumping. And this is good, because there's no room on my smaller desk for it. Anyone want to buy me a 15"" LCD monitor? I'll have to get something, as I need to be able to log into the GUI to install security updates for Project Achieve. Today is more quiet... looking for jobs for next year, I think."
Posted by jason at 10:24 AM
September 24, 2003
Blogging and the law...
Today I met with Rajen Akalu, who works with the Bell University Labs' Centre for Innovation Law and Policy, and folks from the university's Law Library to talk about blogs. It was a great opportunity to share the joys and challenges of blogging in academic environments. I hope they'll be coming online when we do our Livejournal install this month."
Posted by jason at 05:19 PM
September 21, 2003
IAFA in March
Just got confirmed that my paper ""Realizing Fiction: How the Virtual Landscapes of Dracula and Anne of Green Gables Changed the World"" will be presented at the 25th IAFA (International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts.) conference next march. It will be a slightly different and earlier version of the paper I'll present next June in PEI. I love it when you get the chance to workshop a paper, and get some useful feedback. That's what I got with the IAFA last year. Now to check my airmiles."
Posted by jason at 04:31 PM
Kensington Harvest Festival
Yuka and I went down to the Kensington Harvest Festival today. I've been shopping in Kensington for around 20 years, with longish breaks, it has only been in the past couple of years that we've gotten back into it, probably because I don't have time to go down to St Lawrence market on saturdays, and that I used to meet Salmon there before she fell off the face of the earth, with her return to the classroom. Anyway, we met Vlad and Masako, spontaneously, and it was one of those ideal autumn days."
Posted by jason at 04:28 PM
September 20, 2003
Found in the trash... EnviroGoth
I was cleaning up my http://projectachieve.net server, cause one of the partitions was running at 100%. This got me poking into corners that I've not look in in years. I found an old abandoned project called EnviroGoth I was starting up when teaching an Environmental Studies course called ""Resurrecting the Garden "". It has some interesting links and resources. I hope I get to do more environmental studies some day."
Posted by jason at 12:21 PM
September 19, 2003
"They don't come brighter than this one, it seems."
The 'homeless hacker' talks |CNET.com , and I get a sense that they won't be showing him off as a reformed hacker. They'll probably do things quietly. The lad will make them look like fools, I think."
Posted by jason at 08:02 AM
September 18, 2003
Blast from the past
On a whim, I googled ""Lenny Hoeks"" and found a web site. Left a comment on her guest book saying ""Did you live in Eindhoven and play rugy?"" And found out that yes, it was the Lenny I knew. I travelled around England with her and her friend back in 1985, and then visited her in Eindhoven for a few days at the end of my 5 week trip through europe that year. My first time to Europe, and first time travelling alone. She still has the photo I sent her over a decade ago of me and Yuka, after which we lost touch. And I'd actually thought of her after I came a cross my old pictures from that trip. One of the great things about having a particular name, is that there is a smaller chance of there being a billion of you out there."
Posted by jason at 02:06 PM
I was just informed by Derrick that I'm now a Senior Fellow with the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto.
Posted by jason at 11:47 AM
September 17, 2003
Out with Elizabeth and Yuka
Went out with Elizabeth and Yuka tonight. First to the Queen Mother for dinner, then to The Vatikan to see a movie called Irreversible. Stated to be... well read more if you'd like. We all thought it was a powerful way of integrating narrative and cinematography. Oh, and the IMDB review is good. RUE MORGUE Magazine Presents A Special Screening of Gaspar Noe�s IRREVERSIBLE Wednesday, September 17, 2003 @ 8:30 pm (doors open @ 8) exclusively at The Vatikan 1032 Queen Street West Toronto, Canada The New York Post calls it �a movie without any redeeming social value�; Philadelphia Weekly says �it feels less like a movie and more like a violation,� and Entertainment Weekly refers to it as a �profoundly disturbing experience.� The most walked out of movie of 2003, IRREVERSIBLE is an unrelenting spectacle of violence and pessimism, a hyper-cruel update on I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE ? not quite a horror film, but unquestionably a film of many horrors. One night only! Free Popcorn! Ghastly Prizes! Featuring Twitch! www.rue-morgue.com Suspect Video"
Posted by jason at 11:14 PM
September 15, 2003
Wow. Seriously.
National Story - canada.com network ""1 cigarette can get you hooked, study findsResearch refutes belief it takes time to become addicted."" Time to move the use of Tobacco from a lifestyle choice to a medical condition, and stop stygmatizing smokers as self-destructive, and start stygmatizing them as... take your pick. Personally, I have equal sympathy for someone addicted to drugs or tobacco, as I do for someone, like my mom, addicted to healthy amounts of exercise. And no, I'm not being silly, if you think about it."
Posted by jason at 08:03 AM
September 14, 2003
Dalton's blog
Thanks to JasonW, I now know about Dalton's blog . I wonder if the conservatives and NDPers have one up."
Posted by jason at 10:41 PM
Just working on job applications, prepping for class tomorrow, and setting up some blogging tools for UofT/Ryerson students. Otherwise all is quiet."
Posted by jason at 08:40 PM
September 12, 2003
Johnny Cash dead at 71
Johnny Cash dead at 71 . I tried going to www.johnnycash.com , but the site is unreachable. I thought he was going to make it, hearing that he'd been released from hospital just yesterday. There aren't too many people who I'll think about in passing, but for some reason, he's on the list. "
Posted by jason at 08:33 AM
Selling downloaded digital music
George Hotelling tells his story about selling the downloaded digital music he purchased from the iTunes store. The funny thing is that it is legal and doable. I wonder if they'll figure out a way to stop this too... Do we do more than rent music?"
Posted by jason at 08:21 AM
September 11, 2003
CCL Abstracts online...
Ben just sent me this link to an article Yuka and I had published back in 1998... CCL, no. 91-92 (1998) . It is nice to see that CCL has got this sort of information online. Great web site ben!!!"
Posted by jason at 10:54 AM
A Resurrected Apple I :)
Wired News: Woz OK's Apple I Resurrection Apple's co-founder Steve Wozniak has given his blessing to the production of a replica of the Apple I -- the legendary machine that launched Apple. As previously reported, Briel has been planning for some months to sell replicas of the epoch-making machine, but was unable to get permission from Apple to reproduce it. Apple likely holds copyrights on the machine's design. And although Briel redesigned the motherboard because some of the original chips are hard to find, he may still need to license the ROM -- the set of hard-wired instructions necessary to run original Apple I software. Unable to get a response from Apple, Briel did the next best thing. He wrote to Woz asking his permission to use the Apple I ROM."
Posted by jason at 08:11 AM
September 10, 2003
Panda's in Toronto!
Toronto Sun: NEWS - Pandas set to pack for T.O. ""It's going to be panda-monium in Toronto! So says the top banana on the Toronto Zoo Board who successfully led a three-member delegation to Beijing last week in a bid to bring Mel Mel the panda and his one-year-old sister to the city zoo."" As you know, gentle reader, I'm on the educational advisory committee of the Toronto Zoo. I've been waiting to announce this, but was sworn to secrecy. But now the word is out. Panda's in Toronto!"
Posted by jason at 08:37 PM
September 09, 2003
Just joined the IEEE's LTTF
The IEEE Computer Society Learning Technology Task Force runs the journal Educational Technology & Society (ISSN 1436-4522) and I've written some book reviews and been an executive peer reviewer for them for a couple of years. ""IEEE Computer SocietyLearning Technology Task Force (LTTF) LTTF has been founded on the premise that emerging technology has the potential to dramatically improve learning. The purpose of this task force is to contribute to the field of Learning Technology and to serve the needs of professionals working in this field."" The journal, under Prof. Kinshuk from NZ, is very keen on including non-Western perspectives on educational technology. Which is a good thing^tm."
Posted by jason at 12:12 PM
September 08, 2003
First day of classes
Everything's working except the blogs... but you can't have everything. We're starting with a twiki... and a short story by Asmov: ""That thou art mindful of him."" It is something I used back in the 80s when I was TA in a course on computers and society. Everyone who does tech should read it. It's a fun little cautionary tale."
Posted by jason at 08:03 AM
September 07, 2003
Too much fun for me to handle.
There's just been too much going on, to blog it all. But I can catch up on some tid bits. 1) Arun came to town on Thursday, from Montreal. I've known Arun since fall 1982, when we were in residence together. I dragged him over to Amy's, as she's working at La Hacienda west of Bathurst on Queen. Wanted to show her some pictures. Arun only had bad memories of the place when it was a nastsy punk hangout. I wasn't sure if it was any better. Luckily it was. Chatted with Amy as we ate, mostly about raising children. None of us have any, or have any plans to have any, but that didn't stop us; no doubt due to my starting to teach ECE this forthcoming monday. Arun felt better served by the establishment this time, and we left in high spirits. Made it about 6 stores along, and into ""The Algonquians : Sweet Grass Gallery"" run by a wonderful woman named Margaret Corzry. [The title for this picture on herweb site is ""Me, but not for sale.""] The store has been Ojibway owned for over 30 years. And since I've been working/living around Queen for most of the past 20 years, we got a chatting. Arun and I (for yuka) got their great t-shirts.They feature an old 19th C print of a few aboriginal folks standing around with guns. The text is what makes it work: ""Homeland Security: Fighting Terrorism Since 1492"". They're not listed on the web site, but either go down or call her and get on. After that we just went home and had an apartment picknick... wines, cheeses, breads, and chatted. And planned a trip to France. Arun starts work this week as some sort of assistant film editor for a place in Montreal, so everything is probable. 2) Yuka and I were over at Masako's house for a BBQ with her partner Vlad. Vlad's idea of BBQ is novel and unique, and somewhat successful. The process includes passing around lots of beer. Then piling all the veggies on the BBQ, covering them with chicken, and walking away. By the time the chicken is cooked, everything is. Including Vlad. I like BBQs at Masako's house. Yuka was thrilled to find that a young raccoon dropped by for some chicken, and we proceeded to fill him up and send him on his way. 2) Out for lunch with Simsim and Pazuzu. Yuka deigned to come along, which thrilled them no end. Simsim's still setting up her special online project and teaching dance. Pazuzu's become the local god of archaeology, it seems. It was her calling of course, she's digging up some aboriginal village in Richmond Hill, with strange plans in the deep south for the winter. Not having seen Pazuzu since before Christmas, I had a present I'd bought for her in japan. A small sheep backpack. She has a thing for sheep. Her final exam in my course years ago included a little prince motif replete with sheep. And she claims that her job, on the dig, includes pushing the sheep around. We were off to Transylvania Restaurant, just north of Eglinton, on Yonge. I figured that it was a great place to show them our photos from Romania. We learned an important lesson. There is no vegetarian food in Romania. Simsim ordered something without thinking that was as meat as possible. The nice owner, who was from Sibiu, one of the towns Yuka and I had travelled through, didn't charge her for her meal. The patio was sooooo nice, and we had the summer sounds of cicadas to balance off the drilling in the restaurant kitchen, as they repaired the exhaust hood. So no fried foods that day. Then off for some shopping, up town. Pazuz > shoes. Simsim and Yuka > Chockys for t-shirts. Yuka > chasing small animals. Then we found some strange medieval store... that was going out of business. I guess they'd not realized that times had changed. But very nice dresses. Pazuzu bought a heavy leather and metal cover for her archeologist's log book. It can be used for any sort of crime requiring a good dose of blunt force trauma. Then gelati (sp?), under Pazuzu's italianate watchful eye. 3) That evening, it was down to the Queen Mother Cafe with my mom, sDad Larz, and Lars' old translator (and his wife) from when Lars was teaching in China 20 years ago. Ping is now some project leader for Canada wide educational testing out of Edmonton, and his wife Eping does educational consulting. At this point, I was tired and let the evening carry me. 4) Getting home, Yuka, who had not come out for step 3, was lounging. And we watched the movie Quills until snoozing sent us to bed. Today? Finish setting up for my course tomorrow."
Posted by jason at 08:52 AM
September 06, 2003
Blaster worm linked to severity of blackout
Blaster worm linked to severity of blackout - Computerworld ""Exposure of communications flaws heightens concerns about security of the U.S. power grid."" Well, Duh! Any virus degrades the system it infects. Human or digital. Of course email itself is often a virus, even if you don't have a code virus attached. One more reason to use a Mac. At least stop using HTML aware amail programs, especially anything by Microsoft that allows one of your programs to talk to another without your express intervention. Check out Eudora.com if you need a proper email program... one that doesn't automatically do whatever a virus tells it to."
Posted by jason at 09:53 AM
September 04, 2003
Customer service...
I got a strange bill from Sympatico, with lots of extra charges on my credit card statement. And I thought that perhaps my home network had been hacked and someone was doing something nefarious. It happened in the past, when I mistakenly left Yuka's firewall turned off. Someone uploaded 800megs of videos. Luckily it was not pr0n, but rather simpson's and bugs bunny videos. Then I remembered that sympatico's bandwith usage charges had been dropped. Purplexed I tried to find out my usage and whatnot online. Of course I could not get onto the secure site. The page after login would just hang. So, I called up the Bell Sympatico Customer Service d00ds. I hoped I'd Brin working at the call centre, but no luck. 1) Found out that the charge was from my dad's internet usage. I must have left my login/password set for his computer up north when I set up his computer last month. No problem there. 2) The Sympatico d00ds told me that since they could get to customer care page, it must be my fault; with various and sundry mutterings about firewalls and the like. (I'd already turned off my firewall, and blocking of pop-up adds while troubleshooting things before I called them.). While I was talking, I remembered how ProMac Sympatio !is. So I turned off Safari, and sparked up Internet Explorer. Voila. Sympatico's web site doesn't work with macs. Their reason? They haven't bought a licence for Safari. So, I asked them if they were compatible with Mozilla, being all open source and all. Nope. Didn't buy a licence for that either, I was told. It is with answers like this that I back off slowly. Customer service... isn't it great that we're a service culture now?"
Posted by jason at 11:53 AM
September 03, 2003
Totemo Isogashii Desu!
Alex just reminded me that I have my AoIR papers due October 1. I'm on his second panel Broadening the Blog Thursday, October 16 10:00 am - 11:15 am. Topic: The Bias of Blogging: The Cultural Assumptions of Ubiquitous Blogging on the Digital Divide. And Saturday, October 18 10:00 am - 11:15 am I'm on a panel Theorising Networked Community talking about The Hegemony of ASCII: Rethinking Research into Online Communities in Light of the Deep Structures of the Internet. I think that the paper for one of them is done, but I'm not sure which one. :) [Scarfed the Isogashii (busy) from Alex]"
Posted by jason at 09:29 AM
September 01, 2003
On a lighter note...
Bought 3 chairs. 2 black and one red."
Posted by jason at 09:27 PM
August 31, 2003
That said...
I do have plans for the future. I'm meeting with Michael Edmunds who directs the InfoCommons at UofT, and Derrick De Kirkhove and Mark Federman of the McLuhan project later this week. The goal is to push a large scale blogging tool on the University of Toronto. I'm pushing for livejournal.com. To that end, I've been talking with Brad Whitaker, one of the founders of LJ. I... could... work... and it would be great to have a blogging tool on campus that was centrally managed, and useable by literally thousands of students. As of this moment, LJ has 1280099 users, of which 611679 are active. They are making 2647 posts an hour; 44 a minute... and this is 8am on a sunday, EST, on a holiday weekend for many of us. Robust or what."
Posted by jason at 08:08 AM
"This is the weekEND... my only friend, the END..."
Something was going to happen this weekend. Something apocalyptic. Something now. I didn't plan for anything. Just assumed that it would happen of its own accord. But nothing came my way. So I rearranged the furniture.
Posted by jason at 08:00 AM
August 29, 2003
How Microsoft fuels Internet terrorism
From the ZCC collective blog: ZeroCostComputing: How Microsoft fuels Internet terrorism The conclusion: ""Either buy a Mac, or switch to Linux. """
Posted by jason at 09:10 AM
August 27, 2003
Bruce Sterling: Computer as Furoshiki
ZeroCostComputing: Computer as Furoshiki is a cleaned up version of a 1992 commentary by CyberPunk author (and many, many other things) Bruce Sterling that was orignally published in Mondo 2000 in 1993. Since most people missed the pre1994 Internet and how people were thinking about tech back then... it is a good chance to catch up on some back reading. And it is not too long."
Posted by jason at 03:24 PM
August 26, 2003
Even Stephenson's figured it out...
I thought I was one of the only ones into pre-digital technology. I'm using that book New Media: 1740-1910 in one of my upcoming courses... and here's Neal Stephenson (author of snowcrash, diamond age and cryptonomicon) who's already looking down that path in the popular realm. Good for him. Wired 11.09: Neal Stephenson Rewrites History Neal Stephenson Rewrites HistoryFor the dark prince of hacker fiction, looking backward is another way of seeing the future."
Posted by jason at 04:09 PM
Regretting Giving People a Voice
I ran into Bill ""the scream "" Kennedy at the UofT bookstore today, amid the computer books. He told me about two articles, reffed below, from Wired and TheRegister on how Blogs are wrecking the algorithms that run Google. This is interesting to me in that it shows, once again, how the internet is biased against individuals expressing themselves, communicating, or sharing something about themselves on mass. There seems to be something intrinsically distasteful to the broadcast media, writers, academics and those who control technology about millions of people just sharing the stories of their lives. Though some of us find it delightful. The Register: Blog noise is 'life or death' for Google Wired News: Search Results Clogged by Blogs Of course the fact that according to _The Register_ Most bloggers 'are teenage girls' - survey suggests that there is a modicum of ageism and gender bias involved."
Posted by jason at 04:02 PM
something bloggy this way comes
But the question is what? Yuka said that I was supposed to add something, but my mind is a big of a morning fog... Ah, got the word from Yuka. Two nights ago, at around 2am, I was up mindlessly looking at the TV or computer. Allergies had done their work and prevented me from sleeping. And the phone rings, getting my attention. But it is not the normal ring, rather the ring that means someone is dialing up from downstairs and wants to be let into the apartment. Some nefarious character no doubt. So I ignore it, and it stops. I go out to the balcony to see who may be there, and there are two ambulances 3-4 police cars and a couple of fire trucks. Strange! Especially because there was no blaring alarms, as would usually announce their presence. Stealth safety workers. And in the middle of the group down there, I see Joshua, the be-dreaded art person from the ground floor who likes my ugly building cam (on the right). So I shuffle down to see him, somewhat worried that something bad has happened. It turns out that the police are ringing all the apartments in the hopes that someone will let them in, in response to a phone call that a body was seen hanging from a rope inside an apartment. Joshua tells me that there are even a fire captain and police supervisor here... expecting heavy stuff, it seems. Joshua and I chat for about 15 minutes, he's explaining some circuitry he's designing for graphics, and the difference between parallel and concave geometry in relation to it. I pretty much missed the point. And while doing this, he's directing the odd cop car and fire truck wandering by for a bit of late night rubbernecking. Finally the paramedics come out, wheeling their gurneys. With no body on board. The verdict? A large doll hung from a rope. A bit of a gruesome living room decoration. Or more likely, for this neighborhood, an art project or movie prop in preparation or discarded after a production. Joshua wonders about how much money was wasted on this night's adventures. And I wonder if the poor folks who were just pulled out of sleep by all these public safety personnel walking in on their dreams, because of a bit of fun they left hanging around, will ever get back to sleep tonight. I know I will. This kinds of excitement makes me sleepy."
Posted by jason at 09:06 AM
August 25, 2003
Romanian Photos en force...
Here are a pile of pictures, somewhat organized, that you may or may not have seen from Yuka and my trip to Romania last May. Our friend and travelling companion Lokke Heiss wanted to see what I had, as he's looking for some images for a project of his... so, here's what I've got: Dracula Conference , Sighisoara , Sibiu , Borgo , Castle Dracula Hotel , Various Dracula and C. . I think that only two of these links have been published before."
Posted by jason at 08:57 AM
Deconism in the Dark Picts
Here are the pictures of Derek, Steve, Maurice and Pierre that I took at the event I mentioned last week."
Posted by jason at 08:48 AM
August 24, 2003
A beta of our MOO paper available for comments...
Rhonna and I just finished up a book chapter entitled: ""MOOs: Polysynchronous Collaborative Virtual Environments ""(.doc format). It wil be part of the forthcoming Workplace Internet-Based Communication: Industry and Academic Perspectives. Pavel Zemliansky, and Kirk St. Amant eds. Idea Group. I've got to say that Rhonna is a wonderful person to collaborate with. Thoughts? Errors? Omissions? Suggestions?"
Posted by jason at 11:03 PM
Freedom from the Cow...
Yuka has given the thumbs up to this morning's latte made with soya milk, instead of the bovine equivalent. That means that I can switch to soya milk (yes, organic, and hopefully non-GM) fulltime and give my lactose intolerant self a break."
Posted by jason at 10:59 AM
August 22, 2003
MOOkti: Helping teachers and students work together
This is an article that I seem to have written back in 1998 for SchoolNet Magazine - MOOkti: Helping teachers and students work together . I don't remember writing it, which isn't much of a shock, but finding it sure is shocking. I was doing a google search for the word ""Polysynchronous"" that I coined back in 1997-98 to describe a particular feature of MOOs. There are 120 hits on Google, and a few of them are about some obscure math stuff. Isn't research fun?"
Posted by jason at 03:57 PM
Working along quietly
Rhonna and I are working on a chapter about MOOs for a forthcoming publication. Can't remember the book title at the moment, but be sure that you'll hear about it. So, I'm at home, quietly working away, and slightly suffering from allergies. Not too too bad this year. Hope you're all working hard."
Posted by jason at 01:23 PM
August 20, 2003
iPod of the Mind...
For those of you with iPod envy, or merely those with an iPod... I have an iPod from the Onion."
Posted by jason at 09:46 AM
August 19, 2003
Appointment at Ryerson University
I just got email confirming that I have been appointed to teach ECE 912 : Early Childhood: Computers in Education at Ryerson University this upcoming fall. I've hinted about this in previous posts, but now it is confirmed. Just imagine me teaching Early Childhood Education . I can't wait."
Posted by jason at 12:24 PM
Eves under fire for scrapping energy directorship
From the The Globe and Mail : ""On a day when Premier Ernie Eves and other public officials pleaded with Ontarians to use less electricity to prevent blackouts, the government was scrapping its newly created position of energy conservation director."" If the Ontario voter is so thick that they vote in the conservative government again, the government that brought us Walkterton water, the SARS medical system and a crippled energy grid... then at least we'll know who to blame... and it would not be the government."
Posted by jason at 07:26 AM
August 17, 2003
Attention Queen Street Shoppers...
Julia_D came by this morning for tea, and to borrow a spare laptop. Her's had a virus, that couldn't be cleaned, so the genius crew at DELL told her to turn it off. Then it wouldn't start. So they're sending her a new harddrive. Smart? Sure. If you think it is smart, you too should buy a DELL. Anyway, she got the puter, and Yuka and I went out with her to Babur for Indian food. And the shopping day began... we hit just about every clothing and furniture store on queen from McCaul to Claremont and back again. I found 2 beer glasses that are suitable for Belgian beer, and some beer to go along with it. And some EmilyStrange flipflops. Yuka got a neat ring. And Julia_D morphed into CleverGirl ... as you can see."
Posted by jason at 07:24 PM
August 15, 2003
Steve Mann: Power in the Darkness...
[I start by apologizing to all and sundry for this post. Steve asked me to come by and blog this evening's activities, and it was a great opportunity to participate. This record is just what I heard, saw and felt... as with any other personal blog, it is ideosyncratic. Though, it is not, as you'll understand why I say this when you've read more, narcissistic. Just a uniperspectival view on a very interesting evening.] This is my first Steve Mann event. Well, mostly. I was present at TedCity (now IdeasCity), back in 2000? when Steve and his crew of cyborgs gave Jeanie Beker a cyborg fashion show to end all fashion shows. But that's another story... probably to be found via your favorite search engine. I'm left with the assumption that everything is normal tonight, despite being in the middle of the largest power outage in Canadian history. All Toronto is without power, except for Steve, of course. He's wired in more ways than one. He's got electricity, and has placed a television out on the street before his gallery telling people what's going on in the world around us... next to a neon sign saying ""Open"". Inside is lit by three flood lamps, powered by some unseen force. The show starts with Derek De Kerkhove introducing the program... with the three participants slowly immersing themselves into a large clear plastic bath tub. Steve (Natural Born Cyborg), Maurice Benayoun (Poet of Electricity) and Pierre Levy (a delight and dismay). Parenthetical descriptors are Derek's. The metaphor of the public bath in western culture holding forth over the night. [No comment was made regarding the male only space of the bath in public discourse.] Interesting sight though. [Most of the Internet is down as I edit this, so I can't provide links to everyone's web sites.] Of course, there were an equal number people taking pictures and recording the event than were not. And this was not seen as strange by any participants. And there was a baby crying in the backyard... which lent a strangely organic counterbalance to the cybertheorytalk. Many things were said that reflect what Derek, Steve, Maurice and Pierre are known for. And with my limited battery power, and the speed at which their ideas were flying back and forth, and the amount of water being splashed about, I wasn't going to try and generate a transcription of what was said. Perhaps some folks who were recording it will take the time to transcribe the whole two hours and send it to me? Or perhaps not. Suffice it to say that it was the dynamic interplay of these ideas, and their being performed in an art gallery that made this a particularly energetic and interesting discussion... despite the heat zapping everyone's energy. And energy was often a point of reference, ""People will do anything for a bit of electricity"" Steve noted. Poignant tonight, in that we're willing to give up our freedom, from technology, in order to maintain our ordered existence. And this extends from reliance on electricity, to acquiescence to surveillance, and beyond. It was if Steve had personally requested the power outage, to illustrate his point, commenting on how the vulnerability that is build into electric circuits, in the form of circuit breakers... ""penny wise and fuse foolish"" as he put it, are optimized for the expected, and optimized for unstable eventualities. This is not the case with our society, or our social/technological infrastructure. It is too costly to build for unlikely contingencies, and our safety and freedoms are left to pay the price when something does go wrong. The whole notion of hubrisic notions of invincibility is the target of his musing in this regard. Trying to build an invincible system attempts to build a system that has no provision for instability, no systemic circuit-breakers. [About this time Stefano calls from somewhere far away, it seems, and is piped into the room via a hands-free phone. But nothing seems to be coming from the phone, after a first wave of hellos. Which is unfortunate.] After a while, the bath metaphor takes on a different, and more powerful notion. While these three guys are sitting in a tub, discussing surveillance and sousveillance, I'm struck by how a voyeuristic positioning forced on us observing these three men in a tub. The juxtaposition of the nursery rhyme three men in a tub with the feeling that we're interloping in on a private conversation is too strong to shake off. Though comments and interjections from the audience are invited, it feels difficult to break the invisible barrier and virtually immerse oneself into the tub/conversation. Over all, I get an interesting sense of where the bath fits into this evening, from the perspective of the speakers. I'm really hearing three men sharing with each other, and vicariously with the audience lounging at the pool's edge, their philosophical musings on life and culture and language. Such a discussion would not be out of place in any Roman or Turkish bath. [lacuna] As Piere suggest, we've moved to a collective intelligence of a post-metacity. Beyond the spoken (the individual). Beyond language and writing systems (of the city and the nation state). And onto a level of metaphoric abstraction of the interdependence of the whole species. He wants to transform cyberspace into a domain of the collective intelligence of the human kind... though we are not really aware of the discource of this realm. [And my battery dies, under the stress of the darkness that has embraced us all... well, not really. I have just commandeered the one free powered jack, aside from the three powering the lights. And I'm off in a dark corner, recharging and typing away.] Oh, and Derek brings up blogs! which are a stated aspect of the evening, but Pierre dismisses them (I'll convert him later...), as merely easy web tools, easily commented on and interconnected... as a 'kind' of connected intelligence... only one or two steps along... not a new symbolic layer, such as he's trying to build, but very limited. Of course, that's probably due to the standard lack of long term hands on experience with new technologies that major thinker have. (See my dissertation for a long discussion on this problem. And if you can't find it, then that just supports the point.) Is what he's saying only another philosopher's top down visionary approach, versus what blogs represent as a bottom up movement, unemcumbered by wetware of the actual user's experience (wetware being the average you and me, who may blog, but are not struck by the obvious truth of visionary pronouncements), or is Pierre talking about a whole new layer of abstraction that is embedded in a whole new metanarrative. This is vapourware that you can sink your teeth into. My statement is not to diss what they're trying to accomplish. I'm totally comfortable with academics and artists who work with grand gestures and totalizing statements. I'm more shocked by people who want to dismiss anything greater than the diversionary and mundane. The ides of these three men in a tub can be either contextualized as the cutting edge that is leading us forward to knew ways of understanding ourselves, or as the anchor that ties us to artistic and philosophical traditions, relocalizied into the digital age. Either way, they represent the edge which allows us to reflect on ourselves at the center. And if we lose the ability to reflect on ourselves, we wallow and are lost. As Pierre says (as in a precis by me), these new tools will allow us to move more fully into the world of ideas, beyond the fixity of Plato, into the dynamic mutation of abstraction that can be made visible with new tools. A merging of philosophy and technology. The last word, Pierre ... the web has existed only for 10 years, almost nothing in term of the cultural revolution/evolution, and the Internet for 30. We have no idea what it will being one generation. Cyberspace is a process, something that is becoming... and we're all responsible for this evolution... especially if done together. Currently the Internet is narcissistic... personal website/blog... the mirror of collective intelligence of a large organization/country... the circulation of ideas between all the creative/organizationa/productive aspects of our societies. Though we have no means to visualise it yet, with cyberspace and tools of abstraction there are possibilities.... Not that it will be something beautiful to see, or that what we are doing together will be beautiful or magical, but rather the real (mimetic) mirror of what we are... Maurice closes the discussion... ""everything is good with a good glass of wine, and friends."" At which point the discussants exit the tub, and dry off, and we all repair to the Village Idiot Pub for some beer in the uncharacteristically sultry Toronto night. [Please post corrections, comments and links to any material you have.]"
Posted by jason at 03:44 PM
No power? No worries... or few
Yes, I lost power, along with the rest of you, but it was an interesting evening, worth sharing. Servers... http://projectachieve.net is on a nice smart server; an old linux dell. Though I didn't have it set up to restart the three moos (Achieve , eden (telnet), MOOkti ). So I had to come in and turn them back on manually. Nothing lost though. The server did restart itself, AND still backed up the server at its appointed time (around 4am) successfully. http://edublog.com didn't fare quite as well... it hosts this blog, Yukazine.com , http://roomofbensown.net , http://lmmontgomery.net , and probably something else. I had to come in and manually restart it. As for the rest of the night... everything you heard about ""Toronto the Polite"" was true. We didn't have any impromtu traffic wardens at Dundas and McCaul (Where the Art Gallery of Ontario is located.) but we didn't need them. Everyone just moved through the intersection a few cars at a time, giving space to the other cars and pedestrians. The only place that was lit up was Steve Mann's Deconism gallery. He was open for the event I blogged about earlier this week. He had his own power, and had put a neon ""OPEN"" sign on the street, and a 12"" TV showing the news. But I'll blog on that event as soon as I get a chance to arrange my notes from last night. Yuka and I immediately filled up all my wine making containers with about 100 liters of drinking water, enough to share with neighbours, in case the water dried up. Yuka had heard on the radio that many condos lost their water power immediately. And I was worried that many of the old folks in our building, most who don't speak English, might have not thought to store water. Then we both had a wonderful BBQ on the balcony, and quaffed the slowly warming Guinness in the fridge by candle light. I'd been putting off buying one of those hand crank radios (Freeplay S360 ), and now I wish I had one. And no doubt they'll be sold out for a while. And then I was off to Steve's to watch Three Men in a Tub."
Posted by jason at 12:37 PM
Social Ecology of WiFi
In ZeroCostComputing: Social Ecology of WiFi Julia as a great commentary on the article A social ecology of wireless technology published in First Monday by the Critical Friends of Technology. Don't miss it."
Posted by jason at 12:24 PM
August 14, 2003
Paper accepted...
My proposal: From the Virtual to the Real: The Construction of Landscape in _Anne of Green Gables_ and _Dracula_ has been accepted for the 2004 conference entitled ""L.M. Montgomery's Interior/Exterior Landscapes."" at the Lucy Maud Montgomery Institute at the University of PEI. Yuka will be happy. This will be our holiday for the next year, and the conference time, late June, is a great time to visit PEI. We're discussing the rental of a small house in downtown Charlottetown from a friend of ours. Nothing could be more fun than doing a paper on Dracula and Anne and Virtuality. [full conference proposal below...] From the Virtual to the Real: The Construction of Landscape in _Anne of Green Gables_ and _Dracula_ It is not difficult to see L.M. Montgomery and Bram Stoker as contemporaries, writing Victorian fiction at the dawn of the 20th century. These two writers also share a common bond that is rarely matched by other writers in any period. What they wrote about was imaginative fiction that would become created in the real world long after they had written their works. Both authors constructed fictional topologies based on real places: Montgomery created Green Gables and the community of Avonlea, and Stoker created Dracula's Castle in Romania's Borgo Pass. Several recent critics (Janice Fiamengo, James De Jonge, Patsy Aspasia Kotsopoulos, et al.) have discussed the process that led to Montgomery's selective reproduction of late-19th-century Prince Edward Island landscape for her fiction. In a forthcoming book chapter about virtual spaces, Benjamin Lefebvre argues that this reinvented landscape becomes a sort of simulacrum (to use Baudrillard's term), free of temporal restraints and therefore suitable for national and international consumption; it is in this way, Lefebvre suggests, that Montgomery's imagined community has proven so easily malleable in adaptations by the Disney Corporation that international tourists have been known to find Sullivan's recreated Avonlea (in Uxbridge, Ontario) more ""authentic"" than the ""real"" geographic space of Prince Edward Island. This thinking also extends to Anne's World, constructed in Hokkaido, Japan in the late 1990s. Stoker's work has yet to receive this kind of scholarly inquiry, but this may change with the interest in the proposed Dracula Theme Park, recently slated for Sighisoara, Romania. Espen Aarseth notes in his discussion of the labyrinth that virtual space predates the development of computers and the Internet by centuries. Both Montgomery and Stoker's works have grown into worlds unto themselves that have expanded beyond the confines of the linear narrative text and that have morphed into labyrinthine worlds that are explored as much as read. And the exploration of these worlds has resulted in pressure from readers for the creation of physical spaces that they can experience firsthand. Despite drawing heavily from her personal experience, Montgomery's work is primarily one of her own imagination. As result of this imaginative text, however, governmental and tourist organizations have had to scramble to (re)create Green Gables and impose Montgomery's vision on already existing topographical features of the area. Stoker, on the other hand, drew from his own imagination and the gothic literary tradition, and worked from published accounts of Transylvannia, such as Emily Gerard's _The Land Beyond the Forest_, in the creation of Dracula's castle in the Borgo Pass (Borgo Prund in Romanian), and the Golden Crone hotel at Bistritza (Bistrita). He went so far as to invent foods such as robber steak, all of which are ficticious constructions. The hotel now exists in downtown Bistrita, as does robber steak. And what was the dirt forest track through the Borgo Prund has been transformed over the past 25 years into a major highway leading up to the Castle Dracula Hotel. Furthermore, this forested area is now a blossoming community of farmers and cottagers, complete with church and nunnery. In both cases, the author's imagination has returned to haunt, cryptically as Derrida conceptualizes it, the landscapes what were in themselves the inspiration for the fiction. This paper will explore how these two authors' adapted existing landscapes into imaginary fictional constructs, and how the popularity of these fictions, in turn, resulted in real places being transformed to conform with the fiction. References Aarseth, Espen. (1997) Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Baltimore: John Hopkins. Baudrillard, Jean (1988) ""Simulacra and Simulations."" In Selected Writings. Mark Poster, ed. Stanford: Stanford. Pp. 166-184. Castricano, Jodey (2001) Cryptomimesis: The Gothic and Jacques Derrida's Ghost Writing. Montreal: McGill De Jonge, James (2002 )""Through the Eyes of Memory: L.M. Montgomery's Cavendish."" Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture. Ed. Irene Gammel. Toronto: U of Toronto P. Pp. 252-67. Fiamengo, Janice (2002) ""Toward a Theory of the Popular Landscape in Anne of Green Gables."" Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture. Ed. Irene Gammel. Toronto: U of Toronto P. Pp. 225-37. Foucault, Michel. (1980) ""Questions on Geography."" In Power/Knowledge. Colin Gordon, ed. New York: Pantheon. Pp. 63-77 Kotsopoulos, Patsy Aspasia (2002) ""Avonlea as Main Street USA? Genre, Adaptation, and the Making of a Borderless Romance."" Essays on Canadian Writing 76:170-94. Lefebvre, Benjamin. (Forthcoming) ""Virtual Avonlea."" In The International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments. Joel Weiss, Jason Nolan, Peter Trifonas eds. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Montgomery, Lucy Maud (1992) Anne of Green Gables . Toronto: McClelland. Orig. Boston: Page, 1908. Miller, Elizabeth (2000) Dracula: Sense and Nonsense. Wescliff-on-sea: Desert Island Books. Nolan, J., Lawrence, J. & Kajihara, Y. (1999). �Montgomery�s Island in the Net: Metaphor and Community on the Kindred Spirits E-mail List."" Canadian Children's Literature. 91, 24:3-4. Nolan, J. (2002). �Text as Horror: Cryptomimesis: The Gothic and Jacques Derrida�s Ghost Writing.� Journal of Dracula Studies. No. 4. Rubio, Mary, and Elizabeth Waterston. (1985) The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery: Volume I: 1889-1910 . Toronto: Oxford. Rubio, Mary, and Elizabeth Waterston. (1987) The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery: Volume II: 1910-1921 . Toronto: Oxford. Stoker, Bram. (1998) Dracula Unearthed. Annotated and Edited by Clive Leatherdale. Wescliff-on-sea: Desert Island Books. Zizek, Slavoj (1997) The Plauge of Fantasies. London: Verso. References Aarseth, Espen. (1997) Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Baltimore: John Hopkins. Bachellard, Gaston (1964) The Poetics of Space. Boston: Beacon. Baudrillard, Jean (1988) ""Simulacra and Simulations."" In Selected Writings. Mark Poster, ed. Stanford: Stanford. Pp. 166-184. Burke, Edmund. (1998) A Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime and the Beautiful. Toronto: Penguin. Castricano, Jodey (2001) Cryptomimesis: The Gothic and Jacques Derrida's Ghost Writing. Montreal: McGill Foucault, Michel. (1980) ""Questions on Geography."" In Power/Knowledge. Colin Gordon, ed. New York: Pantheon. Pp. 63-77 Lefebvre, Benjamin. (Forthcoming) ""Virtual Avonlea."" In The International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments. Joel Weiss, Jason Nolan, Peter Trifonas eds. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Lyotard, Jean-Fran�ois. (1984) The Postmodernism Explained. Minnesota: U Minnesota P. Lyotard, Jean-Fran�ois. (1999) The Postmodern Condition. Minnesota: U Minnesota P. Montgomery, Lucy Maud (1992) Anne of Green Gables . Toronto: McClelland. Orig. Boston: Page, 1908. Miller, Elizabeth (2000) Dracula: Sense and Nonsense. Wescliff-on-sea: Desert Island Books. Nolan, J., Lawrence, J. & Kajihara, Y. (1999). �Montgomery�s Island in the Net: Metaphor and Community on the Kindred Spirits E-mail List."" Canadian Children's Literature. 91, 24:3-4. Nolan, J. (2002). �Text as Horror: Cryptomimesis: The Gothic and Jacques Derrida�s Ghost Writing.� Journal of Dracula Studies. No. 4. Rubio, Mary. (1975) ""Satire, Realism & Imagination in Anne of Green Gables."" Guelph, Ontario: CCL . Volume 1, No. 3. Rubio, Mary, and Elizabeth Waterston. (1985) The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery: Volume I: 1889-1910 . Toronto: Oxford. Rubio, Mary, and Elizabeth Waterston. (1987) The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery: Volume II: 1910-1921 . Toronto: Oxford. Rubio, Mary, and Elizabeth Waterston. (1992) The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery: Volume III: 1921-1929 . Toronto: Oxford Stoker, Bram. (1998) Dracula Unearthed. Annotated and Edited by Clive Leatherdale. Wescliff-on-sea: Desert Island Books. Zizek, Slavoj (1997) The Plauge of Fantasies. London: Verso."
Posted by jason at 03:20 PM
Event at the Deconism Gallery TONIGHT
DECONism Gallery is at 330 Dundas St. West, directly across the street from the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) entrance. Tonight's event, at 8pm is DECONversation / Maurice Benayoun, Pierre Levy, and Steve Mann, moderated by Derrick de Kerckhove , tickets $10 available at the door. Post-post cyborg, performance artist and visionary Steve Mann as well as virtual reality artist Maurice Benayoun and the French cyberspace philosopher Pierre Levy will take part in a HOT TUB PANEL discussion mediated by the director of the Marshall McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, Derrick de Kerckhove. The topic of discussion will be connected and collective humanistic intelligence: how do personal cybernetic devices change the way we interact, and our perception of reality? The personal will turn political as the three intellectuals debate the nature of virtual fiction, whilst submerged in a translucent, networked, interactive and IMMERSIVE multimedia art installation. Displaying the private DECONversation as a public event will allow for an interactive reversal between the counterpublic and the counterprivate. The reversal will come into full effect as microphones and cameras will project the communal bath by means of simulation and simulacra, in the tradition of Plato's Caves, into another spatial reality. Professor Steve Mann's vision that: In the coming decades we will live in an age of shared realities and new levels of cultural discourse"
Posted by jason at 11:05 AM
August 12, 2003
MSNBC... Gates on a white horse.
And from MSNBC, a company that has nothing whatsoever to do with the cause, creation and distribution of spam or computer virii: Who profits from spam? Surprise... Many companies with names you know are benefiting."
Posted by jason at 08:44 AM
Today in Literature....
William Blake died on this day in 1927... ""Blake's last years passed more or less as his others, in such poverty and obscurity that his burial in Bunhill Fields was largely unnoticed and on borrowed money�nineteen shillings for an unmarked grave, the body nine feet down, stacked on top of three others, and eventually followed by four more."""
Posted by jason at 08:42 AM
August 11, 2003
Game survey for Jessica...
[Jessica's a friend of mine that I met at SXSW when I was down there with Salmon. She asked me if I could help get people to fill out her game survey. It won't take long, and if you're a gamer, it will be an opportunity to push the envelope in a direction you may want games to go. Thanks, in advance, if you fill it out.] Hello friends and compatriots! Schooner Productions is developing a new game that eventually we hope will be available right on our website for direct download. In the meantime, while the gerbils are working away, we wanted to get some input from you, the end user, about what you prefer in a computer game. So please, and (believe me) we understand your time is valuable so we really appreciate in advance your taking the time, visit our site and take a few moments to answer our brief survey. http://www.schoonerproductions.com/surveywrapper.html Thanks a million times over, Jessica, Partner Schooner Productions Inc."
Posted by jason at 09:50 AM
"The year �2004� set for the opening of the Dracula park by lake Snagov, North of Bucuresti (cca 40 km) is a forlorn target. "
Just got this in the mail from the TSD, of which Yuka and I are members. I don't know if it is posted online anywhere... so read it here first. There is also a downloadble version of the newsletter below. JULY 2003 Reincarnation The old Ministry of Tourism died; long live the new Ministry of Transport, Building and Tourism, headed by Minister Miron Mitrea. The new minister made waves in the media of Romania declaring that �the Dracula park is not one of his priorities� (as is not yet another dear project of the former minister � Matei Agathon Dan: a 5-star brand new resort by the Black Sea). Instead, H.E. Miron Mitrea took a more pragmatic approach to tourism in Romania, urging, for instance, a general lowering of prices in the sea-side resorts, before the Romanians desert them altogether in favour of the cheaper Greek, Turkish or Bulgarian resorts. (What has become of Matei Agathon Dan? He is now the secretary general of the political party in power, the Social-Democrat. With the elections in sight, we hope he might not have time for something else). The Dracula park "The plan was accepted, announced Mr. Grecu (TSD member). He presented the details on the national TV channel and said some of the money comes from the government � the rest from private investors.
Posted by jason at 09:37 AM
August 09, 2003
Call the number on your screen...
Tomorrow, between 1 and 3pm call Alexis at 647-220-4857 or Elizabeth at 647-224-4857. And tell them that Ken told you... by proxy. I don't know them at all, and I sincerely hope that Ken's given me the right numbers. I was down in the Distillery District today with Yuka and Masako, and her baby, for coffee and to check out some outdoor art show/sale. Yuka got her finger caught in a ring, and we had to buy it. :) Just as I was leaving to go over to St Lawrence Market to do some shopping, I saw a woman, out of the corner of my eye. Answering a cell phone, and throwing it to the ground, and grabbing another. I ignored her, as I'm wont to ignore people making a spectical of themselves, but kept her in the periphery of my vision, I like art at the periphery of vision, until I left. After getting home, and putting away groceries, and having some lunch, I'm reading some stuff from this new cool book I bought ""New Media: 1740-1915"" when Ken calls from Ottawa. He told me to go to the Distillery District cause there were two friends of his doing performance art with cell phones. I said, ""Ya, saw them already. Figured that they would be friends of yours."" (Ask ken to tell you about some of his old Cell phone performance bits some day. So, I'll call Alexis and Elizabeth tomorrow. Will you?"
Posted by jason at 04:24 PM
Meeting the locals...
Barry Wellman email introduced me to Shyon Baumann a while back, and Shyon and I finally got together for lunch at Momo's on Harbord yesterday. Shyon's a new sociology prof out at UofT's Mississauga campus, and his thing is the socio/cultural aspects of cinema, and the conceptualization of cinema as art in North America (read Hollywood). I'm usually too shy to just email people and just go out for lunch as a social thing, but I should do it more... the things you learn."
Posted by jason at 08:54 AM
August 08, 2003
100th Anniversary of Roselawn Lodge
100th Birthday of Roselawn was held last week. These are pictures that I took of the event. The house is owned by our friends, Jack and Linda Hutton, who also own the Bala Museum . The lodge is the sister building to the one that LM Montgomery stayed in when she toured Bala in 1922. And the museum is the ex-guest house in which she took her meals. Jack is the guy on the piano, Linda's the MC, and their son John's the hippie. Jack's a famous ragtime player, who has done concerts around North America. His daughter is the lead singer for Rhea's Obsession The site's in Japanese, but the 'net is a multicultural event, so deal with it."
Posted by jason at 10:16 AM
August 07, 2003
Cats - the sibbling
A picture of my little sister Cats, unrelated to KAT! who's linked on the right hand column. I think that she's just finished a swimming competition in Montreal and is on her way home.I realized that I never post family pictures... and isn't that, in part, what blogging is all about?"
Posted by jason at 07:35 AM
August 06, 2003
Chromosoft Mirrors (V.4.2)
Just got a confirmation that I got permission to reprint Jeff Noon 's short story ""Chromosoft Mirrors (V.4.2)"" in our forthcoming International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments . If you ever get a copy of Noon's collection pixel juice scarf it up, and check it out. Unfortunately, it is not available in North America."
Posted by jason at 09:43 AM
August 05, 2003
Brainwave Building Blog
[Steve asked me to post this on my blog... and I'm only too happy to comply.]
Brainwave Building Blog Deconism Gallery/Arts Complex was designed as a blog --- something we call ""buildinglog""(which, like cyborglog, abbreviates to ""glog""). We've all seen smart buildings, smart lightswitches, smart toilets,and intelligent user interfaces, but what happens when you have""smart people""? What happens when you wire up the ""intelligence"" ontopeople? 2003 August 14th and 15th we explore what happens when the intelligentbuilding meets intelligent occupants. The August 14th event will be an intellectual discussion aboutthe relationship between cyborglogs and buildinglogs.Three panelists (Maurice Benayoun, Pierre Levy, Steve Mann),moderated by the Director of the Marshall McLuhan Program inCulture and Technology, will enter an immersive multimedia space(a brainwave bath) while discussing the implications of the post-cyborg age . The August 15th event will be an actual collective (de)consciousnesswhere the occupant-cyborgs interact with the building, to create an audiovisual experience from their brainwaves, as partof a brainwave (de)concert performed by jazz musiciansBryden Baird, James Fung, Dave Gouveia, Sandy Mamane, and Corey Manders. For more information, see http://eyetap.org/deconism/index.htm "
Posted by jason at 05:46 PM
Switch Linux - hacker humour
Check out this little bit of humour based on the Apple - Switch commercials, called: Switch Linux PS: I scarfed this off Catspaw's Guide to the Inevitably Insane . But since I gave her a cool scsi zip drive way back, and she never did figure out how to install a proxy server for me..."
Posted by jason at 09:01 AM
August 04, 2003
Digital Media Revisited
Just bought the following book for my teaching next year. Digital Media Revisited - The MIT Press Digital Media RevisitedTheoretical and Conceptual Innovations in Digital Domains Edited by Gunnar Liest%uFFBFl, Andrew Morrison and Terje RasmussenArguing that "first encounters" have already applied traditional theoretical and conceptual frameworks to digital media, the contributors to this book call for "second encounters," or a revisiting. Digital media are not only objects of analysis but also instruments for the development of innovative perspectives on both media and culture. Drawing on insights from literary theory, semiotics, philosophy, aesthetics, ethics, media studies, sociology, and education, the contributors construct new positions from which to observe digital media in fresh and meaningful ways. Throughout they explore to what extent interpretation of and experimentation with digital media can inform theory. It also asks how our understanding of digital media can contribute to our understanding of social and cultural change.The book is organized in four sections: Education and Interdisciplinarity, Design and Aesthetics, Rhetoric and Interpretation, and Social Theory and Ethics. The topics include the effects on reading of the multimodal and multisensory aspects of the digital environment, the impact of practice on the medium of theory, how digital media are dissolving the boundaries between leisure and work, and the impact of cyberspace on established ethical principles."
Posted by jason at 07:40 PM
August 03, 2003
Ugly building cam is back!
I have the camera turned back on the OCAD construction. It is only running for 30 minutes at a pop, because I'm waiting for the update on my driver."
Posted by jason at 04:50 PM
Saturday Summer Feast.
Jack, Julia and Gary joined Yuka and I for dinner last night. We toasted to Rochelle's birthday in our hearts. Jack, Julia and Gary are all OISEites, but I got to know them at different times. Jack Brown and I went to teacher's college together 1990-1991, and he's just finishing up his PhD studying why educators leave the teaching profession. Gary and I started at OISE together as students in 1994, and after graduating in 2000, he's been teaching at a variety of universities in the cold parts of the US. Now he's off to Duluth, Minnesota to teach at UDM . Julia is someone you all know... and is in the midst of her PhD at OISE. Three generations of OISEites, all bitching about the place... it was a site to see. And they're all involved in blogging, against their better judgements, under my hegemonic influence. Gary, Yuka did most of the cooking. Gary and I did the shopping. I did the cleaning. Yuka's amazing ribs and saussages from the market. BBQ asparagus, shitake mushrooms and peppers. Julia's amazing white wine (I usually hate white wine), beers and ros�, AND what Gary liked, my invention of a raspberry gin and tonic. I love pizza nights, but with all the food flying, I love BBQ season too."
Posted by jason at 10:05 AM
Winter teaching @ KMDI confirmed.
Finally confirmed that I'll be teaching KMD 1002H - Research Frontiers in Knowledge Media Design and KMD 2003H - Knowledge Media & Learning. Not that I've not mentioned it already, but now I have some facts about them. KMD1002 will be monday evenings, starting January 2004. And KMD2003 will be at some time to be determined, starting January 2004. I'm hoping for Tuesday or Wednesday evening. If you're interested in taking the courses, please contact me, or check out the KMDI collaborative program web page formore information. Especially after it gets updated. [Thanks to Benzone for helping me get the year correct.]"
Posted by jason at 09:32 AM
August 02, 2003
Rochelle Mazar!!!
Happy birth day Rochelle !!!! AND congrats on the new blog!!!"
Posted by jason at 08:25 AM
August 01, 2003
"Yuka says, ""Jason Blog this..."""
And I comply... Hello Yuka, Ever since I stumbled over your website, I've thought we should let you know about our project, which is a musical called ""Anne and Gilbert "", based on the second and third books. We'd originally hoped to have it produced in Charlottetown (my home town, actually) but discovered after the first draft was finished that the authors of the ""Anne"" musical there did not want a sequel produced in that theatre. So we're searching for another theatre to do it, rewriting (for instance, the parrot didn't make it to the second draft, to my sorrow!), shortening, cutting characters, all that stuff. Anyway, next time we do a reading in Toronto, we'll definitely invite you. Meanwhile, if you have any friends in New York you think might be interested in coming to this reading, please forward my invitation! with every good wish, Nancy White"
Posted by jason at 10:17 PM
Just a quickie...
Just got back into town, after 2 days consulting up north... ie living on georgan bay, and installing computers at my dad's house. They're now all Mac users. Dad has a new 17"" iMac that he has no idea how to use. Cheryl has an old G3 powerbook which still serves her well. Cats and Emily have 14"" and 12"" iBooks, respectively.Got speakers for Cats, showed Cheryl how to uses her iPod and DV camera. And arranged for a new printer to be delivered. Happy to be home. oh ya this blog entry was about something else. I now have 2 confirmed courses to teach this year. KMD1002 (half the course I co-taught last year) and KMD2003: Knowledge Media and Learning. Just waiting on an interview that I had a another local university recently. News August 8."
Posted by jason at 03:41 PM
July 30, 2003
Indentifying the Bast
Couple of months ago I took pictures of my friend's Egyptian Cat statue... they're called Basts. Well my friend has one, and I took pictures of it so that it could be identified. Well... it turns out that it is a unique piece, made for Emperor Hadrian, probably for his friends to put in their temples in Rome. And the ROM is going to be using my photos for lecturing... Neat."
Posted by jason at 08:36 AM
July 28, 2003
The Encyclopedia of Community
Not that I've seen it, or MY contribution on Blogs that I made, but SAGE Publications' Encyclopedia of Community is out. Here's a brief note of praise for it. "With every passing minute, it becomes more and more apparent that our world is one community. The Encyclopedia of Community serves as recognition of this trend and as a needed resource. The four-volume set not only explains the emerging buzz words of community such as 'social capital' or 'civic engagement' but also tells many stories of community institutions that work, such as public libraries." --Sarah Ann Long, Past President, (1999-2000) American Library Association"
Posted by jason at 11:39 AM
Toronto Water Works....
Check out my friend Dennis' article in the National Post Wizard of the works: Toronto's Depression-era art deco water plant is the legacy of an extraordinary public servant . It is such an amazing building, at least from the outside. I remember peering in the window late at night, when I used to live in the area. Dennis used to lecture for me, when I was teaching Environmental Studies, and this year I'll be lecturing for him this fall in his Vic1 program at UofT."
Posted by jason at 08:20 AM
At yuka's command...
Yuka demands that I blog this 400k GIF image of penguin humour . No penguins were hurt during the uploading of this animated GIF."
Posted by jason at 07:24 AM
July 27, 2003
Back from Bala
Just back from Bala and Midland. Visited dad, and we stayed in the guest house on a beach on Georgan Bay. One of the best views in the world. The guest house has a tiny loft with a bed upstairs. Downstairs is a single room with a bar, pinball machine, kitchen counter, dishwasher, toaster oven, fridge, and a bathroom. Oh, and a large pool table taking up almost all the space. There are no chairs. Just a couple of bar stools. Yuka learned how to play 8ball, and beat me twice. Wish I'd been able to do that when I started playing."
Posted by jason at 10:26 AM
July 24, 2003
Blogging at UofT
Hossein Derakhshan emailed me about his project: University of Toronto Blogs . If you're here, check it out."
Posted by jason at 08:12 AM
Off to Bala's Museum...
Yuka and I are going to visit Jack and Linda Hutton who run Bala's Museum for a day of Lucy Maud Montgomery activities."
Posted by jason at 08:01 AM
July 23, 2003
Hanging out with the Hacktavistas
Jasjit, Julia and I went to see Ron Deibert and KAT at the CitizenLab today, for a tour and chat about what we were all doing. Questions abound. But it is so nice to run into new questions, than bored old answers. And they seem to be working toward developing some amazingly cool tools."
Posted by jason at 05:54 PM
McLuhan Party Saturday
[I sort of help out with the byDesign eLab, and got this in the email. I can't make it, but some of you might. If so, say hi to everyone for me.] Saturday July 26: Come to a McLuhan BBQ. The McLuhan Program and the McLuhan global research network invite you to the third annual Coach House Renaissance festival, and a BBQ to celebrate McLuhan's birthday ( born July 21, 1911). Among the events planned are a web launch of the oral history project by Museum Studies grad student Dave Harkness, and the re launch for www.mcluhan.ca . Join us on Saturday July 26, 6 - 9 PM at the McLuhan Coach House 39a Queen's Park Crescent East. Call 416-596-9533 x 280 (the McLuhan global research network, byDesign eLab and eCommons/agora project) for more information, or write to fraser@mcluhan.org. AoiR 2003. Mark your calendars: The Association of Internet Researchers (AoiR) conference comes to Toronto October 16 - 19, 2003 at the Hilton Hotel. Preconferences and local lab and arts tours happen on October 15th. Check the web site for details www.ecommons.net/aoir on registration, membership in the Association of Internet Researchers, the program, keynotes and more. KMDI is the official local host and the conference has been organized by members of the not for profit AoiR Toronto 2003. We have plans to collaborate on networking of local and pan Canadian Internet researchers (including notably Francophone researchers), and this event will help kick off these efforts. Contact us if you can help. aoir@ecommons.net You are welcome to contact us for further information, or to share news that you may have for the McLuhan global research network and the Friends of McLuhan and Coach House Renaissance. Contact us at admin@mcluhan.org"
Posted by jason at 04:07 PM
Jobs Jobs Jobs...
Still marginally unemployed, but there are some interesting things to share. My teaching of the brand new course KMD1002W has been confirmed, finally. This is at KMDI of course. I'm tentatively titleing the course ""Critical Issues in Knowledge Media Design."" Also, pending funding approval, it looks like I'll have another course in the same constellation, with a focus on Learning. No more details so as to not jinx it. And finally, I'll be doing a one month guest spot at Victoria University's VIC1 program in November... teaching critical thinking skills through the works of Lucy Maud Montgomery and Lewis Caroll. We're hoping to focus the class on the resources available at the osborne collection . Nice feeling... part-time employed."
Posted by jason at 08:13 AM
July 22, 2003
blog toys
Playing with Netomat , that I found on Joi Ito's blog. It is a java based tool for making multimedia thingies for the net."
Posted by jason at 07:14 PM
Looking for old blogs
Looking around on a server, I found my earliest surviving month blogging March 2001 . Nothing special about it, except that I was using GreyMatter at the time, and that all my earlier stuff is gone. Snifff..."
Posted by jason at 06:17 PM
The angels want to wear my fluevogs.
Yuka and I went out for a jaunt today for a late lunch at LaHacienda where Amy works. On the way, we passed Fluevog's where they're having their semi-annual sale! I got a pair of each of these shoes at 50% off. and Fluevogs are great. I have nine pairs so far... all of which I got on sale. And the first pair, which are about 6+ years old are still serviceable."
Posted by jason at 05:27 PM
Big time shopping...
Did a big shop yesterday. A BIG shop. Picked up Dad's new 17"" iMac. Have it locked away in my office to be set up. Also an iPod and a DV cam for sMom. Said iPod is set up swimmingly now. And a new printer for them. Just have to drive it up and set it up. And run away... before I try to keep some of it. It will be so nice to get dad away from his Dell. I talked his company from getting rid of Macs and switching to Dell's over a decade ago. And it was the right thing to do, as they had a silly mixed Mac/PC network, and their biz was really PC focussed. That's how I got my first Mac. It was a left over after the conversion process. But he doesn't work in the office. And people at the office don't know how to or won't support it. And thought I bought it for him and set it up, I refuse to support PCs. And all he does is complain, because it is not like DOS. So, now with a shiny new 17"" iMac, he still doesn't get DOS, and will probably complain, but at least I can fix it."
Posted by jason at 08:49 AM
July 20, 2003
Cyborg and Community revisited...
Mere days after getting Sousveillance: Inventing and Using Wearable Computing Devices for Data Collection in Surveillance Environments published in Surveillance and Society , Steve tells me that someone wants to publish an expanded version in a book. It never rains..."
Posted by jason at 10:18 PM
More Sweet Blood
Met with Elza Kephart, co-writer/director of Sweet Blood , which is in development. I now get to be a creative consultant, or some such nice slot for my CV. Elza and I had a great 2.5 hour chat about her script, and I got to learn alot about the process, and give her some ideas for the next draft. It is great to know that the skills of evaluating student work is transfirable to film script development. Eliza's in town for six months to attend the Canadian Film Centre . And Jessica X sat by pacifically watching process, and skipping out to do some shopping in Kensington Market while we chatted."
Posted by jason at 08:03 PM
MOOtrix: COWS Ice Cream - Prince Edward Island I have a selection of COWS Icream Tshirts, but not this one, yet."
Posted by jason at 09:58 AM
July 19, 2003
'Foucault and Panopticism Revisited'
Surveillance & Society Foucault Issue is up! It is the one with the article that I did with Barry Wellman and Steve Mann, that I've mentioned here a billion times."
Posted by jason at 12:59 PM
July 18, 2003
Vampire Movies
Had dinner at the Rivoli with Jessica X, the producer for a vampire movie called Sweet Blood . Salmon and I met Jessica down at SXSW in Austin last spring, and she fired off a copy of the script for me to comment, so that we could talk about it with the writer/director Elza. Unfortunately Elza was stuck on the train in from Montreal, though I got a moment to chat with her by cell phone as the train was going through Kingston. Hopefully we're all going to meet up on Sunday to chat. Good dinner at the Rivoli too!"
Posted by jason at 10:58 PM
July 16, 2003
Anti-War Playing Cards
Operation: Hidden Agenda "
Posted by jason at 08:29 AM
July 15, 2003
Recycling tech...
Amy's the diva of old-school. So very retro. The music is all vinyl. Analog synthesizers everywhere. And an old PPC 601 computer missing a foot. Just the home for all my old scsi hardware that doesn't work for me any more:
32 + 8 meg sims 2megs of vram 2gig scsi harddrive microtec E6 scsi scanner I've never had much luck with anything scsi. Once my scsi printer blew, and erased both my harddrives, holding 2 copies of a $170k education project. Something was always going wrong with scsi, even when I learned all about everything scsi, as far as jumper settings on circuit boards and all that. Amy, on the other hand, is a retro diva, keeping the old ways alive. Every cable fit. Every connection happy. Computer > 2gig drive > scanner > zip all in one happy chain. And it worked! All at once. Purring like a third kitten (the other two were lounging on various bits of hardware). There are all kinds of people on the planet, and I'm never going to be successful with anything retro. I'm just glad someone is... who can give a good home to my old scsi stuff...."
Posted by jason at 12:56 PM
"Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, July 14, 2003:PDF: Unfit for Human Consumption"
PDF: Unfit for Human Consumption (Alertbox) If you don't know who Jakob is, you should take the time to find out. Even if you don't like him, he shouldn't be ignored."
Posted by jason at 11:04 AM
July 13, 2003
Gender and Programming...
I was editing a contribution for the International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments and I sent the following along at the end of my comments.
Rather than trying to get girls interested in what may in fact be a male-privileging programming language, why not consider developing a programming language that is gender neutral or a female-privileging programming language. I'm not sure what I think of what I said there. I'll have to mull it over for a while."
Posted by jason at 02:54 PM
Entertaining Weekend...
Yuka, with some help from me, cooked vegetarian Japanese food last night for ourselves, JuliaD and Amy (who has no web presence). The hard bit was veggie gyoza, which we've never made. Yuka choose to add shitake mushrooms, and I voted for Nasu (Eggplant), in place of the meat. Worked out amazingly. First of all I couldn't tell it didn't have meat, and secondly, you didn't care. It was an interesting evening, not having seen Amy since probably november, and Amy/Julia D never having met. We'd expected Pazuzu and Simsim, but they were no shows through no fault of their own. Tonight is Za night with the Romanovska family."
Posted by jason at 01:20 PM
Dangers of Gaming... and a new book...
I'm thinking of starting to study gaming... so Yuka found this for me, knowing I might be interested. The first sentence is neato. Wired News: Secrets of Dungeons and Dreamers Richard Garriott can't speak with you today, the publicist's e-mail read. The man who created Ultima Online, the first commercially successful online role-playing game, was on the way to the hospital -- having just bashed himself in the head with a two-by-four while working on his medieval castle."
Posted by jason at 01:00 PM
July 12, 2003
Harry Potter and the Childish Adult
[I was sent this. Not sure where it came from, but I find it really interesting. I'm less up tight about HP than I was in the past, mostly due to the efforts of Rochelle, and a couple of books I read ON HP. Anyone know where it comes from?] Harry Potter and the Childish Adult July 7, 2003 By A.S. BYATT LONDON What is the secret of the explosive and worldwide success of the Harry Potter books? Why do they satisfy children and - a much harder question - why do so many adults read them? I think part of the answer to the first question is that they are written from inside a child's-eye view, with a sure instinct for childish psychology. But then how do we answer the second question? Surely one precludes the other. Harry Potter and the Childish Adult July 7, 2003 By A.S. BYATT LONDON What is the secret of the explosive and worldwide success of the Harry Potter books? Why do they satisfy children and - a much harder question - why do so many adults read them? I think part of the answer to the first question is that they are written from inside a child's-eye view, with a sure instinct for childish psychology. But then how do we answer the second question? Surely one precludes the other. The easy question first. Freud described what he called the ""family romance,"" in which a young child, dissatisfied with its ordinary home and parents, invents a fairy tale in which it is secretly of noble origin, and may even be marked out as a hero who is destined to save the world. In J. K. Rowling's books, Harry is the orphaned child of wizards who were murdered trying to save his life. He lives, for unconvincingly explained reasons, with his aunt and uncle, the truly dreadful Dursleys, who represent, I believe, his real ""real"" family, and are depicted with a relentless, gleeful, overdone venom. The Dursleys are his true enemy. When he arrives at wizarding school, he moves into a world where everyone, good and evil, recognizes his importance, and tries either to protect or destroy him. The family romance is a latency-period fantasy, belonging to the drowsy years between 7 and adolescence. In ""Order of the Phoenix,"" Harry, now 15, is meant to be adolescent. He spends a lot of the book becoming excessively angry with his protectors and tormentors alike. He discovers that his late (and ""real"") father was not a perfect magical role model, but someone who went in for fits of nasty playground bullying. He also discovers that his mind is linked to the evil Lord Voldemort, thereby making him responsible in some measure for acts of violence his nemesis commits. In psychoanalytic terms, having projected his childish rage onto the caricature Dursleys, and retained his innocent goodness, Harry now experiences that rage as capable of spilling outward, imperiling his friends. But does this mean Harry is growing up? Not really. The perspective is still child's-eye. There are no insights that reflect someone on the verge of adulthood. Harry's first date with a female wizard is unbelievably limp, filled with an 8-year-old's conversational maneuvers. Auden and Tolkien wrote about the skills of inventing ""secondary worlds."" Ms. Rowling's world is a secondary secondary world, made up of intelligently patchworked derivative motifs from all sorts of children's literature - from the jolly hockey-sticks school story to Roald Dahl, from ""Star Wars"" to Diana Wynne Jones and Susan Cooper. Toni Morrison pointed out that clich�s endure because they represent truths. Derivative narrative clich�s work with children because they are comfortingly recognizable and immediately available to the child's own power of fantasizing. The important thing about this particular secondary world is that it is symbiotic with the real modern world. Magic, in myth and fairy tales, is about contacts with the inhuman - trees and creatures, unseen forces. Most fairy story writers hate and fear machines. Ms. Rowling's wizards shun them and use magic instead, but their world is a caricature of the real world and has trains, hospitals, newspapers and competitive sport. Much of the real evil in the later books is caused by newspaper gossip columnists who make Harry into a dubious celebrity, which is the modern word for the chosen hero. Most of the rest of the evil (apart from Voldemort) is caused by bureaucratic interference in educational affairs. Ms. Rowling's magic world has no place for the numinous. It is written for people whose imaginative lives are confined to TV cartoons, and the exaggerated (more exciting, not threatening) mirror-worlds of soaps, reality TV and celebrity gossip. Its values, and everything in it, are, as Gatsby said of his own world when the light had gone out of his dream, ""only personal."" Nobody is trying to save or destroy anything beyond Harry Potter and his friends and family. So, yes, the attraction for children can be explained by the powerful working of the fantasy of escape and empowerment, combined with the fact that the stories are comfortable, funny, just frightening enough. They comfort against childhood fears as Georgette Heyer once comforted us against the truths of the relations between men and women, her detective stories domesticating and blanket-wrapping death. These are good books of their kind. But why would grown-up men and women become obsessed by jokey latency fantasies? Comfort, I think, is part of the reason. Childhood reading remains potent for most of us. In a recent BBC survey of the top 100 ""best reads,"" more than a quarter were children's books. We like to regress. I know that part of the reason I read Tolkien when I'm ill is that there is an almost total absence of sexuality in his world, which is restful. But in the case of the great children's writers of the recent past, there was a compensating seriousness. There was - and is - a real sense of mystery, powerful forces, dangerous creatures in dark forests. Susan Cooper's teenage wizard discovers his magic powers and discovers simultaneously that he is in a cosmic battle between good and evil forces. Every bush and cloud glitters with secret significance. Alan Garner peoples real landscapes with malign, inhuman elvish beings that hunt humans. Reading writers like these, we feel we are being put back in touch with earlier parts of our culture, when supernatural and inhuman creatures - from whom we thought we learned our sense of good and evil - inhabited a world we did not feel we controlled. If we regress, we regress to a lost sense of significance we mourn for. Ursula K. Le Guin's wizards inhabit an anthropologically coherent world where magic really does act as a force. Ms. Rowling's magic wood has nothing in common with these lost worlds. It is small, and on the school grounds, and dangerous only because she says it is. In this regard, it is magic for our time. Ms. Rowling, I think, speaks to an adult generation that hasn't known, and doesn't care about, mystery. They are inhabitants of urban jungles, not of the real wild. They don't have the skills to tell ersatz magic from the real thing, for as children they daily invested the ersatz with what imagination they had. Similarly, some of Ms. Rowling's adult readers are simply reverting to the child they were when they read the Billy Bunter books, or invested Enid Blyton's pasteboard kids with their own childish desires and hopes. A surprising number of people - including many students of literature - will tell you they haven't really lived in a book since they were children. Sadly, being taught literature often destroys the life of the books. But in the days before dumbing down and cultural studies no one reviewed Enid Blyton or Georgette Heyer - as they do not now review the great Terry Pratchett, whose wit is metaphysical, who creates an energetic and lively secondary world, who has a multifarious genius for strong parody as opposed to derivative manipulation of past motifs, who deals with death with startling originality. Who writes amazing sentences. It is the substitution of celebrity for heroism that has fed this phenomenon. And it is the leveling effect of cultural studies, which are as interested in hype and popularity as they are in literary merit, which they don't really believe exists. It's fine to compare the Bront�s with bodice-rippers. It's become respectable to read and discuss what Roland Barthes called ""consumable"" books. There is nothing wrong with this, but it has little to do with the shiver of awe we feel looking through Keats's ""magic casements, opening on the foam/Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn."" A.S. Byatt is author, most recently, of the novel ""A Whistling Woman."""
Posted by jason at 03:52 PM
July 11, 2003
Blast from last October.
This post from last October is still the most commented post I've made. Even today it was updated... it's about Shii's Song: Strange but it caught some fans. Strange. Eh?"
Posted by jason at 05:56 PM
the Harrow: poetry
I'm just finishing up my tenure as Poetry Editor for The Harrow, ready to pass on the torch and am cleaning up the dozen or so submissions outstanding. The Harrow: Poetry Table of Contents 2003 "
Posted by jason at 09:03 AM
July 10, 2003
Dracula & Anne continued
In case you thought I was crazy for thinking that there's a relationship between Dracula and Anne of Green Gables, look at what's going on at the Charlottetown Centre : I saw this just today, having sent in my LMM conference proposal a couple of days ago."
Posted by jason at 11:58 PM
OCAD: The Ugly Building Story
Yuka noticed some d00ds hanging outside our apartment... on the 10th floor level. Ontario College of Art and Design hasn't been able to articulate any conceptual or theoretical rationale for this structure, aside from what I can only guess is the desire to be 'world crass' and to have uglier buildings than UofT. They win. I give it full marks for desire, but failing grades on ability to express design theory and the Jane Jacob's prize for the most community insensitive structure. But that's just me."
Posted by jason at 09:15 AM
Anne of the Undead
Just sent off a conference proposal to the next Lucy Maud Montgomery shindig in PEI next June called From the Virtual to the Real: The Construction of Landscape in Anne of Green Gables and Dracula . Sometimes you just have to tell things like they are. But the proposal is here for your delectation > It is not difficult to see L.M. Montgomery and Bram Stoker as contemporaries, writing Victorian fiction at the dawn of the 20th century. These two writers also share a common bond that is rarely matched by other writers in any period. What they wrote about was imaginative fiction that would become created in the real world long after they had written their works. Both authors constructed fictional topologies based on real places: Montgomery created Green Gables and the community of Avonlea, and Stoker created Dracula's Castle in Romania's Borgo Pass. Several recent critics (Janice Fiamengo, James De Jonge, Patsy Aspasia Kotsopoulos, et al.) have discussed the process that led to Montgomery's selective reproduction of late-19th-century Prince Edward Island landscape for her fiction. In a forthcoming book chapter about virtual spaces, Benjamin Lefebvre argues that this reinvented landscape becomes a sort of simulacrum (to use Baudrillard's term), free of temporal restraints and therefore suitable for national and international consumption; it is in this way, Lefebvre suggests, that Montgomery's imagined community has proven so easily malleable in adaptations by the Disney Corporation that international tourists have been known to find Sullivan's recreated Avonlea (in Uxbridge, Ontario) more ""authentic"" than the ""real"" geographic space of Prince Edward Island. This thinking also extends to Anne's World, constructed in Hokkaido, Japan in the late 1990s. Stoker's work has yet to receive this kind of scholarly inquiry, but this may change with the interest in the proposed Dracula Theme Park, recently slated for Sighisoara, Romania. Espen Aarseth notes in his discussion of the labyrinth that virtual space predates the development of computers and the Internet by centuries. Both Montgomery and Stoker's works have grown into worlds unto themselves that have expanded beyond the confines of the linear narrative text and that have morphed into labyrinthine worlds that are explored as much as read. And the exploration of these worlds has resulted in pressure from readers for the creation of physical spaces that they can experience firsthand. Despite drawing heavily from her personal experience, Montgomery's work is primarily one of her own imagination. As result of this imaginative text, however, governmental and tourist organizations have had to scramble to (re)create Green Gables and impose Montgomery's vision on already existing topographical features of the area. Stoker, on the other hand, drew from his own imagination and the gothic literary tradition, and worked from published accounts of Transylvannia, such as Emily Gerard's ""Transylvanian Superstitions"" (1885), in the creation of Dracula's castle in the Borgo Pass (Borgo Prund in Romanian), and the Golden Crone hotel at Bistritza (Bistrita). He went so far as to invent foods such as robber steak, all of which are ficticious constructions. The hotel now exists in downtown Bistrita, as does robber steak. And what was the dirt forest track through the Borgo Prund has been transformed over the past 25 years into a major highway leading up to the Castle Dracula Hotel. Furthermore, this forested area is now a blossoming community of farmers and cottagers, complete with church and nunnery. In both cases, the author's imagination has returned to haunt, cryptically as Derrida conceptualizes it, the landscapes what were in themselves the inspiration for the fiction. This paper will explore how these two authors' adapted existing landscapes into imaginary fictional constructs, and how the popularity of these fictions, in turn, resulted in real places being transformed to conform with the fiction. References Aarseth, Espen. (1997) Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Baltimore: John Hopkins. Baudrillard, Jean (1988) ""Simulacra and Simulations."" In Selected Writings. Mark Poster, ed. Stanford: Stanford. Pp. 166-184. Castricano, Jodey (2001) Cryptomimesis: The Gothic and Jacques Derrida's Ghost Writing. Montreal: McGill De Jonge, James (2002 )""Through the Eyes of Memory: L.M. Montgomery's Cavendish."" Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture. Ed. Irene Gammel. Toronto: U of Toronto P. Pp. 252-67. Fiamengo, Janice (2002) ""Toward a Theory of the Popular Landscape in Anne of Green Gables."" Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture. Ed. Irene Gammel. Toronto: U of Toronto P. Pp. 225-37. Foucault, Michel. (1980) ""Questions on Geography."" In Power/Knowledge. Colin Gordon, ed. New York: Pantheon. Pp. 63-77 Gerard, Emily. (1885) ""Transylvanian Superstitions"" Kotsopoulos, Patsy Aspasia (2002) ""Avonlea as Main Street USA? Genre, Adaptation, and the Making of a Borderless Romance."" Essays on Canadian Writing 76:170-94. Lefebvre, Benjamin. (Forthcoming) ""Virtual Avonlea."" In The International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments. Joel Weiss, Jason Nolan, Peter Trifonas eds. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Montgomery, Lucy Maud (1992) Anne of Green Gables . Toronto: McClelland. Orig. Boston: Page, 1908. Miller, Elizabeth (2000) Dracula: Sense and Nonsense. Wescliff-on-sea: Desert Island Books. Nolan, J., Lawrence, J. & Kajihara, Y. (1999). �Montgomery�s Island in the Net: Metaphor and Community on the Kindred Spirits E-mail List."" Canadian Children's Literature. 91, 24:3-4. Nolan, J. (2002). �Text as Horror: Cryptomimesis: The Gothic and Jacques Derrida�s Ghost Writing.� Journal of Dracula Studies. No. 4. Rubio, Mary, and Elizabeth Waterston. (1985) The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery: Volume I: 1889-1910 . Toronto: Oxford. Rubio, Mary, and Elizabeth Waterston. (1987) The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery: Volume II: 1910-1921 . Toronto: Oxford. Stoker, Bram. (1998) Dracula Unearthed. Annotated and Edited by Clive Leatherdale. Wescliff-on-sea: Desert Island Books. Zizek, Slavoj (1997) The Plauge of Fantasies. London: Verso."
Posted by jason at 08:09 AM
July 08, 2003
In honour of my birthday, I give you a picture of mom... who is kayaking in georgan bay somewhere... and my niece. "
Posted by jason at 10:02 PM
July 07, 2003
The best of all possible days. Happy birthday to me! Spending the day getting into the major summer workload... that is figuring out how many book chapters and papers and conference proposals I have to write between now and September. That should take all day to do that and work out a plan. Actually a great way to start a new year... figuring out what to do with the first big chunk of it.
Posted by jason at 10:05 AM
July 05, 2003
Rochelle and the Mac Family... and Saturday Dinner
I forgot to post this last week when Rochelle was in town. This tableau contains Yuka's iMac, my G4, and Rochelle's new and old ibooks. There are 3 old ibooks offscreen, but the composition looked so natural (it was) that we didn't want to overload it. Panda's not participating, and in the foreground is Yasuyuki's book ""Let's Start: Internet English Sites"" he sent me. She was back yesterday for a comedy of errors, of which she was but an innocent. Due to a communication error, I got word from Yuka, that Rochelle's old iBook was fixed, and that she could take the bus in from Guelph to pick it up. And that her iPod was ready. So she hopped on the bus. Then I found out that her iBook had NOT been fixed, and that it needed a new logic board and CD-rom. Too late to call Rochelle and warn her... the bus had left the station. [time passes] Rochelle takes the news, on her arrival, in stride, and we waltz up to get the iPod, cool thing that it is. When we get to the UofT computer store , Joe the repair d00d, tells us that he, and or his assistant, has fixed it, and it doesn't need anything. So we get to wait around for an hour while he installs a new OS and all the firmware updates... and we wend our way home. Oh, I noticed just now that I DID upload this image, or one close. Too bad. It is worth seeing again."
Posted by jason at 12:17 PM
July 04, 2003
Blogs have First Ammendment Rights... in the US
I got this from Chika (in Japanese), via Yuka (in Japanese). Chika's somehow related to Joi Ito's Neotony crew, btw. Free-er Speech on the Net ""How comparable is content posted to the Internet to content published in, say, a newspaper? Not comparable at all, a federal court decided last week, and the ruling may have broad implications for many people who post content to the Web, including Web loggers (bloggers), and participants in collaborative communication forums. "" The full text of the legal decision is available as a pdf "
Posted by jason at 10:47 AM
July 02, 2003
Japan: Gaiax trademarks BLOG
Joi Ito notes that a Japanese company is trying to trademark the word blog, in Japan. Scary. Though he notes that stranger things have happened, even if this doesn't float."
Posted by jason at 11:59 PM
Still here...
I'd mentioned to some folks that I might drop off the face of the earth July 1, if I didn't have an academic job. Well, I still don't have full time work, but I do have *just* enough teaching for next year to keep my finger in the pie. I just wonder why I bother at all... though I have my enthusiasm back in full swing, and am working away on various and sundry projects."
Posted by jason at 11:50 PM
June 29, 2003
I'm starting to contribute to my other blog, pollenation , that I share with Salmon. It has been quiet since January, but there are some things I need to do with it for the handbook, so it is time to play. If you know about Jeff Noon, you might find it interesting. If not... well, you might find the blog ZeroCostComputing interesting. I share that one with Jasjit and Julia Dicum for discussing issues pertaining to... well, ZeroCostComputing and Appropriate Digital Technology. The three Js are meeting for brunch on monday to discuss a publication we're planning relating to it. Oh, ya. And I saw the Matrix on an Imax screen. Very pretty. Pretty vacant. Should blog on it."
Posted by jason at 06:35 PM
June 28, 2003
Jr Panic Time Today.
Rochelle dropped by today, and we (Yuka and I) accompanied her to the UofT bookstore to pick up her iPod and old laptop. Both weren't available, but there was an art opening going on in the computer department. Many of the staff were showing their work. Juice and cheese was served. After that, we three wended our way through Kensington Market, doing some shopping, and stopping by the Moonbeam Cafe. Fun times. While we relaxed back at our place, we were fiddling with computers, and I said, ""Hey, lets pop my spare wireless networking card into your brand new iBook, so you can go online."" And I did. And pop! Her trackpad was dead. She laughed nerviously. That is Rochelle. I freaked quietly. Tried everything, and finally decided to lend her one of my old iBooks while her new one went back into the shop. Obviously some serious problem that wasn't my fault. Though I felt like it was my fault. Well, it was. So I tried one more thing... while everyone watched nerviously. I popped off the cover for the memory slot, and found that the trackpad fastener hadn't been closed properly. Probably when new ram was inserted when Rochelle bought the computer. It was installed at the store. I quickly fastened it down, rebooted, and prayed. Bingo! All was fixed and running. And Rochelle ran off to catch her ride home to Guelph. And I collapsed in to a heap of pigeon droppings."
Posted by jason at 06:04 PM
June 27, 2003
iChat AV
rochelle , Ben , Larry and I have been playing with the new iChat AV beta from Apple. Aside from the normal text message, it allows for voice over internet to whomever you're chatting with. The quality is amazing. No special microphones. Just talk to your computer. Much better than anything I've ever tried aside from the $16k polycom unit at KMDI that I use sometimes. I don't have the video camera to go with it, but perhaps I will get one as soon as I have the funds."
Posted by jason at 05:44 PM
June 26, 2003
Here are a couple of photographs of wonderful Toronto that Yuka and I have taken over the past week or so... Mostly from the Toronto Islands... Kayaking , blossoms , the ugly building going up across the road at OCAD . And some family shots. The BenCam , and Rochelle and Jason's Apple Computer menagerie ."
Posted by jason at 10:01 AM
June 25, 2003
Stoned for SARS
Roll in the Stones-The Globe and Mail The Rolling Stones are coming to Toronto as part of an $11.5-million, eight-hour rock extravaganza meant to shake the city free of its SARS-tainted international image."
Posted by jason at 08:20 AM
June 23, 2003
Just added Cosmo's journal to the blogroll on the left. Cos' has been with me working on online stuff since the mid-90s."
Posted by jason at 05:57 PM
June 22, 2003
Drive By...
Was out in a cafe on queen street, doing some re-writing/editing. The place is a zoo (not that zoo. pictures coming of today...) because of the Much Music Video/Music Awards . A nice zoo... queen street is closed and people are milling about. Anyway, people in the cafe jumped up and ran off, so I looked outside. Avril Lavigne drove by in an electic blue 1960s stretch something. She was driving, so I guess she's old enough to now. As I walked home, Our Lady Peace were singing their hearts out for the crowd, but that's all I heard."
Posted by jason at 10:25 PM
Spend yesterday editing, and cleaning the balcony to its summer glory, and folding laundry. Also found a bug in Moveabletype that I'm working through with Gary. Oh, and finished moving Yuka and Ben's web sites to new servers. Yuka's going to get her own English language blog finally. This morning, it is time to go to the Toronto ZOOOOOOO with Yuka."
Posted by jason at 09:36 AM
June 19, 2003
re-membering the future - an improvisational dance event A performance by my buddy Ken Emig, for any of you in the Ottawa area. Do you remember the future? Four on the Floor Dance presents: re-membering the future - an improvisational dance event Dance Network 111a Rideau Street, 3rd Floor Ottawa, Ontario Friday, June 20, Saturday, June 21, and Sunday, June 22 at 8:00 pm For tickets and further show information call 613-237-0790 Ottawa (June 11, 2003) ? Do you remember the future? Are you surprised when you do? This is not a self-help course for the absent-minded. This is an exploration. Ottawa?s Four on the Floor Dance has been investigating dance improvisation for over 5 years. They use a multi-disciplinary approach to their work including dance, sport, theatre and visual arts. The performance, ?re-membering the future?, explores the notion that events that happen to us often have their roots in the past. To ?re-member? is to put together the details of the future as they happen ? something that lies at the heart of improvisational performance. The performers challenge is to recognize recurrences as they happen, in the moment, and to do more than simply repeat them, or let them pass us by unnoticed. These fleeting images are woven together to forge a physical expression of ideas and emotions. ?The goal for the group over this research period has been to notice our own patterns, habits, and preferences, and to build upon them to create more complete versions of who we are, alone and in relation to others,? says artistic director Peter Ryan. ?Re-membering the future?, an improvisational dance event featuring solo and trio works will take place at Dance Network Studios on Rideau Street from Friday, June 20th through Sunday, June 22nd at 8:00 pm each evening. Four on the Floor is Julie Cezer, Kenneth Emig, Elizabeth MacKinnon, under the direction of Peter Ryan. For more information contact: Kenneth Emig telephone: (613) 231-2238 e-mail: kengela@cyberus.ca -30-"
Posted by jason at 09:38 PM
Let's Start: Internet English Site
Suzuki Yasuyuki just sent me a wonderful copy of his book Let's Start: Internet English Sites on how to view English web sites, the book talks about how to look at information, unpack design issues, and how to function online in English spaces. I helped him on a book he's developing on the topic of blogging. Thanks Yasuyuki!"
Posted by jason at 11:37 AM
The Influence of ASCII on the Construction of Internet-based Knowledge.
Just finished the final final revisions of ""The Influence of ASCII on the Construction of Internet-based Knowledge."" (.doc file) for Jim Hewitt's forthcoming book OISE-UT Paper in Technology Education Dave Goulden provided his usual wisdom and insight and helped me correct some stuff that I'd not really made clear enough."
Posted by jason at 10:39 AM
June 18, 2003
Fun... wow! Deleting Blogs!
I just deleted all the blogs, with minor exceptions, from Roger's fall class, and my KMD1000 class. I left anything on that had been updated since April 2003 though. Nuking 60 odd accounts/blogs seems strange, but I want to keep things clean, and I just added about 20 blogs for Gary's class at Nodak. Sigh... cleaning up is so hard to do. I also took the BBQ apart today and cleaned off all the rust and re-assembled it, vacuumed the balcony, and I should get 3 loads of laundry done. So, even if I nuked your account, the content is still there, and I can rebuild the account and you can continue. Email me if you want access to your blog back. If the directory is gone, ie you can't view it. Then it is gone."
Posted by jason at 02:15 PM
Summer Jobs
Missed the opportunity for a nice summer job, by one day, with Adult Ed @ OISE. Hmmmm.... going to be a quiet summer, which may in itself be good."
Posted by jason at 01:19 PM
June 16, 2003
Snap'n Drag
I just downloaded Snap'n Drag: Snap'nDrag for MacOS X - Screen Capture Made Easy . Screen capture is when you take a picture of your screen. It is very necessary when showing web designers what their content looks like on your computer. Or for anyone for that matter who says, ""Well, it looks ok on MY screen."" But Apple's OS X does not do as good a job of screen capture than older versions did, because it saves the captures as PDF files, not gifs of JPGs. This tool should help."
Posted by jason at 07:47 AM
From Explorer to Safari...
jimmygrewal.com tells us that Jimmy is leaving his work at Microsoft, and that MS will no longer be developing Internet Explorer for Apple. We will all be expected to use Safari now. That's a goood thing for me, because I like Safari. But who is Jimmy? Things I need to know. According to the article linked to from Jimmy's page, Microsoft will not be making any new standalone versions of IE for Windows computers either. It will be integrated with the operating system. Isn't that what they got sued for a long time ago?"
Posted by jason at 07:41 AM
June 15, 2003
Disaster Pizza
Ben and Simsim were over for Za last night. Ben's sporting his new digitial camera and Kensington computer case. I'd been out sport climbing with Iain, someone I knew from my grad days at York, and now my body was about to collapse into whatever it is that it collapses into after climbing for the first time in 6 months. Couple of bottles of real Rose, pictures of our holidays, munchies, et al. and then a break to put the pizza together. Chat chat, flaten the dough, chat chat, make up the sauce and spread it, chat chat, topings on, chat chat... ""Oh, shit. forgot the cheese!"". Panic ensued. Everything I know about pizza says cheese goes after the sauce. Otherwise the combination will just not come together, the cheese locking in the moisture. Result, soggy pizza. Moan. But pretty good soggy pizza."
Posted by jason at 09:37 AM
June 10, 2003
Conference Picture Gallery
I just put up 20 odd pictures of the members of the Dracula Conference, in Sighisoara Romania. Some good ones of Yuka and Elizabeth Miller, et al. (click on the picture)"
Posted by jason at 02:34 PM
June 07, 2003
Vampire Conference Crew...
Yuka just got this piscutre developed. It is the final dinner, and about 1/2 the presenters are there. And some others. "
Posted by jason at 07:54 PM
June 06, 2003
Influence of ASCII
I just finished a the *final* draft chapter for the forthcoming book OISE-UT Paper in Technology Education called ""The Influence of ASCII on the Construction of Internet-based Knowledge."" If anyone wants to read it and provide any comments, that would be great."
Posted by jason at 02:10 PM
June 05, 2003
Me in the Dracula theme park.
I just got sent a picture of me taken while we were touring the massive plateau outside of Sighisoara, Romania where the Dracula theme park was to go. There are hundreds of century old oaks. I'll find some colour pictures."
Posted by jason at 08:27 AM
June 04, 2003
Harrow Anthology...
I'm art editor for The Harrow: Anthology : Fear of the Unknown. Anyone want to contribute art or fiction?"
Posted by jason at 08:25 PM
Updating MT on the server.
Just a warning to anyone whose blog I'm hosting. I wouldn't update your blog for the next couple of days. I'm still updating the software and the server, and I may have to restore from backups if something goes wrong. Actually, you can update the blogs, but keep a backup of your blog on your server, using the 'export' function. I'll let you know when I'm done."
Posted by jason at 11:55 AM
Panda Movies
Here are four short (15 second) panda movies that I took at the Vienna Zoo:1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . I took them with my digital camera, so that they're not that good. But that they exist is important enough. They're about 4 megs each, and they're in .mov format. [The pandas are YangYang (Sunshine) and LongHui (DragonSign), though they have Viennese names as well , I think.]"
Posted by jason at 08:53 AM
June 03, 2003
Clive Leatherdale
Going to meet Clive Leatherdale tonight at Elizabeth Miller 's house. Clive publishes not only Elizabeth at Desert Island Books , but his own work. I've got Dracula Unearthed which is a great annotated edition. He's also reprinted a lot of Stoker's lesser known works, and a bit of 18th C Vampire research. Gonna get my copy autographed..."
Posted by jason at 06:20 AM
Changes to Edublog's Blogs
Hey hey... if you have a blog on the edublog.com or jasonnolan.net servers, there are changes afoot. First, I successfully repartitioned the hard drives and reinstalled the contents from backup. This has been a problem for a year, as the server only has a 6 gig drive, which came to me partitioned, and I had no time to fix it back then. That caused lots of problems for updating the OS and keeping it working smoothly. But I waited until the end of the year, so that if things went wrong, not too many students would be discomfited. Next I am going to update MoveableType to the current version, which I know Roger's been waiting for, and I'll attach it to a MySQL database, which will make managing it that much easier. I hope. Finally I'm going to try and move Project Achieve and all the stuff on the achieve sevrver over to Edublog, so I have everything on one easy to maintain computer. The old edublog hardware is a bit hard to update and maintain, versus Edublog, which is an old iMac. If that works, I have no idea what to do with the Achieve server. It is only an old Pentium II/350, but it has 512 megs of ram and 36gigs of SCSI drives. Great for highspeed internet storage."
Posted by jason at 06:14 AM
Thoughts on the Dracula Conference...
This is the tough part... trying to encapsulate an entire week into a post. Of course I can't, but that won't stop me from doing something similar. The conference: This was a strange fish. The conference that is. It was hosted by the Transylvanian Society of Dracula (TSD), of which Yuka and I are now members. This is a global organization based in Romania. Many members are Romanian academics in the fields of botany, physics, history and folklore. I hope I can give some info on them in another post. Visitors from abroad included members from Germany, Scotland, England, America, and Canada. The anticipated Japanese participant withdrew for fear of SARS. He was worried that being Asian, people might think he was spreading it. But his paper was read on his behalf. The conference itself was held in beautiful chambers in the Sighisoara town hall, one of the more august buildings in the citadel. The mayor opened the proceedings, and hosted us in a reception. The building is lovely, even more so for having a bar, nightclub and cybercafe in the basement at one side. And inside it looked like the most obvious hold over from the socialist era, down to the guards and the funky canteen. The meeting room itself was wonderful, and a bit over the top for a conference, but we lived up to it. More than half the presentations were from the Romanians, and thus had to be translated into English for us. Most of this fell to Nicholae Padararu, our host, conference organizer, president of the organization and all around d00d. More on him later, but imagine that he's was the first to organize tours on both Count Dracula and Vlad 'Dracula' Tepesh in the 60s. Here's a list of the papers and authors, in the order they should have, but didn't occur. Just reading them will get you a sense of the diversity of the participants. The papers will be published in Romanian and English this year. Assume that the Romanian sounding names are from Romania: - Prof Elizabeth Miller: Setting the Record Straight: Bram Stoker, Dracula and Transylvania. - Prof. Silviu Angelescu, Institute of History of Arts: ""Fear of the malefic supernatural: the meaning of the vampire/strigoi."" - Prof. Mashimo Atsushi, Univ. Ritsumeikan, Japan: Oni in Japanese folklore and Literature. - Alan Murdie, chairman of the Ghost Club, England: Scared to Death: the power of fear to injure and kill. [Alan's a lawyer, and conducts tours of the haunted Cambridge.] - Dr. Lokke Heiss, USA: ""Extensive research into Emily Gerard, author of Land Beyond the Forest."" [Gerard lived in Romania and was one of the sources Stoker used. Little else is known about her, except by Lokke. We visited the city library in Sibiu, where she lived, and Lokke showed the librarian there her work on the shelf, and they didn't know it had anything to do with Romania. He's sending his paper.] - Dr. Jason Nolan, Canada: Unearthing Early Vampire Stories in England: Fragments from De Nugis Curralium and Historia Rerum Anglicarum. [I got some very useful feedback from some of the members which will save me a lot of work in the future.] - Alexandru Surdu, Romanian National Academy: ""The Philosophic Approach to Fear."" - Dr. Mark Bendecke, Germany: ""Is the death-penalty something that induces fear? - with references to what happens in the fear-struck brain"" [Mark runs the German arm of the TSD, and is a Forensic Biologist. Most of his work was on how the human body decomposes, with a side bar on the medical aspects of impaling, with pictures!!!] - Sorin Comorosan, Romanian National Academy: ""The Deep Roots of Fear Derived from Mathematical Models"" and ""The Sublimation of Fear in Literature"" [Sorin is a retired Physicist who was a fellow at Berkeley. He was probably the hit of the conference. This man should have his own talk show.] - Gabriela Rusu-Pasarin, University of Craiova: ""Estrangement and its dominance by Aesthetics"" - Professor Victoria Amador, Scotland/USA: ""Fear of the Crone: American Actresses of a Certain Age"" - Dr Silvia Chitimia, Institute of Ethnography and Folklore: ""A Disturbing Hypothesis Regarding the Role of the Strigoi/Vampire"" - Prof. Dr. Constantin Balaceanu-Stolinici, Romanian National Academy: ""Fear, Anthropologically Speaking"" [Constantin is the last authenticated living relative of Vlad Tepesh. And he's a retired neurologist] - Prof. Dr. Constantin Rezachevici, Institute of History: ""Fear in the Medieval Ages."" - Prof. Dr. Marioara Godeanu, Director of the Institute of Applied Ecology, Romania: ""The Sentiment of Fear with Plants."" [This was an insane and wonderful study on the science of plant screams.] - Bogdan Popa (Doctoral Candidate), Romanian-German Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies: ""The Vampire in the German Press of the 18th Century"" - Dr Massimo Introvigne, Director of the Centre for the Study of New Religion, Torino, Italy ""Dracula, Go Home! The International Crusade Against Horror Comics, 1945-1955"" [Massimo has 10,000 vampire comics, among other things.]"
Posted by jason at 06:05 AM
June 01, 2003
Pandas part one
And here are the first of the panda shots. No text yet. Having trouble uploading them. Will add commentary soon. [The pandas are YangYang (Sunshine) and LongHui (DragonSign), though they have Viennese names as well , I think.]"
Posted by jason at 08:53 PM
Romania part one...
Here's 30 pictures, slightly annotated from Sighisoara, Romania , where the conference was. These are just shots from around town, without any cropping or touching up, so they're a bit hazy. Click on them for full size. Will have the first of the panda shots up today as well. Making pizza tonight, and bottling some wine, just to prove I'm home."
Posted by jason at 03:49 PM
May 31, 2003
What comes next...
After a 9 hour flight from Vienna to Toronto, what can possibly come next? How about a one hour plus wait for our baggage? O' Canada. From European efficiency to Canadian whatever you call it. As Yuka rightly points out, better than being on Romanian time... slightly. But we arrived alive. No thanks again to Air Canada. We were bounced through over 5 phone numbers when we tried to confirm our reservations. And the number that we'd been given, for Austrian Airlines, who was actually flying the plane, politely told us that they had no reservation information for Air Canada flights. Oh, and that we couldn't book our seats in advance. No one could. So when we got to the airport, we were told that all seats had been pre-booked, except for the last two at the back of the plane. Of course others in the lineup to get on the plane told us that they were able to book their seats in advance. I guess I should give up and just stop complaining... I'm home, and that's where the laundry is."
Posted by jason at 11:28 PM
May 28, 2003
Last call
Yuka and I spent two days with the pandas. Nothing more needs to be said. Two more days with vienna, and back to the local zoo. Everything else is bright and shiny!"
Posted by jason at 11:19 AM
May 22, 2003
Everyone's Gone
Just Yuka and I left. The last of the conference folks left this morning. Yuka and I have 2 more days here before the midnight train to vienna. I think it is the orient express. Wrote some long entries on my puter, but no way to upload them. They'll have to wait. Had dinner in Vlad Dracul's house last night. We were shown about the rooms where his son Vlad Tepesh was perhaps born in. He was born in one of them. Many frescos have been found under the centuries of whitewash. The ones over our dining table were wonderful. Got pictures of them. Spent the morning exploring the shops, the top of the citadel with the old church and the sprawling cemetary. Found many back paths down the hill to the village below. Mostly used by cows and sheep it seems. And kids. Got pleasantly lost in the mazes of paths and streets. I feel like this is the wrong century. So not like any city I've ever been to. Missing friends, but not missing home."
Posted by jason at 09:53 AM
May 21, 2003
Reuters gets it right... not.
Reuters has an article on the Transylvanian Society of Dracula conference. Though rife with errors, it does mention Lokke Heiss and Alan Murdie. But it does say something about us. Seriously, it is all mostly wrong about dracula, but it is interesting nonetheless."
Posted by jason at 12:25 PM
May 20, 2003
Bored on the Borgo Pass
Not! I'd heard that the Borgo Pass (the fictional home of Count Dracula) was somewhat bland and not the sublime locale described by stoker. It is. One of the most wonderful views and drives I've seen. Though true, it is not sublime in the manner that Stoker describes it, it is wonderful nonetheless. The Hotel Castle Dracula, built less than 30 years ago, was the first building in the area with electricity and water, and I don't think that the road was paved either. Now the land is full of farms and cottages. Imagine this. Borgo was written into existence by an author who had never seen it. Then through the influence of the fans of his fiction, it now exists as a thriving community... and aside from the hotel itself, not related to the world of the Count or Stoker at all... Text is a powerful medium to create concrete reality."
Posted by jason at 10:22 AM
May 19, 2003
Off to the Borgo Pass
Yuka, Elizabeth, Lokke and Reuters and the film crew are off to the borgo pass today. Lunch in Bistritsa, where Johnathan Harker stayed... having the same meal he did, then off into the mountains to the Dracula Castle hotel. That is, we're only visiting a fictional place of a Victorian mind. And I some how find that the real Romania is much more interesting. Well, the real Dracula is more interesting than the fictional one as well, but when you stir both together, it is a potent mix."
Posted by jason at 03:16 AM
May 18, 2003
Conference Over
We found a house that we'd like to buy as the TSD's research centre. Only $15k USD. It is part of the same block as Vlad Tepesh's (Dracula) house, opposite the Sighisoara Hotel. Anyone have any change? Then we went for a tour of the place they were going to put the Dracula THeme park. Wow. It is a massive field at the top of a hill covered with hundreds of oak trees, many 400-500 years old. Luckily this is not going to happen. Yes, I have pictures of it all. And I finally have a faster ethernet connection. Thanks to the hotel. I'm behind the desk, typing away. Luckily it is quiet, so I am not too much of an imposition. We're off tomorrow for a 2 day trip of the fictional Dracula sites (i.e. the vampire), but will be back in Sighisoara for two more days before going to vienna. I have many many wonderful pictures. Pity that I can't share them yet. J PS: Yes, yuka is tired of all this conference stuff, and is happy that we will be able to get more tourist stuff done. Oh, and I have pictures of the Hollywood film crew to post, in case they make me look funny in their documentary."
Posted by jason at 11:23 AM
May 17, 2003
Still in sighisoara
Internet in the town has been down for 2 days, so I`am checking email, but not getting through more than deleting junkmail. Had excellent presentations on the biology of impailing, and the mathematical models of fear, among others. One presentation by the sole living relative of Vlad Dracula was wonderful. He`s a neurologist, and talked on how the brain deals with fear. One more day of the conference before we head off on a tour of romania. Got interviewed by Finnish TV and a film crew from hollywood working on a DVD for the upcoming movie Van Helsing.... Millions of great pictures when I can get a more stable connection... Hope everyone`s having fun."
Posted by jason at 06:01 PM
May 15, 2003
Greetings from Cafe Dracula
Hello all! I'm sitting in the cybercafe ""Cafe Dracula"" in Vlad Tepesh's home town of Sigishoara, Romania! Two days of the conference have passed, and this is the first opportunity for me to get online. This will be a short post, as I got something in my right eye on the train in from Budapest, and my vision is blurry, and the screen is not that good here, ,so it is hard to see what I'm typing. Thank god there's no romanian keyboard here, so I can type without too much trouble. Got into Frankfurt and met up with Elizabeth Miller (Barroness of the house of dracula) and flew on to Budapest and caught the 8 hour train to Sighisoara (I'll correct spelling later). and got into the hotel in the old medieval part of town, 30m from Dracula's birth place. I've got tonnes of amazing pictures, but they'll have to wait until I figure out if they'll let me plug in my computer here. On the train in, I couldn't believe Romania. Looks like a lost war was fought here. Dozens of burned out factories along the way. Amazing but depressing. The farms are the most wonderful. Everyone is in the fields working. Mostly by hand. Imaging seeing people farming, plowing fields with horse drawn plows! More horses on the roads than cars. The town of Sighisoara is a dream. I can see why UNESCO has named it a world heritige site. It is a place that should be preserved for future generations. It is untouched by tourism, yet is totally welcoming of visitors. Most of the conference is going on in Romanian, with simultaneous trranslation, which is particularly exciting. Lots of information from local Ethnographers. I've never been to a conference this small, mostly about a dozen folks at each presentation, but the quality of the presentations is right up there, and the questions are excellent. After the lectures today we went out for a visit to a fortified Church in a local village. And some young woman was found who could open the church and show us around. I've been to big and famous medieval churches, but nothing like this. It is just the local village church in the middle of a small village. Everything looks like it is out of some fantasy story. More goats in the streets and kids everywhere. There are so many young people around. I guess the G7 notion that chinldren are a major expense doesn't fit here. Children are working in the fields, playing about, and helping out all the old folks. It really feels like an organic existence, especially when you realize how connected they are. Everyone's dressed overly western, interms of fashion and all that. So you don't feel that you're in a back water in terms of culture and information, but that life is more simple and relaxed without being isolated. Strange, now. There is a small audience looking over my shoulder and poking about in the Cyber Cafe. It seems that I'm worthy of viewing. I guess it is my lack of being local. The folks here are not what I was expecting, much more dark and Roma influenced, I'd guess. But I don't understand how the local cultural et al works, so forgive my generalizations. Romania is now, or soon to be a member of NATO, but I feel like I'm in Transylvannia, whcih I am, the land beyond the forest. A land out of time... well wired, but content to be itself. So much to learn. Oh, and I just heard from Cal, the GM of the Toronto Zoo, to tell me that we will have the opportunity to meet up with the people handling the Pandas at the Vienna Zoo. Yuka will be thrilled to the nines. And I just can't wait. Thouugh of course I'm in no rush to leave this beautiful place. And I have a paper to worry about reading tomorrow. Fun Central!"
Posted by jason at 03:34 PM
May 09, 2003
Panda panda panda!
Tiergarten Sch�nbrunn in Vienna has pandas! Yuka is bouncing about with joy. I'm just contacting Cal, the GM of the Toronto Zoo, in the hopes of getting us a letter of introduction. I'm still on the Educational Advisory Committe of the Toronto Zoo. We're interested in getting pandas some day, and I'm really interested in how the Vienese are taking up the learning issues around these strange beasts."
Posted by jason at 03:17 PM
Blogs and Weblogs: Opportunities and Conceptual Firewalls
Just finished my presentation on Blogs at the Nexus conference at UofT. Small group, but very enjoyable. Here's the PowerPoint slides of the presentation, if anyone's interested. I said I'd put it up for the folks who came to listen, as we were a bit rushed for time, and I didn't leave the opportunity for folks to write down some of the URLs."
Posted by jason at 03:15 PM
May 08, 2003
A world crammed into a few daze.
I just have to blog. Just to make sure that i'm still here and haven't gotten caught in a tapeloop of some sort. On Tuesday was the last day of the Project Achieve and Triangle month long virtual reality workshop on gender and identity for queer youth. It was co-sponsored by the KMDI and OISE/UT . It was wonderful. The kids were wonderful. Patty and Jim, their teachers were wonderful. The guys at the OISE Education Commons were wonderful. When their virtual sites are done, I'll post a link, but anyone can visit Project Achieve any time they want and look around. Now I have just rush rush time. Finishing marking 12 grad papers. Preparing for the Nexus Conference, finishing a book chapter for Jim Hewitt, and getting ourselves ready for Romania et al. on Monday. Fun? Wow! I'm just going to be happy to be out of town and relaxing for a moment. So, that's where I am. You?"
Posted by jason at 07:34 AM
May 05, 2003
PizzaVille: Freedom from the ZaMan...
Anyone who's been over to my house knows that guests get two food options. Options in terms of choices I make before people get invited. Either is it BBQ weirdness, usually in the form of wild boar and assorted veggies, or it is pizza. The boar's been harder to get, and since I'm sliding a bit more vegitarian these days, it is less of a motivation, though it is probaby the bestest stuff... Then the za. I've been making pizza for at least 5 years, maybe more. And I'm confident enough to say that I'm pretty good. At least better than any pizza available in Toronto that I know about. If you know better, I wanna go and eat it. The big thing these days is goatcheese cheddar and eggplant, along with the usual (when available) mixed peppers, asparagus, green onions, watercress, all on a bed of pesto, olive paste, and sundried tomato paste, in varrying amounts. Up until recently, I bought frozen organic dough from one of the two healthfood stores, one on baldwin and the other on Augusta, at $3 a unit. With the decline in my employment, I switched to the great bread store in Kensington market. And that's where the problem started. Had a couple over for dinner, and needed some dough... Three would be enough. There was only one. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Bought it. Ran to the healthfood store. Their frozen dough was 6 months past its due date. Bought two wizzened bits of yeast. Moan. Then I got this idea. I could make dough! For a while dave used to make dough for me. He's a master cool stuff baker, and the one whose skills with the tools of the trade kept us brewing good beer. But dave moved to England. End of story. So I went to pizza therapy and checked out their dough stuff. Checked the cupboards, and lo! Dave had left me with an unopened yeast container... when he moved a year ago. I'd never touched it. I performed all the ritual magic of making dough, running back and forth to the computer. Yes, it is on a wireless network and is portable, but I was wise enough to keep it away from the flying flower and water... it still works. And at the end of 2 hours I had two units of dough. The frozen dough from the healthfood store had melted into a grey sludge. So I had no choice but to use my twin seething masses of fermenting monstrosity. And the rest, they say, was just making the 'za. Nicely enough, no one could tell which of the three pizzas was using store bought dough... that one good one that I'd bought. Now I have a new calling... pizza completely from scratch.... we have the technology."
Posted by jason at 07:20 AM
May 02, 2003
Booked in for Vienna
Just got the picture of the apartment yuka and I have rented for the last week of our trip. Apartment Lise: My sympathies to our house sitter."
Posted by jason at 07:27 PM
April 30, 2003
Free Trips to Toronto
Got this from Rannie on the GTA Bloggers List: Jetsgo - Online Booking is giving free seats to Toronto each weekend, from Ottawa, New York, and Montreal."
Posted by jason at 04:13 PM
Blogging Presentation
May 9th I'm presenting on Blogs and Conceptual Firewalls at the Nexus Conference at UofT. If anyone's signed up for that conference, drop by to say hi! Blogs and Weblogs: opportunities and conceptual firewalls The tools that we create to communicate limit what can be said as well as offer new opportunities for expression. Information technology developers who seek create multilingual tools suffer under the often unconscious burden of the inherent cultural and language bias inherent in the Internet. As a result, many of the technologies we create to facilitate communication reproduce cultural norms, rather than challenge them. Considering the example of the newly emerging technologies surrounding weblogs (blogs) this presentation will outline the scope of the problem, and conceptual frameworks for challenging the hidden barriers to developing learning tools."
Posted by jason at 02:21 PM
Sars Update
In case you've not heard. Toronto's SARS ban was lifted by the WHO yesterday. This is because a bunch of government types when to Geneva and complained. You can imagine how problematic this is. On all sides.
Posted by jason at 07:55 AM
April 29, 2003
"we tune in to the news media, (b)"
[Barry said that I could post this. If you don't know Barry Wellman , for shame. Barry's the ranking d00d on Internet sociology, publisher of the major studies, editor of the major works (like Internet in Everyday Life), consultant to the sultans, yada yada. And an all around learning experience all packed into a single office at the corner of Spadina and College streets. He originally wrote this for the AoIR exec, because we're holding the AoIR conference here in the fall. Thought you might like a sober view of the situation.] The SARS Situation in Toronto [Updated and Edited] Barry Wellman, Tuesday, April 29, 2003 PREFACE In the past few days, Bev Wellman and I have dined out in some lovely restaurants, walked the streets in a nice spring day, and went shopping in some normally crowded areas. In short: life as usual. We would not know that there is a SARS epidemic in Toronto except if (a)"
Posted by jason at 07:27 AM
April 26, 2003
Anyone want a scanner? Trade for Beer
I just noticed that I have a scanner in the closet. It is a Microtek Slimscan C3. USB scanner. Not often used. Will trade for beer. It does NOT work with OSX, but works with many/most other operating systems. Check out their web site for a list of compatabilties. And I won't ship it. So, if you're not local, or wanting to pay shipping, no go. It is in original packaging. I'm just busy ripping my apartment apart looking for stuff. And finding more than I knew was there, but not what I'm looking for."
Posted by jason at 12:55 PM
April 25, 2003
Dark poetry
I edit poetry for The Harrow , a zine with neat design graphics. The goal is to provide extensive feedback and support for new authors, beyond the mere rejections. The content is sometimes uneven, but it is good practice for all invovled. Have a look and increase our hits. Or submit! The process is a blind review, so I won't know it is you until after a decision is made."
Posted by jason at 09:44 PM
Catspaw's Guide to the Inevitably Insane
Some folks don't have enough sense to read Catspaw's Guide to the Inevitably Insane on a minute by minute basis, so I'm driven to remind people to read it. Particularly don't forget to watch her No Adsl flash video. She's not inevitably insane, by the way, she took a course."
Posted by jason at 08:09 AM
April 24, 2003
A(o)IR: It never rains.
I heard about my conference proposal for AOIR Toronto this fall. My proposed paper ""The Hegemony of ASCII: Rethinging Research into Online Communities in Light of the Deep Structures of the Internet."" was ACCEPTED! And I'm also presenting on a blogging panel. I'm also doing the tech for the conference, and I was a conference reviewer. BUT the review process was blind, so I don't feel too bad. The bit that makes me happy is that I'm the only one at the conference giving a paper and doing a panel. Someone else is doing two panels. Apparently I wasn't suposed to put in two proposals. There are 367 out of 560 proposals accepted. I just wish I could remember what the panel was about... (Jason runs off to dig through his outgoing email. Found it. It is called ""Broadening the Blog"" chaired by Alexander Halavais, SUNY Buffalo)"
Posted by jason at 08:06 AM
April 23, 2003
Higher Educational Vampires
Just got a polite and tentative request from someone at the Times Higher Education Supplement for an article on my medieval vampires research. Though it seems everyone's getting them... well Elizabeth is as well. Could be fun. Never thought vampires were so smart, did you?"
Posted by jason at 06:36 PM
April 22, 2003
Dru's first online paid publication...
Professor Dru, founder and fiction editor of The Harrow (I'm poetry editor) just had her first paid publication at Strange Horizons: Pan de los Muertos . Great work Dru!!!"
Posted by jason at 06:49 PM
A strange thought just came to mind...
Yuka and I are having our double mondo lattes, while persuing websites on Romania. Lots of pictures of sheep. Reminding Yuka that we needed to go back to Scotland. When we were there in 2001 (a b ) we couldn't pet the sheep because of Hoof'n Mouth disease. Now it will be SARS. Everywhere Yuka goes, disease thwarts her ability to pet the local fauna. It is a plot!"
Posted by jason at 10:09 AM
Lobsters don't feel pain when boiled.
The Canadian government is proposing to remove octopus, squid, lobster and crab from the legal list of animals, and the Sentate is questioning if animals are able to feel pain according to this story in The Globe and Mail . Of course it is the unversities and chicken farmers, according to the article, that oppose the bill that could tighten restrictions on cruelty to animals. To me, it is sick to try and hide from what you do as a human. Killing anything causes trauma to the think killed. Even trees' ""pain"" has been measured. You just have to live with that, and be as responsible as you can, under the circumstances of being alive. Somehow the government wants some sort of legislation that makes it ok to kill things because they don't feel anything. Ugh."
Posted by jason at 09:29 AM
I've been marking papers. And the less said about that the better. But all is not dross. Luckily. I've been repairing a couple if iBooks, trying to get two working computers out of three non-working ones. Two of them belonged to my little sisters, Cats and Emily. Cats' is a total mess, keyboard broken, case cracked and apparent salt water damage. Emily's just had a broken keyboard and damaged battery. The third, I broke. Spilling wine onto it a couple of years ago and frying the mother board. It was up for sale cheap then, so it wasn't that much of a loss. The best working computer is going as a gift to a teenager in a single parent family who can't afford a computer. Don't know who, friends of my dad's. Putting as much spit and polish into that one as I can, because there's no use getting something second hand that falls apart too quickly. Putting in a brand new battery, and all the ram, so that it will have a fighting chance. I was going to put in a larger harddrive, but I've taken iBooks apart before, and they're about the harddest things to take apart, and only slightly harder to put back in one piece. I think there are 33 screws required to get to the harddrive. Better if I don't. The other computer is going into my resurrected mini audio studio, along with all my other derelect audio odds and ends. Poor yuka's ears."
Posted by jason at 07:12 AM
April 20, 2003
Sars Cat
Don't miss the Sars Cat . And this is not on yuka's blog."
Posted by jason at 08:07 PM
Red Whine
Last week, Yuka and I got all the way out to the far end of queen street last week, and came home with 22 liters of grape juice. Well, Friday we dumped it in a bucket, with some yeast. And after two days fermentation is making wonderful smells in the kitchen. I'll keep you posted. This is the first time making wine with unconcentrated juice. It is twice the price, costing about $4 a liter, so it will be good to know if it is worth it."
Posted by jason at 09:49 AM
April 19, 2003
As part of the design process, OCAD has chosen to move the CN-Tower, the worlds largest free standing structure, into its new atrium. It will be directly across the road from me. The picture below shows a crane moving the CN-Tower to its new home. "
Posted by jason at 09:51 AM
April 18, 2003
YURISAI (Lily Festival)
Director Sachi Hamano is coming to Toronto! with her movie YURISAI (Lily Festival) at the 13th Annual Toronto Lesbian + Gay Film + Video Festival (May 15-25, 2003) You might find this film interesting. The director is a friend of Yuka 's (my partner) though they've never met. Sachi actually decided to come to the toronto festival on the hopes of meeting Yuka, but that's the time we'll be in Romania. Sad. But if you have a chance to check out the movie, or tell others, please do. I saw her last movie, and it was wonderful."
Posted by jason at 11:29 AM
April 17, 2003
Media understands what?
Interesting reminder of how big media can only think of media in terms of itself on boingboing.net . Nothing shocking. Culture reproducing itself, rather than trying to see what new opportunities technology have to offer."
Posted by jason at 02:49 PM
More of the ugliest building in Toronto
My Dr. J Cam is set up on my balcony looking at OCAD while they put up the tower crane to build the most ugly chopstick and spaceship extenstion. Click on it for uptdating image. How could a school of art and design be so tastelessly ugly? Well, it is Toronto."
Posted by jason at 08:52 AM
April 16, 2003
Nice non-day
Was suposed to spend the day editing some text. But found out that that day was tomorrow. Today I was suposed to met Diana and Colin to talk about Colin's coming to UofT. So, I ran and ran, first showering and running, and got up there moderately late. Colin seems like just one more thing to trouble ol conservative UofT. Hope he gets in. And hope he reads ""Snowcrash"" before he does. Pollen's only a distant hope. Then met two of my students from KMD1000, going off with Stuart (one of them) for lunch at a Thai place off baldwin, and then to Moonbeam for strange tea and an interesting discussion regarding his paper... on privacy and some stranger notions of data. Tonight, Yuka and I are planning the Vienna and Budapest sections of our trip. Elizabeth Miller's taken care of the other bits. Tomorrow I edit."
Posted by jason at 09:39 PM
April 15, 2003
April's E2K is online...
Rhonna the Peach just put up this months edition of E2K: a journal for the new literary paradigm , that she edits, and I sometimes am editor-at-large for. We've got a FlashFiction contest going on starting this month. $100 USD first prize! No entry charge. So check it out, if you can tell a story in 1000 words or less. And yes, I'm a judge. So don't tell me if you're sending something in."
Posted by jason at 05:18 PM
Triangle and Project Achieve
I've got my web cam up, showing the iMac lab at OISE where the students of the Triangle program are working on their virtual spaces. Just click on the image, and you may have to reload the page to get it to update. It has no auto update mechanism at the moment. A new image is uploaded anytime people move."
Posted by jason at 01:59 PM
Harvard Panics over SARS
In a Globe and Mail article on Sars there's the following line: ""News of the mass exposure emerged yesterday as Harvard University advised its faculty, staff and students not to travel to Toronto, or even Ontario, unless absolutely necessary."" Geee wizzzz. Does that mean I can't go outside because I live around Chinatown? Sigh... how paranoid are people? It's not the bubonic plague!"
Posted by jason at 08:30 AM
April 14, 2003
The Strangest of Days
This was one of the strangest experiences. I went to my friend's house to tape pictures of his Egyptian Cat . It is an authentic Bastet cat from the 600 BCs, or so I'm told. Just to hold it. To see the hieroglyphics on the sides and the scarab on the top. I have never touched anything that old."
Posted by jason at 07:38 PM
April 13, 2003
Planning for Romania with Elizabeth Miller
Today Yuka and I went up to visit Elizabeth Miller (the coolest vampire scholar on the planet, if you didn't already know), to plan for the trip we three are planning next month to the Third World Congress on Dracula to be held in Dracula's home town of Sighisoara. Elizabeth's giving the keynote speach, and I'm giving the second draft of my work on Walter Map and William of Newburgh called ""Unearthing Medieval Vampire Stories in England: Fragments from De Nugis Curialium and Historia Rerum Anglicarum"". I've found a number of new facts, found a couple of more books that reference Map and Newburgh, and have had a couple of errors politely corrected. Yuka's checking out Romania on Japanese web pages, so she'll be able to fill us in on all the details. But I can't wait to just get over to Europe again, and run around like a tourist. In between presentations, of course. Elizabeth and I are also presenting in Budapest towards the end of the month at another conference, more info to follow."
Posted by jason at 10:41 PM
Za night in Toronto...
This year has seen a paucity of parties at our house. But last night we had the chance to change all that. Julia D , Salmon , Simsim , EvaB, Billibus and Aideen graced our table for some Pizza. Kat! and Muddy sent their regrets. And I must have gotten Valdo's email addy wrong. Usually we go for strange stuff, like wild boar pizza. This time it was meat and fish free, focusing on goat cheese, pesto, sundried tomato/olive paste, peppers and asparagus Za. Sumputous desserts and wines were brought. And someone left a nice mustard coloured cartigan with roses on it. I think it was billibus' but he isn't telling."
Posted by jason at 06:08 PM
April 12, 2003
Celebrating a life
Today is the anniversary of the passing of Yuka's beloved cat, cat-chan. Also known as Neko, or Debu-neko. And at 7:38 this morning, four small red birds flew onto our balcony, and spent 5 minutes in a mad cacaphony of churping, before running off for the rest of their day. Cat-chan's favourite summer hobby was watching these little birds and making stupid cat sounds in their general direction. more... "
Posted by jason at 07:38 AM
April 11, 2003
Some of you. Alright. All of you, with few exceptions, have no idea who crayon shinchan is. Unless you've been stuck in a salt mine with me, for long periods of time. Anyway, aside from various and sundry degrees and awards and publications, I claim to have the first Shinchan website on the internet. Put it up back in 1995 or 1996. The key is the music. And one of my faves is Damme (Damme = hush hush, no, no way, don't even think about it, stop it, stupid). I have more shinchan 'goods' than anyone in their right mind can reasonably expect to have. Do you want some?"
Posted by jason at 11:46 PM
[I'm on the board of directors of Net Author, and will be one of the final judges this year, I think. I've also made up the contest submission form... so submit!!! And those are USD prizes.] Net Author's Annual Flash Fiction Contest: 2003 Introducing Net Author's Third Annual Flash Fiction Contest! Regardless of whether flash fiction is your area of specialty, your secret passion, or you've never even tried your hand at the genre, now is the time to polish it up and send it in. We're accepting submissions through June 15; winners will be published in the July, August, September, and October issues of Net Author's *E2K*. Interested? Read on! Title: Net Author's Annual Flash Fiction Contest Contact: editor@netauthor.org (do not send your submissions to this address!) The contest begins April 15, 2002 and runs through June 15, 2003. 1st Prize: $100 2nd Prize: $50 3rd and 4th Prizes: $25 Contest Rules: * Stories must be 1,000 words or less. * One entry per person. * Every entry must have a title. * Entry must have a word count. * Entry must include a short, third-person bio. * Entry must include the necessary contact information: writer's name, postal address, and email address. * You'll find the link for the submission form on the index page of the April and May issues of *E2K*. * Deadline: June 15, 2003 Winners will be announced in the July 15, 2003 issue of *E2K*. Not sure what flash fiction is all about? You may want to check out Pam Casto's excellent article in the January 2002 issue of *E2K*: Flash Fiction: The Short-Short To Ultra-Short Story Net Author is a non-profit, publicly-supported on-line community for writers. Net Author's *E2K* are paying markets. See our guidelines for details: http://www.netauthor.org/e2k (and follow the link for ""Submission Guide""). ******"
Posted by jason at 05:39 PM
Just outside the window...
We've been waking up to strange views out the window... and this one was worth sharing: They're building the ugliest building on the planet across the road, as part of the OCAD's program of making fools of themselves. Here's the hole. If you want to see the final product, here it is . I'll be gone by the time that monstrosity comes to fruition."
Posted by jason at 10:03 AM
April 09, 2003
Two Towers... the flash movie(s)
Catspaw's Guide to the Inevitably Insane is hosting her four part mini-flash-series: The Two Towers. If you have lots of time on your hands, don't miss it. The auteur has put her own particular touches on them, and they are true Catsy art."
Posted by jason at 02:07 PM
"It is unAmerican to provide web services to nonAmerican media sources. Oh, and technology is apolitical... right :)"
Julia D sent this to me a couple of days ago. Akamai Cancels a Contract for Arabic Network's Site (registration required). I rant on enough about the cultural hegemony inherent in the actual structure, utilities, encoding and code of the internet. I sometimes forget to look at what's going on on the surface. In this case, it is unAmerican to provide web services to nonAmerican media sources. [Full text of the article is below, in case you're worried about the registration fro NYT getting you dumped on an unAmerican government list] Akamai Cancels a Contract for Arabic Network's Site April 4, 2003 By WARREN ST. JOHN In a move sure to complicate the efforts of Al Jazeera, the Arabic news network, to get its English-language Web site running, Akamai Technologies abruptly canceled a contract on Wednesday to provide Web services for the site. Employees at Al Jazeera headquarters in Doha, Qatar, said they were frustrated by the decision, though not entirely surprised. ""It has nothing to do with technical issues,"" said Joanne Tucker, the managing editor of the English-language site. ""It's nonstop political pressure on these companies not to deal with us."" Akamai, based in Cambridge, Mass., would not comment on the reason for the cancellation. But Jeff Young, a company spokesman, issued a statement confirming that Akamai would no longer do business with Al Jazeera. ""Akamai worked briefly this week with Al Jazeera to understand the issues they are having distributing their Web sites,"" he said. ""We ultimately decided not to continue a customer relationship with Al Jazeera, and we are not going to be providing them our services."" The English version of Al Jazeera's Web site was shut by hackers roughly 12 hours after it went online on March 25. For a time, Web users trying to gain access were directed to a Web page bearing an American flag. Akamai, whose clients include MSNBC and CNN, maintains a broad network of servers that provide protection from hacking attempts. It was for that reason, Ms. Tucker said, that Al Jazeera hired the company. ""Basically this was our answer to the hacking that has been nonstop and pretty aggressive,"" she said. ""We had a done-and-dusted deal on March 28. Then yesterday, we get a letter from them terminating the contract."" Akamai's decision is one in a series of headaches for Al Jazeera since the start of the war. Defense Department officials criticized the network for showing images of dead and captured American soldiers. After that episode, the network's American financial correspondents were banned from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. On Wednesday, Iraqi officials expelled one Jazeera correspondent from Baghdad and barred another from reporting there. American officials have also accused the network of unduly emphasizing civilian casualties in Iraq. Al Jazeera contends that much of the traffic that shut down its site was from Web users simply curious about its coverage. The search engine Lycos reported yesterday that ""Al Jazeera"" was its most-searched-for term last week. Ms. Tucker said that Al Jazeera hoped to have its English site up within 24 hours, but that without Akamai's many servers, the site would be more vulnerable to hacking attempts. The site went live just after 7 p.m. last night. ""It doesn't derail us,"" she said. ""We can withstand the hacking up to a point, but if they focus it all on one server it would put a lot of pressure on that server. ""We hope that won't be the case,"" she added. ""We're working on it all the time."" Ms. Tucker called the hacking attempts ""pathetic."" ""It's a narrow, pro-censorship attempt to silence a news site,"" she said. This is not the first time that Akamai has had to deal first-hand with tensions between the Arab world and the United States. The company's co-founder and chief technology officer, Daniel Lewin, 31, was on American Airlines Flight 11 on Sept. 11, 2001, when the plane crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/04/technology/04WEB.html?ex=1050593603&ei=1&en=9e9846594854ea35 HOW TO ADVERTISE"
Posted by jason at 08:27 AM
April 08, 2003
Just got the word that my paper ""Sousveillance: Inventing and Using Wearable Computing Devices to Challenge Surveillance"" (with Steve Mann and Barry Wellman)(PDF ) as been accepted by Surveillance & Society ! With some minor modifications. And with some great reviewer comments. It is worth it when you finally find a forum that is interested in what you're doing."
Posted by jason at 12:57 PM
Urbane Legends
Another strange story passed on by Rannie from The Adventures of AccordionGuy in the 21st Century : ""What happened to me and the new girl (or, "The girl who cried Webmaster")"" Why is everything we read on line believed so uncritically? I'm sympathetic, but just plain not shocked. What shocks me is how people may be turned off something like blogging because it mirrors real life."
Posted by jason at 11:33 AM
April 07, 2003
Good Morning Dr Snow!
How does the hyper-educated male deal with stress? Meditation? Conspicuous consumption? Acute Alcoholism? Peeler bars? No. None of those tried and true methods. We get ""Upper Peridontal Appliances"" also known as teeth guards. The goal is to ensure that we don't grind our teeth when we sleep. Thus we are not stressed out by having stumps for molars. And stress is reduced. And our health plan covers it 100%. And that's so special that somehow the fact that 100% coverage means that we still have to pay $5.32 of the total cost. What kind of math is that? It doesn't matter? Cause I'm so low stress now."
Posted by jason at 09:04 PM
April 06, 2003
New Draft of Vampire Paper
I just uploaded a draft of Unearthing Medieval Vampire Stories in England: Fragments from De Nugis Curialium and Historia Rerum Anglicarum as an RTF file if anyone's interested in reading it and giving me any feedback. There are some bits that I have to add... like about Varma's library and McNally's book A Clutch of Vampires that I've not been able to track down yet. And I want to make it sound a bit less stuffy. Anyway, all comments appreciated."
Posted by jason at 11:04 AM
penetrating moral certitude
Richard Bennett's Omphalos : notes: abc new's article Another human shield bites it in Israel . I like his wit: ""ABCNEWS.com reports that another human shield was killed by the Israeli military after jumping in front of some Palestinian terrorists, and fellow shields are shocked that the soldiers fired even though the shield was well-marked. Apparently, the Israelis use Kryptonite bullets capable of penetrating moral certitude."""
Posted by jason at 09:05 AM
April 05, 2003
what is it good for...
I was reading a post on Joi's blog about blogs and googlewashing and whatnot, and had a thought... The funny thing about blogs is their lack of historicity in the minds of so many people. Blogs are just the confluence of a bunch of odds and ends with about as much great earth shattering newness as, say, DOS or the html/www was. Sure, they turned the world on its collective head, not because it was doing something special, but because it wasn't. DOS was lobotomized Unix. Html lobotomized SGML. Blogs just plain lobotomized *. As with all killer apps like this, the deal is that they don't stretch anyone's paradigms, or challenge anyone's cosmologies, so they can become ubiquitous... be adopted by the treadmill of the pundits who make up the rolling wave of the A-lists, and in the end, not cause much change to the way things are at all. It doesn't mean that they're not useful, valuable or fun. Just that they're not much more than that. I am always suspicious of anyone who gets the notion into their head that they've come up with a solution to a problem. Not that I don't want to hang out with them, or be their friend, but unless you realize that solutions create problems, not solve them, I gotta wonder what you're smoking."
Posted by jason at 06:33 PM
Arun and the market
Arun Blake, my buddy from Undergrad residence days (1982-1984) came to town today for a short visit. He was in India for the month that I was in Japan, and is heading back to Montreal soon. He's a photographer with an upcoming show in Montreal next month, and a show in Bombay this november. And he wants me to come and help. So, the deal is to start looking for funding. Something I'm good at. The show is including pictures that were taken when Arun and I went to Jamacia back in '84 or 5. I went down with his family, and stayed with his grandmother. She was, at the time, the oldest woman in the villiage, and it was great to sort of have that umbrella of staying with them. I rented a motorbike one day, and drove arun and I around half the country, up into the mountains and through the hills. I got some amazing photos then, but nothing that I've ever used. I'm looking forward to seeing arun's. With Yuka, we went down to St Lawrence Market this morning to stock up on sausages and salmon and 7 grain breads and all that. Which is what I'm turning my attention to now, after having had a joyful afternoon fighting with the tax gods. I seem to be praying to the wrong one."
Posted by jason at 06:22 PM
April 04, 2003
WarBlogs... And Hopefully Peace Blogs
TIME.com: Best Of The War Blogs -- Apr. 07, 2003 is a neat article. Caught it thanks to ""robert m. tynes"" on the aoir.org list. I've had four separate CBC producers contact me about warblogging, but it doesn't seem I'll make it to the radio this time. There's a lot of interest in students who are warblogging. I mentioned JuliaD to them as well. Julia told me that Salam Pax's dear_raed.blogspot.com is no longer being updates. No doubt because of the lack of electricity in Bagdad. Blogs will never be the same again."
Posted by jason at 12:59 PM
Driving Miss Salmon
This is a picture that I took about 5am somewhere outside of Texas, when Katherine and I were driving to Austin last month. It is the only picture of us together the entire trip, I think. Driving at night is such a beautiful thing."
Posted by jason at 09:18 AM
Painting with Bob
Here's a small couple of pages I made up for our new friend bob . Bob paints. Bob paints well. See Bob's paintings. Buy Bob's painting. See Bob buy Jason a beer or two for helping him sell paintings."
Posted by jason at 08:54 AM
April 03, 2003
Your morning smile...
Yes, yuka found a place selling nice lids for cats ."
Posted by jason at 08:43 AM
April 02, 2003
Success... the Triangle Project workshop will go on!
For the last three years, I've had the opportunity to run a month long workshop on gender and identity using our Project Achieve CVE for the Triangle project. Triangle is Canada's only queer secondary school program. I've had wonderful help over the years from a variety of people, including Katherine Parish (salmon) and Rochelle Mazar (hildegarde), but this year I'm doing it alone. Well, not quite, for the past 6 weeks Kat and Muddy have been visiting the Triangle classroom to prep the students. Thanks Kat and Muddy! This year we had a problem accessing lab space on campus, and we're planning to start next week. Panic time. But at the last minute Tony G at OISE offered us space for half the workshop period that we were having trouble getting space for. Thanks Tony!!! And Professor Suzanne Hidi who is our faculty host there. For the rest of the period we're using the Unversity College labs, thanks to Professor Hilary Cuningham who's our faculty host for Undergrad. Since I'm only teaching graduate courses, I don't count in this context, and I'd have to rent lab space. Isn't collaboration wonderful!!!"
Posted by jason at 05:48 PM
April 01, 2003
iClone!!!! This is the greatest!
Iclone ENGLISH iClone is able to brings a new Mac computer on your desktop. When you use it, it analyzes your Mac and duplicates it in a few seconds ! It is an exclusive process and a new way of manufacturing computers. If you do not have a rather powerful computer, go in your neighbor or friend for cloner his more powerful computer. iClone does not make a copy of the content of the hard disk. It clone only the hardware of your computer. Ideal for all Mac users, iClone will make it possible for Apple to increase his market shares ! The retailers of hardware will be able to finally devote themselves to sell service. Just download the application and follow the indications !"
Posted by jason at 08:17 AM
March 31, 2003
I'm off to lecture in Hilary Cunningham's Anthro course on Gender at 10. The topic"" Technology, the Body and Identity. Only scary bit is that it is a class of 80 undergrads, and I'm planning to have a small group discussion. Hilary says it is doable with this group, so I'm just going to assume that it will work, and enjoy the process."
Posted by jason at 06:41 AM
March 30, 2003
Zbons or ZooBombs!
I know that a simple web search could have solved this problem, but then it never occurred to me to do it. I think i mentioned this when I was posting about my stay in Japan. But ever since I got napster, long ago... and it will be missed, I have known about this band called the ZooBombs (NO-FI ""MAGAZINE"" interview with ZOOBOMBS ). I found two songs of theirs by accident: Mo' Funky and Soul Bomb. They were great. When I told Salmon about them, she already knew and all that. Then came 9/11 and the Zoobombs cancelled their tour. Or something like that. I lost my chance. But when i got to Japan, it was time to go ZooBombs shopping. No luck. No band named ZooBombs. Very helpful people in the record stores, but no ZooBombs. There was a very small Zed section though. Like 3 CDs. And one of them was called ""Super Funcy of Zbons"". So I got it on a whim. And viola! It was ZooBombs! I just was spelling it wrong.... Fast forward to today. Yuka and I took the streetcar along Queen to Roncesville, and walked up Roncesville (someone spell this right) to Howard Park, then all the way back down Dundas to home. That's about a 2-2.5 hour walk, with lots of stops. Going up Roncesville, I found a store called ""Boom, she said."" Of course other people know it by the non-dyslexic name of ""She said Boom."" It is the twin of the ""Boom, she said"" near Salmon's house. And inside, in the Zed section, they had a CD called ""Let it Bomb"" by the ZooBombs! Two countries. Two names. Both in English. One band. Now I know... and they rock."
Posted by jason at 05:47 PM
March 29, 2003
Blogroll Me!
Blogroll Me! is a nice widget that I'll add on the right so that people with blogrolling (like I have) can blogroll me with ease. On another note. iBlog's programmers and I have been chatting, and sharing bugs. They fast and efficient d00ds. And they're from India. It is nice to see original software from India out in the online worldspace. Coolness comes from many diverse places. BlogRollMe
Posted by jason at 05:35 PM
Thanks Julia (sometimes Julia_D) for the headsup on this article in the Glob [sic] on war blogging called ""Where everybody is a war reporter""
The first Gulf War did it for CNN. The new one may do it for 'blogs' -- personal Web pages of news and opinion, tracking and debating Iraq's fate by the minute. As JOHN ALLEMANG writes, they're now many people's first choice for unembedded journalism "
Posted by jason at 03:09 PM
March 28, 2003
iBlog software
I just set up an iBlog using the :: iBlog :: software from lifi. I am just playing with it, and it won't replace my software I'm using now, but some of you may like it... WALLAH? Yuka! as it does japanese properly. It will update via ftp and webDAV, and it integrates fully with OS X to allow you to work in and with iTunes and iPhoto. I'm going to put it through its paces. [Up
DATE: Sarat at lifli.com has been communicating with me a couple of times already, and I'm sending him crashlogs and info to firm up some problems in an otherwise wonderful looking program.]"
Posted by jason at 11:58 AM
You know I've been bitching about the hegemony of ascii... I think my paper's linked here somewhere. And now icann's catching up: Yahoo! News - Internet Body to OK Non-English Domains "
Posted by jason at 11:30 AM
War Satire Blogs.
Joi Ito's has a list of a couple more interesting Satire blogs related to current events. such as GWB, Saddam and Kim Jong Il. And Joi's blogrolled me back, so he gets a gold star next to his name, and can sit inside during recess to check his email."
Posted by jason at 07:17 AM
Bernie's Wired
Or just strange. This is bernie (one of my students), in the lower left, as pictured on Wired.com's article: Wired News: Brain Music: Not Much to Dance To He was at one of Steve Mann's Decon events. Luckily he didn't have to get naked. From what I heard, no postmodernism was used in the conceptualization or execution of this event."
Posted by jason at 07:08 AM
March 27, 2003
A war fraud blog
Yuka found this first on CNN.co.jp, but I found it on the english site as well.... CNN.com - Soldier 'bloggers' report from war - Mar. 26, 2003 This article says:
One of the most popular is a site run by "L.T. Smash," the blog nickname for a reservist in the U.S. Navy who arrived in the Gulf last December. His site, www.lt-smash.us, carries the moniker "Live from the sandbox." L.T. Smash's accounts range from the ordinary and the oddball to the touching. I was suspicious, as there's no real info as to who is blogging and whatnot that we expect from a blog. So, I did a whois lookup. (http://www.whois.net/) Whois lookups show who creates and owns a site. The Domain was created last week: ""Domain Registration
DATE: Fri Mar 21 23:03:28 GMT 2003"" So how come it is a) as popular as CNN says, and b) by someone who has been in the Gulf since december? Sounds like some strange pseudo-blog... where an institutional organization fakes a blog so that it appears like it is from an individual. Here's the Registration info for lt-smash.us: Registrant Name: Bart Simpson Registrant Organization: LT Smash Registrant Address1: 123 Main Street Registrant City: La Mesa Registrant State/Province: CA Registrant Postal Code: 91941 Registrant Country: United States Registrant Country Code: US Registrant Phone Number: +1.6195555555 Registrant Email: ltadmin@cox.net"
Posted by jason at 09:23 AM
Charlotte Aldebron via Japan
Yuka found a reference to 12 year old Charlotte Aldebron on the Asahi New web site. She seems to be getting a lot of press for her view on war. Of course, it took us forever to find her web site, as names are written different in Japanese, and we had to guess... Charlotte's Peace Rally Speech is interesting to me, as it is something that gets heard in the media in times of trouble... young people taking the future by the horns and making an impassioned plea for peace/the environment/willy the whale. I'm a teacher, so of course this is good. But what triggers the ever close to the surface cynic in me is how great a sound bite it makes in the media, and again how easily it is dismissed by most people with the condescending ""children just don't understand the issues"" retort.."
Posted by jason at 09:01 AM
March 26, 2003
Canada: Axis of Evil?
Bush rebukes Canada for not supporing the war. And if we're not with him, we're against him. Of course they don't care about the fact that they didn't support us when we said that he shouldn't go to war, but that's not important, it seems. Of course we opposed Vietnam too. Accordingly, we're now one of 'them'. Luckily them includes most of europe, mexico, and others. Nice club to be in."
Posted by jason at 09:10 AM
Travel Wrap-up
Here's a brief overview of recent travels, with a focus on the florida conference that I posted to The Harrow 's dicussion list. Thought it might wrap things up neatly. February found me in northern japan working at Future University, and coming home with lots of nice tech toys. Early march I drove to Austin for SXSWi, a big web and interactive conference, got to trash the notion that blogging and for more than an elite group of the privileged. This was great, cause all the A-list bloggers and blog designers were in the audience. But that's of scant interest to you all. Last week I was in florida (palm island) to write a paper on 12th C Latin Vampires, and then present it at IAFA in ft lauderdale. My knowledge of all the cool people in sifi and fantasy is limited, but the first person I met was Brian Aldiss. Just by luck, as he was just standing at the bar. Got to talk about philip pullman and living in south east asia. He pointed out all the regulars I should know. I only recognized the name Peter Straub, not being much of a horror person (sush! don't tell dru), I'd not read any of his books. I was there for the vampires. I did run into my parenial fav Joe Haldeman, and got him to autograph my 10th copy of The Forever Wars. 10th because I always give my copies away. Not this time. I commented that I thought it was a particularly interesting read in light of the attacks that had just started. He cringed and muttered something about not wanting to profit from this war. If you don't know Joe, he teaches Sifi and writing at MIT. Also got to chat with David Skal (Hollywood Gothic) a half dozen times. He has done great vampire work, and knows as much as anyone. though he says he's mined the field out. I spent the most time, dumb luck on my part with Chelsea Quinn Yarboro, after I'd been warned to only call her quinn. She is best buddies with Elizabeth Miller, who had dragged me to the conference in the first place, and made sure that I wasn't sitting alone in the corner tooo much. Never read any of her St Germaine series, but i did read one of her earlier books, which she also thought fondly of. Couldn't remember the title, but she did. :) The reason for mentioning her, was her willingness to discuss the struggles of someone who's been published for the past 30 years, and has made a living out of it. Mostly, she says, because she and her sister inherited the family home in berkely, and the fact that she can pound out 3 novels a year (I don't think she's really done 90 novels though). The impossibility of dealing with insane publishers who don't understand books, the future of epublishing (which she likes) and other things. If you can guess, everyone at the conference was also a presenter, so you didn't feel that the authors didn't feel hounded by fans, but just chatting with other marginally employed people in similar fields. Everyone should consider attending at some point in their writing careers... what you can learn just at the poolside bar is worth the price of admission. There as a film crew over to shoot a documentary for the DVD version of the upcoming movie ""Van Helsing"". They interviewed all the folks who will not be coming with us to Hungary and Romania in May. There are two more vampire conferences there, and the crew's coming along with us. They couldn't care about me, but Elizabeth's the ranking Dracula Scholar d00d. Anyone who wants a bit of dirt from Dracula's 'real' castle, let me know."
Posted by jason at 08:32 AM
March 25, 2003
I didn't get a job offer from Trent. I don't post the ins and outs of my job application process, but since this was one that I really was looking forward to, I just wanted to share. Sort of sucks, but I'm just not finding the academic world that interesting these days, so it is hard to get depressed about it."
Posted by jason at 08:28 AM
March 24, 2003
Papaya Suzuki
When I was in Japan, I saw PAPAYA SUZUKI WITH OYAJI DANCERS . It was the funniest thing I saw that month. A bunch of wonderfully aging Japanese guys dancing in Bollywood. Yuka helped me track down the site. Now I'll go and complain that there's no English site. How monolingual of me."
Posted by jason at 09:58 PM
Where's Raed?
Yuka told me about Where is Raed ? that she noticed on Joi Ito's site. Proported to be a blog from Bagdad. I've been offline for so much of the past 6 weeks that I have lots of catching up to do."
Posted by jason at 06:50 PM
March 23, 2003
Jason in the Swamp.
I was out in the mangrove swamps taking some pictures for a children's novel that I'm working on. I need the pictures to show to an illustrator so that she'll get the idea of what the main character has seen. Took about 300 so far. Here's one that will give you a feel of the place. So beautiful... and haunting. But on the way in, I had the strangest experience of my life: That is the nose of a manatee. It is over 4m long!!! You can see from its back that it has been pretty badly scarred by boat propellors. Ugh. But it looked liked they'd scarred over well. I have been told that if they scar, it is not much of a problem. And if it doesn't they die. I was so busy taking pictures that I got a little too close. He's (or she) actually swimming under my kayak. It got really scary when I actually bumped into him! And when he took off, my kayak nearly tipped over. I wasn't worried about me, as there was another boat around, but poor camera would have been toast. But it was worth it."
Posted by jason at 04:31 PM
IAFA! in florida
I'm posting this after the fact, as there's no internet connection at this conference... unlike SXSW in Austin. I was spoiled there. The drive from Dad and Cheryl's place was uneventful, but interesting. Driving across Alligator Alley was slightly more interesting than driving the 401 between Toronto and Kingston. The swamps aren't nearly as interesting from a highway at 120km/h. Unfortunately. I had to stop at a grocery store and get a couple of yoghurt drinks, a tub of sliced fruit, and another of raw greens. Good driving munchies. Two days with Dad's cooking would play hell with anyone's system. Good food, but all meat. Though we did have a bucked of clams and a big slab of smoked salmon. I think he's the only person to deep fry eggs. And his toast can be wrung for the oil, and used to light a lamp. What do you do when you're in florida? Well, you go to the airport hilton, saunter up to the bar for a beer after the 3.5 hour drive from where I've been staying with the family. And you're standing next to Brian Aldiss. You can figure out what a d00d he is. We chatted about living in Oxford (he does), visiting Iceland, and Judy Merril (The Judith Merrill collection is probably the top sifi lit collection in the world, and it resides below the Osborne Collection where yuka works), among other things. Brian took the trouble to point out some of the folks sitting around nearby tables... Charles De Lint, Peter Straub and others I should know but didn't. After he was dragged off by old friends, I found a quiet table to write this... and peruse the index of participants: Stephen R. Donaldson, Radu Florescu, Joe Haldeman, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, piles of people I'm embarrassed not to know, and of course Elizabeth Miller (but she hasn't checked in yet). I'm really not up on the writings of people here, aside from the ones mentioned, as they're big cheeses in their field, and you'll probably know most of them. I had thought that this would be mostly scholarly, rather than having this A list of science fiction writers. But they're not the only ones here. Though we're surrounded by highways and the airport, this is a very pretty oasis of a hotel. A cat has been haunting about, and as I looked up I saw a raccoon scurry across a path. And it is only 7pm and very bright. The raccoon is rooting his way around a big palm tree at the moment, judging from the movement of the leaves at its base, and he doesn't seem to be worried by the airplanes flying over. I now have to decide whether to find something to eat, or find a hotel to sleep in tonight, or a quiet place to read my paper over. But first, finish my beer and see if my conference badge is available yet. As ben would say, good clean times.
I'm now at dad's place, and heading home tomorrow. I'll see if I can whip up a post that covers the rest of the pretty wonderful conference. Strangely enough, almost no pictures of the conference, but lots of pictures of the hotel cat. I miss being in Toronto and miss everyone there..."
Posted by jason at 09:50 AM
March 19, 2003
Paper done... Ft lauderdale tomorrow
Got my conference paper done. And I read it over to folks over for dinner tonight. They said that they could follow it. WHEEEEEEE! So, just a few typos to fix up, and another time check to see if it fits into 20 minutes, and I'm DONE!!! I think 3800 words will fit into 20 minutes. I finally got to relax after that. And I went for a swim, and then walked out to the ocean and stood in the surf for a bit drinking a scotch. Since I've been here two days and haven't really left my room, just typing, it was nice to get out, even if it was midnight. If you're worried that I'm roughing it, here are two pictures. One from Dad's place looking out at the ocean, and one from the beach looking back. I'll post the paper if it doesn't suck."
Posted by jason at 01:07 AM
March 16, 2003
Gone to florida
Ok. In 5 hours I'm outta here. Flying to florida for aweek. Presenting a paper on Walter Map and William of Newburgh's vampiric stories at the IAFA conference in Ft Lauderdale. Rought life. See you anon!
Posted by jason at 10:20 PM
Bob the painter
Check out this video of Yuka and bob jordan at his show down at the Toronto Convention Centre. Bob has great stuff, and we hope the he'll someday paint a gummybear for yuka. Don't we all wish that? Great pictures."
Posted by jason at 07:53 PM
Radio Free Wallah
I just added the bloglink to the Radio Wallah Street Journal . It is the somewhat blog of my good friend and mac guru alan . Though this may come as a shock that I need a mac guru, 15 minutes discussing macs or old radios with Alan will cure you of the thought that I'm even on the event horizion when it comes to knowledge of technology. And that's a good thing^tm. BTW, the key interest for you non-radio fans is alan's amazing images of old radios... and his general wit and charm. Watch out for the moose."
Posted by jason at 10:03 AM
March 14, 2003
KAT! does another flash movie
Ryan did a great presentation in class yesterday about group work at the graduate level. I think the new KAT! flash movie (258.swf ) would have set it off nicely. Groupwork is the bane of academic life. And since she didn't add any music notes, that is ""Hot Buttered"" by the band Popcorn. I'm not joking. And if you don't watch KAT! flash movies, then shame on you."
Posted by jason at 11:11 AM
Good to be back in class...
The one thing I do miss is when I'm not around class for KMD1000. As usual, students RAWK even when other parts of an educational institution are somewhat moribund. I'm enjoying the student's presentation of their work, and I'm getting eager to see what their final papers/projects are going to look like. Kelly, Stuart, Henry and Ryan presented today. Some on new and some on previously completed research. More interesting than some of the faculty presentations, and that's a good sign for the future of academe."
Posted by jason at 09:29 AM
March 12, 2003
Manning the Deconism - Cyborg Echoes: Collective Consciousness beyond the Post-Cyborg Era
[Steve asked me to blog this event, but I'll be in Florida at the IAFA presenting on medieval vampires. So he asked me to spread the word instead. If you want to participate, come on down! If you don't want to participate, come on down and picket! Or get ejected. Or whatever. I just hope someone videotapes it.] Be part of cyborg history as the Deconism Gallery hosts the world's first collective brainwave musical concert. http://wearcam.org/deconism/cyborg_echoes.htm The Deconism and Interaccess galleries, are to host three events and ongoing exhibitions that explore the relationship between cyborg art, science, technology, architecture, design, philosophy, and law. Each of these works explores the premise that we've already (and in some cases unwittingly) become cyborgs, but that this transformation has occurred without an understanding of the implicit opportunities and threats to our collective minds and bodies. Following a noon speaker series, March 21 12:00pm-1:50pm, Prof. Ian Kerr, University of Ottawa, R. Owens, and Prof. Steve Mann for Speaker Series, in Flavelle Dining Room, University of Toronto, Speaking on Cyborg Law. Open to the public. DECONversation at Deconism Gallery ?Friday March 21st, 7pm 330 Dundas Street West, located directly across the street from the main entrance to the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO). Robotic Body vs Cyborg Mind: A Live Probe Into the Continuum of Existentiality with Steve Mann and Stelarc The McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto presents an evening's dialogue between Stelarc, an internationally recognized Australian performance artist and public intellectual in the area of new media and technology, and Steve Mann, the acclaimed inventor of the wearable computer and the world's first photographic cyborg. Stelarc and Mann have both probed the nature and workings of the body and mind through technological mediation. The dialogue will be a probe into a future of awareness, the nature of consciousness reacting to technological extensions, and the ensuing effects upon individuals, culture, and society. Audience questions and participation are encouraged, and a glogged transmission of the evening's event as seen through Steve Mann's wearable EyeTap system will be broadcast to the AD ASTRA 2003 science fiction & fantasy convention. This event follows the opening of Stelarc's ""The Prosthetic Head"" at Interaccess Gallery. For more information: http://eyetap.org/deconism.htm and http://wearcam.org/deconism.htm DECONcert at Deconism Saturday March 22nd, 7pm 330 Dundas Street West, located directly across the street from the main entrance to the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO). DECONcert in the Key of EEG: Regenerative Music An outgrowth of Toronto cyborg and PhD candidate James Fung's research into biofeedback, DECONcert presents the world's first regenerative soundscapes in which audience members actively (and unconsciously) choreograph a collective cyborg consciousness by contributing their own brainwave patterns. The resulting atmosphere is an open-ended and participatory experience incorporating leading-edge EEG (brainwave) technology. Regenerative Music places the human being into the feedback loop of a computational artistic process. DECONcert Hertz: Wearable Brain Waves The conception of neuroscience researcher-cum-fashion designer Ariel Garten, ""DECONcert Hertz"" is a play on the popular music concert phenomenon, wherein one walks away from the performance with a t-shirt of the band. However, in DECONcert, the audience is the band so the concertgoer walks away with a print of his or her own band width, in Hertz, on an EEG shirt. As our recorded brain waves are continually emitted unbeknownst to us, they may constitute yet another form of communication or surveillance. For more information: http://eyetap.org/deconism.htm and http://wearcam.org/deconism.htm Tickets for each of Friday and Saturday evenings are $10, and are available at Flavour Hall (500 College St. Toronto 416-839-9943) or at the door, first come first served. Space is limited. Ongoing Exhibitions at Deconism Gallery March 22nd - 31st DECONsciousness: Building as Blog Ever had cause to wonder what a house or building is thinking? In an age of networked consciousness, that thought is an echo that slips frictionlessly past the soapy surface of time's constraints. Agile, flexible, and invasively curious, the spaces of this exhibition are collaboratively curated and designed by Steve Mann and architectural designer Stewart Morgan. The History and Future of Wearable Computing This exhibit features selected highlights from the invention, research, design, and development of the wearable computer. The continuum between seminal art installations and Steve Mann's next-generation wearable computing prototypes will be presented in a rare public display. The exhibit condenses thirty years of design into an ""executive summary"" interval of time and space by using high-thought width demonstration media. Deconism events are presented in association with the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, University of Toronto. Funding for this event is provided by Thought Technology Ltd. Ongoing work is funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, and the Toronto Arts Council. Press contacts: * Mark Federman - McLuhan Program - 416-978-7026 * Ariel Garten - Flavour Hall - 416-839-9943 * Steve Mann - Deconism Gallery - 416-946-3387"
Posted by jason at 08:55 PM
Google == big brother?
Google as Big Brother is a web site that chronicles the hegemonic impact of Google on the internet. Gone is the days when it was considered to be the great non-corporate alternative. Long gone. I read this a while ago, but forgot to blog it. It is a scary read, as per usual."
Posted by jason at 05:56 PM
March 11, 2003
Thank you Heath. SXSW panel transcript.
Heath Row's Media Diet has a transcript of our panel on Conceptual Firewalls at SXSW last Sunday. It is so wonderful to be able to hear/read what you've said at a conference, especially if it is just one person's fast typing. Must appreaciated."
Posted by jason at 10:23 PM
March 09, 2003
Glogging (video blogging) SXSW
Yes, I have my cam running on the right, showing SXSW participants."
Posted by jason at 06:42 PM
Oh my god!
Just had to share. I'm sitting here with Salmon's crew in front of a pile of polite and attentive people who are listening to us talk... see previous post to see what we're talking about. Since there is always a geek tradition of blogging while sitting listening to presenters. So I just figured that I'd see if I had the gutz to do it too. But I'm too nervious to actually think of anything to say. Except that to say that it is so great to have the opportunity to share our thoughts in the SXSW forum.
Posted by jason at 06:32 PM
Driving in the night... a Glog.
Here's a short 800k video of us driving through the night. Katherine's driving, of course, as I'm collecting video. We take a break at a texaco."
Posted by jason at 02:46 PM
Made it...
Salmon and I completed our drive to Austin in 30 hours. Stoped for about 2-3 hours over all. Nicely enough my jetlagging helped. I couldn't sleep all night, so I drove. Stopping for a 2 hour break when Katherine drove. She did the bulk of the work. Clocking something like 65-70% of the driving. I just did all the nastiest stuff... All across the south they're fixing the roads. And so it was down to 2 lanes, compressed to the width of two semi-trucks. Imagine weaving through them at 120km/h (that's the speed limit) boxed in by transport trucks. Just the thing to keep one from getting bored of the flat night. I even have a quick time video of it somewhere."
Posted by jason at 02:40 PM
March 06, 2003
Massages for the Masses
I have fixed the cam software on my computer, mostly due to patience on my part and the most recent OS X system upgrade, but I had to do some hacking about, so there is some sense that I participated in the fixedness. I'll have the cam going as much as I can down in Texas, and will probably have it going on the road in archive mode, to see if anything interesting happens in front of the car. Like in the TV cop shows. As well, and bloggers take note, I have paid for a premium account with blogrolling.com. All the stuff down the right hand side of this page used to be coded by hand. Then I got 2 blogrolls to manage my Fav Blogs and Linken. By paying $15, I get 10 blogrolls, and help Jason (another jason) provide the free part of the service. It is a great tool. If you are a chronic and want to handroll all your links, fine, but for the rest of us who hope to have social lives, blogroll is it. And now a massage from the Swedish Prime Minister. "
Posted by jason at 04:42 AM
March 05, 2003
Conceptual Firewalls...
If you've not heard, though I have only been home mere days, I'm heading to Texas. Salmon and I are leaving 7am on Friday to drive to Austin. She's organized a panel discussion on the topic of Conceptual Firewalls. Though I keep thinking of it as 'cultural firewalls'. Hopefully we'll infuse the proceedings with some zing that they weren't expecting. SXSW /interactive/panels/sunday Conceptual Firewalls: While blogs have the potential to foster community and to support independent publishing, access to internet technologies and online communities in general remains uneven. The "firewalls" take many forms: linguistic, cultural, economic, gendered. If blogs and blogging communities are to enable anyone to publish anything at anytime, it's crucial that we consider the ways in which they may or may not partake of these same inequalities. Heather Champ (The Mirror Project), Cameron Marlow (Blogdex), Jason Nolan (Knowledge Media Design Institute), Katharine Parrish, moderator (squish), Ana Sisnett (Austin Free-Net) %uFFA5%uFFCARoom 17A"
Posted by jason at 06:36 AM
March 04, 2003
Google buys Blogger/Pyra
Yes, I know you've probably heard this before, but anyway, the Google/Pyra story is interesting for me, obviously. It brings blogging on to the social scene at a level that may help in my job search. At least the question won't be ""what's a blog?"" and ""Who cares about blogs?"" any more."
Posted by jason at 09:04 AM
Serious Lagging
Trying to fight the rhythm of the spheres. And of course, all I get is dissonance. It seemed as if I'd escaped jet lag, getting a good normal night's sleep after I got back from Tokyo. But for the last two nights I've been able to get an hour of sleep, then I'm up from 2 to 6, sleeping from then until afternoon. Icky. SO, I've forced myself to stay up until 3am, in the hopes that I'll sleep until a reasonable time in the morning, and get into work. There are things to avoid doing that take my presence in the office. The fun of the evening has been pruning my mp3 list, and digitizing a pile of tunes for my upcoming trip. Removed some stuff that I don't even remember what it is, that's how memorable it was, and replaced it with Iggy Pop, Tom Waits and Concrete Blond. Three more Blonde CDs, a Magazine and a Suicide and ""Les Chants D'Eros"" and that should be it. Just in case you're wondering, I have 10 Beatles albums, Benny Goodman, Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, Mingus and Parker, Django Reinhardt, Diana Ross, the Duke, Sarah Vaughan, and tones of Robert Johnson... so all is not genX angst."
Posted by jason at 03:14 AM
March 03, 2003
OpenOSX runs Wintel software on your Mac...
You may not care, but I always think emulators are interesting, especially if they support diversity in computing. OpenOSX.com's WinTel CD allows you to run a multplicity of OSes on your G4 Mac. It seems to be an alternative to VirtualPC at 1/10th the cost."
Posted by jason at 06:32 AM
March 02, 2003
Miao's Tigger!!!
Project Achieve Wiz, and all around mom Miao just annouced on her blog, the birth of Tigger. Miao's been keeping a baby blog since march 2001, just before the birth of her first baby Kitten. And it is the most sustained online baby documents that I've ever seen. Miao (Jenyi Wu on her passport) just sent me some great pictures. Hopefully she'll post more soon. Yay Miao!"
Posted by jason at 12:31 PM
March 01, 2003
Gomi-Sensei in China
[I got the following email from Gomi-Sensei (aka Professor Garbage), an old housemate from when I lived in Tokyo in the mid-80s. He's a permenent resident in Japan, and I'd hoped to meet him on this trip. Unfortunately he's spending the year teaching in China. And for the first time in his life, he's teaching his native language, German, rather than English and Psychology. Just had to share, as he has a taste for the truly interesting things in life.] Here in the depth of central China (Hunan Province) I was looking for a Western-style restaurant a few days ago. After passing up one in fear, since it called itself ""GRILLED RESTAURANT"", I chanced upon the one and only..... THE VENUS FAST FOOD RESTAURANT OF GOLDEN SUN Among other offerings, this was on the menu: MAIN DISHES: Steak for Two Eithers Fried Ice Cream Served with Suice or Coffee Super Intestine Double Boiled Soup Bullfrog Cook Rice Bacon Pam and Egg Baked Frog Rice in Bamboo Tube Sweat Corn Congee Spiced Corned Goose Sole Burned Red Pepper with Preserved Lung for Two DESSERT: Sweat Heart Plum Watermelon Wet DRINKS: Carbon Burn Coffee Holy Venus Drink Bosnia Purified (BEER) Everything was served at once, so the sizzling hot ""Steak for Two Eithers"" came at the same time as the ""Fried Ice Cream"". This ice cream actually seemed quite cold at first, but since it started to melt, I had to eat spoonfuls of it while cutting up and chewing the sizzling steak. I had to instruct my Chinese friend in the use of these surgical instruments, since she had never used them at a dining table... Please concoct your favourit menu from the above and I shall try to have it sent to you by CARRYOUT a.k.a. TAKEAWAY..."
Posted by jason at 04:51 PM
Off to the airport.
Gawd. I miss tokyo. I'm on the Keisei Skyliner going from Ueno to Narita airport. And as I thought last night as I was coming in, I can't imagine that I've ever seen so packed a city ever. You can reach out from the window of your apartment and touch the house next to you. You can look through your neighbour's window, and right through their house, and watch the TV in the living room of the house beside it. Yet people live here, thrive. It is not a ghetto or a jungle... but a massive uneasy alliance of humans... endlessly alive and varied. Well, not so varied. And some might say not so alive, but amazing none the less. The thing that gets me, as someone who has thought a bit about community and bioregionality and the environment is that Tokyo really seems to have no plan. No urban development plan with any consistence. All the houses out my window are less than 4-5 meters from the track. Windows are right open to the trains. And the houses and apartments give way to commercial and industrial facilities without a moment's warning, only to immediately give way to a temple or more houses the train station I'm at now... is actually 5 or more stories in the air, hovering over apartment buildings below and there are 6 tracks of rail overlapping. Does tokyo work because of this lack of planning? Think about it. The cities with big problems in the west... NYC, Chicago... whatever designed. And administered, with places for residence and places for commerce and places for industry. The organization of locations of human activity seems to collect and consolidate human activity. according to some rational empirical sense of order. And what in life is really so ordered? Nothing I know. Life and experience is chaotic. Dynamic... and yes, of course fecund. Could a tokyo exist as it does because of the inherent chaos of its urban structure. A structure that no amount of social engineering and concrete, and trains can ever really segment into an ordered whole. In the past, I had compared Tokyo to a cancer, because of its grown and uncontrolled nature. But perhaps it is the ordered cities that give rise to cancers, because they cannot engage successfully with the chaos of human experience. And then perhaps Tokyo is more like the swamp. The swamp is in my mind an ultimately good location. One of many growing things in a messy struggle for self expression. Versus the well ordered planted field which has lost everything but the vaguest genetic memory of it's organic and biological origins. I'm not trying to be profound... just looking at the world out my window, and trying to figure out why it is that I find so much appealing in this dense maelstrom of cluttered buildings, and endlessly confused streets, bifurcated by these railways of seeming order, which are themselves, seen from a sufficient distance to be just a metatangle of transportation. I feel immediately more in touch with tokyo through its physical being than I did with Hakodate because of this intricate web of incommensurable spider structures all striving for the same rays of light and life. And I'm still not trying to be profound... just looking for words to conceptualize what I feel, as the train I'm on is passing under a contrcuction site, and travelling along side it... and the construction is to build another level of trains above tracks above the one's we're on now. In Toronto, we have the gardner expressway. It is the noose around our city. The black mark that keeps us from our rightful place on the water front. Is it really the 4 lanes of transportation 4 stories in the air? Tokyo has more elevated transportation that Toronto probably has streets. And remember that Tokyo probably has the population of Canada crammed into the greater toronto area. I don't think that it is the expressway that is a problem. But that it is not 2 stories in the air, as it needs to be to allow transport trucks to go under it, but 4 or 5 stories. Not that it is 50 meters wide, but that there are 50 meters on either side in which nothing is allowed to grow. It is not the pathway, but the space that it is, zoned from being a path to being a monolythic impediment. So, do you remove the imedement or do you remove the pathway. Couldn't you leave the pathway in tact? and surround it with life? yes, it would be cosmetic, but I'm wondering if the problem is itself not just cosmetic. If you covered the gardner expressway with ivy and had it dripping with green, and surrounded it with buildings, enclosed green houses, malls, movie theatres or just growing stuff that might suck up the toxins that it produced. Night clubs and bars would be great. No worries about auto exhaust or noise with the music and second hand smoke. I do think that homes would not be a good idea, because they'd quickly become a ghetto.. .but what am I saying, the south side of the gardner is already awash with condos that remind em a bit of what is ubiquitous in Tokyo. So, what are we left with at the end of my musings? Perhaps a couple of things. One is a deep and abiding questioning about the notion of urban planning, and the ""a place for everything and everything in its place"" mentality. Not that I've ever seen planning accomplish much good in this regard. Well... what's left. I think that I'm not advocating a free for all of capitalist expansion for the market. The market is what prefers order, wanting only variances to increase profit. I think that rather than putting industry afar away that allowing industry to co-habitate with homes, but focus on industry that is no more polluting per unit area than the houses are. The same goes for agriculture and commercial locations. I wouldn't mind living next to MacDonalds, if macdonalds produced no more garbage, smell, waste, noise than any of the houses around it did. It is not the industry that is a problem, but the fact that when we segregate or ghettoize a facet of our lives, we allow that facet usually to have a greater negative impact on our lives than we would if it was next to us... the Nimby mentality, no doubt. but if everything is ""in your back yard so to speak, then in a sense you have to confront your pollution. Confront your noise. Confront your garbage. I'm not going to apply this to tokyo, except to say that they have at least confronted some of this, successfully or not and I somehow have left ueno forty minutes ago, and am now pretty far from tokyo, perhaps 10 minutes from narita, in a world that is newer, and seemingly more ordered. I think Alan called it something like shopping mall country, or parking lot country. Or someone did. I guess when you have the car, and economies of scale, the structures are forced back onto even a non system. The political economy of the car culture requires that it have primary affordance... hmmm... No wonder we can't ban cars from Toronto. THey drive our culture, so to unuse them would be to divest ourselves of our own culture. And how can anyone be expected to do that? And as I watch the drainage pipe for a train terminus empty into the ditch next to a dozen acres of rice fields, you'll get my sense that I'm not ever ever positioning Tokyo or Japan as having some essentialized solution or quazi-aboriginal closer touch which the way things should be, but that every time I experience it, Tokyo sheds light on every other social experience I have with cities and urban spaces. Ah... my flight awaits."
Posted by jason at 12:16 AM
February 27, 2003
If you still love micro$oft
Alan emailed me this this morning from the other part of the house. It isn't even just funny any more. Microsoft is just a technological terrorist. Opera Press Release: Opera releases ""Bork"" edition "
Posted by jason at 07:22 PM
February 26, 2003
I'm finally gone. Atsuko's taking me to the airport now. Had a couple of hours of work to do here at FUN to try and finish things off... done as best I could. Out to a nepalese place tonight with Alan and Yuko. Spending the money I'd saved for a hotel to treat them, since they're letting me stay on the floor. That is a totally great use of money. Better than paying for a hotel. Thanks Alan! See y'all. And thanks SO VERY much to Larry and Atsuko for inviting me over for a wooly and wonderful time. And thanks to Hillel, Lehan, Bob, Caroline and Satoko over at FUN for making it a great experience."
Posted by jason at 09:23 PM
February 25, 2003
A paucity of prose...
Not too much to talk about today... unless you want to hear about techy stuff. Been doing laundry and packing, and looking for odds and ends. And thanks to my great amazing travel agent (Robin who works at distinguishedtravel. If you want his contact info, just let me know), I changed my flight, and I'm going to Tokyo at 1:35pm tomorrow, arriving at 3:00pm. Unlike most travel agents, Robin never sleeps. And unlike web pages, he responds to normal Jason requests, like ""Robin, can I go earlier or something?"" And even when he gets it straight and I screw it up, he fixes things with out a hitch. Thanks Robin. I'll have time to spend with Alan and Yuko. And say bye to japan without having to rush. See you when I get back!"
Posted by jason at 11:46 PM
February 23, 2003
Hakodate beer review and boats
Hakodate beer review. With new pictures. Saturday. I'm a bit shocked. Hakodate has not only got a really good microbrewery, it has three. I'm drinking ""Hakodate Beer"" brand at the moment as I sit in the factory brew pub on the harbour downtown. The beer is ""Two Hearts"". Their valentines day brew. Only in Japan would such a beer be a bitter dark ale, almost a stout. It is a bit thin for me, as a lover of Russian Imperial Stout, but it is ideal as a summer dark, and probably more than enough for the average palate. THey have other regular brews: a weizen, alt, ale and a kolsch. I don't know what a kolsch is, but I'll look it up. I bet it is a bitter, since it has the caption, ""Enjoy its bitter and clear taste."" Versus the alt: ""Enjoy its rich and bitter taste."" They sound like imperative statements to me. And who am i to not follow orders to the letter? I'll bring home some of this, as it comes in neat, though all too small, cans. Actually they have 125mil and 3 litre sizes. If you don't already know, most of Japanese beer comes in 1 million and a half sizes from 125 mil up to 4 litres, in 250 mil increments. Just finished a wonderful ""set dinner"" of broiled Hokke (fish). When I walked by the fish market on the way down, I saw this fish for sale eve rwhere, but I don't know what the english name is. Generic Delicious Fish. Finishing off another beer too. The weizen. That's wheat beer for you unlettered in the art of zymurgy. More fruit and yeasty zip than regular beer. Also usually cloudy. THough this one seems partially filtered. I think it is the wheat proteins that make it white. Dave? Am I right? Hats off to larry (an a bonus for anyone who got the del shannon ref) for the use of an iPod. And apologies to Bernie. He and I talked about carrying music around, and I said that I didn't like having music on when walking. I was wrong. The celtic guitar music in my earphones almost completely washes out the Whitney Huston drone. Almost but not enough.. Need something more acoustically dense... Ramones: Cretin Hop. It is 4pm. I left my place at about 12:30, and walked all the way down here. Took a bit over 2 hours, about 10-12k I'm told. I was too lazy to wait for the bus, and too confused, and I did want to walk all the way down here once. Kenny and I made it half way down here a couple of weeks ago, before larry caught up with us in his SUV. I have not spent as much time down here as I thought I would. Skiing with larry ate up saturdays wonderfully. But I did make it down here a couple of times. Perhaps four. I'd probably live down here in the summer if I was in Hakodate. The old part of town is definitely big enough to keep one occupied. And if I had to have a car to live in Hokkaido at all, I'd rather be down here, and drive out than the reverse. Today's goal is shopping. The weeks' goal is to read some chapters I'm to be editing for the handbook joel and I are working on. And to get a couple of conference proposals in for the AoIR conference this coming october. Prolly do that tomorrow, that is today in terms of when I update this journal. Gak. I just remembered that I'm having trouble sending email to hotmail, fis, chass and kmdi. Though I sincerely doubt that anyone from these domains are reading my blog, aside from KAT! and Julia (sometimes juliaD). But I've talked to them enough on IMs. A big ""Hi!"" to EvaB. I finally connected with her on iChat this week. Oh, This Weizen is definitely the best glass of beer I have ever had in Japan. Bar none. The only thing that would make it better would be if it was naturally carbonated, and if it was bigger. Love to you all to whom that wouldn't be an embarassing statement to make, and a profoundly respectful ""best wishes"" to the rest of you. And we know who you all are. At least in a general statistical sense. it is now 4:17 pm, and the waiter has taken my plate and glass, and left me with a hot glass of green tea. Sweet."
Posted by jason at 01:19 AM
February 21, 2003
What I did on my summer holiday...
Not that much. It was a burner of day. Ripping up floor tiles and laying down ethernet cables. Then lifing them back up and taking them out. And back, and forth... ""Thirty years with my head in a dirty oven. This is marriage?"" Was installing a highspeed wireless network for St Larry and crew. Finally got it figured out in the end. It is tough when you can't go and ask the networking guys how things are set up, cause they don't want to tell you, cause then you might know that it is borked. But we finally worked out a compromise, larry and I, that bypassed the networking guys. Remind me to tell you about them some day. They all sit in a room on the third floor, and they have slippers on. And they came to work in suits, but they took their jackets off, though not their ties. And they work for a big company that contracted them out to the university. And they're scared that if they let anyone do anything that something might break and they'd be thrown down a deep dark hole. But they seem like nice guys. Anyway, nothing much more useful done, as it took all day. What happened to the funding proposals and the conference proposals I'm to write? Not much. That'll be all next week, or larry's toast. And so am I. Luckily I got to chat with yuka for a good bit, then Julia (sometimes JuliaD), and Simsim. Simsim did a great job redesigning her blog, by the way. Tomorrow I'm going shopping. And I hope that that's going to be a great event. Pray for me."
Posted by jason at 03:20 AM
February 19, 2003
Walking Iddybiddy Puppy
Went out for a walk with Caroline (not sure of the spelling), a part time instructor here, who's taking care of IddyBitty while Lehan (a prof here) is in germany. The dog: I made 4 short movies. Actually the same movies. The first two have a 2 second delay, and not too good music. small (1.7 megs, 2 second delay) large (2.1 megs, 2 second delay) Better music, longer delay between pictures small (3 megs, 3 second delay) large (3.4 megs, 3 second delay)"
Posted by jason at 07:56 PM
February 18, 2003
Yuka knows the craziest things...
You must check out this story about the Lion Cut that someone... well, read it and tell me if I'm wrong."
Posted by jason at 10:51 PM
This is just for yuka... I had to hide my camera and set it to autoshoot to catch this miraculous shiba inu !"
Posted by jason at 09:24 PM
Fire and Ice
I had the luxury of spending most of my free online time over the past two days using iChat to talk with Yuka, so my posts have been brief. Chatting with Yuka is much more interesting than filling my blog up with information regarding what I've been up to... and anyone of you who've met Yuka will indeed agree. Larry was so busy with marking, that he actually snuck into his office so that he'd not have to deal with me, camped out in the student area. I was happily working away chatting with yuka, and Simsim and JuliaD, checking out Sarah's blog, and learning about kameshibai from Bob Seberry (another of the FUN crew) who had been in New Zealand exploring kameshibai in a maori context. (Check out http://kameshibai.com for info on what they are.) I had a thought that KAT! and Mudsey could perhaps teach students kameshibai via flash as part of their next summer duties. Today I got a package from her as well, via Larry and Atsuko. It was a belated Valentine's Day box of maple sugar candy. Sweetness personified. With her permission I shared at with some of the faculty on the 5th floor (the Communication Department). Some of Atsuko's students were lucky enough to partake. Unless I got it wrong, women buy men valentines presents. That works for me. Guys have no excuse for leaving presents for one day of the year. They should be at it more often. Well, in that's from a hetronormative perspective. Suffice it to say that the partner in a long term relationship who is responsible for keeping everything stable and sailing forward should be deluged with a myriad of presents. And the partner most in need of steering should be doing the presenting. Did I mention that none of the roads are salted or sanded here? Perhaps not. But that was what I was thinking of as I slipped and slid my way up to FUN this morning. I've seen more cars adrift on the roads than anywhere else except in the midst of a blizzard. Well, though the do scrape the worst of the snow off the roads and some of the sidewalks, they by no means create a safe environment. I've found that trying to walk across intersections to be the worse, due to the black ice that looks just like asphalt. But walking up to FUN is no fun matter either. The daytime sun is hot, and the sidewalk is black... so everything melts. That is until the sun goes down and every thing turns to ice. Some of the sidewalks are worse. You walk through slush when the sun is up, then all the bicycle tracks and footsteps turn to ice. Hakkodate must have the most sure footed octogenarians on the planet. I certainly see enough older folks about to know that they don't all stay indoors for the winter, or go to Guam. I thought of taking some pictures, but I slipped and fell while trying. Not really. I'm a sure footed semi-octogenarian myself. The strange thing is that in a country that is so organized in certain contexts, others seem to slip so spectacularly between the cracks. I think this is just central planning at it's best, and not much of a cultural comment on Japan. The rules are made in Tokyo where the snow and ice never stay long enough to get around to dealing with. It is, however, a comment on globalization, and the inability of someone far away to ever be able to have even a slight sense of knowing what's really going on elsewhere. Hillel's meeting with the networking police soon, and will probably be getting me access to the server outside of the FUN firewall, so that I can replicate all my work setting up stuff (PhP, MySQL, Perl, OJS, MoveableType, PhPNuke) that I've done with larry's server. A bit repetitive, but that's how things seem to work around here. I hope that they will decide that I'm not qualified, and choose to set it up for me. Today is Feburary 18th, and I'm heading home in 10 days. I'm going shopping this Saturday, down town. Early in the morning. So that I can see the fish markets. Perhaps I'll be able to get Atsuko to take me tea shopping, as I need someone to help me to get the best stuff."
Posted by jason at 09:00 PM
February 17, 2003
Steve is da Mann
Steve's got a new article ou in First Monday about Cyborg logs which he is conceptualizing as predating blogs. I feel responsible for telling him about blogs, but really it is not my fault. He'd have found them anyway sooner or later. Thanks to JuliaD for pointing me to the link."
Posted by jason at 10:16 PM
February 16, 2003
Size is important.
I just had to show you this. A nice pesto pasta with a myriad of veggies and flash fried pork. All cooked in a single 4"" pan. The wine was pretty good too. And yes, this is my entire kitchen. Well, there is a fridge and a microwave. I'm chatting with yuka in iChat, and she wanted to know how I could cook it in the small bowl... so: I had to cook fast. First cook the meat in pesto and olive oil. Put the results in bowl #1. And cover it with the chopping board. Then cook veggies in the same pan/sauce, and dump it in bowl #2, covered with a plate. Then pasta. The put pasta on plate, and reheat the veggies and pork, and voila."
Posted by jason at 07:54 PM
Here's an uncontextualized picture ken lecturing. It was a great little show of his stuff, organized by larry at the last minute. The term is over, but 6 students, and the same number of faculty stuck around on a Friday afternoon to hear him talkk about his work. T'was fun."
Posted by jason at 12:12 AM
February 15, 2003
Snow Massage
Snow Massage. Dr. Chau is going to hate me. Whether, she reads this or not. I think that today, I undid the past couple of years of chiropractic therapy, let alone a few millennia of special evolution. Today I went snowboarding for the first time ever at Greenpia Onuma, just across the lake Onuma valley from Nanai, where I went skiing for the first time in only 20 years. THAT was an unqualified success, and a triumph of experience over whatever experience should triumph over. Yes, snowboarding should be illegal for over 40s. I have no bones left. I'm not just jellied protoplasm on toast. And anything that still resembles a muscle is as tight and stiff as the recently jellied bones. From human to ameba in 4 hours or less. My calves are as hard as diamonds. Walking is not an option. My feet feel like they were on loan to the Russian ballet, ridden hard and put away wet by the most prima of ballerinas. My knees. They're in good shape. Somehow falling on your knees is not a painful thing when snowboarding. I think that this is due to the need to pray for deliverance from the spirit of bravado that led you down the path to consider snowboarding in the first place. Arms, elbows, wrists, fingers all struck hard surfaces with the intensity of a cannibal with a meat tenderize mallet. My butt hurts. We can leave it at that. My lower spine, however, cannot be left as is. It needs remedial therapy. It was wacked, but good. Upper back? I'm not sure if it was the whiplash from smashing the back of my head into the snow, or if it was merely the tension and fear now permanently lodged therein. The fear of snowboarding. Of course I loved snowboarding. Once I figured out that you will die if you try to treat a snowboard like skiis, and that it is easier on a steep fast hill than on a slow one, things got both easier and less painful. When you fall at high speeds you tend to slide on your butt or well padded stomach. When you fall at slow speeds... like almost standing, you fall like someone who tries to walk with their feet tied to a big flat piece of wood. You fall flat on your: face, back, butt. All damage was done on the easiest hill. The flying cartwheels that I did down the main intermediate hill were mere technical faux pas. Not even a memory. So, as Larry and Ayaka mastered Ayaka's fear of skiing on the easier hill, I moved up to the intermediate. And larry even got the opportunity for a run down the difficult hills. There are no pictures, of course. I was wise enough to realize, before the fact, that no camera, let alone a mother's child, would survive this experience. So the camera stayed in the car, surviving to bring you this wonderful picture of Ayaka cutting onions. Oh, I did forget to mention that the hills were filled with classes of high school students, all in matching outfits, learning to ski and snowboard. The hills were dotted with hundreds of kids in various states of disrepair. The obstacle course they themselves created merely added to the joy and confusion. As I write, we have two nice bottle ofchianti open, and larry's cooking up a pasta storm. Ayaka's on her gameboy, having finished her cooking chores. Larry certainly has 'italian' figured out in a way that is pretty amazing. I have never seen that much garlic in my life. I wish I knew how to cook like that. And before I go, I have to learn how to make a proper italian salad. I was stuffed to exploding... especially since wine is a bit cheaper here than in Canada. Though the quality is not as good on average, Larry helped me find some stuff that turned out to be really good. Just for comparison, you can get bottles of french wine here for 300 yen. That's about $3.60 canadian. I got a couple of bottles of Rhone valley stuff for $7 which looks drinkable. Just need to try it out... tonight perhaps. There was a wonderful package waiting for me when I got back to the Davies-Noguchi household. It was a large box from professor Yoshiko Akamatsu at Notre Dame Seishin University. Yoshiko's a friend of yuka and mine, originally through LM Montgomery conferences. Yuka had told me that Yoshiko was reading my journal, and had invited me to visit her. Okayama is pretty far from Hokkaido though, and it wasn't really possible this trip. But she sent me this wonderful package full of oranges and mandarins and kiwii from her garden, as well as some ""Shinchan"" candy, which I may never open, but add to my great shinchan collection. I must open the other package, which seems to be chocolate hena dolls. I'll have to take it up to the university to get some professional help in setting this up, you just have to see it... It was a great surprise, and an even greater breakfast!"
Posted by jason at 11:57 PM
February 13, 2003
It is a winter wonderland like I've not seen in decades, so I thought I'd share: night snow , bright snow , white snow . (sorry, the images are a bit big)"
Posted by jason at 10:15 PM
Hokkaido Nights have seen Queer Sites
kawaii, animals, and strange pictures abound... at least on my web site. Here's a page for Yuka, that I think I blogged about already, but it is updated. The first image is for Salmon, and her ilk. The next few are for Rochelle, if she's reading this blog. And for Rochelle if she is not. Then dogs and cats for Yuka... with a Ken+cat at the end. That's it for now folks. Well, just a second, as I upload more pictures."
Posted by jason at 10:04 PM
February 11, 2003
Camping with Kenny.
I've been going camping with Kenny for almost 20 years. Most always to Algonquin Park, sometimes to my mom and larz' place at Eagle Lakes. Sometimes even with our partners, though Yuka and Angela have supreme good taste and usually prefer that we go off on our own. Well, it has gone too far. We're sitting in my apartment in Hokkaido, Japan. And we realized it was back to our old camping lifestyle. Which means sitting around, making coffee by the fire. Hanging the bear bags. Foraging for firewood. Making stupid comments to one another from our sleeping bags in the dark. This morning, we're drinking 'Blendy Coffee' from bowls, eating Hokkaido camembert with baguette, and oranges. Ken looks supremely relaxed. Or asleep. Last night we went out to an isakaya (Japanese pub/eating place) and had this strange stuff in a pot. I forget what it was called. But chicken, leeks, fish, shellfish, cabbage, mushrooms. Plus a big plate of yakitori and other yakiStuff (yaki == BBQ). (see previous entry for picture.) Yesterday we went up to the university, and Larry gave Ken the tour while I played (skip to next paragraph if you don't want compspeak) with the bits of Redhat/Linux 8.0 that are totally wacked. It has changed a lot since system 7.2, and some of the tools I'm used to using aren't there, like linuxconf. And some don't work, like the firewall setting tools!!! So, the frigging firewall's up, and I can't use the tools I'm used to to reset it. Can't even find tripwire!!!! Luckily, Hillel brought professor Nakauye to visit. He's from Mukogawa Women's University's Department of English. And we talked about MOOs, Blogs, and Slashdotty things. It turns out that he's teaching unix tools to students as tools of learning and reflection. Teaching text editors (not word processors), grep functions and FTP. To English majors. So very cool. Anyway, he wants to get involved with some of our projects, and was helpful when Hillel went off to a meeting with the system admins about getting them to support some of our projects. Kenny had brought some of his strange distractors. Like his ""Listen to the Paper"" activity. You'd know about it if the doof would get a web site up. That an some of his other acoustic ecology projects. Larry and Hillel are interested in adopting the ideas for some of their projects. I was expecting them to find kenny's stuff interesting. Today's a national holiday... though about what, I don't know. It's 9:45am, and kenny and I will soon head downtown, probably walking the 6k, if bus service is too slow. Not wanting to pay 2000 yen for a cab. I am so cheap. Then we'll hook up with larry this afternoon, and perhaps go out for a bite. Who knows. I may even find an internationally able phone, and give yuka a call!!! If it wasn't for instant messaging on the computer, I'd have had no contact with her at all. Sad. But the trip's 40% over, and a lot has been accomplished. Enough to consider the trip both a success and worthwhile."
Posted by jason at 08:29 PM
Kenny in Hokkaido...
Well, kenny's here, and it seems as if he's not sent angela enough pictures. So here's some. kenny and the hot pot. kenny at breakfast. kenny with some art similar to his. kenny walking up to the old town meeting hall..."
Posted by jason at 08:24 PM
February 09, 2003
"Chairs, Animals and Skiing."
No time to tell you want I was doing. Only time to show you. I went skiing on Saturday with Larry and Hillel. My first time in 20 years, and I was scared. It took only one run to get the technique back. There was also an interesting event with chairs . Hillel didn't like me sitting on the student chair all day, and thought I whould have a professor's chair. But the admin said no. They thought I might spill coffee on it. So I got a researcher's chair. I'll spill coffee on it for them. The day before, Larry took me for a tour around town, and we saw some animals . I took pictures for yuka. Kenny's here now. I'll get a picture up, when he stops spinning out."
Posted by jason at 08:49 PM
February 06, 2003
Kawaii page...
I put up this small kawaii or cute stuff page for Yuka. Note larry's gozilla firewire hub."
Posted by jason at 08:32 PM
Japan has people!
Will it ever change? I'm at larry's office. It is sunny and snowing outside. Still playing with MySQL, MoveableType and now SlashCode. He wants it all... But I have revenge... first of all I put up a small web site: FUN (Future University) with Larry . And second, I'm making him download Linux 8.0 and install it on his dell server with only my words of encouragement, while I blog and eat green apple Mentos. Cooked for myself last night. First time I've had the chance since I was here... so, it was yakisoba! (Fried soba) with green peppers, garlic chives and bokchoi. And larry lent me a Python DVD. Oh, and someone, aka Yuka, said that I didn't have enough pictures of people on the site. So here's Larry and his daughter Ayaka, and Atsuko. "
Posted by jason at 01:17 AM
February 05, 2003
Walking to school
I talked to Yuka!!!!!!! It was a great adventure. I can't call overseas from Larry's office, or from his Cell phone. I can't stay awake late enough to call from larry's house. Yuka's email was down, so we couldn't email. So. I got on AIM, ICQ and MOO looking for help. Rhonna agreed to call yuka, and give her my number and ask her to call now. Funny thing is that Rhonna's in Norway. So, Japan > Norway > Canada. That's a good tech moment. Yuka called... and aside from the great mushy bits I'm not going to tell you about, it turned out that the wireless network at home had borked. Nothing left to do but disconnect it, and reconfigure the place as wired. You try that from the other side of the planet. Yuka, who usually refuses to touch wires, did a great job of rewiring everything, and testing connections. We then switched to AIM. Got my pretty photo id... and now I'm an official visiting d00d. Got some office space too. Though I don't think I'll use it much. Larry's got a better place... now that he's letting me clean it up. I feel like typical Jason. Walk in and start rearranging things. We actually ripped up the drop floor yesterday and dragged up more ethernet and power cables from under the floor. Then I stole one of his computers... It's called blowfish. A nice g4 tower. When he wasn't looking I erased all the hard drives. Well, he was looking. I just can't handle it when someone has 160 gigs of hard drive space. Spending the day installing mysql, and installing moveable type. Got pretty far along, but I need to print out the 300 page manual for mysql. Ick. I'd rather leave this for people like emma who get a kick out of it. But I'm here, and the only one at the univ who's going to do it. So here we go. Not much trouble, but I'd rather infinitely postpone the honour. Luckily, I'm keep detailed notes of everything I'm putting where, so it is not a problem for me to knock off now, and come back tomorrow. i won't be lost. Going to spend the evening reviewing poems for theharrow.com figuring out which one's we're going to publish... Anyway, here are some pictures of FUN. Here are nine views leading up to Future University. Compared to the historical environs from where I start. The mountain in the distance, by the sea, is mount Hakodate, and the oldest part of the town is down there. There's nothing behind the university, except parkland. House Fields and Mountains Vista 1 Vista 2 Vista 3 University 1 University 2 University 3 University 4 "
Posted by jason at 03:08 AM
February 04, 2003
School Time
Went out for sushi last night with Larry & Atsuko (and chibi-chan, Aiya? Not sure how to spell it.). I can see why Atsuko wants to move out of a small town like Hakodate. There are some people who seem so un-self-aware that you wonder how they remember to breath. Then there are others who just dropped in to say hi, on their way between walking the Silk road alone and trying to culturally relocate Edward de Bono in a Japanese context. (Just pretend I said ""Between two interesting and wildly incommensurable things.) Aiya can hold her own against two parents who are chastising her simultaneously in Japanese and English, and is as fluently bilingual as any eight year old can be. She and I left the restaurant poking at each other and muttering ""Tsun! Tsun!"" Which is, of course, the sound that poking at someone with your index finger makes. She's very much at eight, what my niece Marie is at 12; an independent soul in Japan. And as with both, the question is how parent can nurture it. Foood: The sushi was excellent. Garish and noisy and family restaurant like. Line-ups, 6 shouting sushi chiefs in the middle, and a beltway of delicacies circling them. The shouting was as people requested special things. The sushi was like sashimi that had been mistakenly dropped on a few grains of rice. Ate mostly things I knew: squid, octopus, salmon, tuna, maguro (minced tuna belly, with green onions), crab, and cucumber (a favourite). Probably more, but we just kept piling up plates. And my gracious hosts entertained me with chat and stories. I don't usually feel that relaxed with people I've met so recently. But Larry and I have chatted so often, though usually for brief periods, online for the past couple of years, that it was easy to slip into casual. Atsuko, as mentioned, would be someone you could strike up a conversation with during an earthquake. Then larry and I went out to a coffee shop for some brewskis. I had 25 grams of blend B in 150 mil of water. Larry and 20 grams of B in 150 mil of water. It was about 50 � (70�) more for the extra, but I wanted a boost. Excellent coffee. If you don't know, in Japan, you pay premium for coffee, but that's really just a charge for the opportunity to have a quiet place to chat unmolested. Just like the extra charge for first class peace of mind when traveling, rather than standing all the way. And I got 5 full hours of sleep, getting up a 5:30. Going in to see larry's uniZoo in about an hour, after finishing some yoga, and more microwave rice. Today was fun. Forgot to take pictures, but I do have some of the university that I took yesterday when I walked by. Larry has more computer toys that I've ever seen anyone have. It is just insane. Every little toy and gadget. I fixed up some problems he was having with his previously unused iPod, getting 18 gigs of mp3s off a computer. I'm going to wipe this puter and set up moveable type and PHP nuke, and mysql on it. And maybe OJS (Not Orange Juice Simpson). It's a nice g4 mac. Then we'll drag in the Dell server from the other side of the firewall room, and set it up for MOOOOOing. It will take for ever to download and apply all the patches, but it should give me a list of what I need to do for Achieve when I get home. It's behind on some of its patches. Larry introduced me to one of his colleagues, and I met some staff, watched a pile of student presentations (some more tomorrow too) and then I got my picture taken and got a space in the visiting scholar's wing. I'll probably spend most of my time in Larry's office, because more of the hardware is there, but when I have to retire somewhere to write, I know I've got a private space. But the highlight was Atsuko's decision that we were going out for Ramen!!! I love ramen more than sushi. It is a Japanese adopted chinese dish of noodles. I've always heard that the best ramen was in Hokkaido. And it was really really wonderful. No shit. It was a great bowl of noodles. Probably the best since 1988 when I was in Yuka's home town... another special area for ramen. Figures that they're the two parts of japan that have had some of the most non-japanese contact during the shogunate."
Posted by jason at 03:52 AM
February 03, 2003
Hakodate apartment at 6am
I've been up for about four hours. Nothing new for me in Japan. The jetlag frog has me in its clutches. When I've been over in the past, I've always woken up early for the first couple of days. But usually I'm staying at my sister-in-law Yoshie's house. There I can creep out of the house, and grab a hot canned coffee or two from a 24 hour vending machine at the side of the road, and go for a walk. Usually, I'd go out among the rice fields, and stop at a shrine or temple, or just polk about the town. Once, I remember calling Yuka after I'd been out for 2.5 hours. I'd walked through town and up into the mountains, and I needed instructions regarding which bus to take to get home. Apartment pictures: hallway , bedroom 1 , bedroom 2 Not this time. There's work to be done. I finished transcribing a couple of chapters of William of Newburgh's Historia Rerum Anglicarum that Ben needs to have so he can translate it for our vampire conference. UNFORTUNATELY, I didn't photocopy all the pages I needed. So I wrote an email to the always lovely and ever talented Mudsey to grab the book out of my office and to photocopy, and hopefully fax, the missing pages to Larry's office. Of course, I was watching TV, and saw the pictures of something streaming across the sky, accompanied by the words NASA and Texas, and bits and pieces of the Japanese from the announcers I could figure out. Strange feeling, as I was sitting alone in a bachelor apartment typing back in 1986, just before I moved to Japan for a year, with the radio on behind me, when I heard about the challenger disaster. My uncle was a senior engineer on the space shuttle program, responsible for the heat shield team, and he'd passed away the previous summer. So I've always had a special interest in the space shuttles, even though I find the whole space exploration thing a real problem. You probably don't care about my reminiscing about this. What about the cool apartment Larry and Atsuko (larry's partner) arranged for me. I've got a tiny apartment about 15 minutes on foot from Larry's house, and 25 minutes on foot from the university. Views one and two show the inside of the main room, and view three shows the entrance way. It is about three times larger than the one I had when I lived in Japan in the mid 80s. So it is luxury plus. TV. Washing machine. Japanese style bath. Everything looks brand new, and the heater keeps everything toasty. Only the main room is heated. The kitchette, bathroom and toilet are unheated... wise. Of course the toilet seat is heated. Larry took me out to a 100 yen store, and we picked up some necessities. Bowls, cups, glasses, chopsticks, cutlery, and the sort of foods you can get for 100 yen. Dried seaweed soups and stuff. I have some rice in the microwave as I type, and I'll probably sprinkle some soup mix over it, and that's breakfast! Nummy. It is friggen cold outside. Not like it has been in Toronto, but I want to go out and explore here, and just walk about. I know it will be a challenge today, but as soon as the sun's up, I'll head out, probably in the direction of the university, to see what I can see. Larry's going to call me this afternoon, and I'll probably go out with he and Atsuko for dinner. And tomorrow, I'll start in at his office, to see if I have some workspace. He told me that they've approved my internet access, so I'll be able to post these blogs in rapid succession, and get email sent out. What fun! Just got back from that ""little walk when the sun's up"" but it took about 5 hours. Didn't get lost. That would be too easy. Walked the 2.5 km up to the university. More on that when I recover. Then walked back. Then continued on downtown for another 3km. Looking for something to eat, on a Sunday at 10:30am besides eating from a 7-11. Ended up with KFC, which is better here than in Canada. Did some real shopping: carrots, peppers, satsuma (oranges), bokchoy, fresh noodles, bottle of wine. I can start eating civilized. Larry called me on his cell that he's loaned me to say we're going out for sushi tonight! And asked if I wanted to go to a snow festival. I need some sleep though. Got 3.5 hours to do it."
Posted by jason at 12:40 AM
Day Two: Saturday: Handea Tokyu Hotel.
Oops. Didn't need that 6am wake up call for the 7am shuttle bus to catch that 8:20am flight. It's a 2:20pm flight. Was looking at the return flight, not the outgoing one. I forgive myself in the name of laggedness. That was after getting to the hotel. Shared the bus from Narita airport to Handea airport (90 min) with an Austrian woman named Britta. She was with the 2012 winter olympic committee. Or 2010. She spent the entire trip, when not explaining the intricacies of olympic committees, alternating between trying to make her cellphone work in Japan and wedging a wad of swedish tobacco under her upper lip. I remember it as snuff, but she had another name for it. Just the thing for long journeys. I think I watched Spider Man 3 times last night. Made it worth the 1500 yen it cost to see it, but I just couldn't sleep, after not sleeping for the last however many hours it had been since I had last. Did get some down time between 11 and 3 local time. I think hotels are all about maximizing usage. I guess that's why I don't make an ideal guest. Had to have a shower and a bath. Watch a movie thrice (well, I think I saw it in sufficient fragments to count as merely two in total.). If I'm charged 1700 yen ($24) for breakfast, I might as well have three of them. Strangely enough, I did. A western one, then a Japanese one, then a fruit and salad one. Oh, four. After being so good, I had a plate of sausages and french fries (the Japanese version). [Pictures: hotel room , view from buffet , Mount Fuji from the hotel, out my hotel room window, Haneda Airport , Cyber Cafe 1 , Cyber Cafe 2 ] It is now 8am. That is 6pm Canadian time. And I've got 3 more hours to poke about until checkout. Time to find an international telephone and let yuka know I've arrived safely. When I talked to Alan last night (he's in Tokyo) I asked him to email yuka to let her know I'd arrived. But still... can't call too often when abroad. Especially since I totally suck at remembering to send postcards. (Though if you want one, email me your snail mail addy!). Yuka! I called Yuka just now. And she got the email from Alan telling her that I arrived. Not too much has changed in Canada over the last 24 hours. She seemed to get a kick out of my observations on being back in Japan, for the first time since 1995. I'll get to the observations later on, but they're joyful and sympathetic observations... not the ""gee, they don't do it like this at home"" sort. Wow. I overheard a great conversation from some guys explaining how to get from the hotel to Akihabara (do a web search), the greatest electronics shopping district in Japan, and probably the world. Alan's promised to take me through his favorite haunts if I can get back down to Tokyo during my trip. This guy was explaining how he was able to get from here to Akihabara for 390 yen. Everyone else was paying 1200, so they gathered around to hear. Turned out that he was from the Cook Islands, and the other two were from the Philippines and Brazil respectively, in for a conference on Airline security. A real growth business. Don't know much about the Cook Islands, beyond what you get from high school geography, so it was a neat discussion on comparative cultures. They use New Zealand for all their foreign affairs, and all that. Then it was time for the bill. First time I've ever paid $291 for an evening's stay (though that included the luxury of a single beer, breakfast and a movie). No wonder people can't travel if it is not on business. But then again, I guess I AM on business. Not looking forward to next year's tax time, that's for sure. That's enough for today. I want to keep every day's post under 500 works, otherwise no one will bother to read them."
Posted by jason at 12:38 AM
February 01, 2003
Day one. Airborne
No idea what time it is, but we are just going over the international date line. SO, no matter what time it is, it is now tomorrow. We're at 37k feet, and it is -61 F. 4:37 from Tokyo. It is 3:36pm, 7:36 in Toronto, and some other time in Tokyo. And I wonder why I get confused. It would be nice if it was the same time everywhere. But then it would no doubt cause a large number of people to go insane. I'm sitting in seat 24A, and C. The lady who was in C ran away as soon as I arrived, with barely a nod. She's now in 23 D, E, and F. Plane's not filled, as you can guess. Mr 24 D (and only D for this sedentary gentleman) is on the way to meet his girlfriend in Thailand. But everyone else is stretched out and snoozing. Just finished watching the Bourne identity. Stupid movie. Watched Vin Desel in TripleX earlier. A less stupid movie. Strangely enough. Bourne recognized nothing beyond how cool and dangerous the CIA is. Fine. Be that way. Europe's just a place for us to play politics, right. Ugh. Triple X at least gets intertextually confused. Not merely is Vin a guy playing a superHero robinhood Xtreme sports hunk, who gets to pretend to be a spy, but he says that he learned his skills by playing video games. As Ben says, ""It's a rich tapestry."" Going to read an Anne Rice novel. It is a tradition. Back in 1989, I think, before flying to Japan with yuka, it would have been to meet her parents (first time for me), we stopped at the Coles bookstore (now part of the Chapters/Indigo hegemony) to get something to read for the trip. Yuka (seriously, it wasn't me) pointed towards two books: Interview with a Vampire, and The Vampire Lestat as something that we might both read on the flight. I'd never read, to my knowledge, any vampire stories then, and I was reticent, knowing the types of people who read that stuff. When I was in teacher's college Sue had traded me one of Rice's works of erotica as collateral for an Astronomy textbook. It was a very bad trade. I read one on the flight, and almost finished the second. Read them again in Japan, and got ""Queen of the Damned"" while I was over there as well. Rice isn't much of a writer. And the stories are pretty stupid. Actually, she writes like a late medieval writer... all about food and clothes and the luxuries of the rich and undead. Still, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to read one more. Pretty much the same story about a bunch of queer vampires who fight over straight women. I know the term 'faghag' but I don't know the reverse term. At least Rice is more honest this time... Merrick's a witch from NewOrleans who manipulates the codpieces off the poor vampires to get what she wants. And what she wants is to be 'one of the boys': ""All my life I've been afraid of things, as a child and a woman must be. I like about it naturally. I fancied myself a witch and walked in the dark streets to punish myself for my doubts. But I knew what it meant to be afraid. And now, in this darkness, I fear nothing. You can't know a woman's vulnerability. You can't know the sense of power that belongs to me now."" Finally, a character who is not a frock-coated ponce crying over the mean twist of fate that has separated him from mankind with this 'dark gift'. But I'm sure that in the next novel she'll go back to focusing on her lamenting lads. The romantic period is so lame. And to be a romantic, period, for all eternity is just punishment. Oh, then the plane landed. I tried to call Alan to arrange dinner. And got no answer with all the various permutations I tried. Found out later that I'd written it down wrong again."
Posted by jason at 06:51 PM
January 31, 2003
If any of you go to http://roomofbensown.net you will find it down. I didn't make the payment before I left, on ben's behalf. Luckily, jenny lister noticed and emailed me. Hopefully I can get it up in the next hour or two before my plane leaves. Otherwise I'll get to it tomorrow. SORRY BEN!"
Posted by jason at 10:41 PM
Greetings from Haneda Airport
Yay!Excuse the typos. I am challenged when it comes to a japanese keyboard, especially when it comes to punctuation... but here I am! I am at the Yahoo!Cafe, in the airport. Took a picture, and I'll upload it in a bit. Using computers at the cyber Cafe's free. That is free internet access, as long as you buy a drink, and don't stay too long. And actually paying 350 yen for an iced late is not much more than you'd pay at Starbucks, and cheaper than anything at Toronto Airport. I just realized, as I was looking out at the airport, and the water beyond, that I'm flying out of Tokyo without ever seeing it... except as a haze in the distance. I've written two proper length blog entries, which I'll upload as soon as I'm online at Larry's office tomorrow (Sunday in Toronto). Gonna go and check my email now, and see if I can log onto Achieve."
Posted by jason at 10:25 PM
January 28, 2003
Postless in Toronto
I'd like to say that I'm in pre-packing mode for my trip to japan. But that's not the case. I'd like to say that I'm busy working on the AoIR conference, but that's off the mark. I should be preparing more on the KMD1000 assignment 3, and I will... tomorrow. Right now, I'm transcribing latin. William of Newburgh's Historica Rerum Anglicarum , and figuring out which sections of Newburgh, and Walter Map, that need to be translated by ""our man in the Ancient world"" Ben. Getting all my photocopies ready to take to Japan with me, so I can work on these venerable d00ds whilst I'm abroad. Oh, did I mention that I'm going to Japan for the month of February? Invited to Larry's university (Future University) in Hokkaido."
Posted by jason at 09:59 PM
January 27, 2003
Microsoft Virii-Terrorism
Computer virus infects networks around world Why when Saddam wants to control his oil and piss off some people in the neibourhood do we want to destroy him, but when Microsoft wants to bring the internet to its knees with software that's a threat to the world, we don't care? Hmmm... more than likely, this Microsoft SQL Slammer virus that's shutting down the internet IS a form of terrorism. Well it is. It causes terror in people. Threatens people's banking, sharing of family photos, blogging, and no doubt accessing online porn. Hmmm... sounds like something I'd do IF I wanted to strike a blow against, say, american values? And it started where? Probably in South Korea. And who put it there? Your guess is as good as mine... Anyway, I don't worry much. Having the Internet down once and a while is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. It is like Ramadan, Lent, Passover, periodic fasting, or not drinking every day to give your liver a rest. Being off line is a goooood thing. I'll be off a lot over the next four months, and I can't wait. But the point is, as always, if someone in the west does it, it is OK, or just an accident. But if a corporation in the east does it, it is terrorism. And here's the neat bit. The virus/worm may have started in asia. Perhaps as a north korean wakeup call. But it is really Microsoft SQL's fault. And we know that everytime a virus takes over the net, it is Microsoft's products. When's the last time it was a Mac? Or even a standard Unix box. Yes, I know they happen, and how the first internet virii were propigated, but Microsoft just makes it so so SOOOOOO easy. Microsoft products are a breeding ground for virii. And people have the gall to call me a Mac fanatic? I just prefer to work in environments that are not plague vectors. Especially ones that don't charge you for the privledge. Give me Unix... breakfast of champions!"
Posted by jason at 08:29 AM
January 26, 2003
This is the TV for me!
I want a Predicta! By telstar! No Joking. Look for it on my tabletop soon."
Posted by jason at 09:03 AM
January 24, 2003
Birth of A Brave New world
You may think that this is just an egoblog for me to tell you want I'm doing. That's all well and good, but when you're a lifetime ADD (attention deficit disorder) dyslexic, you need to document your life, lest you lose it and a scattering of thoughts. So much of what I put here is for me to remember as well... this especially goes for the list of links down the right hand column. Anyway, Cosmo just sent me a link to Birth of Brave New World . Cosmo and I have collaborated with CVEs for years, and he's an audio designer for computer games. This link seems to be another attempt at remaking CVEs into games, without realizing where the real location of interest in CVEs are... and we all know where that is, right?"
Posted by jason at 11:57 AM
The Common Sky: Canadian Writers against the War
Just got an email from Darren @ alienated.net . Perhaps I can remember how to write poetry... properly. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS The Common Sky: Canadian Writers against the War As the rhetoric of war in Iraq grows louder, there is an urgent need for reflective, responsive, and resistant voices in the Canadian public sphere. Published by Three Squares Press, and edited by Mark Higgins, Stephen Pender, and Darren Wershler-Henry, The Common Sky: Canadian Writers against the War will assemble a diversity of Canadian writers expressing their opposition to another (potential) war in the Middle East. Writers are invited to submit poetry (1-3 pages, max. 3 submissions) and short fiction (max. 1500 words) occasioned by the threat of war in Iraq. Electronic submissions strongly encouraged. threesquares@sympatico.ca OR Three Squares Press 16 Ashdale Ave. Toronto, ON M4L 2Y7 *Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you need your submission returned. Contributors will receive 2 copies of the anthology. Proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the Canadian Peace Alliance www.acp-cpa.ca Submission deadline: Tuesday February 11, 2003 Publication
Posted by jason at 11:38 AM
January 23, 2003
Who thought Brin could do this?
Brin is capable of many strange things, but Wow. Brining a turkey takes this to new heights."
Posted by jason at 11:01 AM
Count Bill...
Thanks to Ben's sister... who led me to this site..."
Posted by jason at 09:07 AM
January 22, 2003
Happy Anniversary
Happy Fifteenth Wedding Anniversary Yuka!!! Jason and Yuka were wed at 3:15 pm, January 22, 1987. Yuka has such a good sense of humour that she's kept with the status quo. Yay! We had a great dinner at Le Select Bistro on Queen... minutes after I got back from a wonderful day visiting the department of education at Trent U."
Posted by jason at 09:58 PM
January 21, 2003
Going to Peterborough
Off to the land of the liftlocks tomorrow. Just for the day. I'm sure you won't miss me. And some of you may wish me luck. I just hope that I can get my presentation done in time. :)
Posted by jason at 08:12 PM
Dad and Sis
Here's a picture of my dad and sister Cats (Cats is no relation to Kat!) at the Father and Daughter dance last spring. Just got the picture from Cats' mom. I just want to go on record to praise dad for doing the 'right thing' and going, even though there was no complimentary bar or cigar smoking."
Posted by jason at 09:50 AM
January 20, 2003
Vampires in Budapest
Going to Vampires: Myths and Metaphors of Enduring Evil 22nd May - 24th May 2003 Budapest, Hungary. Going with Yuka and Elizabeth Miller. Presenting on the stuff Ben and I are working on..."
Posted by jason at 12:34 PM
Just who is this woman?
As I'm looking through SXSW /interactive/panels for March 9th, I see: ""Katherine Parrish will discuss barriers to participation in Internet communities."" Yay! Katherine! . I will take pictures. Her discussion is called Conceptual Firewalls... and somehow it includes me too... though you won't find me listed on the program )PDF ). And that's a good thing. Anyone else going? I need a cheap place to stay..."
Posted by jason at 11:35 AM
January 19, 2003
Still no coffee but buttons work...
It is true... the links above to courses, papers and projects are now more than dead hotlinks. They're live, new and improved, hotlinks, with shiny content behind it... though the font's probably too small."
Posted by jason at 09:45 AM
The Joy of Dross
I was about to post a comment responding to comments made by RK and Pea to my micro-rant on voice, but then I decided to make it a post. I don't know how false. My point is that blogging is about having a voice, not about having to say something intelligent or interesting. You, RK, would know better than most of us, which famous writer wrote her/his best stuff the first time pen was put to paper? Probably 100000:1, could be more. Blogging is a tool of public voice, and it is still in its prenatal stage. And new writers have to find their footing. Of course writers who already have a skill in a nother public writing medium (academics, professional writers, journalists) can leverage their prior skills and experience, and leap over those who are new writers and new bloggers. Yes, publishing the mundane facts of your life can be boring... unless you happen to be Catspaw who can turn the act of clipping her toenails into high drama, or Blatherings where Debbie's life is subject of her cartooning. What's different? Well, they're both out to manipulate the reader, rather then being out to share the facts of the day. They're ready to beg/borrow/steal from their own lives in order to caputer some market share of your attention, and some cycles from your cortex processor. [Sorry, this is pre-coffee, so I may be losing the fight for clarity.] That said, we don't expect the first painting, poem, written page to be perfect. But we do have a fetish that when something is public, it should be interesting and professional, and we have a defacto write, nay a divine command, to position ourselves within a 'great chain of blogging' that puts the writer of the mundane at the bottom. Bet I can't completely escape from that either. Personally, I am more interested in the writers of the mundane than I am about reading what goes on in The New Yorker. Always been that way for me. I figure that enough people read the big journals, journalists and rags that I'll pick up anything interesting by cultural osmosis. Same goes for blogs. Though there are some big names, at least in their own minds, on my blogroll, it is only because I've tripped over them in the same manner that I have tripped over everyone on the list. At random, as friends in other contexts, or as friends of friends. Ok, my point is that it is a new medium, a new form of expression. We can focus our attention on those who will, reasonably enough, want to hijack for ends that jive with their previous medium, or we can focus on the people for whom this is their first location for public voice. There are more of the latter, and most will fail, but some may take up blogging in a new way, and add to our palate of forms of written expression in ways uncharted. And I'm curious as to what they'll do. Another point is that, unlike is the case for previous forms of publishing, it doesn't take much cash. It IS an elitist western form of communication... you need a computer and access to the internet... which leaves most of the world out. That number goes up and down by a billion people depending on what the chinese government's doing. But all in all, it has given more voice to more people for less gelt, and right off the bat I started hearing, in other media, how blogs would bring down writing, pollute the rarified air of journalism with the dross of the average d00d with nothing to say. And thank god for the editors, and more for the filter of time, that separate what is worth reading from what is not. The only rationales I can imagine for this position is that people want to keep their own privledge and power, and don't want to be threatened in their position of authority, and that, as a reader, people want to know what is right and good to read without having to discern what is interesting for them to read. If it is in the 'Time Literary Suppliment' it must be good. But if it is on a blog called the ""fetid gerbil"" who is to tell us if it is good or not. What if we read something trashy and find that we like it. What if we really do enjoy a good wallow? Luckily, we have http://blogdex.media.mit.edu/ which is probably the greatest tool invented for limiting the scope and diversity of blogging that I've ever seen. Or it is the greatest tool that I don't understand. It tells you what is best. It tells you who is reading whom, what topics are hot. And everything else is not. So? If you can't find out what's important to you, you can find out what is important to everyone else and read that. There are others that help you find the best of the best: blog of the day and the list who show you what is good out there. I guess I shouldn't complain. It is just the way things are. I just want to encourage people to keep blogs. Boring blogs. Blog the minutae of your life. Do it the way you want. Don't think that it has to be interesting. And don't care if anyone reads it. Fight the temptation for audience, and embrace the temptation to find something interesting to say to and for yourself. And I think that people should consider how controlled and directed their tastes are towards what is 'best to read' and worthy of reading, without much in the way of criteria beyond the fact that they were trained from an early age to appreciate such things. And you don't challenge your training? I do think that a bit of unlearning is a good thing, when it helps you to find a home closer to your heard, and a bit farther away from the dictates of taste and style. And even if your true and eternal home is rapt and wrapped with all that it 'best in our culture' (you unpack that... my hands are sticky) at least you'll know that it is, cause you've hung with the backwoods homeys for a while. [I reserve the right to disagree with this after coffee...]"
Posted by jason at 08:34 AM
January 18, 2003
Typing in the past...
On Jason O'Grady's PowerPage I found a link to The ElectriClerk . Go. Look at it. It is great. It is wonderful. It is a William S. Burroughesque/Brazilesque mechanical/digital monstrosity of beauty."
Posted by jason at 08:36 AM
January 17, 2003
Who gets a voice around here anyway?
I ran across Start-up marries blogs and camera phones on Eszter's Blog Entry: ""Mobile blogging.. any blogging?"" (01/13/2003) and ended up at Slashdot | Blogging With Camera Phones . I think that Eszter's comments were great. Mostly that the Slashers are complaining about bloggers, but really do the same thing, except that they do it in a famous place, and therefore are more cooler. But I thought that this thought was strange, ""Yes, there may be lots of blogs out there that are truly about nothing more than what someone had for breakfast or what the weather was like in their town today, but if that's all some people see in blogs then they are really missing out."" If we're sociologists, aren't we more interested in what people do, rather than deciding what it of value and what isn't? I rant a lot about finding it much more interesting to read about the daily events in the life of a healthcare worker than a list of what papers Jason's published, or who some star had lunch with. Back to the roots of the internet, and we're back to a bunch of people chatting with each other about things that interest them. I think it is the fact that most people complaining about how the net is used or not used now came onto the net after 1994 that leads them to think that it is about glitz and hype of interesting people doing interesting things with their lives and careers. Or zany d00ds who can titilate us with their antics. Go back and have a look at Ed Krol's ""The whole internet"" 1992 edition, to see what was really there, and what people were doing. They were just chatting with eachother. Sharing bits of their day. Perhaps sharing some info that they had access to that might be of interest to others. I think that the net was closer to blogs in terms of how they were used, than they've been to much else since the advent of the first graphical web browser. That said, I'll stop ranting except to say that Blogs seem to be about the individual, and most other online portals/slashydottythings/Usenet/edTech/CMC technologies are more about the collective. The latter focus on the location and topic of communication, and less on the reflective individual exploring issues and topics. And this exploration of diversity is interesting to me."
Posted by jason at 09:16 AM
Mann in KMD1000
Here's the site that Steve Mann put together for the lecture in my class todayInvention of the Wearable Computer: Fundamental Issues and Technologies . When I get Ravin Balakrishnan and Paul Milgram's stuff, I'll post it too. I most always put the notes up on the course page for KMD1000 , but I should have been pointing out the more publically interesting lectures in both places."
Posted by jason at 07:46 AM
January 16, 2003
Unvoicing the bloggers...
Some people don't have comments on their blogs because they don't know how to add them. Easy to figure out whom... people who use Blogger for instance. They have difficulties adding comments functions without knowing how to edit html and the like. Others don't. If you use moveable type, you have to turn off comments. And that's interesting to me. If comments are off, it means that you do not want to engage with readers. You do not want to hear what people have to say. You do not want to be challenged. That's well and good. All of us get tired of having to defend what we're saying. But it also means that you're part of the broadcast culture... the old paradigm. The technology that silences the many for the betterment of the few. And I can't but wonder why... would it be a disinterest or a disrespect for the reader? Or a heightened sense of self-valuing. It is an open question, because I still think that the real value of computers is in their ability to put people in touch with people. using them to isolate yourself from them (beyond the use of it as a broadcast medium) is problematic in the least."
Posted by jason at 11:46 PM
January 15, 2003
The gaze never gazes on the geezer.
Mann-O-cam [Potentially Large Video Feed]"
Posted by jason at 09:56 PM
Jeff Noon and Dave Goulden
Katherine and I just got our copies of Jeff Noon's new book Falling out of Cars , thanks to Dave. Got it acouple of days ago, and I've been too busy to even email my thanks to dave. Time to do it publically!
THANKS DAVE And the book is great, as are all of Jeff's books."
Posted by jason at 05:53 PM
Steve Mann announces Glogs
Cyborglogs (""glogs"") is what Steve's using to describe what he and Joi Ito, and others, are doing in the blogging world... He's always got something new up his sleeve... collecting intel. And he'll be doing, I think, his first public lecture on Glogging in my KMD1000 class this week. Don't miss it... As Steve puts it: Cyborg Logs (also known as cyborglogs, or ""glogs"" for short) are timestamped stream-of-deconsciousness personal diaries often made public in realtime on the World Wide Web. Unlike Web Logs (weblogs, blogs) that are done from a desktop, glogs invite the public inside the life of the glogger, and allow others to communicate with the cyborg by modifying his or her visual perception of reality in realtime."
Posted by jason at 03:14 PM
Something overdue
The Politics of Code: Shaping the Future of the Next Internet is a conference next month hosted by the Oxford Internet Institute. People seem to think that code is culturally neutral... scary that people can think that value neutral technologies and text can exist."
Posted by jason at 01:45 PM
Shaping up and shipping out...
It is a strange time of year... stranger than you might think. I've had one job interview already, and have at least one more before I head out to Japan. I think I've mentioned it 200,000 times this fall, but I'm going over to spend a month working with Larry Davies at the Future University in Hakodate, Japan. Going over for the month of February. What I wasn't expecting was that February is job interview month. What has been very nice is how accommodating people have been in trying to schedule interviews such that I don't have to fly back from Japan for one. The world is full of sweetness and light today. Good time to send out some more job applications... Guelph and Ryerson, here it comes!"
Posted by jason at 10:15 AM
January 14, 2003
Why Kat Should Be Institutionalized
Catspaw's Guide to the Inevitably Insane presents Extreme Sledding . Of course this is something Julia 's been whining about not doing. I think she and Kat should hang out."
Posted by jason at 04:24 PM
January 13, 2003
China Blocks Bloggers
Kat ICQed this to me... from Ron Deibert's lab: China blocks bloggers "
Posted by jason at 10:30 AM
January 12, 2003
Count Virtula and the Simulacrum of Doom.
I have a task. And the task is to show how Dracula is a virtual being, an consequently how the character of the Count, and the novel Dracula represents virtuality such that it is worthy of inclusion in our handbook on virtual learning environments. It is a challenge that I've been given, and accepted. But it is daunting to say the least. I KNOW I am right, but how do you get around to saying it? The problem is to step outside of the normal notions of VR as a post-gibsonian term for a computer generated consentual hallucination. And even farther beyond the notion of VR as a simulated environment. Hmmm... Perhaps not that far from that latter notion we got there. When I think of Plato's cave, or Swift's lands that Gulliver travels through, or the gothic topologies of Beckford's Vathek, I know that I'm engaged in a psychological landscape that has less to do with dirt than it has to with the visual manifestation of a concept. Likewise, Dracula is no less a conceptual being, and much less a dude in an opera cape. He is desire, fear and all the strong emotions made apprehensible; a psychological event. Moreover he is a cultural and political manifestation of white, male, colonial european unease; the virtual embodiment of that which has been supressed in their own individual, cultural psychies, and suppressed in the colonalized. The Virtual is a term that exists in opposition to the 'real' or the 'natural'. That which is not real/natural is variously noted as surreal, unreal, fictional, unnatural, and virtual. Virtual is opposed to actual. But it also partakes of the real. According to the Shorter Oxford, virtual is ""Possessed of certain physical virtues or poewers; effective in respect of inherent qualities; capable of exerting influence by means of such qualities."" And specifically ""Not physically existing but made... to appear to do so from the point of view... of the [reader]."" (Edited to remove computer references.) Dracula is the arch represenation of the virtual being, both the constructed fiction and the simulacra, the 'other' who does not (being undead) and cannot (because of the logical impossibility) exist. He is the created thing, created to fill the void of signified that requires a signifier. That is, there is 'something' unknown out there. And this 'something' is the unknown and the non-human, extra-cultural, 'the other'. How can you define this unknown. How do you attribute meaning to it, how do you confront it? You create something, this simulacrum, and forge a relationship between this signifier and the 'unknowns' which are now the signified. Dracula is now the signifier. He is a construction that stands in the place of the unknown. He signifes and embodies the unknown. Dracula is about the unseen: the other-worldly, the cryptic, the haunted. But he's also about the world that is just now being seen under the lense of science: blood and water born pathogens, anthropology, sociology, and of course the psychology of madness. All these conceptual landscapes were then, and are now, virtual spaces, not real or physical. You could call them imaginary or fantastical, and these designations may be true, but as with imaginary and fantastical landscapes, they are not merely locations without meaning, but rather they are constructed so that they might reflect the real and precipitate a greater understanding of the real through the engagement with the virtual. And of all the virtual characters that have found their way into English literature and culture, it is Stoker's figure of Count Dracula who has not only the greatest sway over our hearts and souls, but speaks as the representative embodiment of the virtual 'other' itself. Thoughts? This will be on the final exam..."
Posted by jason at 08:21 PM
Blogging Books
Has anyone read or seen these books? I have Essential Blogging, which is useful, but a total yawnfest. Thoughts? The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog by Rebecca Blood We Blog: Publishing Online with Weblogs by Paul Bausch, Matthew Haughey, Meg Hourihan We've Got Blog: How Weblogs Are Changing Our Culture by Editors of Perseus Publishing (Introduction), Rebecca Blood"
Posted by jason at 11:08 AM
[Air-l] Call for Papers - Internet Research 4.0: Broadening the Band - 4th Annual AoIR Conference
[Note: Katherine and I are working on this conference. So you'd better submit something. You folks in KMD1000 better submit something!] Subject: [Air-l] Call for Papers - Internet Research 4.0: Broadening the Band - 4th Annual AoIR Conference Reply-To: air-l@aoir.org [please distribute widely] Call for Papers - IR 4.0: Broadening the Band International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers in Toronto, Ontario, Canada October 16-19 Lead organizer Knowledge Media Design Institute at the University of Toronto Submission site opens: January 15, 2003 Deadline for submissions: March 1, 2003 Conference Website: http://www.aoir.org/2003 | http://www.ecommons.net/aoir Digital communications networks such as the Internet are changing the way people interact with each other, with profound effects on social relations and institutions. Yet many remain excluded from access and meaningful participation. It is timely to consider who is included, who is excluded and what we now know about the composition and activities of online communities. Internet Research (IR) 4.0 will feature a variety of perspectives on Internet, organized under the theme Broadening the Band. As in previous conferences, the aim is to develop a coherent theoretical and pragmatic understanding of the Internet and those that are empowered and disenfranchised by it. IR 4.0 will bring together prominent scholars, researchers, creators, and practitioners from many disciplines, fields and countries for a program of presentations, panel discussions, and informal exchanges. IR 4.0 will take place at the Hilton Hotel in the heart of downtown Toronto. The conference is hosted by a team led by the Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI) and its partners at the University of Toronto. The IR 4.0 steering and working committees reflect the growing pan-Canadian network of Internet researchers, including members from Quebec, Alberta, and New Brunswick, in addition to the local contingent from Toronto, York and Ryerson Universities. This year's theme, Broadening the Band, encourages wide participation from diverse disciplines, communities, and points of view. Under the umbrella theme, contributors are called to reflect upon, theorize and articulate what we know from within the emerging interdisciplinary space known as Internet Research. In a cultural sense, the theme calls attention to the need to examine access, inclusion and exclusion in online communities. What role do race, gender, class, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, age, geography, and other factors play in the degree of online participation? What are the indicators of meaningful participation? In a technical sense, the theme points to the development of broadband, wireless and post-internet networks and applications that are currently coming on-stream including community, private, public as well as national research networks (e.g. CA*net 4, Internet 2). We plan to use these technologies to make the conference an internet-mediated and internationally accessible event. In an organizational sense, the theme reflects a widening of AoIR's reach to include more researchers and constituencies involved in the evolution of the Internet. French language presentations will be included in the call for papers for the first time. Researchers and practitioners in the arts and culture sectors are encouraged to participate alongside social scientists and humanities scholars and researchers. In a thematic sense, ""Broadening the Band"" suggests widening the scope of topics and problematics considered within past conferences, while retaining the consistent emphasis on rigorous research work. This call for papers thus initiates an inclusive search for theoretical and methodological correspondences between this expanding theme and the many disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches that are required to address it with precision. Possible Topics: - Who is bridging what: questions and answers on the digital divide - New directions in digital art - E-me, e-you? (E- Health, E-Governance, E-Commerce,E-Business, E-games, E-entertainment, E-other) - Ethnicity, Race, Identity, Gender, Sexuality, Language(s) and Diverse Cultural Contexts Online - Who Decides: Ethics, Law, Politics and Policy of the Internet - We can't measure that, can we? Meaningful Indicators for Internet Access, Participation, Use and Effects - Who owns what? Value, Space, and Commons on the Internet - Is there an Author, a Publisher, or writing on the internet? - Transformed by Technics: New Technologies and The Post-Internet Age - Who is watching your computer, when You're not watching it.... - When we are glocal: the internet in global and local manifestations - I put my lesson plans on the internet, what changed? Teaching, Learning and the Internet - Digital media and terror/ism: global flows, economies, and surveillance - Social movements, net-based activism, and hactivism in a global arena - Which methods, whose theories? determining approaches to internet research - Why did we digitize that, and what's it worth? Exploring the value of digital content This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to trigger ideas and encourage submissions from a range of disciplines. The organizers will take an active role in generating and joining the various interests into appropriate formats. Submission of Proposals The Association of Internet Researchers invites paper, presentation, and panel proposals from AoIR members and non-members on topics that address social, cultural, political, economic, and aesthetic aspects of the Internet. We welcome interdisciplinary submissions as well as submissions from within specific disciplines. French language presentations will be included in the call for papers for the first time. We especially seek panel proposals that establish connections across disciplines, institutions, and/or continents. We also encourage creative presentations that will make use of Internet technologies and artistic techniques. Proposals for papers should be in the form an approximately 500-750 word abstract. Creative presentations and demonstration projects should consist of an approximately 500-750 word abstract, plus brief illustrative material. Panels will generally include three to four papers or presentations. The panel organizer should submit an approximately 500 word statement describing the session topic, include abstracts of up to 250 words for each paper or presentation, and indicate that each author is willing to participate in the session. Abstracts and proposals may be submitted for review in English or in French. Papers, presentations and panels will be selected from the submitted abstracts on the basis of peer review, coordinated and overseen by the Program Chair, assisted by sub-chairs with expertise in specific areas of scholarly and aesthetic knowledge relating to the Internet. Proposals can be for three types of contribution to the conference: - papers, creative presentations, and panels. Each person is invited to submit a proposal for 1 paper or 1 presentation. People may also propose a panel of papers or presentations, of which their personal paper or presentation must be a part. Average time allotted for a paper or creative presentation will be 20 minutes. Average time allotted for a panel will be 1 hour and 30 minutes, including discussion time. Detailed information about format of submission and review is available at the conference website http://www.aoir.org/2003. All proposals must be submitted electronically at http://www2.cddc.vt.edu/confman/ (_note_ - submission site opens January 15, 2003). Deadlines: Submission site available: January 15, 2003 Final date for proposal submission: March 1, 2003 Author notification: April 1, 2003 Presenter's Registration to the conference: September 1, 2003 Student Award: Completed paper: September 1, 2003 Graduate Students: Graduate students are strongly encouraged to submit proposals. They should note their student status with submission in order to be considered for a special Student Award. Students wishing to be a candidate for the Student Award must also send a final paper by 1st September 2003. Canadian graduate students outside of central Canada should note that funds may be available for travel and subsistence. Notice will be sent out to the AoIR list as soon as funding commitments are confirmed. To ensure diverse participation, registration fees will be kept low for presenters, and a billeting and room sharing system will be established. Simultaneous French language translation will be available (subject to budgetary considerations) in certain sessions. Pre-Conference Workshops Prior to the conference, there will be a limited number of pre-conference workshops which will provide participants with in-depth, hands-on and/or creative opportunities. We invite proposals for these pre-conference workshops; local presenters are encouraged to propose workshops that will invite visiting researchers into their labs or studios or locales. Proposals should be no more than 1000 words, and should clearly outline the purpose, methodology, structure, costs, equipment and minimal attendance required, as well as explaining its relevance to the conference as a whole. Proposals will be accepted if they demonstrate that the workshop will add significantly to the overall program in terms of thematic depth, hands on experience, or local opportunities for scholarly or artistic connections. These proposals and all inquires regarding pre-conference proposals should be submitted as soon as possible to the Conference Chair aoir@ecommons.net, and will be accepted up to June 15th. Notification of terms and space allocations will be sent out as soon as details are confirmed, with final acceptance required by June 30, 2003. CONTACT INFORMATION If you have questions about the conference, program, or AoIR, please contact: Program Chair: Matthew Allen, Curtin University of Technology, Australia m.allen@curtin.edu.au - All inquiries on review and acceptances Program Co-chair: David Mitchell, University of Calgary mitchell@ucalgary.ca - Inquiries on conference themes and special technology themes Conference Chair: Liss Jeffrey, Knowledge Media Design Institute and McLuhan Program, University of Toronto aoir@ecommons.net - All inquiries on Toronto conference and pre-conference workshops Associate coordinator: Katherine Parrish, OISE/University of Toronto aoir@ecommons.net AoIR President: Steve Jones sjones@uic.edu Association Website: http://www.aoir.org Conference Website: http://www.aoir.org/2003 | http://www.ecommons.net/aoir"
Posted by jason at 10:37 AM
What is Inkygirl, exactly? ""A central place where I can post my findings during my daily visits to various writing job banks and resources, as well as posting my writing-related cartoons."" Inkygirl is Debbie Ohi's lattest writing vehicle. From the woman who brought you inkspots.com and joy and mayhem 24x7. And I think she still lives down the street."
Posted by jason at 08:41 AM
January 10, 2003
Vampire bat saliva may lead to new stroke drug
The Globe and Mail: Breaking News has an article about Vampire saliva. Sounds like something that would interest Blake, who in his past life was making articifical blood. And is now a cosmetics god."
Posted by jason at 09:15 AM
January 09, 2003
The Biggest Threat To Peace
TIMEeurope.com: Poll The Biggest Threat To Peace . Have a look. And guess who comes in first? You guessed it. America. Thanks to Joi Ito, as I first read it on his blog."
Posted by jason at 11:51 PM
Ooolong-chan has passed away.
Oolong-chan that famous bunny with an orange (and other things) stuck on his head, whose pictures adorned the internet for so long, is gone. At the age of 8. The page is in japanese, but the alt tags for the images are in english. Sniff... Here's Oolong in happier times Newyears 2003 ."
Posted by jason at 08:42 PM
International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments
virtuallearninghandbook.net is now up and running. This is the official site for the handbook that Joel, Peter and I are editing. And which Katherine and Vera are assisting with. We have a list of contributors and chapters up now as well."
Posted by jason at 09:53 AM
January 08, 2003
Guess What Apple Lost Tonight?
Their Homepage... "
Posted by jason at 10:41 PM
For KAT and the Cats
Eat them all! Sche wonders how yuka finds all of these..."
Posted by jason at 09:33 PM
Surfing Safari!
Just downloaded Safari , the new Apple web browser. Somewhat similar to the Mozilla Navigator browser, but closer to the MacOS. Much nicer than IE, which I'm using at the moment. Why? Because all the other browsers act funny. Sigh."
Posted by jason at 08:53 PM
Eszter reminded me of the Third Annual Weblog Awards . Gotta look closer to see what's up this year with them. As Eszter says, they at least recognize that blogs exist outside of the USA."
Posted by jason at 08:06 PM
How they do that...
I used to ride motorcycles... dirtbikes. Between 14 and 16 year old. Finally sold the bike to pay for repairs I couldn't afford. Well, that's the past. Was channel surfing, looking for weather news, and ran across an extreme sports channel. I used to also skateboard around 1972-4, so I like sk8ters. And I stopped to watch. And what to my wondering eyes should appear? ExtremeDirtbikes. Same as skateboards, but with motor cycles. A guy, and this was suposed to be the frirst time in competition, did back to back backflips on a motorcycle. First one was a 45' flip, and the second was an 80' flip. And there was only about 40' between the jumps. It was an incredible thing to watch. Yay extreme! And yes, I'm taking the afternoon off after a draining 30 minute job interview."
Posted by jason at 03:12 PM
January 05, 2003
Yuka says...
Play the tout est beau point com * monkey lander game."
Posted by jason at 09:44 PM
Watch Julia Think...
If you don't already, you should be reading Flailing in the Surf! That's Julia's blog (link down on the right). First of all, she thinks no one reads her blog. Second, she says lots of interesting things and has a snarky attitude about things that should be snarked at. Third, there is no #3. Two is enough."
Posted by jason at 09:18 AM
January 04, 2003
Conceptualizing makes you hungry.
Sure, some of you are shoveling sidewalks. But I have other things to shovel. I've spent every waking moment for the last week planning for a presentation that I have this week. And I'm just about all conceptualized out. Unfortunately, I have meetings packed in all day monday and tuesday as well. I just can't wait until Wednesday afternoon, when it will be too late, and I can take a nice trip over to Ryerson with David Mitchell from UCalgary to talk tech with folks there for the upcoming AoIR 2003 conference. Oh, did I say that I have 5-6 job applications that I should send out, and 3 abstracts for the VLE handbook? Well, I'm done for the day. All typed out. Gonna have sausages and the healthfood version of kraft dinner. And wash it all down with some cranberry wine from Bala."
Posted by jason at 05:44 PM
How did this happen?
I have too many domains under my control. Luckily two of them are going to expire at the end of the month. Torontodarkwriters.com is going, as is another one that you don't know about, and will probably never know. That leaves jasonnolan.net, poetrix.net (for the fish), projectachieve.net, roomofbenzone.net (for the zone), edublog.com. Plus achieve.utoronto.ca and edublog.kmdi.utoronto.ca. There should be a limit. Course the only one that is mine to do with what I want is jasonnolan.net, as it should be. Actually, I just noticed that I don't have control over edublog.com. I wonder who does. I will have to look into this."
Posted by jason at 05:30 PM
January 03, 2003
"Yuka says, ""Ben is famous"""
Yuka just emailed me this URL L.M. Montgomery Institute - Research - Conferences . No, I'm not at home, and she didn't email it from one side of the table to the other. Have a look. Our famous Ben is pictured hobnobbing with all the big-wigs. See it soon, before ben finds out and makes me remove the link. Nice goatee ben!"
Posted by jason at 12:56 PM
passing the keys
I was up at the office yesterday, preparing a presentation for Jan 8th. Had gone up to the library to get some books, and had had to take my key off its chain in order to get it swiped. My office key is my library card, you see. Well, that meant that back at my office, my key was laying next to my computer, not on it's chain, which I have around my neck. The chain binding me to the office on a wintery day. Though an unforeseen bonus was that I still have a 6 week allowance for borrowed books. Can't complain about that. I rush off to the washroom, and what should happen but that I'd left my keys in my office. Woe is me. Luckily a nice student in the lab close to my office let me in to use the phone to call UofT police, gave me a place to sit, and a cookie. The officer arrived after about 20 minutes and asked me for photo ID. That of course would be my library card/office key. We worked that out, and she was on her way, and I was back in my office quickly putting my key back where it belongs. An hour later, I'm on the first floor heading to the post office when I hear. ""Excuse me, sir?"" I ignore things like that, not having reached the 'sir' station in life, except when teaching highschool. Then, ""Sir? Can you help me?"" at which I turned to find someone running down the hall towards me somewhat frantic and relieved to find anyone else in the building. ""Er, I've locked my keys in one of the classrooms, and I don't have any money for the payphone to call for help. Can you let me in?"" Well, my keys don't work down here, as this is an engineering and computer science building, and I'm the lonely humanities geek, privy to nothing. But I offered to try. Lo and behold! The card is swiped and the door doth open. After a grin and a wave, I made my way back towards the post office, hearing him mutter, ""You're a god."" Well, it does seem that I do have some faculty clout that I didn't think was attached to my card any more. If that's divine intervention, I'm all for it."
Posted by jason at 10:24 AM
January 01, 2003
Very Potter and the Photo Opportunity.
Saw the latest HP vehicle today. I'm willing to say that I enjoyed it, if I'm also allowed to comment on what was so horribly stupid about it. Very little of the stupidity actually came from the story, but lots from the film production itself. That is unless the story actually goes to all the trouble of describing events like the chamber of secrets itself: first that the hidden chamber is hard to find, but when you enter it it is an entrance to the sewer system full of bloody entrances and intersecting drainage ways, all the way to the central entrace to the snake pit. Then on the way out there's the massive crevase from which the heros leave. I know, I know. Reading too much into a children's story. But I deny that. Again, Philip Pullman to the rescue. He knows how to write a tight story. Yuka's reading Terry Pratchet's intelligent cat and mouse story (can't remember the title at the moment) which also sounds internally consistent. Even CS Lewis (ugh), Ursula Le Guin and the billion and a half other children's books around me know how to get continuity and internal consistency right. Sure, lots of kids, and parents won't notice. But then again, they're probably the types who don't notice the clouds on the horizion, and when the storm hits they blither, ""Why me?"" No, the silliest bits were the stupid music. The standard lame symphonic stuff that doesn't want to admit that it has no melody. The really disney type music that is vague and without voice. Icky. No, the silliest bit was the long, plot-independent, probably contractually obligated, closeups of smiling actors being mutually supportive. Would have been OK if the stares conveyed information, or plot development, or something. But they were just something that credits could roll through. Bit of a waste of screen realestate, if you ask me. The ending was the worst. Big boy gets out of prison, and gets a standing ovation for just being there. Oh, ya. Because he wasn't guilty of something he wasn't guilty of. No apologies for feeding HP and the crew to the spiders. No apologies for saying that the answer was to follow the spiders (which it was not), when the answer was to go in the opposite direction. Oaf. So he comes back and smiles at everyone. And they smile at him. And then everyone claps. And it is obvious to everyone that this is a good thing. Silly inconstant movie. But all in all, I guess that the problems I've always had with HP was the total disregard for internal consistency, except on the most superficial level of the plot. And you can never always blame the book for that when watching the movie. Though the first book was a good example of not bothering to connect all the dots, and no I don't mean merely leaving a thread hanging, and this is carried over to the movie. So I sort of assume that it happens in version 2. Bought ""the Science of Harry Potter"" though. Should be a fun read."
Posted by jason at 08:55 PM
December 31, 2002
Marie and Yoshie Visiting Canada!
I just put up a couple of hundred pictures (about 500) of the visit by Yuka's sister and our neice, Yoshie and Marie . We travelled around Toronto, Midland, Bala, Algonquin, Ottawa, and Kingston last august. And I just got the pictures up now... wheeeee..."
Posted by jason at 02:04 PM
December 29, 2002
Ukranian dinner.
Yuka and I had dinner at Inna's tonight. Just uploaded the pictures I could take with the short teather of a poweradapter for my camera, as the batteries had run out. We had a wonderful Ukranian dinner, and then looked at pictures of places I would love to visit. It felt positively festive."
Posted by jason at 11:58 PM
December 28, 2002
I've registered the domain name http://ProjectAchieve.net . This mirrors http://achieve.utoronto.ca and will take over as the main URL for that server. Both will work for the next six months, but as I assume that I'll be working somewhere after the end of the school year, I figured that I'd like to get things percolating through the Internet in advance."
Posted by jason at 11:12 PM
Steve just put up the PDF version of our paper... for your dining and dancing pleasure... Sousveillance: Inventing and Using Wearable Computing Devices for Data Collection in Surveillance Environments (pdf - 900k) by Steve Mann, Jason Nolan and Barry Wellman. Weddings, parties, anything. And Bongo-jive a speciality..."
Posted by jason at 04:00 PM
December 27, 2002
Working for LMM and the Mann
Just finished the latest penultimate draft of the sousveillance paper. Will put it up as a PDF momentarily... as soon as Steve processes the .ps file I sent him. Now I'm finishing up my review of ""Remembering L. M. Montgomery"" that I promised last week for Ben and CCL. Good clean times... as someone's often heard to say."
Posted by jason at 03:09 PM
December 24, 2002
Happy Holidays (still)
(I think I've finally hooked yuka on animations... let's hope.)"
Posted by jason at 07:30 PM
Day to day
Interesting day... spend a chunk of it emailing back and forth with Steve about blogs and what it means to publish within academic institutions. Then Elizabeth Miller came over to plan our trip to Romania and Hungary that she, yuka and me are doing. Finally Landro Kalrizian came over. He's up from NYC, visiting his mom, Styrine. Had some scotch and beer and tea and scrabble. And we talked about how there's nothing better than tom waits. And he just left. Now I sleepy."
Posted by jason at 12:58 AM
December 23, 2002
More on Joe
CNN.com - Clash star Joe Strummer dies - Dec. 23, 2002 "
Posted by jason at 08:51 AM
Joe Strummer Dead
No more news than this yet, but Joe strummer (TheClash) found dead today in his home at age 50."
Posted by jason at 08:36 AM
December 22, 2002
Last minute shopping... for what?
Went out for a long walk with yuka today, mostly down queen west of bathurst. Doing shopping... ie. not really buying anything, or wanting to buy anything, but just poking our heads into stores to see what's there. Would love to get a sofa someday. I DID buy a bath pillow. I wanted one last year, but didn't buy one until they were all sold out. So I didn't pass up the opportunity today. Another opportunity not to be missed, ""The Space Vampires: A Scourage of Sex and Death from an Alien Spaceship!"" by Colin Wilson. Mint condition for $3.50. Haven't read much Wilson, beyond some Lovecraft fanfict and the ""Mind Parasites"" a billion years ago."
Posted by jason at 06:03 PM
December 21, 2002
The Harrow.
Don't know if you know, but I'm also poetry editor for The Harrow . It is an online zine with the particular feature that it has a blind review system, and we provide indepth feedback to rejected submissions. The goal is often to help people get their work up to the level of a first publication."
Posted by jason at 05:53 PM
December 20, 2002
Hollywood chases down campus pirates
Hollywood chases down campus pirates - Tech News - CNET.com "
Posted by jason at 01:09 PM
The Ginger Nun
What fun you can have with a flatbed scanner and a cookie. This was a present to Yuka from her co-worker Martha (Not Stewart) Scott. Came from the ""Queen of Tarts"" bakery. Hmmmmm..."
Posted by jason at 12:38 PM
Happy holidays from Jason and Yuka!
Posted by jason at 12:35 PM
December 19, 2002
Achieve needs a new name...
Project Achieve CVE needs a new domain. Since I'll probably be leaving the university of Toronto sometime in the next 8 months, I realize that the achieve server needs a name that will be able to move with me. But Achieve.com/net/org is gone. I wonder what I should call it. Any suggestions? Check with a whois server before suggesting, in case it is already gone."
Posted by jason at 06:41 PM
Zizek speaks.
Just got an email from the Lacanian d00d himself, slavoj zizek , with permission to republish his text ""The Matrix, Or, the two sides of perversion"" in the International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments . What a cool cool day."
Posted by jason at 06:38 PM
Edublog returns...
I've resurrected the EduBlog .com blog to keep track of blogging focused materials. I'll probably move it from blogger.com to MT sometime soon, but for the moment, I'm just happy to have it back up."
Posted by jason at 08:34 AM
Roger Day
Now it is Roger Kuin 's turn. I need to update movabletype to the new version, then add some libraries that I've not had in for a bit. Then fix up his student's blogs. NOTE: if you can't find some blogs that you previously could find on edublog.com check the address. edublog.com/docs/kuin/journal is now edublog.com/kuin/journal . And same for anything else previously found with a /docs/ . I'll try to imagine a symbolic link solution as soon as i get some yoga and some coffee into me."
Posted by jason at 07:40 AM
December 18, 2002
Thanks to ben, I got things straightened out. http://jasonnolan.net http://lmmontgomery.net http://edublog.com and http://edublog.kmdi.utoronto.ca are all now in their particular zoos. I've been putting it off for six months, because OS X is just that much more strange than RH Linux that I couldn't figure out how to configure httpd.conf on OS X. But knowing that Ben needed http://lmmontgomery.net running, and I'd promised to get it up, AND I did need to get jasonnolan.net running properly, I finally got to it. And it was fun."
Posted by jason at 07:55 PM
Repair day!
Just a warning that the blogs on jasonnolan.net and edublog.com may be off line a bit today. Trying to fix up some of the problems that they've been having lately. Hope it won't inconvenience anyone much.
Posted by jason at 08:25 AM
and works as a market analyst in the computer industry. <-- why does this scare me so?
Posted by jason at 08:24 AM
For Kat and Ben
From Something Awful, here is I'm Always Right: The Definitive Guide to the Simpsons . I was looking about for the blogging image I put up yesterday, which the nice people at Something Awful so nicely blocked. And I found this article from Dec. 15."
Posted by jason at 07:31 AM
December 17, 2002
Thanks KAT!
Kat thought I'd like this one."
Posted by jason at 10:01 PM
December 15, 2002
Dinner with Charlie
Had lunch with Charlie my sister Kelly, Yuka, Lynn and Lars. Yuka paid me lots of money to not put her pictures online."
Posted by jason at 01:39 PM
Someone bought me somthing off my Amazon.ca: Wish List ! How lucky I am."
Posted by jason at 01:37 PM
December 14, 2002
More pictures... kingston summer 2002
My summer trip part 3 (don't know where one and two are at the moment) to Kingston2002 [Yuka made me take this link off. You're not allowed to see pictures of her.]. With Yuka, her sister, and her sister's daughter... the insane Marie :)"
Posted by jason at 11:23 AM
December 13, 2002
New pictures!
Here's the pictures of Jason's 40th Birthday and Graduation Party , which took place last November. Though since my birthday was early July, and I graduated in January 2001, I don't feel so bad taking a month to get them online."
Posted by jason at 04:15 PM
December 12, 2002
Steve and Barry's 42 Flavours...
Putting the finishing touches on the paper that Barry Wellman Steve Mann and I have been working on since forever. Actually, my most recent activity has been to join version 37 with version 42. In 38 we had to cut it in half, and reposition it for a publication that then didn't take it, for silly reasons. Now we have to put in what we cut, but not lose all the polishing from 38-42. It has made my brain hurt. So, I'm spending the day at home in my PJs."
Posted by jason at 07:42 AM
December 11, 2002
Attention OS X users
I just downloaded and installed uControl . Check it out. It allows you to remap keys on your keyboard. For people with laptops, it means that you can remap useless keys like 'enter' to make it a command or control key or something. My TiBook has only one command key on the left of the spacebar. Some keyboards have them on both sides, but not mine. But now, with the cleaning and disinfecting power of uControl , ugly and unsightly stains are a thing of the past! That's not quite right... but still."
Posted by jason at 10:06 PM
If I only knew.
How come no one told me that many of the media pages on the right have bad links? Well, I'll fix them now..."
Posted by jason at 09:16 AM
Big scary meetings
I had a big scary meeting in my office yesterday with Katherine and Catspaw . It was long. We discussed many things. There is a new thing being developed. It will be the next big thing. And I was there, at the big scary meeting."
Posted by jason at 09:13 AM
Internet Destroyer
My first new years revolution. I will stop using InternetDestroyer as my main web browser. Still some testing to do, but I think I can use Navigator. I don't like Mozilla, because it is too slow, but Nav is good. Just need to see if it can 'do' everything I need. Internet Destroyer, just loves to crash/hang/freakout at the wrong times, and alternative browsers are *just* about up to snuff."
Posted by jason at 09:10 AM
December 08, 2002
Things I do today...
Uploaded a wack of powerpoint slides, and pdf documents to the KMD1000 web site. Still have to link some of them. But it is nice to FINALLY get lecture notes to put up for half of the course. I got mine done, in so far as I was able, and now have most of the outstanding stuff. Then went shopping for holiday presents. Just back for coffee and going out to get more. Presents. Then off to Le S�lect Bistro for dinner with the girls tonight. Feels like a holiday already if you ask me. Let's not talk about all the work I have to do tomorrow. Ugh.
I noticed, from my logs that I'm getting visits to this page from universities to which I have recently applied. Coincidence perhaps? Or just checking up on my spealing? Welcome nonetheless."
Posted by jason at 02:53 PM
December 07, 2002
cleaning day
Spending the day cleaning. After getting a pile of job applications out this week, and getting the KMDI1000 students' assignments back, I need to get the homelife in order... in time for yuka to come home. Got pizza dough defrosting even. Gonna go and get a movie in a bit. But cleaning first. Time to go and clean the tiles in the bathroom... heavy duty. Got that done. Then wash the humifier and get it ready for the season. Done. Cleaned out the vacuum cleaner, washed the 2 filters, and got 'em drying. Did some industrial plant watering and fertilizing. Then went through my wine making equiptment, cleaning up stuff, and throwing out the old stuff that was getting ratty. I'll have to buy more tubing mostly. That was the easy stuff. The hard stuff was cleaning the balcony, which I've left lay fallow for months. Had to cut down the old hops vines, and bring the heather plant inside. Also the two big hopvine roots need to be removed from the soil, and wrapped up and put in the freezer to keep them dormant until spring. THEN cleaned up the rest of the balcony so that it looks less like a rubbish tip. Now what? hmmmm.... clean the kitchen. I've got the web cam on, and it is set on 'motion sensor' so all you can see is blurrs of me walking by... but it proves I'm moving still..."
Posted by jason at 02:54 PM
December 06, 2002
Gotta love institutions...
More of what happens when you make inflexible institutions that you can't or won't maintain. From Globe and Mail A mob of residents beat to death two of three youths who tried to rob a taxi driver Thursday night in a Mexico City neighbourhood, Mexican media reported."
Posted by jason at 08:22 AM
December 05, 2002
High Noon for the VLE
Just got an email from Jeff Noon's literary agent. It looks like we'll be able to come to an agreement allowing us to reprint some of Jeff's work in our Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments. This is better than coffee in the morning.
Posted by jason at 07:27 AM
December 04, 2002
DrJ Cam
Dr J Cam is back up and running. I now have my old evocam software running, rather than a demo. Prefer to use what I pay for. I've still got to pay for the software to allow me to use a USB cam on OS X. Which is stinky, but such is life. And it is cheaper than buying a new camera."
Posted by jason at 12:28 PM
December 02, 2002
Who knows what the Net knows.
Hung out with Catspaw this afters. Her job, and she accepted it without drug induced coersion, was to install Willinsky's Open Journal Systems on Edublog. Five (5) hours later, it was all down to a configuration setting in php.ini, a file that we could not find anywhere on the server. All things being equal, I think coming down from the trees was a highly over-rated development in the human species."
Posted by jason at 09:07 PM
The Burning Man (and his laptop)
Burning Laptop was a Dell : Remember our story about the bizarre case of a Swedish scientist who scorched his penis and testicles while writing a report in his armchair? From PowerPage.org"
Posted by jason at 08:34 AM
December 01, 2002
Ack factor x
I just got 6 job applications ready to be sent off tomorrow. And then I was looking through the University Affairs web site. I found fifteen (15) more jobs to apply for. Will this insanity never end?
Posted by jason at 10:44 PM
November 30, 2002
Return of the WebCam
I borrowed back my kritterCam from Rochelle today. I was wondering if I could get it working with Mac OS X, which has been infamous in its lack of support for USB cameras. But I have succeded. And now I have Dr J Cam! Ya, it is ugly, but that's just me. It is the technology that's important."
Posted by jason at 10:39 PM
November 29, 2002
Kernal Panic and other military adventures
It is amazing how difficult it is to figure somethings out that you should really know. Kernal Panics. No problem. Had them with linux years ago when I had a faulty machine. But Yuka's lovely and talented flatpanel iMac gets a strange screen once a week or so with a research message and FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF at the bottom of the message. It reboots fine and works for a week. But today, since I should be doing other important things, I called apple. They told me it was Kernal Panic and his entourage. Gotta swap out her 256 meg dimm and put it in my puter, and put mine in hers. To see if my puter starts to panic. You'd wish that when the machine does something strange that they'd bother to tell you. Like the put the restart message in 4 languages. Wouldn't have been too much harder to say what had upset it so. Right?"
Posted by jason at 02:50 PM
November 28, 2002
Capitalism as Stifling as Stalinist Communism . But unlike Stalin's world, the marketting is better."
Posted by jason at 08:37 AM
November 27, 2002
It's free for staff and students.
I just found out that UofT has free NAV. But you have to use your utorid login and password to get it: Norton Anti-Virus Software at U of T "
Posted by jason at 01:14 PM
Blake's fault
When you hang with blake, strange thing happen. Started with he and Yuka for Thai at the Queen mother. Then we walked down queen street. Looking for a club to visit. After passing the Riv, noting that Ric Emmet would be there, I asked blake what Emmett was up to. Blake turned to the person walking up behind us, and asked him. It was, of course, Ric Emmet. And he told us something. Then off down Queen. Blake noted that a women in a second story window was naked, and brushing her hair. I nodded and walked on. He dragged me back there 3 minutes later to watch. And she was still there. So we went into the ""Ancient"" for a pint. And he watched out the window as a crowd gathered to watch. Not us, but outside the women's window. Then an ambulance appeared. In front of her window. Our pints were finished and everyone was gone. But not before Ben Johnson walked by the window. So we went to the Horseshoe. As something was happening. No cover, but there were many people who seemed to know eachother. So we stayed. And had many Scotches. And waters. And then Scotches, with beer. Some how something was happening that we were not privy to. Musicians played who were not announced. Such as: Spirit of the West, Sarah harmer, gordie Johnson (big sugar), the headstones, staggered crossing, stabbing westward, some folks from tragically hip. We were taken abak. This sort of serendipity was beyond our collective ken. But it was the sort of thing that happens when you hang out with blake. Would that Salmon were there."
Posted by jason at 01:40 AM
November 26, 2002
I'm out rocking with cosmetic boy tonight. Hangover to follow.
Posted by jason at 04:59 PM
You must watch this video!
If you've seen the APPLE 'switch' videos, then you'll love this: John's Switch to Canada . And ifyou haven't seen them, go here Apple - Switch first. Thanks to TabiWallah for sending this to me."
Posted by jason at 12:49 PM
November 25, 2002
The Spam King
Now you know. If you open it, he'll keep sending it. If you buy from an unsolicited email, you're part of the problem. MIKE WENDLAND: Spam king lives large off others' e-mail troubles Ralsky has other ways to monitor the success of his campaigns. Buried in every e-mail he sends is a hidden code that sends back a message every time the e-mail is opened. About three-quarters of 1 percent of all the messages are opened by their recipients, he said. The rest are deleted."
Posted by jason at 09:01 AM
STrange Mix
Yesterday was movie day, for some reason. Actually, I showed up at Kat's (for pancakes!) to talk to Lao about his Unicode moo implimentation. Very impressive, just figuring out ways to test it. Then back to hook up with Yuka and off to the movie. Smuggled in some real coffee and saw James Bond. I wasn't a big fan of the post-Connery bonds, until I saw ""Mars Attacks"". When Pierce Bronslin (or however you spell his name) was a severed head, cracking bad jokes, everything changed. Now every Bond movie has an element of Mars Attacks for me, and it is all funny forever. Then we come home, have dinner, very nice, and put on a DVD we got last week. ""Reservoir Dogs"". BLOODY MESS. But so beautiful. Much more horrific and much better cinematography. A joy to watch, and suffer through, but too much movification for one day. Saw ""The Hunger"" on Saturday night, if anyone cares."
Posted by jason at 08:53 AM
November 23, 2002
Edmonton folds under pressure.
O Canada will be sung in French at the Grey Cup. By an Edmontonian woman. The sun shines slightly brighter.
Posted by jason at 09:01 PM
"Oh, Canada. The shame"
THE GREY CUP is being held in dEadmonton this week. The national anthem will be sung only in English. Not to shocking when it comes to Alberta, USA. But Edmonton is playing against Montreal. AND right on the above web page it actually says ""Proudly supported by the Government of Canada. Call 1 800 O-Canada"" Now I ask you. Is this remotely Canadian?"
Posted by jason at 08:06 AM
November 22, 2002
The Bloofer Lady!
Just in from Elizabeth ""The bloofer lady"" Miller. If you don't know her, check out her home page: Dracula's Homepage - Fact and fiction. ""A reminder that on Tuesday night Nov 26 on the Learning Channel, watch ""Vampires Among Us"". Hmmmm... One of those featured on the program is the Vampire Bloofer... :) Program is at 10pm Eastern. Hope they don't butcher my interview..."""
Posted by jason at 12:01 PM
For only $7500 CDN
Segway Human Transporter -- First come, first served for delivery starting March 2003 . Buy it now at Amazon.com "
Posted by jason at 10:22 AM
Free Journal Software
John Willinsky is talking at RCAT on Monday about his Open Journal Systems Journal environment software. It is a total online refereed journal tool, including editorial and review components and the works. I wanna try it with a journal soon. Any takers?"
Posted by jason at 08:50 AM
November 21, 2002
I set up an Amazon Wish List finally. Been resiting it for two reasons: no one buys me presents in my family who uses the internet, and no one in my family uses the internet. But it may make sMom happy, as she will have to get me something from my sisters. And it is another chance to explore extremely bad web site design... Amazon that is. Ugh."
Posted by jason at 07:47 AM
November 20, 2002
News of the Day
Would Jesus buy an SUV? . That is the question of the day on CNN. CNN also asks ""Does religion have any place in your purchases?"" Silly d00ds."
Posted by jason at 05:52 PM
Did something happen?
Yuka just commented that I hadn't updated my blog... and I was forced to reflect. Has anything happened yet this week? What did I do so far this week? I think I have an answer, or more likely an excuse. A cold. Not that it's cold, but that I have one. Ah. the memory comes clear. Met with Jasjit and to talk about grad school options. Over brekkie at Maggie's on College. Hmmmmmm. Brekkie. Then Salmon showed up (I'd emailed her to say I'd been there) to drag me off to an AoIR 2003 conference planning meeting. Then met with some students, and sent off some more job application information. Then came home, crawled into bed for 12 hours. I think I'll spend the rest of the day there, marking papers. Sniff."
Posted by jason at 10:27 AM
November 18, 2002
Paying for Moveable Type
I went to movabletype.org : Donate and donated $30 CDN for my MT software that we all have been using this year. With 20+ blogs of Rogers, and the 25 of my students, plus all the other odds and ends, I figured that we're getting our money's worth out of it. The Trott's have done a great job with their software, and I'm happy that it has been so serviceable to us all. Anyone wanting to donate to me, can buy me a beer. Hmmm... maybe I should put a paypal donate icon on this site, and let users donate to me.... wheeeee.
Addendum: I did add a 'pay pal' link at the bottom of this page. If anyone wants to help with the costs of running the various blogs on edublog or jasonnolan.net, please feel free to do so. If you're a student in ENG3150, however, I'm already being compensated by Roger and Yorku. Thank you very much. And if you're at KMDI, I think of it as part of my teaching duties. As well, I will accept beer in place of donations. Prefer it actually."
Posted by jason at 10:52 AM
Clone of the Attack
This is a great GulfWars /Starwars spoof, compliments of Mad Magazine. I'd forgotten about MM. I can't believe that they're still doing current satire. And doing it well. Frank Magazine, eat my shorts."
Posted by jason at 10:18 AM
November 16, 2002
Edward Wakeling Wednesday, November 20, 2002, 8:00 pm At the Community room (basement), Lillian H.Smith branch, Toronto Public Library Together with members of the Lewis Carroll Society of Canada, members of the Friends are invited to attend an informal talk delivered by one of the foremost Lewis Carroll evperts, Edward Wakeling. Mr. Wakeling has compiled and editied a number of volumes of the writings of Lewis Carroll, including _Lewis Carroll Diaries_, and is, with Roger Taylor, co-author of _Lewis Carroll, Photographer: THe Princeton University Library Albums_."
Posted by jason at 09:50 PM
Sankai Juku Review
Doing less, but doing it very well Japanese butoh dance troupe receive standing ovations is from the Ottawa Citizen, and gives a review of the Sankai Juku performance that Yuka and I saw in Ottawa last week. I think that the show was just not that good, and that makes me very sad, as Sankai is the only troupe that I've ever liked in any form of dance. That is they're the only group who could hold my attention for more than a second. I got the sense that the reviewer didn't know Sankai's previous work... like ""The Egg Sands Out of Curiosity"" which nearly fried my cortex. I can't remember the first performance I saw of theirs back in the late 80s, but it too was so completely overwhelming that time stood still, and the only thoughts in my head were those of the movement of the dancers. No meta-conceputalization. No consideration of the narrative and construction of the piece. Just movement. Each turn of a wrist was an explosion. Butoh is often said to be the child of Hiroshima,and is as post-apocalytic as possible. And post modern without being european. This time, I was recognizing the vocabulary of motion from previous shows, and it seemed overly self referential. And that's death for dance. And I guess that's the death of Sankai Juku. They're now performing themselves. As yuka said, after 27 years, perhaps the founder Amagatsu, need to pass the cowl to someone else."
Posted by jason at 04:06 PM
The Royal
Went to The Royal Winter Fair this morning with Yuka. Froze our butts off going down there, somewhat better coming back. I watched and clicked pictures as yuka fed, and was slobbered on, by various and sundry animals. We did not get to touch any pigs, but I think yuka was satisfied by the tactile variety that the Royal presented, and we moved on satisfied. I was able to buy 3 Bromeliads to compliment my collection of one. And we hit the st lawrence market on the way home. I, however, am coming down with a cold. So I'm cleaning up my email, and going to take a nap."
Posted by jason at 03:51 PM
November 14, 2002
Off to NYC
Yuka and I played host to rochelle late last night. She flew in, on a bus. The only person I know who can do that. It has something about karma and attitude. Then she and I wizzed over to the bus station to buy her ticket for NYC. Now (7:15 am) she's doing her morning ablutions, Yuka is sleeping, and I'm making tea. The bus leaves in an hour!"
Posted by jason at 07:15 AM
November 13, 2002
Proper Backups!
I finally have proper backups running for the edublog server. I've been doing them by hand since forever. And that always leaves one in a panic. Thanks to Peter Wolf, I've not got Retrospect for Mac running, backing up all data nightly. One less thing to bring nightmares in my sleep."
Posted by jason at 01:52 PM
Hanging out with Wojar
Had fun today helping Roger rebuild his OS. Got him up to 10.2 the same day that 10.2.2 came out. But I'll try that on my computer first, before doing it to anyone else. I feel soooo rusty when it comes to using OS9.x now. I forget where everything is, and I feel like a bit of an idiot searching for extensions that I used to know by heart. I figured this out as I was up at the Carley's, getting James to write me a letter of recommendation for my York job application, and helping Ann back up her computer to James'. Eeek. Appletalk, Apple Share, Chooser!?!? Ghosts from the past returned to haunt me. Luckily it was a comedy of errors rather than an Jason XXIV horror movie."
Posted by jason at 07:55 AM
November 11, 2002
Teaching and AIM
I taught Suzanne Hidi's course tonight on Academic Writing at OISE. She's away somewhere, and I was filling in. Mostly to talk about technologies and whatnot. That is Blogs. In the middle of it I found that I had ICQ and AIM going and was chatting with Cosmo and Rochelle, while teaching! That's got to be a first, when the prof's IMing while teaching. I think I should set up a special plack or something. Actually, I was asking Rochelle questions about on-screen editing, but I thought it was neat to use instant messages in a teaching situation."
Posted by jason at 10:21 PM
"Oh, was it bad? Yes. It was."
Danger. Danger. Gasthaus Switzerland Inn has fallen so far off my recommended list that I think a long descriptive letter to the Ottawa Tourist Board is in order. And yes, I had two (2) major blowups with the owner. Needless to say, it put a bit of a slant on the trip. And needless to say as well, I'll give a full report."
Posted by jason at 01:59 AM
November 08, 2002
Off for the weekend
Masako's cat sitting for us this weekend as we rush to Ottawa to see Sankai Juku: Hibiki Sankai Juku: Hibiki: On their long-awaited return visit to Ottawa, Japan's Sankai Juku performs Hibiki (Resonance From Far Away) an internationally-acclaimed, award-winning work of unparalleled simplicity and beauty."
Posted by jason at 10:26 AM
November 07, 2002
The Funny Woj
Roger sent me this. And since I'm all over this English text and writing thing, I figured that we could include humour. Subject: final word on nutrition and health Here is the final word on nutrition and health. It's a relief to know the truth after all of those conflicting medical studies: 1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than do the British or Americans. 2. The French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. 3. The Japanese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. 4. The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. 5. The Germans drink a lot of beer and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is what kills you."
Posted by jason at 09:31 AM
November 05, 2002
Puter Fixed!
Walked into the puter shop repair room. No one there. Out doing a delivery I'm told. So I snoop. My puter's there. Almost. paper work says it is mine. I can't recognize it. So I put it back and go looking at books until they return. Yep it is mine. But not what I sent in. Only the motherboard, ram, HD, battery and DVD player are mine. They replaced everything else. EVERYTHING. New keyboard, back case, main case, track pad, wireless network card and screen assembly. That means that every part you'd ever touch is new. Wow. I knew I didn't abuse the puter, but didn't know if they'd believe me. It was cracked, and bent, and broken. Ridden hard and put away wet just one time too many. Thanks apple."
Posted by jason at 11:49 PM
What is it this time?
Julia sent me this interesting little flash movie that I thought you might enjoy: Why the US must Invade Iraq "
Posted by jason at 01:53 PM
November 04, 2002
Another Award for E2K
The mag that RR founded, Rhonna runs, and I cause editorial mayhem on E2K: a journal for the new literary paradigm just won the award at Digital Literature Festival, November 1-2, 2002 in Santa Barbara, California Announcing the Winners of the 2002 Independent e-Book Awards Favorite e-Zine - The WinnerNet Author's E2KRhonna Robbins-Sponaas, Editor-in-Chief Robert Marcom, Publisherhttp://netauthor.org/e2k"
Posted by jason at 08:47 AM
Found Welcome to 100 Words from Joots' post ""Learning Curve Five - 100 Words and Then Some"" And it had the best warning: ""PS: 100 Words is not a blog."" Blog-in-denial."
Posted by jason at 08:31 AM
November 03, 2002
Still no computer
It is now 11 days without a computer. And I can't believe that. I'm enjoying not really being connected, and only getting online in spurts and moments. At least my data's in tact. And thanks to yuka for letting me on momentarily. Like when she's asleep or in the shower."
Posted by jason at 08:37 AM
November 01, 2002
Bamkero Halloween
Now, this is halloween... pumpkin cutting by Yuka Shimada and Bamkero: "
Posted by jason at 10:17 AM
Happy Halloween!
My halloween present to myself was to send out 5 job applications yesterday. As someone around here says, Yay me! And such applications I've never seen. Thus I must share, without going into details of the actual content. But here's what goes in some of these things: 1) letter of application showing that you know who you are, what job you're applying for, and why you think you have a hope in hell of getting it. 2) Statement of research interest that implies that not only have you done things in the past, but hope/plan to do things in the future. And these things aren't your normal things, like ""I hope to finally learn the history of the word grommet,"" but things of lasting and enduring cultural value and significance, like ""I plan to conduct inquiry into the hegemonic and sociopolitical influences surrounding the insitutions from which the grommet first came, and track its influence on the maritime cultures of Nebraska."" 3) A curriculum vita(e) of ponderous weight and importance. It should be an alzheimer's special, covering everything you ever did in nice neat easily ignorable slots. I swear, I know what I was doing november 15, 1986 because of my CV. 4) Proof of effective teaching is the most dangerous. How can you prove you're an effective teacher? Well, I... I'm not going to say. Suffice it to point out that I sent photocopies of all the course evaluations of my last two grad courses, the anticalendar entry from one of my ENV321 classes where I got to do things my way, and 6 (six) apprasials of my teaching from when I got my teaching degree back in 1992. I don't remember what else was in each of these packages, but there was more. And STILL, I have to send transcripts of every post-secondary course I have ever taken, going back to 1982!!! AND 3-4 letters of reference. This isn't enough to decide if I should get an interview. It is enough to reconstruct me completely. I think I just sent out 5 golem construction kits, just add incantations! Bah. I think I'll go get a blood test or something."
Posted by jason at 08:32 AM
October 30, 2002
Big Electric Cat
Yuka found this picture on some Japanese guest book I think it is a fake cat picture. What do you think? According to Guinness World Records : � NATURAL WORLD << FANTASTIC PETS << LONGEST CAT Longest Cat Snowbie, the world�s longest cat, measures 103 cm (40.8�in) from nose to tip of tail, yet stands just 33 cm (12.9 in) tall. Snowbie was officially measured at this length on November 21, 1997, at four years of age. Lorna always had a feeling her feline was a record breaker. ""Our local vet says he's the biggest cat he's ever seen."" Most cats have to leap onto the kitchen tabletop to sneak a lick of the family leftovers. Not Snowbie, he simply stands on his back legs and grabs whatever he likes with his front paws."
Posted by jason at 08:20 AM
October 29, 2002
Workstudy Rulz
I just got the paperwork done for three workstudy students this year. Kat is going to work on building some special gizmos for the Project Achieve CVE . Muddy's going to finally get a blog, and research Jeff Noon and some dracula stuff, as well as help out with the triangle project. And Jasjit is going to help research appropriate digital technology and the digital divide. You just have to love government funding."
Posted by jason at 07:26 AM
October 26, 2002
Akage no An
Here's the rough pictures that I took, at Yuka's request at the Japan Foundation today, for the symposium on the 50th Anniversary of the translation of Anne of Green Gables into Japanese. We'll add text soon."
Posted by jason at 05:59 PM
October 25, 2002
Yuka and I were on our way to pages so that I could buy some books. And between our house and Queen Street. We saw PAZUZU! Haven't seen Pauzu for months, as she's been doing an archaeology dig in northern manitoba, and has recently returned. Plans to get together with her and Simsim. [Newbie alert: Simsim and Pazuzu are ex-students and research assistants, and dangerous women in their own right.] Oh, books A reader's Manifesto - BR Myers Aesthetics of Dissapearance - Paul Virilio Pataphysics: the poetics of imaginary science - Christian Bok Nostalgia for teh absolute - george steiner Simulacra and simulation - baudrillard Book Business - Epstein Flesh Unlimited : Surealist Erotica - Apollinaire/Aragon Martyrology 1/2 - bp nichol Paradoxia: A Predator's Diary - Lydia Lunch The poetics of space - Bachelard Literature and Evil - Bataille Postmodernism Explained - Lyotard Narratives as Virtual Reality - Marie-Laure Ryan Cyber_reader - Neil Spiller These are the ones I bought. I'm so happy."
Posted by jason at 04:58 PM
Dog Shoots Man
Yuka's going to love this: The Globe and Mail: Dog Shoots Man Pheasant season took an ugly turn for Michael Murray when he was shot by Sonny, his year-old English setter pup.The puppy knew something was very wrong when Murray dropped to the ground with blood spurting from his ankle. "Sonny just laid by my side," Mr. Murray said. "He knew something was bad.""
Posted by jason at 08:28 AM
October 24, 2002
My poor TiBook finally exploded after 18 months of over use, on my part. The litany of problems. corruped b-tree that couldn't be repaired - CD stuck in side - battery stuck - airport wireless card not working - latch broken - rubber feet that keep screen from touching the keyboard disappeared - some plastic widget on one side is pushed in Groan"
Posted by jason at 10:25 AM
October 23, 2002
The DoS Rears Its Head.
The Globe and Mail: Powerful Internet attack thwarted An unusually powerful electronic attack briefly crippled nine of the 13 computer servers that manage global Internet traffic this week, officials disclosed Tuesday. But they never say where the attack came from. "
Posted by jason at 09:36 AM
Just Happy
A strange adventure. How could I have imagined tonight. Something was up. Obviously. Dad was totally planned. Limo picked me up at 6:15, and I didn't have to do my usual, which was to take the bus, as I prefer. It was totally overwhelming: Blake, Kenny, Diana/Rod, Richie/Mr Woodall, Tula/Marika et al., Richard/Susie, Gokiburi Sue, Jack B, Dad & Cheryl, Cats and Emily, Kelly/Siobhan/Charlie, Mom & Lars, Irene. All in attendance for dinner at the four seasons room of the Inn on the Park. Like I said. Something was up. The biggest hint was that as we got into the hotel, I could hear something going on in the four seasons room, and across it all, I could hear my mom and dad's voices. The last time they spoke at a social gathering was 1995. So, you know somthing's up. For the entire night I spun around the room, chatting with people I love, but never get to see. Totally unexpected. Totally over the top. It was the best birthday party in my life, even if my birthday 40th birthday was really July 7th. And it was the best graduation party I ever, even if it was 18 months after I graduated. Don't get me wrong. That's not snarky. It was even better for being out of time. And that everyone would show up. I can never thank everyone enough. Goodnight!"
Posted by jason at 03:03 AM
October 22, 2002
Blogging is
I've just finish a solid draft of an entry for the Encyclopedia of Community on blogging. Please read it (click on more...). I'd like some feedback and opinions. Please don't copy it or archive it anywhere. THANKS! Blogging, keeping a blog (web log) or online journal, is the process of creating, organizing, interacting with and archiving posts to a web environment. Blog entries focus on an individual, theme, or organization. They may be posts that explore someone�s personal thoughts, update users on a software product, or organize news of the day around a specific issue. Most blogs are updated daily, or more often, functioning as a window onto the author�s world. The web site where you keep your journal is called a blog. You are a blogger. And the act of updating your site is called blogging. Blogging is less a private act of keeping a journal than it is personal publishing. Every blog has an audience, intended or unintended. Most sites have comments functions built-in or as add-ons like blogchat and enetation (See Weblogs Compendium.) that allow visitors to contribute to the discussion. Unlike other online tools that allow for dialogue between individuals, blogs are primarily monologues representing the voice of the blogger(s) who run the site. In terms of knowledge community, blogs are conceptual tool for sharing stories and personal narrative, allowing individuals to manage and present an online identity. And many blogs become linked to each other through various means. Most blogs have a permanent link (permalink) for each post which is a link to a specific archived entry. Constellations of narratives and community develop as blogs and specific blog entries are linked in a dynamic hypertext of interwoven communication. Tools such as Blogdex track this web, making it possible to locate an individual within the hierarchy of bloggers. One�s position in the community is determined by who reads you. If a blog maven links to your blog visits can rise from a half dozen a day to thousands. Blogs have be traced back to 1997, though the exact genesis of the term is in dispute. According to Rebecca Blood, they were termed weblogs by Jorn Barger, and only 23 were known to exist when �Peter Merholz announced in early 1999 that he was going to pronounce it 'wee-blog' and inevitably this was shortened to 'blog'.� (Blood, 2000) Blogs are children of older online technologies (Krol 1992), but the blogging revolution comes from the ease at which it is possible to update and maintain a blog. Tools for blogging can be anything that allows you to maintain a chronological lists of entries, and are often open source or free to individuals. Early on, blogs were updated using a text editor, hand-coded html, and FTP. The main tools are Blogger, Livejournal, Moveable Type, Greymatter, Radio Userland, Bloxom, Manila, Zope, Slash. Blogger is the easiest to use. Bloxom is barebones. Live journal has the best community features. Moveable Type excels at flexibility and power. Userland targets corporate and organizational users. Zope and Slash are group environments. The rest fit in between, with specific features and options to make them all the best choice in various circumstance. Blogging is hyped as publishing for the masses. Children and seniors, homemakers and industry executives, programmers and poets are keeping online journals, but these masses are overwhelmingly English speaking individuals in the developed environments. They are relatively technologically literate and have regular access to the Internet. As blogs are inherently about me, they are more of interest to cultures that privilege individualism. Western mountain climbers on Everest keep blogs, chronicling their day with text and pictures, updated by satellite. Their Sherpas do not. There are claims that blogs are without bias, and a location for free speech, because they are not controlled by corporations. However, there is much self and community censoring, and corporations are starting to notice. And viral marketers may already targeting the community. Blogs are also criticized for clogging up the internet with meaningless, irrelevant and irresponsible content. Often this comes from professional journalists and individuals who feel content needs to be vetted, reviewed and edited. Blog Software Blogger - http://www.blogger.com Livejournal - http://www.livejournal.com Bloxsom - http://www.raelity.org/lang/perl/bloxsom/ Manila - http://manila.userland.com/ Radio Userland - http://radio.userland.com/ Moveable Type - http://www.moveabletype.org/ Slash - http://www.slashcode.org/ Zope - http://www.zope.org Group Blogs Metafilter - http://metafilter.org/ kuro5hin - http://www.kuro5hin.org/ Memepool - http://www.memepool.com/ Alienated - http://www.alienated.net Personal blogs Crabwalk - http://www.crabwalk.com/ - Blog personality Meg Hourihan - http://megnut.com � Blog personality Neil Gaiman - http://www.neilgaiman.com/journal/journal.asp � Fiction Author [thanks for the correct Gaiman URL Kat!] jill/txt - http://cmc.uib.no/jill/ - Academic Joots - http://www.backwash.com/content.php?id=127 - Columnist Catspaw - http://www.insanecats.com/ - Student blog Blogging Tools and misc. Weblogs Compendium - http://www.lights.com/weblogs/tools.html Weblogs - http://www.weblogs.com/ Blogphiles - http://www.blogphiles.com/ blogrolling - http://www.blogrolling.com/ Bloglet - http://www.bloglet.com/ Salon Radio Community Server - http://blogs.salon.com/ Dallas Forthworth Bloggers - http://www.dfwblogs.com/ Blogdex - http://blogdex.media.mit.edu/ Blog Articles Archive - http://edublog.com/~laurel/blogs/index.htm GTA Bloggers � http://www.gtabloggers.com References Blood, Rebecca. (2000) �weblogs: a history and perspective� http://www.rebeccablood.net/essays/weblog_history.html Doctorow, Cory, Rael Dornfest, Scott Johnson, Shelly Powers, Benjamin Trott and Mena Trott (2002). Essential Blogging: Selecting and Using Weblog Tools. Sebastopol: O�Reilly. Krol, Ed. (1992). The Whole Internet. Sebastapol, O�Reilly. Nolan, Jason. (February, 2002) �Ceci n'est pas un blog!� E2K http://netauthor.org/e2k/jan2002/features.html111"
Posted by jason at 02:34 PM
Strange but it caught some fans.
Yuka, Kat and Muddy have all gone mushy over this flash movie that Yuka found called Shii's Song . Trust me, the singing is English. Are you next? And Yuka made me transcribe it. Just wish I could type fast like Rochelle. But don't read the transcript if you haven't watched the flash first. That's not fair. Wind's Nocturne Wishing on a dream that seems far off hoping it will come today. Into the starlit night foolish dreamers turn their gaze waiting on a shooting star but what if that star is not to come? Will their dreams fade to nothing? When the horizon darkens most we all need to believe there is hope is there an angle watching closely over me? Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see? I know my heart should guild me but there's a whole within my soul. What will fill this emptiness in side of me? Am I to be satisfied without knowing? I wish then for a chance to see. Now all I need Is my star to come..."
Posted by jason at 09:05 AM
A new category of small
I'm trying to keep track of teachnologies that will lead to a ZeroCost Computer. This adds to the list I have offline: globetechnology.comPhilips puts more on a disc . 4 gigs of storage in a 0.5 centimetres thick, 5.6 cm long and 3.4 cm wide drive. To cost $150 and be out in 2 years."
Posted by jason at 08:45 AM
Jesus (Yeshua)
From NY Times: 'Jesus' Inscription on Stone May Be Earliest Ever Found (login requires). I guess it is just me, but what's the point. If you have a religion based on faith, why bother proving things? I guess it is just me."
Posted by jason at 08:29 AM
October 21, 2002
A winner
This image should not be on the internet. But it still is. And that's not good. Where are parental controls when you need them."
Posted by jason at 11:35 PM
Who says you can't find everything on the Internet? This site lists US colleges that have been blacklisted for not living up to the responsibilities that institutions have to their faculty. ""Investigations by the American Association of University Professors of the administrations of the institutions listed below show that, as evidenced by a past violation, they are not observing the generally recognized principles of academic freedom and tenure endorsed by this Association..."""
Posted by jason at 06:32 PM
October 20, 2002
Puckish Ben
Got the pictures of Ben as well. Yuka helped choose them, of course. "
Posted by jason at 01:00 PM
I just got the word that I have been reappointed Scholar in Residence position at Knowledge Media Design Institute for the up coming school year. With all the moving into new offices and all that, we sort of didn't get around to discussing it. Glad that's over and done with..."
Posted by jason at 07:49 AM
October 19, 2002
Spent the day with Ben and Yuka at the Leaskdale manse. We were invited guests for the opening of phase one of the manse resstoration project. Lucy Maud Montgomery lived in the manse for a number of years, and it is being restored as a national monument to LMM. So far, they've removed the stucco, and replaced the door. And the budget is gone. I took 107 pictures. Yuka's processing them, and a site will be up soon. addendum Pictures are up. And I might add, that I did spend a couple of minutes having coffee with The Honourable Janet Ecker, Minister of Finance. I didn't tell her that I was a crypto-postmodernist-ivory tower academic. But then again, she never told me that she was Minister of Finance. And we had a nice chat."
Posted by jason at 07:15 PM
October 18, 2002
Disconnected Technologies
I just had a thought. First one of the day... and resulting from the recent intersection of coffee and cookie. That and proofreading something. And chatting on AIM with someone about the fact that my spellchecker is suggesting that the correct spelling, of every mispelled word, is ""Street Kids."" Ask me why and I'll scream. At that point, I realized something. I have many friends online. Some I email. Some I MOO with. Some AIM. Or ICQ. Or Blog. Though many of them are on multiple technologies, I only communicate with them on one. Someone with MOO/ICQ/AIM, I may only know his MOO point of acces. Someone else, her AIM account, even though I know she MOOs. And in a way, this is good. I don't talk to everyone with every technology. If someone doesn't want to talk with me, they know that they can ignore me, by sticking to technologies that I don't know them on. And if they do want to talk to me, they know where to find me. This selective dexterity points to the maturing of online communication where the goal is not to always be in touch, but to be selectively in touch. And often not in touch at all. In the end, that's what friendship is all about."
Posted by jason at 12:33 PM
October 17, 2002
Home coming
Catching the 5pm bus from Midland to toronto. Should be home by 7 or 8. Productive visit. And great to spend all this time with my dad, with no one else around. I only get to see him 3-4 times a year, and will probably not see him again until May/June. I did not spend enough time just staring out into the lake. But that's good, because I should have been working. And I was. [KMD1000 students: I'll be in my office from 12-4 tomorrow, and the same on Monday if you want to come in to talk about your assignment.] And Saturday, Yuka, Ben and I (And hopefully Rochelle) will be going up to leaskdale for an LMM event. We're not quite sure what is going on, but Yuka said that we should be there by 10am. So I'm picking up the car at 7:30."
Posted by jason at 12:04 PM
October 13, 2002
Writing writing...
Got my job application sent off to Dalhousie today. It was a facinating exercise. And I heard that at least one of my letters of reference is out the door. Working on my blogging article for Barry. Only 500 words!!!! My god it is impossible. Then typing and typing and typing. Working on editing a secret project. Other wise it is lots of quiet by the lake. Not alone as I'd expected, but quiet nonetheless."
Posted by jason at 07:12 PM
October 12, 2002
"Oh, I have a family?"
It was Emily's 8th birthday yesterday. She's my youngest sister. And as cute as possible. A little barrel of horse fanatic. So, we're at the Inn on the Park, in the Four Seasons room, which is about 20' wide and 80' long... one of those attempts to have an elegant private dining room. The crew included dad and step mom (cheryl). Her parents Wendal and Joyce. Yuka My sisters Kelly (42) and Caitlin (12). Kelly's husband and two kids, Siobhan and Charley (aka Duncan). Emily's regular riding buddy Dani and her mom Tula. They are official family, as Dani lives with Emily during the summer riding season. So, long table for 12 guests plus Emily, and the kids are running around and around and around. And no one worries, because of the heavy doors. Actually not a bad place to have a party. But don't ask me about the food and wine. moan."
Posted by jason at 07:40 AM
October 11, 2002
My CV... in a nutshell
I finally decided to upload and make public my Curriculum Vitae . I've thought a lot about this, but since it is the season for applying for positions, and that is a pretty public experience, I figured that I'd share it with the world. Sorry for it being 90k. It is a word > windows document in XML, and as Salmon knows, it takes for ever to exorcise XML from Word > html documents. Please let me know if you see any typos or errors, since most of you who read this blog are mentioned in it somewhere. But don't worry about the missing ). from time to time. That's something that Word does as a special touch of its own that I can't remove. Ugh. Ok, I get the picture. Here it is in .doc and .rtf as well"
Posted by jason at 01:34 PM
From the Ha Ha! department
Microsoft reveals another 'critical' flaw Redmond, Wash. %uFFD1 Microsoft Corp. disclosed a security flaw Thursday of "critical" severity in its Outlook Express e-mail programs.The flaw, which affects the free e-mail software bundled in Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser, could allow attackers to crash the e-mail program or to potentially take over the user's machine."
Posted by jason at 07:57 AM
Olde Fashion Service
Last week I sent an email out to the University of Guelph Archives: > I'm looking for the following item in the archives ""Summary list of > books in L.M. Montgomery's personal library / compiled by Mary > Doody-Jones."" Call number XZ1 MS A094176 in box Box 01A. And I started to beg Rochelle to get it for me, and mail it, and I'd cover costs &c. But LO! I get a wonderful response from one of the folks there saying that they're mailing it to me, no charge!!! It just doesn't feel like the start of the 21st century when you get a wonderful response like that, does it?"
Posted by jason at 07:38 AM
BUL c00l
We had our BUL (Bell University Labs) demo of Project Achieve last night. Kat and Muddy helped out, probably thought they were just sitting there doing nothing, but *looking* involved and engaged is what it is about, and we very appreciated. Various Bell and higher UofT admin d00ds came by to see what we're doing, and were suitably impressed. Then we found the food. Shucked oysters, shrimp and salmon on sticks. Varous things on various breads and pasteries. Wine and such. It just didn't feel like I was in the humanities any more. And the night ended when I found Kat and Mud playing with the 60"" digital whiteboard... playing solitaire and watching quicktime trailers for various movies. Finally, people who understand how to make technology meaningful."
Posted by jason at 07:34 AM
October 08, 2002
Quote of the day
Acutally yesterday. Talking with Roger and he couldn't understand why I love Baudrillard until I told him: ""Baudrillard's French poststructural trailer trash."" And somehow that made it all better."
Posted by jason at 07:53 PM
October 07, 2002
Bell University Laboratories at the University of Toronto Open House
[Note: Kat, Mud and I will be presenting Achieve as part of the openhouse.] Bell University Laboratories at the University of Toronto Open House Thursday October 10, 2002 Bell University Laboratories invites you to an Open House to celebrate the success of the Bell University Laboratories at the University of Toronto and our new home in the Bahen Centre for Information Technology. Please join us for tours of the Bell University Laboratories facilities and demonstrations of research within the Bell University Laboratories research laboratories. Thursday October 10, 2002 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Bahen Centre for Information Technology 40 St. George Street Room 7256 RSVP by October 7, 2002 to rsvp.bul@utoronto.ca"
Posted by jason at 06:40 PM
Poetry != spamm
Bev, in my KMD1000 class pointed me to this one in light of Salmon's lecture for us last week: Haiku'da Been a Spam Filter "
Posted by jason at 06:20 AM
October 06, 2002
"Yes, I'm watching you."
Posted by jason at 08:19 PM
October 04, 2002
I had a good Meeting with LISS and salmon About the 2003 a.(o).i.r Conference to be held in Toronto October 2003. Mostly about funding, keynotes, and budget. But still It is neat to re-learn how to dothis stuff. I have not been Involved In any Conference Since 1995. (excuse the randan caps and stuff. l am still testing the handwriting soft.)"
Posted by jason at 10:12 PM
Slavish Promotion
Catspaw's Guide to the Inevitably Insane has gone over the top. She's split the whole program with her new flash movie . Of course she's getting intertextually self referential, and pandering to the EntertainmentTonight mentality by having guest shots of a bunch of B actors so that they'll slavishly promote her work. Like me!"
Posted by jason at 08:58 AM
October 02, 2002
Redesigning the Zoo
Had a neat meeting with someone from the Toronto Zoo today. Topic: redesigning the Toronto Zoo web site. Don't panic. I'm not going to do it. Just a preliminary discussion with one of the main dudes on what needs to be considered. We discussed Jakob Nielsen, community based designs, blogs, phpWhatevers and slashdottiness, and of course the webcamification of the Zoo. All in the context of building community of course. It was loads of fun, but after 2+ hours of rambling, I'm happy to not have to speak for a bit. The key thing is that I got the important ideas in before anyone starts talking about design, backends and shite like that."
Posted by jason at 01:45 PM
Dr J Revisited
I got my PhD today!!!!!!! Seriously. I may have defended January 2001, and convocated June 2001, but I never actually went to pick up my degree until just now. I found all my old degrees under a bookshelf gathering dust, so I got to thinking about whatever happened to my doctorate... and voila! I found out that the office you get it from is next to my present office. A 5 minute walk, show some ID, and I got a degree. Couldn't have been easier."
Posted by jason at 01:36 PM
September 30, 2002
Jhai Foundation
Welcome to the Jhai Foundation is a group doing some great things with ultralowcost computing. I envy it. THey have a remote IT project which gives cheap and robust computers to villages that have no electricity or phone, and they're hooked up to wireless (like airport) networking to all the villiages. Then the farmers can find out, by email, if the price of grain is high enough to warrant the 30km walk into town to sell it. WOW!"
Posted by jason at 10:18 PM
Gotta love technology
Some of you, up early and regularly reading this blog, may have noticed, along with a bunch of Roger Kuin's English 3150 students, and perhaps some KMDIers, that Edublog suddenly became unavailable last night. I quietly panicked and made my way in this morning to see what had blown or crashed. Luckily I have years of experience with things going wrong. So I wasn't shocked to find that the server was running, and started poking about. First I found out that though the server was running, it couldn't find the internet either. The ethernet connection to the hub was flashing properly, but just for the hell of it, I unplugged the ethernet cable and plugged it back in. Nothing looked strange, but of course that fixed it. Loose cable. Not even a broken one. Just a slight jiggly connection. Almost wrecked my morning, but it didn't. Gotta get better backups though. I'm doing them manually, as OSX doesn't have a good backup system that I can use yet, but I'm testing backing up the machine to an old iMac I've called Pollen. Happiness."
Posted by jason at 10:07 AM
September 29, 2002
Rochelle published and she never tells me.
The Harrow: Mermaid was published this month. Rochelle wrote it. It is in a journal that I edit poetry for. I found it at random. Strange the I found it at random. Enjoy!"
Posted by jason at 03:16 PM
September 28, 2002
Rochelle has a new blog: Love Me. Everyone must love her and despair."
Posted by jason at 10:35 AM
September 27, 2002
cyborg42.pdf a big honking PDF
The $*@#^@!~!! Sousveillance paper is finally done and submitted. I just like the file name, cyborg42.pdf, and the fact that it has the number 42 as a version number. It is a big honking 1.2meg pdf file, but it is ever so pretty. The editor has it now, and hopefully it will be in print sometime this fall. Special thanks to Salmoon and Rhonna for proofreading help. You're both mentioned in the acknowledgements."
Posted by jason at 06:59 PM
September 26, 2002
Ah... truth and the fictions of science.
From the ""It's just one bad apple that spoils it for the others, or is it?"" department Panel Says Bell Labs Scientist Faked Discoveries (free login required) The case also raises questions about the core of the scientific process, in which scientists critique each other's work for errors but rely on trust that the data is honest. If the panel is correct, Dr. Sch%uFF9An pursued his fabrications in one of the hottest areas of research, working with a revolving cast of co-researchers, and managed to continue the charade for several years."
Posted by jason at 07:19 AM
Too cool OSX software
Bombich Software has virtual desktop, harddrive cloning and delocalizing. Just what you need for OSX. And it is free."
Posted by jason at 06:26 AM
September 24, 2002
Posted by jason at 08:45 AM
New US mystery weapon?
Mystery carcass 'something new to science ..."
Posted by jason at 08:35 AM
Dark Humour
BUSINESS: Things could be worse %uFFD1 just look at Japan "
Posted by jason at 08:31 AM
September 23, 2002
3 bruces
Met a guy named bruce today when getting a coffee from Nick's coffee truck in front of the Bahen centre. Not the Bruce with an umlaut, but another one. Friend of Fred. He worked with the bands Toronto and the Headpins, and toured with them twice, doing roadmanaging stuff... I wonder if Kenny's reading this, and gets what it is all about. We talked about those bands, downchild, Saga, MaxWebster. Blast from the early 80s."
Posted by jason at 10:14 AM
September 22, 2002
Essentialized Blogging
My copy of Essential Blogging is in the UofT bookstore. Gotta get it today. There are going to be problems with it, I can tell, from looking at the authors. But I need it. And I want it. And I got something to write for barry on the topic sort of soon."
Posted by jason at 09:30 AM
"Ah, my stressed out childhood it the reason..."
The Globe and Mail: Breaking News As many as one-third of his teen patients come to him complaining of stomachaches or headaches, but usually he is able to rule out any organic problem. Stress is what's making them feel sick.Many children wind up with weight problems - such as the seven-year-old boy who had chicken nuggets washed down with Coke for breakfast. His father was a guy who lived on the edge, who gets financing for a new car and then immediately gets it repossessed. The kid knows about the financial problems, and eating is his way of dealing with it. As well, poor children appear to be more stressed than rich kids.It's no secret that social status has a direct impact on health. People with low incomes suffer from much higher rates of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and a host of other lifestyle-related conditions. They also have a markedly lower life expectancy. Dr. Lupien also has found intriguing evidence that stress may make it harder for children to learn because it shrinks part of their brain. In several experiments with adults, she established that cortisol plays an important role in memory. But at high levels over long periods of time, its role reverses. It impairs memory and learning by actually reducing the size of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that turns short-term memories into long-term ones."
Posted by jason at 09:05 AM
September 19, 2002
MOVABLE TYPE :: Personal Publishing System "
Posted by jason at 12:53 PM
Maureen Scott Harris of Toronto has won the 2002 Poem of the Year"" contest, it was announced today in Ottawa. The prize, sponsored by Arc, Canada's National Poetry Magazine, carries a cash award of $1,000. Harris's poem, ""Be the River,"" won over approximately 1300 entries. Her first book of poems, A Possible Landscape, was published by Brick Books in 1993."" Maureen is a dear friend who helped me teach ENV321 for a number of years. Congratulations Marueen!!!"
Posted by jason at 10:53 AM
"kewl, eh?"
Nu Shortcuts in School R 2 Much 4 Teachers "
Posted by jason at 07:36 AM
September 17, 2002
Stella Awards
Roger Kuin tipped me off on this one: Stella Award Nominations . Almost as fun as the Darwin Awards."
Posted by jason at 10:43 AM
From the too wierd for words department: PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) -- In an astonishing concession at a summit with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il confirmed Tuesday that North Korean spies kidnapped Japanese citizens decades ago, and said at least four are still alive. [login required.]"
Posted by jason at 08:22 AM
Wanna see what I'm doing?
I've been playing with iCal from apple. And no, it is not a diet drink. It is a calendar program. It's way better than what I was using before. Strange thing is that you can see my calendar online, just by clicking on me: jason . It is a little scary, but I've doubled the locks on my door at hom, and there's no indication where I am for these meetings, home/online/office, so it may not be a total privacy invasion. We'll see."
Posted by jason at 08:03 AM
September 16, 2002
Yay! Had a meeting with my first workstudy student this year... Shelby! She was in my ENV321 class last year. I hope she gets 'permission' to participate in the workstudy program. If all goes well, she's going to help with library work on the Newburgh/Map 12thC vampire stuff, Ben and my 'Anne of the Undead' paper (both mentioned below), and perhaps even Pollen... if there's something to be done. Good start to a happy day."
Posted by jason at 12:25 PM
Blogging the Critics.
I've not got 36 blogs set up for English 3150 The Writer-Critic that Roger's teaching up at York. It will be an interesting experiment in using MT (moveabletype.org) as a class tool. I've used Twiki and Blogger.com in the past, and this one has had some neat advantages and disadvantages. So far, Twiki tops my chaotic list... though I miss comments in Twiki."
Posted by jason at 10:01 AM
I found this James Roos article on via Powerpage via SlashDot called ""Building a digital picture frame from a PowerBook Duo 270c/280c"". And I was wondering what ever became of that Powerbook 180c that I'd lent to someone. Lo! And did I not get an email from Ben ""puckish lad"" Lefebvre asking me if I wanted my 180c back? I'll explain why he might feel over teched after brekkie. So, no I can turn my 180c into a picture frame, which was the reason I got it in the first place a couple of years ago. Wheeeeeee."
Posted by jason at 07:27 AM
September 15, 2002
I love Sundays.
Crazy day. Not only to I have to finish writing my lecture for next thursday's KMD1000 , and have to clean up the apartment, and have to take Ben to get a new laptop and printer, cause UofT's oh so much cooler a place to buy a laptop than anywhere else. But after that I get to feed Ben, Yuka, EvaB, and Elizabeth Miller . Life doesn't get much better than this.
To continue... Ben showed up around 2pm at the UofT Computer shop where we picked up his new iBook and printer. I got to pay for it cause you just can't take that much money out of a bank machine any more. Good fun, as ben would say. I let him carry everything down to my place, stopping on the way so I could get some veggies for dinner, where Yuka had been cleaning the apartment (read lounging and chatting on the phone). Some how the apartment was wonderfully clean despite all her cleaning, when we got there, so I didn't have much to do. (Cleaning had been my job.) I cooked, yuka helped, while ben installed software on his BuddyJr (read iBook). Until EvaB and Elizabeth ""bloofer lady"" Miller got there. This was the first time Elizabeth had met any of my friends, but since Evab's an ex-vampire fan, and ben and I are writing a paper on 12th C English vampire stories written in Latin for a conference she's organized in Romania... so it was good that they all met. I got forced to explain my ""Anne of the UnDead"" thesis (why Anne of Green Gables is really a Vampire) to general agreement, and we discussed how Elizabeth's going to move her famous Dracula's home page from Memorial University to Toronto, when she moves to Toronto full time this November. Finally everyone puttered home, and I fell over in a heap."
Posted by jason at 09:18 AM
Where's Jason
Twice in one week I have been stalked. Catspaw and Jon Pipitone both showed up at my office. They didn't know where it was. They didn't know what building it was in, but they were smart... both bloody CompSci and CogSci program types. Figures. They searched my blog and found the address posted long ago. So, to stop this from happening, and to help all of you who are not as methodically wierd, I put the contact information at the bottom of this page. You may now return to your regular morning reading and coffee drinking."
Posted by jason at 09:11 AM
September 13, 2002
Cool, eh? I just got one. I like to work in the dark, or with very low lighting, and I always have trouble seeing my keyboard. This solves it. I bought one just now. I guess it would come in handy if you have to give a presentation in a dark room, because of the projector or something. Or taking notes in a movie. I'm happy."
Posted by jason at 02:09 PM
September 12, 2002
blog humour
Catspaw found this at http://www.somethingawful.com/inserts/articlepics/goldmine/google//luckyglauber_blog.jpg and thought of me. Sweet."
Posted by jason at 08:39 AM
September 10, 2002
I'm back.
Ok. I've finally fixed MT, after I destroyed my OS X folder on edublog.com recently. I'll explain later. I'm off to salmooooon's to return some stuff."
Posted by jason at 06:15 PM
September 05, 2002
"Slightly sad, but relieved"
I just cancelled my trip to Japan. The university admin at Larry's school couldn't get it together and just kept asking for more information. When the administration runs things in Japan, things fall apart. We'll try again for January, perhaps. I'm happy that I'm at the stage when I'm willing to turn things down, rather than accept and give in. I'm too old to compromise, and I just don't care about making everyone happy any more..."
Posted by jason at 09:57 AM
LiveJournal too
I set up ComplicityTheory's LiveJournal as part of my KMDI teaching this fall. Not that you care, but I thought I'd share."
Posted by jason at 09:35 AM
My AIM is true.
Ok. I got an AIM account. And I'm using it. The name is ComplicityTheory. There you go.
Posted by jason at 09:08 AM
Surreal really!
Went to the AGO with Yuka, Salmon and BillyBear to see Andr� Masson Inside/Outside Surrealism . I was less impressed with the bits I knew than the ones I didn't. And the automatic writing, and nightmare images did more for me that squirrl beer glasses. Like salmon, we were all caught up by some 15th to 17th century surreal images. I can't wait until she finds out more about them."
Posted by jason at 07:26 AM
September 02, 2002
Tired: Twlight of the Idylls
Catspaw's Guide to the Inevitably Insane really says it all when it comes to September. She always does. It is september 2nd, 4:39am, and I'm up staring at the screen hoping that my allergies subside enough to get back to sleep. Yes, it is that time of the year. Fall asleep at 9 or 10 because you're exhausted, wake up between 1 and 3 because you start sneezing. Have a scotch... flip through the channels, and hope you go comatoast quickly. Since it has only taken 2 hours, it is not that bad. But tomorrow will be the same... for a couple of weeks. This is a million times better than it was growing up, so I'm not complaining, just tired. Then I'd be stuffed 24x7, and never get any sleep. And the Kleenex people loved me. So this is a minor inconvenience,but it does play hell with my system. And I'm behind in my work. NO shock, but I thought I didn't have any work to do. Almost a dozen poems to review for the Harrow, and then coordinate with the other reviewer, then decide if we should publish them, then do the html work... KMD1000s starting up, and there's work to do that I promised to do this weekend. I wonder what else there is too do. I did get something accomplished this weekend. Setting up yuka's new iMac... the white one with the twisty screen. She didn't want it because it was ugly, but she loves it because it is fast, has a massive harddrive, burner, 384 megs of ram, and the screen tilts. So, something good was done. I think I can sleep now... [You may have noticed that I cut out the comments section on this site. It was too depressing to see all the zeros.]"
Posted by jason at 04:42 AM
August 30, 2002
But I hadn't heard of...
Posted by jason at 08:47 AM
Blogging Kitties
Yes, I'd head aboutEssential Blogging from OReilly. But what I didn't know about was the cat pictures on the cover! Thanks dave."
Posted by jason at 08:44 AM
August 28, 2002
Ran into Mike Rosenthal, superDrummer for the metaCool superGarage . Actually, it is Michael, one of OISE's Menninblack from the EducationCommons. Says he's going on tour to NYC. Listened to Five Year Rut from their Demolition CD, and was reminded that there are two meanings of the word rut. Check it out!"
Posted by jason at 11:37 AM
August 27, 2002
Ceci n'est pas un blog!
I was looking for a bibliographic reference for Foucault's book Ceci n'est pas un Pipe, and found the following reference on blogging. This is particularly neat, because I wrote an article for NetAuthor titled Ceci n'est pas un blog last January. Anyone know what it says? Geradon.be: Ceci n'est pas un blog Ce matin, davantage par ennui que par r�el int�r�t, je me suis mis � r�pertorier les blogs qui avaient pris le parti de me linker. Je ne sais pas si je dois percevoir � la vue du faible r�sultat constat� un manque d'int�r�t quasi-global ou une m�sestimation g�n�ralis�e. Peut-�tre suis-je r�ellement mauvais, peut-�tre ne suis-je pas dr�le ? Sur un panel de 50 blogs, � peine un blog sur trois me linke. Apr�s 5 mois d'activit�, je me sens 'hachement incompris. Peut-�tre que finalement, mon blog n'est pas un blog. Je vais y r�fl�chir.
Posted by jason at 03:10 PM
August 26, 2002
"Cryptomimesis: Endebtedness, Haunting and Desire in the Works of Jacques Derrida"
I just finished a 'final' draft of a book review called: Cryptomimesis: Endebtedness, Haunting and Desire in the Works of Jacques Derrida that should be going off to the Journal of Dracula Studies at the end of the week. Anyone wanna read it and leave any comments? If you dare. They'd be muchly appreciated..."
Posted by jason at 12:57 PM
the Web's Real Money Is in the Gutter
From Unseemly to Lowbrow, the Web's Real Money Is in the Gutter [NY Times, login required.] I do want to rant long and deep on this issue. I got online in November 1987. I cried when the net opened to biz. I cried, though later cheered, when the WWW came along. Now people (like bruce sterling) are complaining that the net is dying because of the dotBomb, and the post-apocalyptical porn and fraud biz, along with the snakeoil salespeople. I didn't want biz, but they came, they failed, they complained. And they think that their revenant afterglow is some nasty plague. The net will get back to people talking to people, and looking for the information that they want from public and personal caches of information. The sooner that people give up on the net as a get rich quick scheme and go somewhere else, the more quickly we can go on living our lives. Hopefully some of us will make a living online, but I don't want to see anyone making a killing online."
Posted by jason at 08:31 AM
August 25, 2002
Holiday Pictures #1
Climbing in Canada I is pictures from when I took everyone rockclimbing in Toronto. Unfortunately it doesn't include the pictures they took of me doing a backwards Mission Impossible pose.
Posted by jason at 08:27 PM
Building Virtual Communities is out!
Building Virtual Communities - Cambridge University Press is out!
I have a chapater in it, ""Learning Cyberspace: An Educational View of Virtual Community ."" The bottom link is to an old draft fo the complete paper. Minor revisions were made for the final version."
Posted by jason at 12:44 PM
I'm back!
Just got in with the crazy three-some from our tour of Midland, Bala, Algonquin Park, Ottawa, Kingston (Eagle Lake) and home. More news to follow. Lost no one. Crashed no cars. Took lots of pictures. Ate lots of Japanese food... wait. Something's strange here."
Posted by jason at 07:47 AM
August 18, 2002
Just checking
Into the final leg of the journey. First time I've been online since in more than a week. Wow. It sure is nice to be far away.
Posted by jason at 12:24 PM
August 10, 2002
Hanging with the Horsey set
Went to watch my sister Emily in her first equestrian event of the year. For the 9 and under group. She got a first and a second, and was tied for whatever you call the top position in her age group. Lost by a coin toss. Her buddy Danny, who is 2 years older got 2 firsts and a fourth and won the top position in hers. And yuka got to see a 2 month old foal of a miniture horse. A good time was had by all... though it took us 70km to get to an event 20km away, cause I was following a ship of fools who didn't know where they were going."
Posted by jason at 02:32 PM
August 09, 2002
"Oh, and..."
I finished teaching my summer course, which is cool. AND, that last day I got a package with 2 books in it. Two copies of ""Building Virtual Communities: Learning and Change in Cyberspace"" with a copy of my article ""Learning Cyberspace: An Educational View of Virtual Community"" published by Cambridge UP. The coolest bit is that the cover includes two of my web pages with Yuka's cartoons right there! yay yuka...."
Posted by jason at 07:32 PM
On the road...
Hey. I'm sometimes answering email for the next 3 days, but I'm on the road. Been in Midland for the last two days, staying with Dad. Yuka, Yoshie and Marie have the boat house. I got the floor somewhere. Marie went horseback riding wiht Cats, Emilie and Danny yesterday. And today we got out kayaking, using the Janta's kayaks. Loads of fun, but Yoshie only goes in circles. Tomorrow we're off to Bala for 3 nights with Jack and Linda Hutton at their Roselawn Inn. We'll visit their Bala museum as well. And hopefully go for a boat trip on the Seguin around lake muskoka. Then we're off to algonquin park with the help of Algonquin Outfitters . We're going to Lake Opeongo, and plan to play about for 5 days. Then we're off to Ottawa, hopefully to visit Kenny, for 2 days... followed by 4 days in Kingston visiting Mom and my niece Siobhan. Taking lots of pictures, so expect a flood when I get back. I'll post something from kenny's house, or perhaps from Bala, but not much, as this is a holiday, and I didn't bring a computer. I'm using Cheryl's cause she wanted me to set up the internet connection properly,and I forgot that I'd not told anyone I left. And yes, Mutsumi's taking care of Mota and my plants. Be well. J"
Posted by jason at 07:28 PM
August 03, 2002
Fishy fishy
Salmon came over for dinner tonight. I gave her a pair of infinity speakers. And they're still here. Next to the coffee grinder I gave her last month. This is getting interesting. What I'm working towards is to get her to BRING stuff here and leave it. I think we're getting that to happen. She showed up with 6 beers, and there are still 3 left. And she gave me some of the coolest neatest most wonderful shit that has ever passed my doorway. Get this. A copy of Pollen. Yes, I have a copy of Pollen. Had it for many years. But this is a autographed copy !!!!!!!!!!!!!! As if that wasn't enough to catapult her beyond godhead... a 12 piece Alice puzzle in a match box. And 3 post cards Boda/Charry and Dodo! And a poem on sneezing printed on a tissue, that I don't understand. Heaven. Had pizza with da fish, Yuka, Nei-chan, Marie-chan and Masako... Nei-chan (sister in law) brought yuka a DVD by the guy who did Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service called Sen to Chihiro no Kami Kakushi... English title: Spirited Away . Our DVD player rejected it because you can't use DVDs from other countries. BUT, I hooked up my puter to the TV, and forced it to show the movie. Amazing bit o' manga."
Posted by jason at 11:43 PM
August 02, 2002
"St Jason, Patron of Converts"
Jason: there is a Saint Jason !!! Catspaw: Other than your own miracle-causing self? Jason: Yep... Acts 17:5-9 Jason: http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintj93.htm Catspaw: St. Jason is the patron saint of Converts
Catholic Online - Saints - St. Jason Saints of July 12 - Jason "
Posted by jason at 10:19 AM
Fugu ! The Research Systems Unix Group at Umich has made a GUI front end for SFTP!!! That's secureFTP. And that's a Good Thing^tm And it is free. And it means I can FTP to Achieve (which has no FTP for security reasons I'm not presently willing to devulge). The start of a good day.
Happy Birthday Hildegarde!!! "
Posted by jason at 08:34 AM
August 01, 2002
Brin Needs Fluvogs.
Please send me money, because Brin needs Fluvogs! Size 13 pope shoes to be exact. Please send me enough to cover half the $100CND cost. Ok?"
Posted by jason at 11:56 PM
My sister-in-law and neice: AND are here now! Abandon hope all ye who enter. They're over on their first visit to Canada, to see the sites, pet the animals, and to generally cause trouble. Good chance for me to practice my non-existant japanese."
Posted by jason at 10:09 PM
July 31, 2002
Getting Apache in line!
I've been having some troubles with the Project Achieve CVE server. I've always had virtual IP set up to host my old server, But last year, when I had to rebuild the box, I couldn't get Virtual IP working. Now, with the help of Michel, it is working again. I had him look over what I was doing, not being able to figure out the problem myself. He couldn't find out the problem either. Basically, I could have either achieve OR noisey, but not both. As we were giving up, he made a casual comment which triggered something... and voila! It turns out that the apache documentation don't explicitly mention that if you want to have a virtual host that you MUST set up both domain names as virtual, not just the one you want. Sheesh. More good wishes for document writers that they get out more. Thanks Michel! Unfortunately, this solution doesn't work with OS X, so jasonnolan.net, edublog.com and edublog.kmdi.utoronto.ca is still a bit of a mess. Perhaps tomorrow."
Posted by jason at 10:42 PM
Office Pictures!!!!
<-- click"
Posted by jason at 10:34 PM
July 30, 2002
Such a lou reed day.
Why today is a cool day... Listened to Salmon's Pollen Two. My replacement Airport basestation arrived today, and after a bit of fiddling, Yuka and I have a wireless network at home again. yayayaya. Then, I spent the day reading and marking essay outlines and annotated bibliographies of my students. Wild bunch. I can't wait to read their papers. After a year of wondering, I finally found found out how to get the LambdaMOO server to compile on Mac OS X. First I had to download and install the apple developer utilities so that I had c-compilers and stuff like that. Only 250megs, but it took 4.5 hours!!!!!!! Lucky I was busy marking. It took a bit of making changes in the C libraries then to recompile and voila... jasonnolan.net can run a moo now!!! That, and the fact that I bought the coolest new computer case down at a store on King, just next to MEC. I can get my willow case inside, and it has a billion pockets. It is like a courier bag, but with accoutrements. And it was yellow. A steal at $120. But it was 70% off, so I paid $40. I think I'll go get another one. Of course, my propellor beanie is too cool for words, and with my office window open, it twirls all day."
Posted by jason at 09:35 PM
Inflated Highschool Marks? Never!
U of T examines results of private academies in an attempt to see if students are buying inflated marks. Next we'll have entrance exams. Just let me teach first year courses, and we'll find out bloody quickly who should be there and who shouldn't. What a comforting thought."
Posted by jason at 01:13 PM
July 27, 2002
Ghost Writers in the Sky
I spend the day cleaning the apartment, in preparation for some folks over for dinner tonight, and working on my book review of Cryptomimesis : The Gothic and Jacques Derrida's Ghost Writing. Slow going. Slogity slog slog. Great book. Learned tonnes. It's PoMo, so I can't tie it up into a neat package. But a draft is done. Now to Kensignton market for some smoked salmon and brie."
Posted by jason at 04:13 PM
Favourite Tools for Blogging
I'm teaching a course this fall at KMDI , and the first assignment will including having to work with a variety of environments that can be used for blogging, including: MoveableType, GreyMatter, Blogger, Livejournal, TWiki. I would like to know what your favourite blogging tool is, the URL for the site, and why you like it. I'll make up a list for the students to consider and use. I'm looking for insight about journaling tools like the ones mentioned above, and also things like blogdex, blogroller, comments. Thanks in advance for your help. Jason"
Posted by jason at 10:08 AM
July 23, 2002
MacOSX is cooler because...
And I mean cooler than it was yesterday, not cooler than your OS. I'm sure everyone else has a more cooler OS than me... but we have StreamRipperX . When you listen to internet broadcasts and radio, you'd often like to caputer the content. Like when Salmon was talking about blogs on DNTO. Well, StreamRipperX allows you to do just that. And it is free: ""StreamRipperX is an open source (GPL) application for Mac OS X that allows you to listen to Internet radio streams and rip the songs as individual MP3 files."" Something nice to wakeup to."
Posted by jason at 08:13 AM
July 22, 2002
Nobody told me it was online.
If you go to Barry Wellman's Publications page you can find http://wearcam.org/cyborg_and_community/cyborg.pdf , the forthcoming publication that Steve and I did with barry."
Posted by jason at 07:12 AM
July 21, 2002
For Sale
I got some stuff for sale for a friend of mine... best offer on all items. ZipDrive 120 meg, 4 disks, scsi, powerbook scsi connector. 3Com/Megahertz 56k Cellular modem PC-card. I'll add other stuff as I find anything of mine around here. I'm cleaning up my apartment for houseguests in August."
Posted by jason at 09:15 AM
July 20, 2002
Screw the rich.
The Globe and Mail: Stocks Collapse ""On Bay Street, stocks also lost serious ground. The S&P/TSX composite index lost 179.91 points or 2.68 per cent to close at 6,535.44, down 4.1 per cent on the week."" Isn't it great that I have no money for stocks. I've not lost a cent. I guess the marginally employed will win in the end, eh?"
Posted by jason at 08:56 AM
July 19, 2002
Of course I need one.
The very cool Geek Culture Caps! . How could I have survived so long without one. Screw the cost and the postage, and the border hastles. I'm ordering one now."
Posted by jason at 11:22 AM
July 18, 2002
Wireless Bandit
Wireless Bandit ""This blog is here to document the wardriving and warwalking the streets of Toronto to find open/unsecure WLAN access points. ""When you just need a Net connection anywhere, look here."" Hmmm... I wonder if my home network is available."
Posted by jason at 04:52 PM
July 17, 2002
Jason Unlocked!
Faster than you can shake a stick in a clear-cut, I'm in my office. Actually, I was to move in on June 17. I moved in July 8th. And today, July 17, they finally got the door to open for my key. Not bad, eh? One month to get my key to work. Of course it was a computerized swipe thingy. That said, Peter my co-office mate who has been able to let me into our office this entire time decided, today, to learn how to install OSX on a Mac. He's 99.5% windows. He did it in 30 minutes, and was sharing software (running software from another computer across a network) before he knew what hit him. Just goes to prove, using a Mac is easier than just opening the door."
Posted by jason at 04:01 PM
July 15, 2002
Yuka and I went to the Toronto Zoo on Sunday. We took the bus, if you can believe it. It takes only 1 hour from Yonge and Bloor. Amazing. Amazing is also this: And now we have a pile of animal pictures including more of yuka on the Sally the Camel."
Posted by jason at 09:22 PM
Not a drop to drink.
City of Toronto using 2100 megalitres of Water a day. That's 2.1 billion litres per day!!! Just think about it, ok?"
Posted by jason at 05:26 PM
July 14, 2002
Pizza and Tigers and Bears. Oh My!
I met EvaB lastnight!!!! She came over with Hildegarde for Saturday Night Za, and we had a wonderful time jawing of many and varied shiny things, including Hildegarde's upcoming transportation into literary stardom, as I see it. Strange Za. New dough from the market, and one was fresh basil, 3 colours of peppers, cheese and wild boar. Nothing new. The second had cranberry smoked elk. That was great. Made sangria too... which, as hildegarde described it, smelled a bit like balsamic vinegar. Then I added 3 tablespoons of maple syrup, and it was as it should be. I just forget to add sugar to anything."
Posted by jason at 08:17 PM
Are Mac users smarter?
Are Mac users smarter? - Tech News - CNET.com Those who surf the Web using a Mac tend to be better educated and make more money than their PC-using counterparts, according to a report from Nielsen/NetRatings."
Posted by jason at 08:27 AM
July 11, 2002
AirVase is what happens to my dead AirPort basestation, if I can't figure out how to fix it. Pretty though."
Posted by jason at 07:54 AM
July 10, 2002
Transgenerational Pedagogy
Something interesting to share today. I'm teaching this grad course in Education called Foundations of Curriculum at OISE. I've mentioned it a lot. I love teaching it. I wish I could do it all the time. No joking. I've got 25 enthusiastic and intelligent people who think I'm from outerspace. How is that different from usual? Well, I don't hang out in large groups, and I.... Anyway. I was talking with two overseas students, and during the conversation I mentioned that I'd taught in Japan in the mid-80s, and that my step-father (Lars Thompson, aka Large Thompson) had taught in China in the early 80s. It turns out that one of my students was one of HIS students when he was over there. And she remembered him. That's not a shock. He's a 6'2"" great dane of an english teacher, always ready to dress up and wax theatrical when he's teaching. He's someone I never forget, and I know him. Hmmmm... It was neat. Shandong On Internet "
Posted by jason at 10:09 PM
July 09, 2002
My present
This is a nice beer mug. Notice that it is ice covered. Notice that it is full of a half litre of St Peter's Lemon and Ginger Spiced Ale. Click on it to see it bigger. Don't you want one?"
Posted by jason at 11:09 AM
Encyclopedia of Community
[Just posted this on GTAbloggers first...] I just got an invitation to contribute an entry on blogging for the Encyclopedia of Community to be published by Sage in 2003. As the editors say, ""We believe that this much-needed work will define the field of community and community studies and provide a common ground for future research and exploration..."" Don't you bet that for some reason the notion of weblogs is going to centre on Toronto and my friends? I hope not, but I know that when I read about online community, you wonder why it seems to reflect a community I'm not part of. Well, perhaps not htis time."
Posted by jason at 10:12 AM
"Canada burned it, Bushes live inside of it, Shrubbery outside"
Haikoo! - the haiku-based directory Site Listings for United States: �"
Posted by jason at 08:51 AM
Bad Literary Agents
From the ""Kat's got a summer job and therefore surfs all day"" Department: Riley Martin... visits his alien friends on their mothership in Saturn's orbit and buy the book, ""The Coming of Tan"" by Martin and O-Qua Tangin Wann. You'd think that if Martin was alien-writing (like ghostwriting but with spaceships) for Tangin, we'd put Tangin's name first?"
Posted by jason at 08:45 AM
July 07, 2002
I want more like this... everyday.
It was a good day. The best birthday ever. Though there were some interruptions. Kenny called and sang into my answering machine, Dave said something really scary, and I got this on my moo screen when I got out of the shower: [+][beam] Kat has connected. [+][beam] Kat exclaims, ""HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON!"" [+][beam] Kat does her obligatory duty. [+][beam] Kat has disconnected. And yuka bought me a beer mug! Oh, and I called my mom to thank her for having me 40 years ago... there was silence on the other end of the phone, then I heard ""oh, yes. It IS your birthday today. I wasn't sure what day it was..."" That's what you get when you spend your summer on an island. She was thanked nonetheless."
Posted by jason at 10:42 PM
July 06, 2002
Happy 19th Birthday Mud!!! And only Mud (and now catspaw) know why I remembered her bday. [I didn't think Mud had a web page, but she does .]"
Posted by jason at 11:19 PM
Garbage Fears in Toronto
The Toronto Garbage Strike of 18,000 city workers is a great summer fiction. Let me explain. I live in Toronto. To me, and everyone until the provincial government forced, by imperial caviat, otherwise, Toronto is the downtown bit from the lake to around Eglinton Avenue, and from Victoria Park Avenue to the Humber River. It is surrounded by 4-5 other cities: Scarbrough, East York, North York, York and Etobicoke. They are suburbs to me, and all right thinking Torontonians. We don't have much of a garbage problem downtown, in the central part of Toronto. Yes we have garbage, and there are some piles, and they are a bit stinky. Nothing majorly health hazardous. Now, there may be some problem out in the burbs, but as usual, the problems of the other cities get exported to pollute the whole, just like the waste of living space, commuting cars, and piles of suburban party goons that trash downtown on the weekends. We have one pile of garbage, and it is the burbs, if anything, not the real toronto. My rant for the summer."
Posted by jason at 08:08 AM
July 03, 2002
Had my first class of CTL1000 today. Before I knew what had hit me, the full class got fuller. We have 24 folks enrolled now. Seems like a very robust group, many of whom may have figured out how to get to this weblog already, so if you want the dirt, email me directly."
Posted by jason at 05:45 PM
Why didn't anyone tell me?
Why am I so stupid? And if you're not, why didn't you tell me? I just picked up a book in Joel's office, where I'm hiding while teaching at OISE this summer... and as I open it, I see this footnote: ""One must bear in mind that gas derives from the Greek Khaos , a perfectly general term for chaos."" [Derek J. de Solla Price. (1962) little science: big science . NY: Columbia UP] Then I go to Dictionary.com/gas and get this... [Dutch, an occult physical principle supposed to be present in all bodies, alteration of Greek khaos, chaos, empty space, coined by Jan Baptista van Helmont (1577-1644), Flemish chemist.] Why didn't anyone tell me?"
Posted by jason at 08:06 AM
July 01, 2002
Proof of Summer
Posted by jason at 04:40 PM
I'm 'trying' to manage my own DNS these days, using Free DNS service - Easy, web-based domain manager - ZoneEdit.com . It is all set up and running, but who knows what the net knows. Sympatico's running so strange today, either that or my wireless network router is borking, that I'm not sure if the new DNS has taken over from the old one. If you go to jasonnolan.net and end up at a pretty cartoon of two cats,LET ME KNOW! ."
Posted by jason at 11:01 AM
June 30, 2002
O' Canada!
The Globe and Mail have a quiz to test you on your canadian knowledge, called the Nation Builder Quiz . Not really, it is just a standard pedagogically suspect test of rote memorization of dates and facts, but Yuka and I took it anyway... with the following result: globeNationBuildersquiz.jpg . Idiots shouldn't be allowed to play with technology."
Posted by jason at 10:59 AM
Pride Day Parade
Yuka has announced that we're going to the Pride Parade today. Usually she only drags me to one parade per year... the Labour Day worker's parade. I don't mind it, because usually no one goes to see it, so it is sparse. I hate crowds, but if I can find a nice vantage where I'm not standing in a crowd, it should be fun. And yes, I'll have pictures.
Yuka dragged me out, and fun was had... here's the pictures to prove it... Pride Toronto 2002 . Don't miss Patty of the Triangle program. "
Posted by jason at 09:22 AM
June 29, 2002
Jasonnolan.net may be going off line for a bit, due to my non-payment of my hosting service fees. I'm sure I'll get around to making alternative arrangements at some point."
Posted by jason at 01:47 PM
Better to Have Loved
Just bought my copy of Better to Have Loved : The Life of Judith Merril down at Pages Bookstore (256 Queen W.). I didn't make it to any of the book launches for it, and I've been waiting for a copy. Judith is something like the patron saint, godmother or midwife of Canadian Science fiction, and collaborated with my favourite author C.M. Kornbluth."
Posted by jason at 01:15 PM
June 28, 2002
Just finished a paper withSteve Mann and Barry Wellman called ""Sousveillance: Inventing and Using Wearable Computing Devices to Challenge Surveillance"" and submitted it to the ""Bulletin of Sociological Methodology"" (I don't remember how to spell the title in French, which is the correct one)."
Posted by jason at 02:42 PM
Visiting Hokkaido
I just got an invitation to be a visiting scholar at Koritsu Hakkodate Mirai Daigaku (Future University) this fall. I get to give some presentations on collaborative virtual learning environments, work on some publications, and try to impliment a plan that Kat and I have been playing with to distribute a single CVE database over multiple servers in different countries. I can't wait to get back to the land of beer from vending machines, and electric Sake!"
Posted by jason at 09:57 AM
June 27, 2002
"Gee wizz, postmodernism IS right after all..."
Listening to a forensic accountant on CBC this morning. And the word is ""accounting is constructed fiction"" that has no basis in truth whatsoever. And we don't have the checks and balances that the US have in their securities commission. Is this the final blow in the face of the enlightenment and truth, in numbers, capitalism and western culture? Suggested rule: Do NOT use financial statements as a basis for information on a company. The final rule: Do not invest in Canada, as we're at the bottom of the barrel."
Posted by jason at 10:13 AM
June 26, 2002
"Moooooo, eh?"
I finally got an OSX compatible MOO client when I found Cantrap . Sometimes I just can't use our Java interface, because I'm doing silly things with my web browser, or I need my connection to be in a tiny window, or something. So, I've been using Savitar. It's not OSX compatible, which is a pain. Now with Cantrap, I've got one less nonOSX app to worry about. OSX is unix-based, if you don't know, so nonOSX applications must run in emulation, which is a pain. As of now, I only have a couple of programs that aren't compatible: Now UpToDate, FireWorks and Photoshop, and a couple I rarely use. When I get new versions of them, I'm freeeeee!"
Posted by jason at 08:04 AM
June 25, 2002
Trapping Pictures
At salmon's house there is a cat that is the better mousetrap It ate a mouse, as she said. Yuka wanted to see what it looks like. Here it is.
Posted by jason at 08:34 AM
Salmon and I... her more vocally than I we bemoaning the death of Audiogalaxy . It isn't so much dead, as it is castrated. As they say, Audiogalaxy has agreed to take whatever actions necessary to ensure that no unauthorized copyrighted material be transmitted over our peer-to-peer network."" Until I heard William Gibson talk about napster a couple of years back at Ted-City, I'd never given much thought to music online. Music online was never mine. Like how many of these bands do you know: Stranglers, Suicide, Howard Devoto, Van Der Graff Generator, Sparks, Diamanda Galas, Japan, Einsturzende Neubauten, John Foxx, Ultravox, Magazine, Mick Karn, Robert Fripp, Brian Eno, Cabaret Voltaire, Shakira... ok the last was a give away, and the rest you know I bet, or you are probably wondering who this jason person is anyway... [If you've just signed up for my summer course, please ignore this post...] I just assumed that since not many people listened to these folks I'd never find them online. Gibson got me thinking about Napster, for a different reason, and I started playing and exploring, and loving it. And, for the first time in my life, I actively started buying CDs . And it hasn't stopped. I buy CDs because I can download songs for free over the internet. Get it? So, Napster dies. Limewire didn't replace it. So I stopped downloading music, and strangely enough stopped buying CDs. Until AudioGalaxy and macSatellite. Now audio Galaxy is Poot! And I'm stuck again. I don't want to go back to Limewire, especially because of all the non-music junk on it, but I may have no choice. My job, as soon as I get the the other jobs out of the way, is to start looking throughZeropaid.com - The File Sharing Portal , which I found today while reading PowerPage . Hopefully I'll find something there to help me keep buying CDs. BTW, here's what I've bought recently (past month) that I never would have bought otherwise: Pollen: Chip Pollen: Peach Tree Vert: Nine types of ambiguity Vert: The Koln Koncert Sparks: The Ultimate Sparks Waits: Alice Waits: Blood Money Suicide: Suicide Oh, maybe that was the point. I'm not buying the RIGHT music. That's where Shakira comes in. I don't really like her pop song, famous butt aside. But I tripped over her singing in spanish. Much much nicer."
Posted by jason at 07:26 AM
June 23, 2002
"Salmon, the Musical"
Thanks to fellow GTA Blogger Jen Vetterli (Circadian Shift ), here's Salmon on DNTO (2.2meg MP3). I'll rip a high rez version later, but this is fast and sweet."
Posted by jason at 03:52 PM
June 22, 2002
Salmon on DNTO!
Salmon was on DNTO this afternoon for her much anticipated segment on blogging! It was great. I listened to it has her house with some of her buddies. She recorded it and is getting me a copy."
Posted by jason at 05:28 PM
June 21, 2002
When Mom Comes to Town
I bought some shoes today. Mom came into town spontaneously and we went out for lunch at Konnichiwa, and then toured my now-locked office, and went shopping. Found the shoes at the end. Thus goes the last day in a week long headache. Wheeeee@"
Posted by jason at 08:23 PM
June 20, 2002
Canadian Children's Literature Journal
Canadian Children's Literature / Litterature canadienne pour la jeunesse has a new Contributing Editor... Me! I may have mentioned this, but it is now official... I just got Vol 27 #3, fall/autumn 2001 (I kid you not.), and I'm listed there. Wheeeeee! I have a review in it, and Yuka and I have a 2 page review in it as well. So, technically, I've been a Contributing Editor since 2001. Thanks BEN! (Ben's the Assistant Editor and all around cool dude.)"
Posted by jason at 02:56 PM
The web page for the new graduate course,KMD1000 , I'm teaching next year. If you want to take the course, here's where you get the information. You can register through ROSI, and the course is open to select 4th Year students by permission of the course instructor(s)."
Posted by jason at 02:52 PM
BatHats and C.
Bat hat et al. is just a quick page I made up to show my nice hatwear and related stuff to some folk."
Posted by jason at 08:56 AM
June 17, 2002
Going Legit.
I just joined the a.(o).i.r , Association of Internet Researchers. That is I actually paid my dues and am a card carrying member, rather than haunting the list forever as I have... and I'm on the committee for the 2003 aoir conference in Toronto, so it is time. I don't know what this means, but I just wanted to share."
Posted by jason at 11:38 AM
June 15, 2002
Saturday Storms and Drangs
Nothing special. Got a headache today, and a back ache. And I'm thirsty. And a bit hungry. But I did give an insulin injection to the neighbour's cat this morning! Yes, she did need it. I don't go around sticking pointed metal things into cats. I would like the headache to go away so that I can do my final edit on a paper I'm co-writing, that should be done today. Then I can go shopping."
Posted by jason at 10:55 AM
June 12, 2002
E2K nominated for e-zine award!
The ezine, for which I'm editor-at-large, and web site designer, E2K: a journal for the new literary paradigm , was nominated for an Independent e-Book award under the category of Favorite e-Zine: Announcing the Short List for the 2002 Independent e-Book Awards by the Digital Literature Institute, to be announced at the Digital Literature Festival, November 1-3, 2002 in Santa Barbara, California . Congratulations RR and Rhonna! (Publisher and Managing Editor)"
Posted by jason at 05:21 PM
June 10, 2002
"Oh, My God! It's SimSim"
I just got a visit/comment (see post below) from SimSim! and her ""My Janet Blog "". SimSim's one of my most famous ex-students, and responsible for my only appearance on VH1, or so I've heard. They sent a crew up from the US to interview her as the #1 Michael Jackson fan on the planet. I got interview from my august position as a professor of ""#1 Michael Jackson fan on the planet"". That said, SimSim and I spent many hours while she was my workstudy student listening to old Ultravox, Vibrators, Onlyones, Stranglers, etc... and bless her, I almost never had to listen to MJ. Well, SimSim has a cool blog, so check it out... and she uses the word masterbation on it. I can imagine her still blushing. Go SimSim!"
Posted by jason at 05:46 PM
BlogWars in the Times
A Rift Among Bloggers . strange, I was online mooing and blogging with Hildegarde on September 11... it was just another part of blogging... being there. Figures that I'd miss this post-Sept 11 rant of Americanism. What Salmon says about the blogging community is true. ;-)"
Posted by jason at 07:26 AM
June blossoms
Yuka's June8 Adventure . And yes, I'm holding the camera. She'd director. Sort of."
Posted by jason at 07:20 AM
June 08, 2002
Little Italy
Hanging in Salmon's part of town, but didn't bug her... had icecream, and went to a music store. There are only two on that street... one is Boom She Said, and the other one I went to. Found 2 CDs... vert n i n e t y p e s o f a m b i g u i t y and vert t h e k � l n k o n z e r t . Then on the way out, I ordered two Pollen CDs, and then on theWAY out saw Sparks ""Profile: The Ultimate Sparks Collection"". Now I can continue work on Pollenation #3 and #5... tentatively entitled ""RoboDogBoy"" and ""FlowerSmokeGirl"". Yuka touched many animals. And there was much rejoicing."
Posted by jason at 10:02 PM
June 07, 2002
KMD1000 Blurb
[This is the first public posting of the full year grad course I'm teaching this fall. Anyone crazy enough to take it? Dave Goulden has worked with/for both Ron and I, and he thinks it is just a scary combination.]
KMD 1000Y: Core Seminar in Knowledge Media Design instructors: Ron Baecker and Jason Nolan homepage: http://kmdi.utoronto.ca/kmd1000
DATE: Thursday, 12-3 location: TBA
Catalog Description This state-of-the-art survey reviews the emerging field of knowledge media design, and the use of new media for communication, collaboration, and coordination. Lectures by faculty who are leading research in the design of knowledge media will explore the boundaries between traditional domains of knowledge, and inquire into the ways in which these domains intersect in the design of knowledge media. Course readings address leading-edge theoretical, conceptual, methodological and research issues across the cross-disciplinary spectrum, including: human-centred design; knowledge media technologies; the cultural and social implications of knowledge media; use of knowledge media for learning; applications and examples of knowledge media; and the future of knowledge media.
Lectures will include issues such as: design methods, quantitative and qualitative methods for evaluation, and the implications of knowledge media for learning, culture and society. We will introduce specific examples of knowledge media, such as instant messaging, CVEs (Collaborative Virtual Environments), digital libraries, video conferencing, ubiquitous computing, and webcasting. We will also examine a number of key application areas such as information exploration, policy formation. Alongside faculty lectures, students will be expected to present their work to the class.
This course is open to members of the University of Toronto graduate community. Students enrolled in the KMD collaborative program will be given priority placement. For information on the KMD collaborative program visit http://kmdi.utoronto.ca/ and for more information on KMD1000Y contact Ron Baecker (rmb@dgp.utoronto.ca) or Jason Nolan (jason.nolan@utoronto.ca)
Course Objectives KMD1000Y has been designed with the objectives of:
introducing and exploring key issues in knowledge media design; helping students become familiar with the literature of knowledge media design; demonstrate concepts, strategies, and techniques for designing knowledge media; providing students with the opportunities to develop concrete experience in thinking critically about, designing and evaluating knowledge media.
Evaluation Knowledge Media Use, Evaluation, Comparison, and Critique (20%) This assignment will entail students gaining hands-on experience working with a number of simple and popular information and communication technologies. The learning outcomes will centre around students using this experience in order to develop familiarity and literacy in the diversity of technologies, start to develop skills in reading these spaces as Knowledge Media tools, assess features and options, and speak critically on explicit, hidden, and null design issues.
Knowledge Media Design, Prototyping, and Evaluation (25%) This assignment will give students experience understanding and applying user needs to situate, design, prototype, and evaluate a novel knowledge medium of their own conception. The design project will be spread over 11 weeks.
Scholarly Research Project (25%) The topic will be negotiated between the student and one or both of the faculty members. One heuristic for choosing a topic is to think about an issue in the use of some kind of knowledge medium by some group of human or humans in some application, situation, task, and/or locale.
Oral presentation(s) (10%) Class participation (10%) Test (10%) "
Posted by jason at 03:42 PM
From TV to DVD
Yuka and I watched the A&E version of last night. God I needed something diverting and as monolithically unencumbered as it was. It was a total failure as a soapopera... which is what I thought it might be. Thank god for that too. Now, do I dare read the book? Or just get the Neil Gaiman comic version?"
Posted by jason at 07:21 AM
June 06, 2002
Reading Movies with Salmon
Spent the day doing many things... meeting with Peter, Joel, Vera and Katherine at OISE to work on the International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments . Then meeting Ron about the KMD 1000 course this fall, which will be public tomorrow! Then I met Salmon and drank beer while waiting for Yukazine for some Mexican shrimp and beer. Yuka later ignored us while we started reading Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter . It is both hard and dangerous to read movies. First you need paper. Then you need a remote control. And anyone stops the movie at any time to make notes. Then the laughter starts. It took 20 minutes to just get through the credits! And after 2 hours of note taking hilarity, we had to stop... only 40 minutes into the movie. Some people!"
Posted by jason at 06:47 AM
June 04, 2002
is just something yuka made me photograph tonight. Don't ask why. I don't know."
Posted by jason at 09:44 PM
June 03, 2002
"IMMUNITY CHALLENGE #1: pimp it, daddy."
GTA's Rannie: Is fighting to get into the socially problematic position of being a pimpdaddy in blogwhore: the webgame . It does make you wonder what goes on in our drive for self-advancement through the playful appropriation of the marginalized. Or just good clean fun. What are the key activities? Bitchslapping your Ho with a Denial of Service Attack? So, and what are we immune to? [BTW, Rannie sent an email request that we GTAers link to this site and to make it interesting. I figured that mild outrage would be intresting.]"
Posted by jason at 09:01 AM
June 02, 2002
hanging in Leaskdale.
Leaskdale Manse Visit June 2002 "
Posted by jason at 11:26 PM
Lindsay Ontario with Ben and Hildegarde and Yuka...
Rented a car and went to the Victoria County Museum's Life and Work of LM Montgomery in Lindsay with Yuka, Hildegarde and Ben. These are our pictures of the Museum. I'll massage and upload the pictures that include Ben and Hilde as soon as I get a moment. My home wireless network went awol today, and i spent most of the morning fixing it, while having an insane brunch with said Ben and Hildegarde... hildegarde sang for us, and ben made her laugh. A lot. Read more about it at a Room of Ben's Own "
Posted by jason at 05:26 PM
June 01, 2002
The Griffen for EUNOIA
As I found on Salmon's blog The Griffin Trust for Excellence in Poetry goes to her friend Christian for EUNOIA. Congratulations. I got it a couple of months ago, and got through chapter A. Perhaps it will be another letter this month."
Posted by jason at 07:17 AM
May 31, 2002
"She said, She said!"
And I quote, ""Jason, you should write this down in your blog: 'Your wife, she is perfect. She should get the nobel prize...'"" But why did she make me type this? Addendum: Oh. Now I get it. She was explaining to me why the airplanes at the kansai airport (the one built on the sinking island) don't blow away during a typhoon. It is, I'm told, because they have special Japanese technology in the form of HelloKitty Jetliner weights. And for this bit of information, she gets the prize. Of course, this HelloKitty Computer from Sarah's page is what started it."
Posted by jason at 09:53 PM
Who else would?
Jason ducts into his discourse and tunnels through the text, firing his pencil rays, loading his missals and dropping metaphor minds."
Posted by jason at 12:04 PM
May 30, 2002
Previewing My Office
Here are some pictures of the new Bahen building, where I'm moving: Entrance , Stairs , office , partial view . You can see my apartment in the left centre (low orange buildings)."
Posted by jason at 06:34 PM
Today was a nice feel good day.
Spent the morning working through things, as per usual, an sauntered off to the KMDI collaborative program planning meeting around 10:30. We're reviewing applications and whatnot. And planning KMD1000 that I'll be co-teaching this fall. Good bit of news is that the course will be open to UofT students not enrolled in the program. Lots of questions as to how we're going to present the course, but we have everything we want to do, and are whittling away to what we can do. On my way back I stopped in the InfoCommons at UofT to see if I could get some help setting up my on campus wireless connection. Couldn't. It is an ongoing snafu, but I'll get it done at some point. Medium Priority. There was some prof lined up at InfoCommons. He didn't speak much english, but luckily the InfoCommonsGuy spoke french. Turned out that he wanted to print out his paper. InfoCommons only can handle floppydisks, not profs with computers. Seeing that he had an iBook, I told him to come with me. We walked back to my office, I plugged him into the network, no fuss, no problem, printed off the paper and we went our separate ways. Very nice guy. Why can't all computer problems be solved in that manner? I love Macs. Came home and wasted the rest of the day."
Posted by jason at 05:48 PM
May 29, 2002
Hazy Dayz of Zummer
Not quite. But there is news afoot. Or a foot of news. 1) I read and signed my contract to teach this summer at OISE. Teaching CTL1000, foundations of curriculum, if you don't know that already. It is something that I can do. And I love it. I have been wondering where to start the foundations. The present plan is the ""art of courtly love"" which everyone I know has heard me talk about. It is 13th C book on how to be a knight. BUT, I was just thinking of St Augustine on Education as a prelude to that. Tasty. 2) While reading the fine print on the contract I noticed the words ""Graduate Appointment"" on the contract. Checking with PeterT, I can therefore say that I'm 'visiting professor' at OISE this summer... and last for that matter. YOU may not care, but it makes a big difference for my poor CV. Wheeeee! 3) I have been boxing books in preparation for my move, which now looks like it will be somewhere between June 17 and July 8. The servers moving on the 8th after the switch goes in, though I may have to move them to the ePresence lab before that. No problem there. I can move my own stuff in as soon as the locks are activated on the doors. 4) After 4 days of trying, I finally convinced Sympatico that they had removed the DSL card from the other end of our neighbour's HSE connection. THey put it back in within 6 hours, and she's back to normal. And I was wondering why I'm tired. And we're not even discussing the Kluwer handbook meeting... which I'm saving until next week to talk about."
Posted by jason at 04:40 PM
May 28, 2002
"She said, She said."
squish: the moon and stars called me ""jason- the coyote of complexity-"" and I'm happy."
Posted by jason at 09:32 PM
May 27, 2002
Steve's a daddy!!! What a mann..."
Posted by jason at 09:33 PM
On the rock
Yuka and I went climbing at The Rock Oasis Inc. yesterday... it was the first climing experience since December, which was the first since last June. We've been bad. But we're going to get gooder. The goal is once a week all summer, at least. And since we've been keeping up with our 'evening constitutional', I can't see why we can't get back into climbing. Yuka was able to work on a 5.8 and I was able to get one 5.10a done, and half of another, before the fingers religated us to lesser activities. But she should be able to get up to a 5.10a, and me back to 11b's before too long. Then we'll get out the camera for some pictures. Anyone wanna joing us? Rock Oasis has done some major renovations since December with new changerooms and showers, and a large cave structure and boldering complex, and one new wall. Looks very coool."
Posted by jason at 08:10 AM
May 25, 2002
What's going on?
I guess there's some explaining to do. I've moved my blogging to Moveable type from Blogger.com. Blogger has too many arbitrary outages and generic strangenesses for me. I wish it luck. It is one of the best tools for getting new folks blogging. I'll miss that aspect of it. But I've come to the point that I need more control over the information and archiving. And if something screws up, I want it to be my fault. The set up of Moveabletype was not easy. Much worse than one would expect, because edublog.kmdi is a BSD unix-based Mac OS (OSX), and it does not conform easily to Moveabletype's instructions. That and it asks you to do some strange things that I'm not too comfortable with. But I love how it runs. I've been co-blogging with Salmoon on Pollenation using Moveabletype and it has been a stellar success. As for moving the blog to here? Nothing special. I just direct control over the server. Both emma and I got tired of my pestering her, so I figured that this would be easier all around. Maybe I can even figure out how to move my domain to hang off this server too... wouldn't that be an indication that I'd finally learned apache. Don't worry though. I'll make this site jason-ugly again soon. But today I'm cleaning the apartment. [oh, ya, and the images are mostly broken. That's because I nuked my /images/ directory, and can't be bothered to fix it at the moment. It won't hurt much.]"
Posted by jason at 01:23 PM
May 24, 2002
News of the day... as
News of the day... as if the rest of the world was not newsworth enough. Well it isn't. I am. Just got back from Dr Wong. He doesn't believe me that we're related, but such is life. Anyway. Had my first general physical a month back, and he sent me out for tests. I've not been to a doctor really since 1991 when I had a complete physical before being a bone marrow doner for my brother. So I knew everything worked then. Once a decade is pretty good considering my opinions regarding the health profession's work on maintaining health. Though I hear that they're great when something falls off. Since the early spring, I've been noticing extra heart beats. Not really extra, more like one big Woomph! all the sudden, like for a split second someone had replaced my heart with that of a randy wildebeast getting intimate and interactive in a family sort of way. Then I was instantly returned to my regularly scheduled programming. Calling it strange is like... never mind. Lost that one in a fizzle of braincells. Figured that it was something like my mom has wrong with her heart, or something like dad has with his... sharing genes and all that. Or more reasonably acute angina becuase I had been cutting down on the stressful parts of my life... and if you don't hear from me much anymore then you may be one of them. Dr Wong did all the blood work, and sent me off for the 24 hour heart monitor and the scoping of the bloodmuscle. Went in yesterday for the report, and the heartless heart specialists hadn't sent any reports. So he told me about other things... high choleserol. But it is the good kind. More of that. Slightly high in the bad kind. Told me to stop eating cheese and remove the skin from chicken... since I don't do anything else wrong that would mess with the bad C. I got a borked liver protein too... more on that next month. And slightly low thyroid... but says it is prolly my normal level. More tests later to confirm. So, called at noon to make an appointment today for when my reports come in... and they already were in, so I got an appointment at 5pm. Good doctor. Nice doctor. Waited in the chair for 45 minutes reading Jeff Noon's Pixel Juice. More on that later. And got called into the room. Nothing on the echocardiogram. No blockages, calcifications, enlarged and bloated arteries ready to burst, or stuck valves ready occlude, ie. nothing like parents got. And for the 24 hour monitor? Yep. That big bolus beat. A big fat exta beat. On time. In place. And probably always been there. No problem. Natural. Go away, Mr Nolan. Seems I just noticed after x decades... because I've been removing stressful things from my life. Good to know. I can de-stress myself into distress."
Posted by jason at 06:17 PM
raelity bytesis a call for
raelity bytes is a call for submissions for a section of OReilly's Essential Blogging Book. You can get a draft of it there as well."
Posted by jason at 01:08 PM
GDS: ACP/LPG Press Release ::
GDS: ACP/LPG Press Release :: alienated.net :: you do their own thing ... is Canada trying to kill our own publishing industry?"
Posted by jason at 11:02 AM
May 23, 2002
"Ok. I've had it. Jeff
Ok. I've had it. Jeff Noon is wrecking my life. Reading his short stories... in the collection Pixel Juice. It just gets worse. I'm about to start reading a story called Metaphorazine""."
Posted by jason at 02:41 PM
I've been listening to Tom
I've been listening to Tom Waits' Alice and Blood Money. And I'm wondering if he's deconstructing the genre of 20th C Western music. No, that isn't country and western. It is they playful warmth and reverence, facility and dexterity that makes it listen like Derrida seems to read. That and the sneeking sensation of enjoying a surface of unplumbed depths."
Posted by jason at 01:29 PM
Neteka Inc. is a Toronto-based
Neteka Inc. is a Toronto-based company. Doing cool stuff. Historically, email addresses could only be in English alphanumeric characters, ""A-z"", ""0-9"" and periods, dashes and underscores. With patent pending technologies from Neteka, 32101.com has broken this barrier. Finally, the billions of Chinese speaking people could have an email address that truly reflects their identity in their native language."
Posted by jason at 07:28 AM
May 22, 2002
Kingston X 3 is up...
Kingston X 3 is up... Yuka and Mom and I visiting 3 parks around Kingston. Mostly flowers. Some beaver dams. And some Yuka and Mom."
Posted by jason at 10:44 PM
May 21, 2002
Posted by jason at 11:27 PM
Just posted a brief thought
Just posted a brief thought on pollenation: Nymphomation . I've not read this much in a long time. Read some Dick first. Yuka and I spent the weekend at Mom's in Kingston. Went on 3 long hikes. I was so burnt out at the end that I didn't get to see Miao though ;-( Pictures tomorrow."
Posted by jason at 10:58 PM
May 18, 2002
"Ok, this is strange. salmon"
Ok, this is strange. salmon and I are doing this pollenation thing, right? So I'm reading Noon, JG Ballard and Carroll and all that. But I can't drag their books into the bath because they're all hardcovers or rare. So I pull out Philip K. Dick's ""Solar Lottery"" from 1965. There is so much snowcrash here it isn't funny. So much SNOWCRASH. Especially the Raft, media control, and a hacker/biochemist. Oh, and the language is a virus from outerspace angle as well. And I'm only at page 50. Haven't read this in years, so I'm self excused for never noticing it before. But why hadn't anyone told me?"
Posted by jason at 10:47 PM
May 17, 2002
I just had a tour
I just had a tour today of my new office location in the Bahen Centre for Information Technology My office which it seems I'll only have to share with one other person is at the back of this drawing near where the half circle meets the straight line. That's facing south overlooking downtown and the lake. I still don't believe that something won't fall through, but there you go. Moving June 9th... or something like that. I think I'm now finally going to have to bite the bullet and buy a cellphone too, as there will not be any private phone, and I don't know how long I'm going to have this gig, and making up more business cards will be a pain in the ass. But I'll hold off for as long as i can."
Posted by jason at 04:30 PM
May 15, 2002
I think I've lost my
I think I've lost my status as an Envionmentalist mere months before finishing my contract at the Division of the Environment. I bought disposable razors. For the first time in decades. Why? Cause I can't afford the non-disposable any more. $3 buys me 15 disposable razors. $8 buys me 4 replacement blades for my non-disposable. You do the math. I also have a seeky feeling that there is almost no difference between the amount of plastics in the disposable vs the blades of the non-disposable. Certainly the disposable uses fewer composite materials. Hmmm... this is scary.
Posted by jason at 09:51 AM
I think I've lost my
I think I've lost my status as an Envionmentalist mere months before finishing my contract at the Division of the Environment. I bought disposable razors. For the first time in decades. Why? Cause I can't afford the non-disposable any more. $3 buys me 15 disposable razors. $8 buys me 4 replacement blades for my non-disposable. You do the math. I also have a seeky feeling that there is almost no difference between the amount of plastics in the disposable vs the blades of the non-disposable. Certainly the disposable uses fewer composite materials. Hmmm... this is scary.
Posted by jason at 09:51 AM
May 13, 2002
Gawd. I just spend 11
Gawd. I just spend 11 hours on the computer non-stop. I mean NON-STOP. I proggied, and typed, and chatted, and submitted myself to research subjectness, and invited people to do things, and asked people for help. I even got one of my puters hooked up to the UofT highspeed/sympatico network variation, in anticipation for the sympatico download cap. It was just a long day of finger tickling. Now it is time to turn off the puter, and cook dinner, and watch a movie, and read a book... without the puter. That sounds nice."
Posted by jason at 06:15 PM
May 12, 2002
"Puck Art, Let's Dance!"
Puck Art, Let's Dance! This untitled piece was purchased with funds from Jason's wallet last Saturday at the St Lawrence Market. The artist is Ross Bonfanti, whose other work can be seen at www.awolgallery.com . He's got a show coming up called Heavy Heads that Yuka and I don't want to miss. "
Posted by jason at 06:34 PM
I set up a TWiki
I set up a TWiki today , with some careful guidance. It was quite an experience in being very specific. I think I'll do it again, right now..."
Posted by jason at 08:47 AM
May 10, 2002
"I just uploadedSakura 2002,"
I just uploadedSakura 2002 , pictures Yuka and I took in High Park 2 weeks or so ago... in perfect Sakura weather."
Posted by jason at 03:49 PM
ENV321 is no more. At
ENV321 is no more. At least as far as I am concerned. After five joyous years of pushing some limits. May 10th is the official end of the year for the course. Now I have 2 months left on my contract with the Division of the Environment. What to do... what to do? Ack... articles and chapters to write, and classes to plan for the summer and fall. I'll get cracking."
Posted by jason at 08:53 AM
May 09, 2002
As of today I am
As of today I am ""Contributing Editor"" with CCL: CANADIAN CHILDREN'S LITERATURE/LITTERATURE CANADIENNE POUR LA JEUNESSE . Thanks to Mary Rubio, and mostly thanks to Ben . This is cooler than cool, as you can well imagine. I don't think it will ever get me a real job, but it helps me to be right where I want to be at the nexus of literature, community and technology. Wheeeee!"
Posted by jason at 03:26 PM
Ben's blog reminded me that
Ben's blog reminded me that I had this bit in KMDiary 2002 Issue #2 on being scholar in residence at KMDI. Neat. Now I know what I've been doing this year."
Posted by jason at 03:22 PM
Mac Users should go to:
Mac Users should go to: http://www.apple.com/iphoto/ because iPhoto1.1.1 is out... and perhaps it works good now...
Posted by jason at 07:34 AM
"Too much to do, too"
Too much to do, too much to say... in point form, to be developed. Today was the last day of the Project Achieve/Triangle Project's third annual workshop on gender and idenity for queer youth! It was a wonderful month with a bunch of kids from the Toronto District School Board, who, along with their teachers Patty and Jim, took over the south east corner of University College. I will announce here when their work is done, and where you can find it. Dave was here with Yoshie and baby, along with Valdo the Violinist for Za dinner before Dave and team went home to England. He brought me cool books. Amazingly cool books... like the biography of Peter Perrett. Like books by Jeff Noon (Cobralingus, Automated Alice, Nymphomation, Needle in the Groove, Pixel Juice). I gave him a rare copy of Lovecraft's Providence. That was Tuesday. Wednesday, I worked all day on ""The International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments "" with Joel, Peter and Vera. Getting caught up on our authors... new authors confirmed: Jacques Derrida and Anna Cicognani!!! Then that night I brewed beer for the first time on my own... and destroyed the kitchen, and fixed it up before Yuka got back. It will be called Dave's Undead Stout... for no reason. Thursday, I'm going to the doctor in 90 minutes for some tests to remind myself that I'm normal. Then working on getting some of Sarah's stuff ready for her to send off to an editor. And meeting with Ron about the KMDI course we're co-teaching next year."
Posted by jason at 07:28 AM
May 01, 2002
Yuka commissioned a haiku
Yuka commissioned a haiku for Neko, who passed away recently... First spring bird calling, my cat has left the building memories of fur."
Posted by jason at 10:35 PM
"Solace says, ""Hm. It seems"
Solace says, ""Hm. It seems to me that in between mud tablets and the web came all sorts of other things... everything from pictoral diaries to family newsletters."" You grin. Solace says, ""And before mud tablets were paintings on walls."" You say, ""the idea is the modularity of the post... shortness and focus."" You say, ""and that they're public documents."" You say, ""and that a whole community is participating in it"" Solace asks, ""Ok... but why modularity?"" You say, ""blogs are daily posts, but the way the tech has been implimented, most all blogs have unique identifiers for each post... they can be accessed out of context or within"" You say, ""My post now, was http://jasonnolan.net/2002_05_01_archive.html#76041430"" You say, ""each entry is like a stone tablet."" You say, ""they can be ordered."" You say, ""That takes you to the exact post as you have it... modular, shareable."" Solace says, ""So basically, if you're looking at the history of blog, you'd need to consider public diaries/common diaries."" You say, ""very much so..."" Solace says, ""Ok....So you're talking about each separate *entry* when you do that."" You nod."
Posted by jason at 11:29 AM
[+][beam] Kat [to jason]: oooh
[+][beam] Kat [to jason]: oooh ooh ooh [+][beam] Kat [to jason]: Found a tidbit of information for you [+][beam] Kat [to jason]: the first historical incidence of people blogging their life (before the ""web"", but it still counts cuz its a pseudo-web) [+][beam] jason bounces upanddownandupanddown! [+][beam] jason asks, ""do they use the b word?"" [+][beam] Kat says, ""they don't use english ;)"" [+][beam] Solace asks, ""What/where?"" [+][beam] jason says, ""ah... "" [+][beam] Kat says, ""When Akkadian soldiers (2500 bce) went to war, they would all write their day's story on mud tablets which would then be set to dry in the sun, become really hard and then were distributed amongst the non-war villages for all the people to read so they knew how everything was going. Then the people would do the same and send them to the warfront so that the people there could all feel like they were at home."" [+][beam] Kat says, ""Sounds similar to blogging to meeeeeeeee."" [+][beam] jason says, ""yes, because of the modularity of the 'posts'"" [+][beam] Kat says, ""These tablets are still preserved today."" [+][beam] Kat says, ""When the warfront would be burned, the fire would shrink the mud tablets such that they became nearly indestructable"" [+][beam] Kat nods to jason."
Posted by jason at 11:20 AM
Got my taxes done. Had
Got my taxes done. Had 'em done for a month. But NetFile wouldn't let me send them because I'm missing some 4-10 digit number that they sent me in the mail at some point. I wonder when.
Posted by jason at 12:12 AM
April 30, 2002
I wish I had a
I wish I had a function that would warn me that the site I was about to visit references something I said. This is not out of ego, but brain safety. I start reading things that seem so familiar... like it was some situation I was involved in... but no! Couldn't be. But then again... squish: sometimes perfect translatability isn't so bad "
Posted by jason at 04:41 PM
April 28, 2002
Email from Dave (link on
Email from Dave (link on left). He's coming over for dinner May 7th, from England. I've been trying to find Jeff Noon stuff (Pollenation link on left) and have been having no luck in Canada. So, I send dave a list of what I was hoping for, to which he replied, after hitting the shops:
> Pollen (First edition, Hardcover or paper reading copy) ƣ5.59 for paper Don't got it. > *Cobralingus ƣ9.95 for paper Got it, ƣ9.95. > *Needle In The Groove - ƣ5.59 for paper Got it, ƣ6.99. > *Needle In The Groove - CD - ƣ11.99 Don't got it. > *Pixel Juice - ƣ5.59 for paper Got it, ƣ6.99. > Automated Alice (paper or cheap hardcover) - ƣ5.59 for paper Got it, ƣ6.99 (paper). > *Nymphomation - ƣ5.59 for paper Got it, ƣ6.99. > Vurt (British First edition only.) Could be $60 if signed Don't got it. This totally spans me out... all the stuff I NEED, I get."
Posted by jason at 03:55 PM
Would someone explain to me
Would someone explain to me why everything is doublespaced if there is no hard return, and single spaced if it is? It seems to be related to paragraph tags, but I can't figure out what it triggering it. HELP! I hate blogger. CSS is not far behind."
Posted by jason at 03:35 PM
Ok. I am bald. Notice
Ok. I am bald. Notice before? Look to the left. I wear hats (repeat previous two sentences). I wore hats long before I learned to shave my head, so there's not a big congruency, aside from the head itself. To continue... I lose hats with great regularity as well. Especially the baseball like hats I wear these days. Well, Yuka and I spent 3 hours walking around highpark and back home along queen street. I noted that if we walked as far as ""Odyssey"" on queen street, I'd buy a new cap, so that I could wash the one i have left. We got there. If we handn't this topic would be meaningless. Couldn't find the hats I like. And they are particular. The paricularities are namely that they have no name or logo or icon on them. They are plain. THey actually fit on your head, rather than ride high enough to cover a beehive wig. They are dark grey, blue or black, without being cheezy colours. And they have drawstring, rather than elastic. And I couldn't find any. As I said. HOWEVER, Yuka found the famous and fabled unlearn.^TM caps from unlearn !!!! I had one. I lost it. Before I lost it, everyone wanted it. Perhaps someone stole it? I don't know. But Yuka found it again. The store owner/manager/noisy guy told me that the org (unlearn.^tm) had gone through some shakeups, and that's probably why no one had responded to my email in the past 2 years asking to know how I could buy more hats. There you go. The web site doesn't show any greater return to reality... so it may be that someone's just bootlegging the hats. Now I have two (2) of my favourite hats, in blue and black. I have three (3) unlearn hats in Black, Beige and Blue. One is for me. One is for Joel my dissertation supervisor. And one is for Bob Morgan who flipped over them more than anything. Do you want one? The store owner/manager/noisy guy told me that he'd sell me them at a discount if I wanted to order a bunch. And at $35 per, it might be a good idea to make a list. How else can you get the coolest caps on the pedagogical planet."
Posted by jason at 12:59 PM
April 27, 2002
Another image from my
Another image from my Queen Street memory.... somewhere around 999 queen. Yuka is pleased, of course."
Posted by jason at 10:12 PM
April 25, 2002
jason is that which is
jason is that which is those who are not he. And many other things besides. And has nothing to do with those wiggity bits hiding deep inside. Never more and further less and not withstanding thus, he is ever more estrang'ed from that demon of the crust. He is his was, and wills his next, and now is often quite purplexed. But his fine voice, quite clear quite must declare his this here and now or rust."
Posted by jason at 02:35 PM
April 24, 2002
"Ok, first, I am working"
Ok, first, I am working on the soundtrack for Pollenation version #3, and spontaneously include the Bauhaus tune Exquisite Corpse. I look up the lyrics and then post them on Pollenation, because they're just so pollen. Then I go to the bookstore so that I can get my copy of Abraham & Torok's 1994 book The Shell and the Kernel: Renewals of Phychoanalysis that I ordered so that I can complete my review of Castricano's Cryptomimeisis: The Gothic and Jacques Derrida's Ghost Writing for the Journal of Dracula Studies . I open the book and see this: Maria Torok (1968) ""The Illness of Mourning and the Fantasy of the Exquisite Corpse."" Curiouser and curiouser."
Posted by jason at 04:56 PM
"Bread, biscuits may be cancer"
Bread, biscuits may be cancer risk Basic foods eaten by millions around the world such as bread, biscuits and french fries may have high levels of a substance that probably causes cancer"
Posted by jason at 08:03 AM
April 23, 2002
Well... good things do come
Well... good things do come to those who [insert variable]. I was just offered CTL1000 to teach again this summer. And I'd been in a bit of a panic wondering what I would do. CTL1000 is called ""Foundations of Curriculum"" and is a grad course on curriculum theory that every OISE student in the Curriculum Teaching and Learning program must take. It is fun. Of course it will be heavily blogged, as last year's course was."
Posted by jason at 06:30 PM
April 20, 2002
Is this thing on? Testing
Is this thing on? Testing Blogscript again.
Posted by jason at 02:50 PM
"5.5 magnitude, it seems. That's"
5.5 magnitude, it seems. That's pretty big for around here. Probably the biggest I've ever felt anywhere."
Posted by jason at 08:02 AM
"Ok, CBC is now getting"
Ok, CBC is now getting calls about the tremmor. I can go back to sleep now."
Posted by jason at 07:12 AM
Earthquake this morning at around
Earthquake this morning at around 6:55am. Yuka and I both felt it. Felt like the light ones I remember from living in Tokyo. Did you feel it? Haven't heard anything on the news about it yet. This is my third in Canada. First was just before noon in 1986, the same year as the Challenger Disaster."
Posted by jason at 06:58 AM
April 19, 2002
Wow. That was fun. I
Wow. That was fun. I just deleted 3 blogs and removed myself from another 3. I'm getting ready to make the transition to EduBlog for most of my work, and I think Moveable type as my next experiment in learning new stuff. Watch for the changes... especially as I move to EduBlog , as it will be cool."
Posted by jason at 08:52 AM
"With friends like the Americans
""With friends like the Americans, who needs enemies?"" Ward Lynds, a Canadian living in China, wrote to CBC's Web site. ""This is a travesty,"" said Dick Brown, one of the dozens who wrote to The Globe and Mail's Web site. ""It makes you wonder how competent the U.S. military is."" ""If this guy was some kind of slack-jawed half-wit behind the wheel of a F-16, we need to find that out. And if the firing procedures are so flawed that you can drop a bomb on a training area, we need to address that."""
Posted by jason at 08:47 AM
The Globe and Mail: Breaking
The Globe and Mail: Breaking News Cat killers sentenced"
Posted by jason at 08:42 AM
April 18, 2002
I'm in the middle of
I'm in the middle of the Triangle Program's annual workshop on gender and Identity that we run on the Project Achieve CVE . I'm having more fun than I could imagine... and can't wait until Friday."
Posted by jason at 09:22 AM
"Just as I expected, ("
Just as I expected, ( blogdex ) has been hogged by commercial media services. Ho hum."
Posted by jason at 08:48 AM
I've been trying to finish
I've been trying to finish up the end of ENV321Y... and what happens? Suddenly blogger breaks, and students are clamoring for the archives. Can't get them back yet. We'll see. Also, yesterday was the RCAT : What's On : Showcase 2002 for those who got money from the Instructional Technology Courseware Development Fund. We got a grant of $6,000 from them to work on EduBlog . I was helped with the day by Professor Emma Jane , Salmon and Hildegarde . We were all a somewhat sleepy bunch for a variety of reasons. And the room was hot and stuffy. But we blogged about from 9:30 to 4:00. We were all a 'presence' which is what I needed and wanted, and appreciated. Everyone had to come by and see what we're up to. I had a copy of my paper Ceci n'est pas un blog! that was published in E2K: a journal for the new literary paradigm in January (and will be republished in a writing textbook!) printed out, along side our intro to what blogging/edublogging is about. It was a really good day, and I hope that it bodes well for getting some money to continue working on Edublog in the future. Now I'm beat, and taking the day to rest, something I've not done in a long time."
Posted by jason at 07:49 AM
April 13, 2002
"Game studies. Issue 1, 2001."
Game studies. Issue 1, 2001. is Espin Aarseth's side gig. Rather cool. Includes an article by Markku Eskelinen too."
Posted by jason at 03:02 PM
(click on the picture
(click on the picture for a brief photo essay.) Neko passed away last night at around 10:30, as we rushed her by taxi to the Animal Hospital. She was 13, and had been battling liver disease, and an infection for a while. She had just finished 2 weeks of medication and had, that morning, appeared more active and heathly than she had all winter. Most of her characteristics had returned, and much of her strength was coming back as well. We even felt that she was putting some weight back on. But by 7pm she was lethargic, and by 10pm it was clear that she was fading fast. Neko was yuka's first cat."
Posted by jason at 08:02 AM
April 11, 2002
Salmon does Tom Waits
Salmon does Tom Waits with her buddy Bog! Metaubercool."
Posted by jason at 12:58 AM
April 09, 2002
EduBlog is making major headway
EduBlog is making major headway to our presentation April 17..."
Posted by jason at 10:38 PM
"Oh, I don't think I"
Oh, I don't think I mentioned... or perhaps I did. I just got a free VIP pass to the Toronto Zoo for a year. Includes parking and everything for me and my family... Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Oh, I'm on the Toronto Zoo's Educational Advisory Committee if you didn't know."
Posted by jason at 10:18 AM
Homer's antics upset Rio
Homer's antics upset Rio "
Posted by jason at 09:55 AM
April 08, 2002
It is Brin's Birthday... all
It is Brin's Birthday... all the world rejoice.
Posted by jason at 06:21 PM
It's quitting time. I have
It's quitting time. I have recently backed off from my committments on the AoIR 2003 conference working committee. And this weekend did the same for the Toronto Dark Writer's Group , though I still have the domain. I hope to get back to them soon, but who knows. Life is too much in flux. I'm applying for jobs today, and sending out letters inviting people to participate in the International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments that I'm editing with Joel and Peter. Feeling rather good, and rather like it is time for a change."
Posted by jason at 09:58 AM
April 06, 2002
Some of you may not
Some of you may not know Judith Merril. I barely did. One Wednesday I talked to her on the phone, and we made arrangements to meet that Saturday, so that I could give her a CD some curriculum I'd written on her short story ""That Only A Mother"". The CD included her story as well, perhaps it's last publication during her life. She passed away before we could meet. Judy, on reviewing the material I'd written on her work, ursula k. le guin and william gibson gave me what will probably be the best compliment I'll ever get as an educator. Her words, as I remember them were ""This is the first teaching guide I've on science fiction that doesn't suck."" She went on to say, about le guin, ""That woman's had her consciousness raised one level too high."" It is amazing to actually have two lines worth remembering from someone you never met, and only talked to on the phone twice. Check out what some other folks had to say about her... BTW, Barry Wellman is the electronic executor of her estate. Hello friends and lit-types, Hi there! Please join us to celebrate the launch of Better to Have Loved: The Life of Judith Merril, by Judith Merril and Emily Pohl-Weary, at these free multimedia events: Ɨ Friday, April 19, 6 to 8 pm. (note the new starting time) Victory Caf�, 581 Markham St. (near Bloor), Toronto. Ɨ Saturday, May 4, 2:30 pm. The Merril Collection of Speculative Fiction and Fantasy, Toronto Public Library, Third Floor, 239 College St. (near Spadina), Toronto. Ɨ Tuesday, May 7, 7:30 pm. Vancouver Public Library, 350 West Georgia St., Vancouver Ɨ TBD very soon: upcoming launches in New York City, Madison (at WisCon: feminist science fiction conference), Montreal and Ottawa... Better to Have Loved: The Life of Judith Merril by Judith Merril and Emily Pohl-Weary ""Judith Merrill was not only a vital member of the literary community, but a vital person, in the largest sense of that word. She lived her times and places thoroughly, and enriched us all."" --Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid�??s Tale and Blind Assassin ""I loved Judy....I didn't care a fig about her taste, but I loved her effect. She was an extraordinary catalyst, a perfect editor."" --Michael Moorcock, author of Gloriana and Mother London ""Merril's science fiction purposely eschewed the...escape for which science fiction is so notorious. Rather, here were a progression of sentences as clean and balanced as sentences could be and they were wielded together into deeply wise stories."" --Samuel Delany, author of Empire Star, Triton, and Babel-17 ""The strongest woman in a genre for the most part created by timid and weak men."" --J.G. Ballard, author of Crash and Empire of the Sun ""Without Judith Merril, neither science fiction nor Canadian science fiction nor Canadian literature nor the world at large would exist in their present form. Better to Have Loved is essential reading for anyone who's interested in How Science Fiction Got This Way. In turning a jumbled heap of bright shards into this amazing book, Emily Pohl-Weary has accomplished a task I secretly thought impossible."" --Spider Robinson, author of The Free Lunch. _______ What was it like for a gender-bender who made it in a man's world fifty years ago? Known as ""the little mother of science fiction,"" Judith Merril burst onto the New York literary scene in 1948 with a disturbing story about nuclear radiation. Learn how Merril and other early science fiction writers lived, argued, dated, mimeoed their manifestos, learned step by step how to write stories, and (in some cases) how to get paid for them. Better to Have Loved journeys amongst the people, places, and things Merril loved. Her life was a microcosm of alternative cultural and political movements. Born into early Zionist circles, she ventured as a teenager into the Trotskyism of the 1930s and '40s. From there she became involved with emergent science fiction, resistance to the war in Vietnam, the Free University movement, and tuning-in and turning-on. In 1968, Merril moved to Canada with the draft dodgers, to live and work in Rochdale, Toronto's student-run university. Judith Merril's contribution to science fiction was summed up by J. G. Ballard (author of Crash and Empire of the Sun) in 1992: ""Science fiction, I suspect, is now dead, and probably died about the time that Judy closed her anthology and left to found her memorial library to the genre in Toronto. I remember my last sight of her, surrounded by her friends and all the books she loved, shouting me down whenever I tried to argue with her, the strongest woman in a genre for the most part created by timid and weak men."" In September 1997, Judy passed away, leaving her granddaughter Emily Pohl-Weary with a partially-completed manuscript, twelve tapes of interviews they'd conducted during her last year, and complete instructions about everything she wanted included in her ""autobiography."" Over the past four years, Pohl-Weary has completed the monumental book. Pohl-Weary, a major figure in the indie culture world in her own right, co-edits Broken Pencil magazine and her own magazine, called Kiss Machine. Her writing has appeared in Shift, Lola, Taddle Creek, Fireweed, This, and Now magazines, and she's currently at work on her first novel, Sugar's Empty. Better to Have Loved will be launched with a slideshow chronicling the history of early science fiction and Merril's life, a screening of Merril's wacky mini-documentaries that ran on TVO after Doctor Who during the 1980s, and a display of 1950s science fiction magazines and book covers. Emily Pohl-Weary is available for interviews. Call Between the Lines at 416-535-9914. http://kissmachine.org/emily.htm http://www.btlbooks.com"
Posted by jason at 10:10 AM
April 04, 2002
CBC radioMorning sports guy was
CBC radioMorning sports guy was complaining about the design of the SkyDome... and who did he cite? Well, Lyotard's PostModern Condition... what else? The announcer felt that the space is too artificial. O Canada."
Posted by jason at 08:48 AM
April 03, 2002
I cannot believe it. I
I cannot believe it. I don't know if this has ever happened in years. I have 275 megs of email at the moment. But I have only 2, yes, two messages in my in box. And I don't mean, like I've done in the past, that I have just erased everything, but that I've dealt with every bit of email that I should, or think that I should, or am otherwise aware that I should. TWO MESSAGES!!! But I'm tired, I have a cold, and they are long... so it won't get down to zero tonight... bye"
Posted by jason at 11:53 PM
April 02, 2002
Edublog will be providing contracted
Edublog will be providing contracted writing support services for ""ENGLISH 3150 THE WRITER-CRITIC"" (2002-2003) at York University, for Professor Roger Kuin."
Posted by jason at 10:13 AM
RCAT : Upcoming Events :
RCAT : Upcoming Events : Showcase 2002 will feature Edublog. Perhaps you can make it?"
Posted by jason at 10:09 AM
March 29, 2002
squish: how does your garden
squish: how does your garden grow is, in part, Salmon's take on her lecture for ENV321Y. It was so cool."
Posted by jason at 03:43 PM
Bought a copy of Jane
Bought a copy of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey. I've never read it. Ya, don't hit me. But since I'm writing a review on cryptomimesis, and the author refers to it so much, I figure I'd better read it. And I'm looking for another cool book she relies heavily on, which I've not read... Abraham and Torok, i think, but my spelling may be off, and the cryptomimesis is in my office. It is worth getting even if it is just for the review."
Posted by jason at 03:41 PM
March 25, 2002
This is a picture
This is a picture of Amoxicillin. Which our cat, Neko, is now on for her bacterial infection."
Posted by jason at 06:22 PM
News for all of you
News for all of you who care. Neko is not, at the moment dying of cancer, as the first vet said. She has a massive bacterial infection. I'm off to get special antibiotics. We were suspicious when online searches said that that cats with liver cancer stop eating. And she's eating 3-4x what she normally would eat. Thanks JOEL for driving us over to the appointment last friday. I'm off across town to get the drugs."
Posted by jason at 10:07 AM
jasonnolan.com expires today. I've been
jasonnolan.com expires today. I've been waiting a year or so for it to come due. I was sort of pissed off that nothings been ever done with the site and most of the links don't work, and there's no content. But I don't know if I really care any more. $25.49 could buy a killer bottle of wine, or two movie tickets to see Amelie, or some cat food."
Posted by jason at 07:34 AM
March 22, 2002
Spelling counts: slogs.swf?
Spelling counts: slogs.swf ?"
Posted by jason at 08:49 PM
March 20, 2002
Cyborg Manifesto is a recommeded
Cyborg Manifesto is a recommeded reading for Katherine Parrish's lecture, and the final exam...."
Posted by jason at 10:38 PM
"Hardware Background Screens are up,"
Hardware Background Screens are up, and very pretty. Kenny and I went to Active surplus last week. He bought stuff, and I took pictures. His partner allows him to bring stuff home, and mine"
Posted by jason at 09:04 AM
March 19, 2002
The Globe and Mail: Saltspring
The Globe and Mail: Saltspring idea gains currency Saltspring Island is printing its own paper currency in an attempt to raise money for environmentally friendly buses on the idyllic Gulf Island of 10,000 residents."
Posted by jason at 08:24 AM
March 18, 2002
Templates are back... Thanks for
Templates are back... Thanks for finding it out Sarah. Sarah and I bitched on Blogger, and she emailed evan.. Somehow, on an upgrade, all the templates got deleted. Don't know how, but they're back/"
Posted by jason at 11:21 AM
March 17, 2002
Catspaw/Kat had a rude celtic
Catspaw/Kat had a rude celtic awakening this smorning, ""That's when I remember: Saint Patricks Day. Ahhh, this would explain all the people in bright green. (I'm not very observant when I'm tired). And then I start noticing the people more closely: little yelling kids, old people drunk by 10 am. This holiday has just ranked on my ""Catspaw's Hated Holiday"" list along with Secretaries Day and Be Nice To People Day. More busloads of people keep arriving. Some wearing green t-shirts and some dressed, head to tail, in Americanized leprochaun gear. All right below me."" Yes, it is ""you can all be Irish for a day"" day. Not quite as famous as ""let's be WASPs for a day"" or ""let's be Iranian for a day"" or ""let's be Mexicans for a day"" or ... you get the picture. And there's something wrong with it. Join the team Kat."
Posted by jason at 12:42 PM
March 16, 2002
"Catspaw, on ICQ said, ""I"
Catspaw, on ICQ said, ""I had a dream last night that Achieve (which was represented as an apartment building) was burning to the ground, and we were trying to pull $things and $rooms out of it as quickly as possible so that they wouldn't burn, when suddenly we figured out it wasn't a real fire - it was that someone had left a program running too long and it caught fire."" Jason said nothing...."
Posted by jason at 03:27 PM
March 15, 2002
E2K: a journal for the
E2K: a journal for the new literary paradigm has it's March edition up. I'm editor at large there, but didn't do anything for this month... Hope you'll check it out."
Posted by jason at 06:42 PM
Hardware Background Screens for free
Hardware Background Screens for free download. Kenny and I went to Active surplus. He bought stuff, and I took pictures. His partner allows him to bring stuff home, and mine doesn't. All images are Ʃ 2002 Jason Nolan @ jasonnolan.net. Please don't download or look at kenny's picture at all. It might scare him. All other images are available for you to use personally as a background screen."
Posted by jason at 05:02 PM
Just another reason why a)
Just another reason why a) maureeen should blog more, and b) why I should read it more often. re-creating In this state of mind m more than usually receptive to Ursula Franklis talk about silence as a common good and as something other than merely absence of sound. I like her characterizing silence as an enabling environment. Among the things it enables is the possibility of discovering and attending to ons own thoughts. Is interesting, too, to think of it as a kind of space, an opening for what Franklin calls ""the unprogrammed and the unprogrammable not a bad description of what I hope to encounter when writing a poem."
Posted by jason at 08:38 AM
"At Airport Gate, a Cyborg"
At Airport Gate, a Cyborg Unplugged . Thus Steve's not returning my email these days."
Posted by jason at 08:02 AM
March 12, 2002
I'm an invited participant for
I'm an invited participant for the Round Table Series: On Technology: Shared Learning Objects . I don't have to present. I'm just expected to be there and look pretty, and say something nice. Sort of what I'm doing for John Willinsky tomorrow, when he presents as part of the Technology in Support of Learning and Teaching lecture series for KMDI. Wheee...."
Posted by jason at 07:47 AM
Really rocking on pollenation today.
Really rocking on pollenation today. Tripped over TS Eliot references."
Posted by jason at 07:42 AM
March 11, 2002
For those of us who
For those of us who missed the theatre showing, Cyberman -- about our most wearable cyborg, Steve Mann -- is on CBC The Nature of Things this Tuesday at 8PM. Now, if Steve is watching the show and broadcasting it onto the web, does this mean he violates CBC copyright?"
Posted by jason at 12:38 PM
March 07, 2002
Welcome to the iTunes Newton
Welcome to the iTunes Newton Plug-in Pages . Yes, screw the iPod, resurrect the Newton!"
Posted by jason at 07:39 AM
March 06, 2002
International Handbook of Virtual Learning
International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments now has a home page... why do you care? Cause I'm one of the editors."
Posted by jason at 02:51 PM
March 04, 2002
City of Palo Alto -
City of Palo Alto - Accessibility Guidelines is a neat article that Mia Quint of RCAT sent me. It relates to the hegemony of ascii, a chapter I just finished for Peter's book..."
Posted by jason at 07:31 PM
Got the second letter. No
Got the second letter. No invitation for an interview for the Technology position at OISE/UT. Enough said.
Posted by jason at 06:46 PM
"Tracy Ross, a wonderful ex-TA"
Tracy Ross, a wonderful ex-TA who taught me to let TA's lecture in ENV321Y, used me as a reference for a job application. It seems as if she got it, and here's the film to prove it. Cute. Thanks!"
Posted by jason at 09:34 AM
March 02, 2002
Finding me more boring than
Finding me more boring than usual? Just a reminder that all my cool stuff is getting dumped at pollenation . That and I'm co-authoring a paper with Prof. Steve Mann . Be scared for us both."
Posted by jason at 08:57 AM
Fuzzy Blogic :: The Journal
Fuzzy Blogic :: The Journal of Jacob Shwirtz :# 25 on Daypop. Jeez. Never thought that would happen. Always been more of a Blogdex man myself. Pretty ironic that the specific blog where I blog about bloggers blogging about blogging gets blogged by bloggers blogging about blogging and is what gets me into blogdex and daypop.
To which I say... It should scare you? What scares me is that the first thing everyone does to a fairly non-hierarchical publishing environment (blogs) is to start generating hierarchies. With media profile folks in the centre. Then they run the agenda on the meta-topics of ego-inflating intertextuality and whatever else meets the cool quotent. What am I saying? This happens with any media. In fact, I that's probably the purpose of new media... to let a new group float to the top... oh, never mind. Nice colours on your blog."
Posted by jason at 08:39 AM
March 01, 2002
Wired magazine has a cool
Wired magazine has a cool article: Have iPod, Will Secretly Bootleg The iPod is perfect for virtual shoplifting. It is designed as a digital music player, but its roomy 5-GB hard drive can be used as portable storage for all kinds of files, even the Macintosh operating system. In fact, it can operate as an external drive, booting up a machine and running applications."
Posted by jason at 09:27 AM
February 27, 2002
SWIMNEWS.com - The premiere swimming
SWIMNEWS.com - The premiere swimming news and information website on the internet. says that my sister, Cats, is 4th in the world in the 50m breast stroke for 11/12 year olds... Go CATS "
Posted by jason at 10:44 PM
Engineering courseware for engineers: good metaphor!!
I did a presentation for RCAT: Courseware Tools Revealed today�?� here's my rough notes�?� you may find them interesting. Let me know if you have any questions. Educator Driven Design Who am I. I am the technology/ �?? Classroom teacher (secondary, post-secondary, grad) �?? Not a programmer �?? I make tools that are meaningful for my teaching �?? I know technology like I know my subject area specializations Environmental Studies, English, Curriculum Theory... and tech o Online learning since 1987, used just about everything courseware wise. o Collaborative Virtual environments since 1994: Achieve, VASE, Edublog o Speaking to the morning, not the afternoon. o Afternoon is still IN academe, part of specific pedagogies and depts "
Posted by jason at 09:06 PM
February 26, 2002
Opening Night - this thursday
Opening Night - this thursday is on Dracula, with Elizabeth Miller who, among billions of other things, lectures in my ENV321 class. Can't wait."
Posted by jason at 11:13 PM
February 24, 2002
The Bridge CD by
The Bridge CD by Iain Banks and Gary Lloyd is too cool to mention. I have more than one copy of this book. I now need the CD. There's an audio on this link too."
Posted by jason at 12:56 PM
February 23, 2002
Jim Flaherty is too stupid
Jim Flaherty is too stupid for words.Flaherty vows to sell Ontario's liquor firm , going back to the future in campaign promises and resurrecting a party pledge from 1995 to sell off the LCBO liquor stores, the TV Ontario government television network and several other assets. After its election in 1995, the Conservative government spent several years considering the feasibility of selling the LCBO and TV Ontario. It concluded that it could not risk reducing the $900-million a year that it receives from the LCBO and that private investors were not interested in buying TV Ontario. The LCBO is the largest retailer of alcohol in the world and uses its purchasing power to ensure low wholesale prices for its products and widespread availability of specialty brands, said a government official who has examined the possibility of selling the board. Mr. Flaherty said he believes the government could sell the LCBO, increase choice and competition.
I guess he can't read the internal contradictions in his own thinking."
Posted by jason at 03:07 PM
February 22, 2002
This is ken emig.
This is ken emig. He lectures in my ENV321 course next week. He's standing in front of his sculpture. I forget what it is called."
Posted by jason at 09:40 PM
Varsity Arts & Culture --
Varsity Arts & Culture -- Getting the General Idea Getting the General Idea By Mika Bareke"
Posted by jason at 04:14 PM
General Idea
General Idea "
Posted by jason at 03:49 PM
MoMA | press | Releases
MoMA | press | Releases | 1996 | Two Installations by General Idea Are on View for the First Time in New York at The Museum of Modern Art General Idea was formed in 1968 in Toronto by artists AA Bronson, Felix Partz, and Jorge Zontal and was prematurely dissolved due to the deaths of Zontal and Partz in 1994. During its prolific twenty-six years of professional and domestic partnership, General Idea created work marked by elusive meaning and poignant wit in a range of mediums, addressing both popular culture and mass-media formatbeauty pageants, television shows, popular magazineas well as the work of other artists such as Yves Klein, Piero Manzoni, and Marcel Duchamp."
Posted by jason at 03:46 PM
General Idea Editions - Traveling
General Idea Editions - Traveling Exhibition Information After presenting the first definitive and complete retrospective of General Idea Editions in January 2003, the Blackwood Gallery will be offering the exhibition for touring in Canada (2003-2004) and in the U.S.A. (2005-2007).?"
Posted by jason at 03:45 PM
Art Education - General Idea
Art Education - General Idea - The Art Vault - The Fine Art of e-Business "
Posted by jason at 03:41 PM
I have a new review
I have a new review up... The review of following book is now available in Educational Technology & Society, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2002: New Learning: Invited Articles of the Conference ""ODL Networking for Quality Learning Armando Rocha Trindade, Editor 2000 Lisbon Portugal: Universidade Aberta ISBN 972-674-325-7, 448 pp. The review can be accessed in HTML and PDF forms at: http://ifets.ieee.org/periodical/vol_1_2002/v_1_2002.html "
Posted by jason at 01:36 PM
"Jasonnolan.com Expires on..............: Mon, Mar"
Jasonnolan.com Expires on..............: Mon, Mar 25, 2002. I'd like to buy it. We can hope."
Posted by jason at 09:17 AM
"pollenation: the garden of fucking
pollenation : the garden of fucking paths "" is the new collaborative program betwix myself and Katherine Parrish to study, explicate, and get our YaYas out with the works of Jeff Noon. Those works, including Vurt, Pollen, Automated Alice and Cobralingus are making us thing fast and hard and deep, a fucund intertextual riot of post-victorian pomology. Watch and worry and the pollen count rises, Boda gets a full body tattoo, and John Barleycorn must die."
Posted by jason at 12:26 AM
February 21, 2002
"Well, I am happy"
Well, I am happy about my DVD of Dead Man . It is the first and only DVD or VHS I've ever bought for myself. I have a couple of dozen movies, but they've all been presents or something like that. I gave away the only other DVD I had, that came with my player. Nothing like William Blake in the west, and Iggy Pop in drag."
Posted by jason at 08:39 AM
February 20, 2002
"Oh, what a wonderful world."
Oh, what a wonderful world. Read the final proofs for my book chapter ""Learning Cyberspace: An Educational View Virtual Community"" that I wrote back in 1999 with Joel Weiss. It is FINALLY going to print this year, with Cambridge UP. No mistakes, but some minor stuff that will have to be changed, because it is not 1999 any more. Then went, with Salmon , to see David Noble talk about ""The Rise and Demise of Online Learning"" as part of the KMDI lecture series. Then salmon and I went to Pho Hung for dinner and a beer, to talk about Pollenesque, Borges, Blake and coyotes. And I stopped in at Norms on Baldwin to get my DVD of Dead Man that he picked up for me, also got ""Ghost Dog"", anther Jarimush film, and the one I've not seen. Met Norm, who is Norm's cat, as well. Amy, from John's Italian Cafe, was there too. Her harddrive blew, and so I'm going to give her a spare one... in exchange for inviting us over to show her cats to Yuka. Great day, until I got home and read the letter from Michel Fullan saying that I was not shortlisted for the English position I wanted at OISE. SHIT! That was something I was sure I was going to get. It is a conspiracy. Scotch then sleep."
Posted by jason at 10:29 PM
February 19, 2002
I just got back from
I just got back from the Toronto concert. I have no time to gush about it, but I've put up 26 images at knightisland that some of you may like. They're dark, shot without flash. But they're great. It was great. Everything's great. Johnette; Nothing could have prepared me for the Toronto concert. The warmth, the gentleness, and the raw beauty of fragile power all springing forth from a single woman, almost as if in a single timeless moment. You sang not just to us, but for us and with us, in a lullabye of innocence and experience. Thank you..."
Posted by jason at 01:57 AM
February 18, 2002
I'm going to see
I'm going to see Concrete Blonde tonight with Katherine... wooohoooo!"
Posted by jason at 10:39 AM
Now this is a
Now this is a sport...Skeleton Plunges Face-First Back Into Winter Games Skeleton Plunges Face-First Back Into Winter Games"
Posted by jason at 07:53 AM
February 16, 2002
Took some pictures in Kensington
Took some pictures in Kensington Market today. End of Chinese New Year."
Posted by jason at 02:12 PM
Phyllis Zee gets the
Phyllis Zee gets the Saturday Sleep-in award for having a name that is totally synchronous with her job as Associate Director, Center for Sleep & Circadian Biology."
Posted by jason at 08:51 AM
February 15, 2002
Not the best of news
Not the best of news today. I didn't get my SSHRC Post-doc to do blogging. Bwaaaaaaa... I scored low on both my 'track record' and my 'program of work'. That's somewhat funny, in light of 20 page CV, my publication record, and the funding I've already got for my blog topic. SSHRC always scores me low when I apply. I'm rather convinced that they just have no understanding of what I'm doing, how cool it is, and the fact that you must be poly-disciplinary. And I guess I just fall through the cracks. Such is life. Three more job applications in the pipe. But it is a bummer. I would have liked to spend the next two years blogging."
Posted by jason at 06:44 PM
February 13, 2002
It is my mommy's brithday
It is my mommy's brithday today! Mom is 64. She lives in kingston. She skis every day, unless she's cycling or jogging. I get tired listening to what my mom is doing. But I know she gets tired to all my complaining, and that must be more tiring. She's my mom. I love her. And it is her birthday today.
Happy Birthday Mom! Oh, and mom refuses to have anything to do with the internet. Smart mom."
Posted by jason at 08:55 AM
Bryce Camp Sedona is where
Bryce Camp Sedona is where KAT should be going. Don't you think?"
Posted by jason at 08:08 AM
February 11, 2002
This is emiko. Emiko is
This is emiko. Emiko is the patron saint of Shinchan stuff. She's holding a box of the rare and oft praised ""Chokobee"". It is a candy that Shinchan always ate on his show. And the outcry from kids who wanted some too forced candy manufacturers to invent it. Who's wagging the dog?"
Posted by jason at 07:34 PM
I'll be on a panel
I'll be on a panel for Courseware Tools Revealed: Understanding the benefits, features and future of courseware presented at UofT. Check it out.
DATE: Wednesday, February 27, 2002"
Posted by jason at 12:23 PM
Martha is VERY Wise. In
Martha is VERY Wise. In Ohio School Hearing, a New Theory Will Seek a Place Alongside Evolution ""It's a shrouded way of bringing religion into the schools,"" said Martha W. Wise, a state board member who is the lone opponent of intelligent design on the standards subcommittee. ""Personally I'm creationist: I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth,"" said Ms. Wise, a retired business executive. She emphasized, however, that her belief had no place in a science lesson. ""I think intelligent design is a theology, and it belongs in another curriculum."""
Posted by jason at 09:09 AM
February 10, 2002
I just hit the gold
I just hit the gold mine. Our friend Emiko Kanemichi brought me some more shinchan stuff! This site has 8 sets of mint shinchan patches. And she got me a whole box of Chochobe, shinchan's favourite! My office has lots of shinchan stuff too."
Posted by jason at 11:10 PM
Review to come shortly.
Review to come shortly."
Posted by jason at 06:53 PM
February 06, 2002
Bear is where it is
Bear is where it is at. I'm telling everyone."
Posted by jason at 07:59 PM
Hand disorder linked to vibrating
Hand disorder linked to vibrating console controllers . More danger for Kat."
Posted by jason at 02:23 PM
Doesn't this look like Catspaw?
Doesn't this look like Catspaw ? I thought she was responsible for it all. "
Posted by jason at 08:42 AM
February 02, 2002
Toronto Dark Writer's Group page
Toronto Dark Writer's Group page is up and functional. With commends and counter. Now lets see if we end up with any content."
Posted by jason at 12:55 PM
February 01, 2002
"Room of Ben's Own says,"
Room of Ben's Own says, ""But you may say, we asked you to speak about women and fiction ? what has that got to do with a room of one's own?"" Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own (1929)"
Posted by jason at 09:17 PM
Not enough pizza in the
Not enough pizza in the world. Here's one of my better attempts. A mock-traditional cheeze, onions, peppers, kolbassa, and pesto. "
Posted by jason at 09:04 PM
January 30, 2002
Other books. I'm at work
Other books. I'm at work now, and can see what I bought: Snowcrash, Neil Stephenson. It is my 3 or 4th copy. I lost the other ones. Manufacturing Consent, Herman/Chomsky. When am I going to read this all? "
Posted by jason at 02:22 PM
January 29, 2002
Book Central. Boy did I
Book Central. Boy did I get books today. First of all, I saved $65 + tax on a copy of Cryptomimesis by Jodey Castricano. I got a review copy, and I'll do a write up for the journal of dracula studies. Then I got two books by Peter Trifonas, all around cool guy who was on my dissertation committee. His gems are ""Barthes and the Empire of Signs"" and ""Umberto Eco and Football"" both by Icon books. They're short 12000 word essays in book format. Very cool. Also bought a somewhat scholarly ""JK Rowling's Harry Potter Novels: A Reader's Guide"" by Philip Nel. In bold letters at the bottom it reads ""This publication has not been authorised by J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros."" I didn't need that info, since it was in the criticism section at the UofT bookstore. Oh, I also bought some other books ""Introducing Critical Theory"" and ""Introducing Cultural Studies"" both good primers for teaching theory to teachers. And finally a big fat book I can't remember what it was, but it is in my office now and felt like a good idea at the time to buy it. They were all departmental purchases, so I didn't have to pay tax on the money as income, and got a 10% discount to boot. That does mean that the university technically owns them, but if I wasn't teaching there, I'd not have bought them anyway, so that seems fair."
Posted by jason at 04:14 PM
Domain Central. I've registered more
Domain Central. I've registered more domains in the past week than ever before. I bought or procured, or scarfed: knightisland.com - bought it for my dad, but he didn't use it, so I get it roomofbensown.net - for ben's stuff. he owes me torontodarkwriter.com - for our writer's group. they owe me punchpuppy.com - guess who? edublog.org - this will be my box for storing blogs. They're all hosted by xtrinsic.com/emma, cept edublog.org which will be my rose iMac, presently known as edublog.forestry.utoronto.ca"
Posted by jason at 11:33 AM
"Emma has a new bike,"
Emma has a new bike, at Strange Little Girl ! Very cool."
Posted by jason at 11:30 AM
January 27, 2002
Queen Street #1 are photos
Queen Street #1 are photos of yuka and my walk today. I'm going to compile a walk-along of every building on Queen St West in Toronto that I like. Cause I can. Sorry. The pictures are MASSIVE. Can't be helped. You can appreciate the thumbnails, if you're on a slow modem."
Posted by jason at 05:21 PM
Here is a very nice
Here is a very nice panoramic picture of my apartment , about 180degrees worth. This is pretty much what dave would have seen too when he was living in the building. Left to right we have the CNtower with Skydome below it, city hall in front. lake ontario can just be seen on the horizion between 2 buildings. Below is Ontario College of Art, with Grange Park behind it. The smoke stack on the horizion is Toronto Western Hostpital where I was born, and in the foreground is the Art Gallery of Ontario. Everything else is basically Queen Street West, and Chinatown. Though, at the right edge is the beginning of the University of Toronto. My office is right behind the tall building at the right edge, and Yuka's library is just in front of it. A small world, but it is ours."
Posted by jason at 10:38 AM
January 26, 2002
markham district highschool is where
markham district highschool is where I went from 1976-1980, when I dropped out. Nostagically disfunctional web site."
Posted by jason at 04:55 PM
The Globe and Mail: Prime
The Globe and Mail: Prime Ministers Day of Honour? Should we have a Dead Primeminister's Day? I say ya! The more dead the better!"
Posted by jason at 12:36 PM
January 25, 2002
This is my earliest RECORDED
This is my earliest RECORDED presence on the Internet. Thanks to dave for putting me on to this. For some reason, everything done from 1987 to 1992 is lost. Or maybe I was lurking for that period of time. Google Search: Jason@writer Search Result 10From: Jason Nolan (jason@writer.yorku.ca) Subject: ftp-able kanjitalk and shareware??????? Newsgroups: sci.lang.japanView: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format
DATE: 1992-04-15 16:07:01 PST Hi, I heard someone telling us that they got Kanjitalk for free on a CD-rom. Are there any other ways to get it for free? Is there an ftp site? Is there someone who would get a kick out of mailing a copy to me? Also, I found Gomtalk (with is useless to me since I'm running 6.05), but it set me to wondering if there was enough share/free/postcardware to get me started with alittle wordprocessing or something to tide me over until I've got a real job. Thanks in advance for the info. Jason Nolan __________________ Sometimes mistaken for the Grand Pootweet!"
Posted by jason at 03:30 PM
January 23, 2002
Did a lecture tonight in
Did a lecture tonight in MIE1404 (those are my notes) in the Interactive Media Lab . And there was much rejoicing."
Posted by jason at 10:37 PM
My office. A walkaround. I
My office . A walkaround. I just realized that iPhoto doesn't shrink file sizes. The thumbnails are good, but all large images are 300K plus. I'll work on that."
Posted by jason at 05:06 PM
THE CUSP OF CHANGE: A Review by Maureen Scott Harris of TALES FROM EARTHSEA and THE OTHER WIND . These are my favourite LeGuin things. And Maureen lectures in the course I run. She's wonderful, as you can imagine."
Posted by jason at 12:25 PM
January 22, 2002
Select-Bistro is where Yuka and
Select-Bistro is where Yuka and I have had our wedding anniversary dinner for the past 13 years. This is a brief photoessay description of the dinner, using the Olympus D-510 digital camera we picked up this afternoon. A good day."
Posted by jason at 10:07 PM
January 19, 2002
Cryptomimesis :The Gothic and Jacques
Cryptomimesis :The Gothic and Jacques Derrida's Ghost Writing, by Jodey Castricano. You can tell that I need it bad, right? And of course Yuka found it while looking for books on Lucy Maud Montgomery."
Posted by jason at 10:12 AM
January 15, 2002
"From the ""It never rains"""
From the ""It never rains"" department. Just handed in the form that 'should' allow me to teach an online course this spring (May/June) called English and Technology: New Discourses and New Pedagogies with the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at OISE/UT. Wheeee... Here's my tentative outline...
EngTech will focus on conceptualizing the Western Enlightenment metanarrative of technological progress as presented in the realization of Cyberspace. Students will have the opportunity to draw from fiction, academic texts, and personal experience in online environments in order to develop and articulate both practical the theoretical perspectives on the role(s) of English education in technology-based learning environments. "
Posted by jason at 02:29 PM
Just got back from a
Just got back from a meeting with Ron Baecker, a computer science prof here. We are planning a full year grad course ""KMD 100Y: Core Seminar in Knowledge Media Design"" which we will be co-teaching starting next september for the Knowledge Media Design Institute . I can't wait until we can give out all the juicy details, as I know it is going to be an absolutely stellar course taking up KMD from a variety of perspectives with expert speakers from across the university. Stay tuned."
Posted by jason at 11:22 AM
January 14, 2002
Here is an article that
Here is an article that Yuka and I just finished for Canadian Children's Literature / Litterature canadienne pour la jeunesse called ""Too Many Bends in the Road "" about the Lucy Maud Montgomery CD-rom put out by the L.M. Montgomery Institute in PEI. Please don't quote from it without talking to me, as it may get modified before publication."
Posted by jason at 09:53 PM
I just finished helping Rhonna
I just finished helping Rhonna get the most recent edition of E2K: a journal for the new literary paradigm up and running. A day ahead of schedule. It is an entirely new design for E2K which is rated as one of the top places to be published on the Internet. I have an article in it, on blogging. And I'm very happy to say that I designed the new site, with all its stark minimalism, bells and whistles. But it is Rhonna's baby. Please have a look."
Posted by jason at 05:49 PM
January 10, 2002
Just downloaded and am testing
Just downloaded and am testing DocDetox to remove the stupid bouncing notification in the lower menu of my macOSX "
Posted by jason at 07:59 AM
January 08, 2002
Does it get more fanatical
Does it get more fanatical than this? "
Posted by jason at 09:23 PM
Online Learning in the European
Online Learning in the European Community: New Learning is another article I finished today. It is for IFETS, and I'll blog when it gets published. Hope you like it."
Posted by jason at 08:51 PM
Just finished a couple of
Just finished a couple of articles today. This is not a blog. is one I am working on for Netauthor.org/e2k. It is a draft, so don't link to it or anything. But comments are appreciated."
Posted by jason at 08:41 PM
January 07, 2002
Stephen Fine reminds us all
Stephen Fine reminds us all that theory can be fun:Theory.org.uk action figures "
Posted by jason at 04:25 PM
January 06, 2002
I bought SHOES. On sale.
I bought SHOES. On sale. And so did Yuka "
Posted by jason at 05:27 PM
January 03, 2002
SOme of you may not
SOme of you may not care. If so, read something else. This link is to a server that servers a list of Newton palmtop computers that are hooked to the internet. You can actually visit these newtons and read/add data. Try that on a palmOS thingy... NPDSTracker @ misato.chuma.org . I gotta get with the 21st century, and fix up my newton 2100."
Posted by jason at 09:21 AM
January 02, 2002
"Tonight Yuka's buddy, and my"
Tonight Yuka's buddy, and my friend, Sadako passed away after a long battle with breast cancer. She will be missed but us all. I've nothing more to say tonight, but I hope I will in the time to come. My thoughts are somewhat confused."
Posted by jason at 11:51 PM
I got a copy of
I got a copy of this book today in the mail. And I got a consulting credit! It is called ""Remember Your Happy Days"". And it is pictures from Zoos in Japan. I previously helped the author, Furukawa-san, out on previous book ""Panda Planet"". "
Posted by jason at 05:51 PM
January 01, 2002
Yuka and I replaced our
Yuka and I replaced our dead machine, with a new coffee machine. And there was much rejoicing."
Posted by jason at 10:50 AM
December 21, 2001
Here is a message from
Here is a message from Sadako's children. Sadako's been fighting breast cancer, and helping immigrant women fight for access to health care. I've been lucky enough to host her web site on the Achieve server for a couple of years. We all wish her and her family well over the holidays. Sadako's ""Living with Breast Cancer"" page Holiday message from Sadako's family: This winter holiday our family has been faced with a difficult turn in life. It has given us the chance to really appreciate those around us, especially the ones you love. Our mother (breast cancer survivor of six years) has recently been dealing with a serious metastisi of her cancer in her lungs this month. It has made breathing very difficult and she is currently in the hospital. Despite the grave news, my mother's radiant spirit continues to be expressed through her small hand gestures, smiles, facial expressions, and written words. We would love to get her home this holiday. We would like to put together a collection of positive words and strength from everyone who has been touched or affected by our super-mom, and try to read them to her. If you would like to send your love this way, please send it (in English or Japanese) to sadako@yukazine.com and we'll get it to her. Happy holidays! Nana, Yuka, Kentaro & Tomo Dec., 21, 2001"
Posted by jason at 09:27 PM
December 19, 2001
The University of the South
The University of the South Pacific - USP Sounds like a good place to work at, eh? Just have to check out the exchange rate."
Posted by jason at 02:10 PM
December 18, 2001
Wheeeee... just ordered a LaCie
Wheeeee... just ordered a LaCie PocketDrive CD-RW :
. OF course it will take forever to arrive, but that's that. I've wanted my own CD-rw for a long time, and have been using my sisters'. I can return it to them now."
Posted by jason at 05:33 PM
December 15, 2001
"squish - 12/10/2001: """" email"
squish - 12/10/2001: """" email makes us assholes that I know is true. I've done it by myself a million times plus two. But if it is the bathos to which one casts oneself it is a the quiet reflective blog where we redeem our sorry butts. (something I wrote on Salmon's squish blog)"
Posted by jason at 08:39 AM
It is the most beautiful
It is the most beautiful of mornings today. The most beautiful of the fall... we live overlooking a medium sized park, Grange Park, nestled in behind the Art Gallery of Ontario. There is a group of old houses about the same size as the park, next to it, and the city surrounds us all. The park, and the streets around it, is filled with trees, probably Norway Maple. And the snow of last night has left them all quietly coated with silver snow, of setting the bark, made black by contrast. The morning sky, a single sheet of orange and purple tinted cloud with a yellow-blue sky at the edges, makes it seem an impossible view. And the border of red brick warehouses beyond encloses it all like a framed vision of urban calm."
Posted by jason at 08:36 AM
December 13, 2001
Betty Holberton Dies; Helped U.S.
Betty Holberton Dies; Helped U.S. Develop Computer Languages (washingtonpost.com) Frances ""Betty"" Snyder Holberton, 84, the software pioneer who programmed the groundbreaking ENIAC digital computer for the Army in the 1940s and later helped create the COBOL and FORTRAN languages used to operate the world's computers, died Dec. 8 at the Kingshire Manor assisted-living community in Rockville. She had suffered a stroke and had diabetes."
Posted by jason at 03:50 PM
Oh well. There's nothing happening
Oh well. There's nothing happening in my life right now worth talking about. Try one of the blogs on the left and see. Dave and Miao both have baby pictures, and Kat has crawled out of her exams long enough to post. And salmon, emma and hildegarde all have new snippets to share. I'm sure even sarah's saying the same old thing in new ways. Well, Joel Weiss, Vera Nincic and I are finishing off a book chapter for Peter's book, the Pedagogy of Difference, called tentatively ""The Net, Ethnicity and Difference"". So that is something interesting I guess. But it is in such a nebulous state that there's not too much I can say about it, so it feels like nothing happening; just something getting ready to happen. Oh, and DAVE SAID I COULD BORROW HIS MACKIE BOARD!!!"
Posted by jason at 06:33 AM
December 09, 2001
I got my first christmas
I got my first christmas present today... a hardcover first edition of William Gibson's Mona Lisa Overdrive . I was at Jamie Fraser Books on Queen Street, in Toronto, and it was on the shelf. I'd taken Yuka, my mom and step-father Lars (aka Large) to Jamie's to see his collection of mystery pulps, and to check on my stack of books I have put aside to purchase later, and was going ot add MLO to the pile, when Lars decided to buy it for me as a christmas present. The dust cover is a bit rough around the edges with a slight tear, but it has a mylar jacket, and is otherwise in really good condition. And I don't even have a reading copy of it.... for shame. Thanks Larz"
Posted by jason at 02:46 PM
"O.K., O.K., I'm Going Cellular"
O.K., O.K., I'm Going Cellular ... no, not me. But this joker makes the compelling argument for cell phones in the post september 11th age. And I still don't want one. Perhaps I've survived another non-cellphone life test. [And yes, I don't need to be told who does need one: people in unsafe environments, people who move a lot, have children, are children, want one.]"
Posted by jason at 08:21 AM
December 08, 2001
Let-Me-Stay-For-A-Day.com - The Official Website
Let-Me-Stay-For-A-Day.com - The Official Website is just cool, and way beyond what I'll ever have guts for... Ramon Stoppelenburg is travelling around the world for free. Without any money or plan. He's totally relying on schmoozing free accommodation, food, transportation. And it is a blog!!!"
Posted by jason at 11:16 AM
December 07, 2001
It is official. My position
It is official. My position with the Division of the Environment ends July1, 2002. The course I've been teaching, ENV321Y, has been cancelled, as has the position of Associate Educational Coordinator, a part time faculty position at the University of Toronto. Poof! Gone in a fit of cost savings. Five years of course development... gone. It is official. My position as Scholar in Residence has been extended to August 31, 2002, with an option for renewal. And it includes work to continue co-developing the KMDI foundational graduate course. Life is sweet. Thank-you KMDI."
Posted by jason at 08:34 AM
December 05, 2001
It is a great day.
It is a great day. I found a penny on the way to work! The usual wish. But first last night... I got a phone call from simsim (see blog on left). Haven't heard from her in 6 months... so you know something's up. She's going to be interviewed this friday and wants to use my office. VH-1 (video station?) is flying up a TV crew to interview her as the penultimate Michael Jackson (the singer, not the wine specialist) fanatic. Simsim DID do an essay for my course at a graduate conference on the topic of transborder air pollution as interpreted in dance, using M. Jackson's music. Did it in front of my boss, an assistant dean and the consuls general for Canada and the US (Toronto and Buffalo). It doesn't get any more strange. So, today. I get to work. Late. Got the mail sent, and a coffee got. Plunk myself down, and turn on the CD player which is thankfully still full of a Concrete Blond CD. To my dismay, I realize I'd left my 'puck' at home. My puck is my power supply for my TiBook. Bummer. That means only 3 hours of work in OSX mode or 4.5 in OS9 mode. Check the snail mail only to find that my Madsonline ""Generation Gap"" adapter came in!!!!! It allows me to use old pucks from iBooks on the newer TiBooks. Not only that, but even though I only ordered one ($50 CDN including shipping) 2 (two) were in the pouch!!!! And there was much rejoicing."
Posted by jason at 11:56 AM
December 04, 2001
New design... borked CSS... compliments
New design... borked CSS... compliments of me, and Yuka ... who did the drawing and quality control. I only did the scanning, vectorizing, and breacking of the CSS to get it on the page."
Posted by jason at 05:20 PM
"MacInTouch: Mac news, information and"
MacInTouch: Mac news, information and analysis The State of Maine has announced the conditional award of a contract to purchase 38,600 iBooks from Apple for $43 million: ""Under the plan approved by the Legislature for the Maine Learning Technology Endowment, all seventh grade students and teachers will begin using portable, wireless computers in the Fall of 2002, and all eighth grade students and teachers will be equipped the following year."""
Posted by jason at 08:23 AM
December 03, 2001
Sarah just sent this to
Sarah just sent this to me, along with a reference for bioluminesent computer screens. Technology's looking up: An Inventor Unveils His Mysterious Personal Transportation Device "
Posted by jason at 08:13 AM
November 30, 2001
Congratulations Do Dave Goulden (Project
Congratulations Do Dave Goulden (Project Achieve's star Java programmer) and his partner Yoshie Muramatsu on the birth of their Daughter Yukiko. See zanid for more information, which I assume will be forthcoming."
Posted by jason at 08:00 PM
"Catspaw says ""I got an"
Catspaw says ""I got an odd email today. It was fairly typical looking fan mail except for the bottom line (you know who you are): Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you're the funniest boy I know! This made me blink. A lot. And then I realised I was crying. Probably because I was trying to peel this basket of onions. But the point is,"" do not read email while in the kitchen!!! Hey. YOU don't have a kitchen. Hey, you eat cafeteria food. What IS going on here? "
Posted by jason at 12:35 PM
November 27, 2001
"Ok, I admit. I've got"
Ok, I admit. I've got nothing to write about. Especially after seeing Kat's last flash movie. Here I sit broken hearted, paid $35k and then departed. Got a job that's half a job. Got no life. I'm just a slob. But I'm applying for a life, and if I get it, no more strife. I have just one week to go, and then I'll wait. I'll let you know."
Posted by jason at 08:49 PM
November 26, 2001
"Danny Bakan, an ex-OISE buddy,"
Danny Bakan , an ex-OISE buddy, has a new CD out... check it out! There are some MP3 on the site too... For details, directions to the Club and Real Audio samples surf over to: http://www.hughsroom.com/zdannybakan.html For a listen to some better quality MP3's drop by: http://www.dannybakan.com"
Posted by jason at 12:38 PM
November 25, 2001
"Ok, here is a parade"
Ok, here is a parade of insanity. Went to guelph with Hildegarde, to drop her off and pick up ben. From there we went to Norval for the Lucy Maud Montgomery Christmas... just like every year. But on the way, I saw this: Now what do you want to know?"
Posted by jason at 06:06 PM
I was busy. I bottled
I was busy. I bottled my wine this week. First time without dave around. Even though he only brewed beer with me, he was my spiritual leader. He's gone... click on the links that says DAVE for more information."
Posted by jason at 05:51 PM
November 17, 2001
God does have a book.
God does have a book. And it is where he writes down where you don't reference your sources.
Posted by jason at 11:00 PM
November 14, 2001
Just added my sister Cats
Just added my sister Cats to my list of friends. She's a great swimmer.
Posted by jason at 10:35 PM
November 13, 2001
I'm in LOOOOOVE. Wireless networking
I'm in LOOOOOVE. Wireless networking just got better with Airport2.0. Fast, furious and cable free. Now, if I could just stop breaking things about the house."
Posted by jason at 09:08 PM
November 12, 2001
I'm almost home... I need
I'm almost home... I need to add some stuff and do a redesign, but I'm staking out my personal turf here."
Posted by jason at 03:24 PM
November 05, 2001
"It is here, it is"
It is here, it is now, it is blank . It is jasonnolan.net . Vacant it will remain, but it will not be blank for now."
Posted by jason at 08:01 PM
November 04, 2001
A pleasant suprise. After taking
A pleasant suprise. After taking 30 of my students to the Toronto Island for the day (Stephen, my TA, lead the day and did a great job), he and I accompanied Maureen (the course poet and chronicler) to the main LCBO . While picking up some new roses, stephen was perusing the scotches... and I pointed out a very nice one, Ledaig, that I'd bought in Tobermory, Scotland last June, and carried all the way home. My jaw dropped at the price, $99.90. I've never paid more than $50 for a bottle, and I'm happy to be able to find some nice stuff at what is considered to be the rock bottom rate for single malts. And I had found that scotch in Scotland was as expensive at home... Ledaig was a major exception. I paid about $45 for it in scotland. Of course this is the one that Yuka drinks. I drink the Laphroag and Duns Bheagan bought locally. The bottles of Highland Park and Scapa that I bought in the Orkneys are almost gone. The Highland Park distillery was the only one I visited, and I didn't take a tour. I only wanted to visit that distillery because they cut their own peat, and they peat their own malt by hand on a giant malting floor. Yuka and I got to visit the malting floor and poke about. Quite wonderful."
Posted by jason at 04:58 PM
Just bought 4 JG Ballard
Just bought 4 JG Ballard novels ""the drowned world"" ""Passport to eternity"" ""the burning world"" and ""The crystal world"" from 1962, 63, 64 and 67 respectively. I also spent a long time describing them and the other books I have on hold. Then blogger ate the post. All is lost. It would be cool if it was impossible for blogger to eat posts after you click 'post'. ;-)"
Posted by jason at 04:04 PM
November 02, 2001
Stop the presses! I just
Stop the presses! I just finished designing and editing my first chap book. With lots of help from Emma and Yuka , and others of course. You can't get a sense of the beautiful colours, but it is available online as a PDF file if you want to see it . It is not a big file, 156k, so go for it! We'll be selling print copies of it for $3 at the Rhea's Obsession gig tomorrow night at Reverb, in honour of BOOOKTV !"
Posted by jason at 01:23 AM
October 31, 2001
One more reason to MOO
One more reason to MOO is indicated by a study of what students are looking at on the Internet."
Posted by jason at 08:09 AM
I was reading Salmon's squish
I was reading Salmon's squish and she posted something someone said about the deep spiritual nature of 'running'. There was a wise reply from someone hwo sort of bushwacks on foot at high speed, which is very cool. But somehow I felt moved to say something about running:
I've always thought of runners as those denying the self. Running is that most binary of operations that forgets that there is more than the going forward. With running there is no lateral, no vertical, no internal, and no going back. Just a steady corporatist run of arms, legs, breath, heart. I love to go rock climbing with runners. They get stuck. They can only go up. And climbing is ever so not just about going up. "
Posted by jason at 07:50 AM
October 30, 2001
I bought my own domain
I bought my own domain today!!!! jasonnolan.net Life is good. Also, from a GTA blogger http://www.transit.toronto.on.ca . Finally... regarding my firewire harddrive enclosure, I got this nice email from Nancy @ macally: Dear Jason, Thank you for considering Macally your product. Unfortunately, we just ran our of the sticker. Can you email me again sometime next month to remind me and I will be happy to mail you a sticker. =) Once again, thank you for being supportive and choosing our product. Best Regards, Nancy -- Nancy Lam Macally Peripherals 15861 Tapia St. Irwindale, California 91706 Tel: 626-338-8787 Fax: 626-338-3585"
Posted by jason at 02:56 PM
October 28, 2001
Blogging Christian Soldiers. This is
Blogging Christian Soldiers. This is a good day. Went to Pages on Queen, as is our wont and got a copy of Essential McLuhan, edited by Eric McLuhan and Frank Zingrone (two of Arun's old profs). Anyway, I needed a McLuhan around the house, especially to finish up my book chapter ""The Technology of Difference"" that's due Wednesday. Going into Peter Trifonas' The Pedagogy of Difference to be published by Routledge next year. I've sent it out for reads. And Kat likes it. And if can pass the mustard of a frosh, it is good. NEXT... I got a CD I've been after for a while... It is the sound track to Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man... music by Neil Young. Just one guitar, and lots of distortion. Great movie... johnny depp and gary farmer . And it includes... Crispin Glover, Iggy Pop, Billy Bob Thorton, John Hurt and Robert Mitchum. Serious bloody movie. One of my favourites. Tonight I'm taking my draft of ""Death Night Blood"" a chapbook I'm editing for the Toronto Dark Writer's Group. From conception to presentation in 2 weeks. I'll post it as a PDF as soon as I get the final approval from ""the board""."
Posted by jason at 05:19 PM
October 22, 2001
I think that today has
I think that today has been a red letter day. What cool things did I do, let me count the ways:
1) moved wine from primary to secondary fermenter. It is my first brewing event since dave moved to England. Strangely enough, I've never made wine with dave, but always with him living down the hall. He and I made beer together. 2) I got home in time to clean the kitchen and wash the rice (not easy), before my Achieve meeting, letting Yuka do the rest. 3) I rearranged the kitchen installing new Ikea stuff, and ending up with more shelves and more useable space in the process. Ya, and I made some apache mods at Emma's direction so Achieve could display wmv files (stupid format) allowing us to show Miao's baby pictures. Does that count too? "
Posted by jason at 10:06 PM
I just got and put
I just got and put together my macAlly 2.5"" FireWire HDD Enclosure to hold a 4 gig IDE drive I was nicely given. . A happy day."
Posted by jason at 03:49 PM
I'm listening to old Smashing
I'm listening to old Smashing Pumpkins on my PowerCD which was the cooooolest thing Apple every made. It is a funky CD player. Right?
I have the Newton, eMate and Apple Adjustable Keyboard listed on the site too."
Posted by jason at 03:41 PM
Jason's URLS is an OLD
Jason's URLS is an OLD cgi script that I resurrected. I think leigh helped me with most of it. Anyway, it allows me to have my own personal annotatable web list. Cool, eh?"
Posted by jason at 03:29 PM
October 20, 2001
Mean is kicking someone when
Mean is kicking someone when they're down. Caustic and nasty is kicking someone when they're up. Oh, and ben has a blog... ben77.blogspot.com . Any connection?"
Posted by jason at 11:13 PM
October 19, 2001
Remember: God Shops American. What
Remember: God Shops American. What does it mean when the best thing you can do against terrorism is to shop, go to a movie, buy and fly, keep the economy moving. Participation by consuming. It makes you wonder if there is not much difference between the people we see on CNN who are discounted in the discourse because they've been 'trucked in for the media' and the shoppers interviewed doing their patriotic duty to consume."
Posted by jason at 09:11 AM
October 16, 2001
Damn. Discursus is taken. But
Damn. Discursus is taken. But monad.net is available, I think. I'm working on a book chapter called ""The Technology of Difference."" And Salmon has given me my necessary first pat on the head of approval. So I can continue. As I'm checking some references, I came across a great quote in Baudrillard's article ""Consumer Society"" that really cracked me up:
lighting being the least rare commodity, without which merchandise would merely be what it is Nothing left to say about much of anything after that, is there?"
Posted by jason at 03:42 PM
[of course blogger ate my
[of course blogger ate my post] so here is an abbreviation. I'm working on a book chapter entitled ""The Technology of Difference"" and I got ""thumbs up"" from Salmon, so I'm feeling comfortable about it now. Until then, I had no idea if I was on the right track or not. And she knows the track. While cruzing through some references, I found the following quote in Baurillard's selected writings in a chapter called ""Consumer Society"" that stopped me cold:
lighting being the least rare commodity, without which merchandise would merely be what it is Not much more to say after that, is there?"
Posted by jason at 03:42 PM
"How about www.discursus.net, Medieval Latin,"
How about www.discursus.net, Medieval Latin, from Latin, a running about , as a domain name for me. Other suggestions?"
Posted by jason at 11:50 AM
October 14, 2001
Anthrax: The end of email?
Anthrax: The end of email ? This has a lot to say about how we teach educators to teach students. Computers, much as I want to decry their use among kids when they should be out running in fields and playing in the mud and just poking about in reality, are becoming tools for communication that cannot be put aside as long as I'd like. The hyperprotectionist parenting that never allows children to move unescorted, to join organizations without background checks on the adults, surf the net without special protection software, and now won't allow them to open mail, is getting rather sick. But the only way for an educator to counter this is to become proficient in constructing online learning environments herself so that our kids, as they get online, see adults modelling online activity that is proactive, creative, and constructive. Not merely the click and gaze/glaze of surfing the net. Hmmmm.... BLOG!"
Posted by jason at 10:02 AM
October 11, 2001
I found diplomacy so very
I found diplomacy so very offensive. I think it is because I hate the stupid camp song Kumbaya. But the cartooning is good."
Posted by jason at 08:30 AM
I just heard a very
I just heard a very interesting interview on CNN. Interviewing a B1 bomber pilot who has been bombing Afganistan. She's one of the few female B1 pilots, and a lot was made about the point of the irony of the Taliban being bombed by women."
Posted by jason at 08:23 AM
Burst burst@burstworld.com
It is a long story. I got this email and forwarded it about... Whether you're from city or farm, there is no other charm like the good > old El Mocambo."" > > Please read this and sign if you want to help - distribute to friends and > helpers . If you're the 25th person to sign, send to: > DANBURKE4@excite.com > > One of the world's most enduring and historic rock and roll > clubs,Toronto's El Mocambo, has been told this week it will have to shut > down November 1 by the new landlord of the club. The new landlord, who on > Sept. 16 purchased the building where the El Mocambo is located, plans to > operate a ""dance studio"" in the building, along with a ""spiritual outreach > centre."" The landlord's dance studio needs a new space because it recently > went bankrupt and lost it lease at its current location. > > The El Mocambo has been presenting rock acts since 1972, including The > Rolling Stones, U2, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Elvis Costello, The New York Dolls, > Patti Smith, and Lou Reed, to name just a few. More importantly, in the > past three years the El Mocambo has re-emerged as one of the world's most > cutting-edge live clubs introducing Toronto to artists like Sum 41, > Japan's The Zoobombs, Germany's Chicks on Speed, NYC's The Toilet Boys, > Chicago's The Chamber Strings, Toronto's Peaches, Danko Jones, The Deadly > Snakes and so on. The club is thriving. > > The current booking agent/programme manager of the club, Dan Burke, is > seeking public support to defend against this planned violation of the > club's historical vocation, which is presentation of live rock shows. He > is seeking letters of opposition to this assault on Canada's Rock and Roll > Landmark. Then I got this one From:"
Posted by jason at 07:26 AM
October 07, 2001
[+][beam] Jason bought two books
[+][beam] Jason bought two books today... with yuka's permission [+][beam] Jason says, ""CyborgCitizen:Politics in the PostHuman Age, and The World Wide Web and Contemporary Cultural Theory."" [+][beam] Jason says, ""I plan to use them as examples of why people who do theory don't understand the net."" [Of course, it is not that what they're saying isn't cool and important. But that they're looking at the surface content of the net. And for me, when you're dealing with content, you're already dealing with a very complex sea of bias, privilege, and linguistic hegemony even before someone logs in. And every time a line of code is written, a file permission set, and a new bit of shareware gets uploaded, the net has been located in a domain/discourse that contaminates everything that comes after.]"
Posted by jason at 03:30 PM
October 03, 2001
[+][beam] Hildegarde [to Sarah]: I'm
[+][beam] Hildegarde [to Sarah]: I'm about to launch on a speech about that [+][beam] Hildegarde [to Sarah]: I really am [+][beam] Sarah says, ""On...."" [+][beam] Sarah asks, ""What exactly?"" [+][beam] Hildegarde ahems. [+][beam] Hildegarde says, ""wait wait, my calf is asleep"" [+][beam] Hildegarde says, ""I can't lauch on a speech while my calf is asleep"""
Posted by jason at 12:45 AM
September 30, 2001
I spent the day at
I spent the day at Word on the Street. Toronto's biggest writing event. Must be 100000 plus people there. I've heard that there were 150,000 last year. Seemed a bit less busy this year. But I bought two books. One is Maureen Harris' poetry. Maureen's blog is on the right. I mean the OTHER right. It is called ""A Possible Landscape"" and is quite wonderful. I also bought Don McKay's ""Another Gravity, a book of poems that I know nothing about, except that Maureen's put his work on the course readings before. This is totally not me. My idea of contemporary poetry is Lawrence Ferlingetti and Ted Hughes. And Canadian poetry? please! But these two work. Not enough aliens and dark dank moodiness, but such is life. If the words work, I can forego the bombast. Oh, and I went to my bi-weekly meeting of the Toronto Dark Writer's Association at the Tiquilla Bookworm on Queen. Steph, Mikey and I were there along with two newbies. I'm sorry I have forgotten their names, one was Tom? I'll find out if they come back again. The Tom guy was too shy to read his stuff, but he finally did let me. It was suprisingly good. Better than much of what I read when I was poetry editor for the harrow (www.theharrow.com). It had a nice combination of explicit sex, shipping metaphors and dark humour. More sophisticated than what I would expect from a stoned, nervious 22 year old. I hope he sticks around. He certainly writes better than I did at that age. But that's unfair. Everyone writes better than I did at that age. Luckily, now only 75% of the people write better than I do. That's progress for you."
Posted by jason at 11:21 PM
September 28, 2001
Posted by jason at 08:17 AM
September 27, 2001
Costs of Microsoft upgrades increase
Costs of Microsoft upgrades increase Costs are going up because Microsoft will no longer allow corporate customers to buy software upgrades at a volume discount whenever they choose. Instead, firms will receive upgrades when they are released, whether they want them or not."
Posted by jason at 10:47 PM
September 26, 2001
An interview I did last
An interview I did last week was played as part of a spot on the World Trade Centre and vitual communities on CBC Radio this morning (11:40 or something). This is just my section, out of context. I wasn't near a radio, so Dave in London recorded it for me, and sent me this clip. I'll get the longer thing done later, when I get to work and get the recording from my offfice."
Posted by jason at 02:05 PM
"I was thinking, after I"
I was thinking, after I went out for some Za, and ended up at Salmon's house talking about blogs. My mouth and mind were badly out of synch after 2 days of working on my SSHRC post-doc application. I don't know what we were talking about; probably didn't now what we were talking about at the time either. But at somepoint I realized that I just couldn't handle binary dialectical criticism and the marxist stuff... not for political or metanarrative ideas, but because I'm dyslexic and I can't handle such arbitrary signifiers when there's only two. I realized that I'm dialectically dyslexic. And that made everything seem ok."
Posted by jason at 10:58 AM
September 24, 2001
I want one!!!! LaBrea -
I want one!!!! LaBrea - The Tarpit LaBrea is a program that creates a tarpit or, as some have called it, a ""sticky honeypot"". LaBrea takes over unused IP addresses on a network and creates ""virtual machines"" that answer to connection attempts. LaBrea answers those connection attempts in a way that causes the machine at the other end to get ""stuck"", sometimes for a very long time."
Posted by jason at 03:46 PM
Traveller put me onto this...
Traveller put me onto this... cool. The Rantings of Lum the Mad When asked if he takes into account consumer input Flock is dismissive, relying instead on the expertise of his staff. ""No, we never talk to consumers ? they just fuck us up. Someone asked for a copy of our market research which made us take the decision to do EverQuest. I said we hadn't done any market research. Had we done, the game would never have been made. We never focus on them. Gamers don't know what they want. We just want to know if they have a valid credit card."""
Posted by jason at 03:38 PM
"[+][beam] Jason says, ""wow, salmon's"
[+][beam] Jason says, ""wow, salmon's writing a paper, and she's referencing a paper that I've not written yet, so now I have to write my paper to conform to what she says it will be about."""
Posted by jason at 03:36 PM
September 23, 2001
":-:squish:-: working against a deadline
:-:squish:-: working against a deadline today- writing about- what else- MOO poetics. Actually, I'm beginning to think my prof was right. I'm writing about semiotics..."" thus spake da fish."
Posted by jason at 01:15 PM
"9-11peace.org Action for Justice, not"
9-11peace.org Action for Justice, not War--9,812 emails sent. We believe that a non-military response is the best strategy for a permanent end to terror."
Posted by jason at 12:08 PM
Baudrillard in Cyberspace is a
Baudrillard in Cyberspace is a paper that Kat pulled out for me when I mentioned that she'd someday be hacking reality. She pulled it out of her hat of course."
Posted by jason at 11:54 AM
September 20, 2001
I've got a new blog
I've got a new blog called (re)flections. It is intended for my course ENV321Y. Students must blog reflectively on the readings and the course, and Maureen suggested that we all do it, so they have a series of models. (re)flections is my participation. At least there will be one weekly extended reflection."
Posted by jason at 12:49 PM
Micro$loth controls you now according
Micro$loth controls you now according to an article by Ed Foster, as I tripped across on EVhead's blog. ""While we're on the subject of license enforcement, let me throw in a term one alert reader just spotted in the license for FrontPage 2002. ""You may not use the Software in connection with any site that disparages Microsoft, MSN, MSNBC, Expedia, or their products or services ... "" the license reads in part."""
Posted by jason at 07:39 AM
September 17, 2001
I'm out at Marc Garneau
I'm out at Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute helping salmon teach blogging to her wonderful kids.
Posted by jason at 02:58 PM
VideoScribbler: Overlay on Live Video
VideoScribbler: Overlay on Live Video now this is something cool for annontating video when you're doing research on students!!!"
Posted by jason at 08:16 AM
September 16, 2001
"Cow Parts ""If BSE disease"
Cow Parts ""If BSE disease does come to the United States, it will inevitably wreak havoc because nearly everything we touch or taste has cow in it. A lesson in truly efficient recycling."" The science of recycling in the technological age has unexpected results. I was aware of BSE and rumnants, but not the extent to which bovines have infultrated society. I have sometimes commented that a vegan must avoid petrochemcials because they are merely the processed bodies of dead animals converted into oil over millions of years. That bombastic statement, meant to imply how difficult it is to escape from consuming animal products, it much more true than I thought. For the record, however, I'm not vegitarian. I just prefer organic/freerange pepperoni."
Posted by jason at 10:06 AM
[a reflective post] This is
[a reflective post] This is an article on intolerance and extremism, with the quotePepsi, he explained, wasn't American - it was made in Pakistan. . It made me thing of Jerry Fallwell's christian hatred. I don't think I believe in the notion of Muslim or Christian extremism. To tie it to a faith, faiths as beautiful at their core as these two is to perhaps take up, in part of the opposite extremism. In the course I'm teaching this year, I'm taking up Lyotard's challenge against meta-narrative, as it relates to the environment and the social construction of knowledge. Simply put, Lyotard situates the postmodern condition as a skepticism to all metanarratives (cosmologies, belief systems, world views) but perhaps less to banish them, but to remind us that we cannot even give respect to a belief that is unchallenged in our hearts and minds. Because if it is unchallenged, by reflection, prayer, inquiry, research, discussion, then perhaps we don't ever really know it, or ourselves. This article, like Fallwell's blaming of the boming on abortionist and queers (there's a link of Sarah's page) just reminds us of the horror of the unchallenged metanarrative, the unquestioned belief, and the dark humour when someone can drink pepsi and demand the destruction of american values. That's someone who'd certainly not be getting top marks in my class. Neither would Fallwell for his logic. Hmmm... simply put, extremism is the empowered stupid, not merely ignorant, or unworldly, or unlearned, as we all are that at some points in our lives/day/journey, and have much to learn from each other. The stupid are those who have decided that the act of learning is no longer necessary, and that they know what needs to be done. This is what makes this event so important to my teaching this year. I only hope I've stated it with relative clarity."
Posted by jason at 08:49 AM
September 15, 2001
I think it is safe
I think it is safe to consider the world again, sort of."
Posted by jason at 05:23 PM
September 12, 2001
Posted by jason at 08:48 AM
America Under Attack -- Sept
America Under Attack -- Sept 11, 2001 is a nice list of links for info, as well as ways to help and background information."
Posted by jason at 08:36 AM
Hil's pointless blog of random
Hil's pointless blog of random stuff has some very interesting and personal commentary from someone in NY."
Posted by jason at 08:26 AM
Yuka just told me why
Yuka just told me why she thinks that the attack took place yesterday. Aside from the fact that it was world peace day. Well. September 11. That is, 911. As well, it is 9am when the first attacks take place."
Posted by jason at 08:19 AM
September 09, 2001
reEducated.org has a cooler addy
reEducated.org has a cooler addy than I have. I need a new domain... er I need a domain."
Posted by jason at 10:11 AM
The 1 Billionth Second of
The 1 Billionth Second of the 1st Epoch is coming today, as the Unix operating system. ""Unix(tm) time is measured in seconds since this point in time; the 1st of January, 1970."""
Posted by jason at 10:06 AM
September 07, 2001
"Rue Morgue Magazine, canada's great"
Rue Morgue Magazine , canada's great horror mag has a new version out... look and buy ;-)"
Posted by jason at 01:51 PM
Helga's Cowches made my day.
Helga's Cowches made my day. Mostly because I was watching yuka freak out over the pictures. Oops. We may end up with one. You want one?
Posted by jason at 01:37 PM
September 06, 2001
"If everything goes well, I'll"
If everything goes well, I'll have edublog.utoronto.ca up and running today, as part of edublog.com project. I sent my rose iBook out for repairs, as the video kept going insane. After dragging it all the way over to the bookstore, they tested it for a week. Told me that the warranty on the new video card had expired a week before, and that they could see nothing wrong with it anyway, and I should just move it to another part of the office."
Posted by jason at 04:12 PM
"Cooking with Jason, as said"
Cooking with Jason, as said on Achieve: [+][beam] Jason2 says, ""I made the best pizza ever last night ;-)"" [+][beam] Hildegarde asks, ""did you?"" [+][beam] Hildegarde asks, ""what was on it this time?"" [+][beam] Jason says, ""a whole basil plant, 2 peppers, onions, garlic and 3 full tomatos. I boiled all that senseless for hours. then froze it for a week. thawed it, drained it, mixed it with 20% of it's volume in tomato sauce, put it on pizza with old chedar cheese and organic peparoni"""
Posted by jason at 04:08 PM
EvaB has the coolest POMO
EvaB has the coolest POMO links."
Posted by jason at 11:45 AM
September 01, 2001
I've been a member of
I've been a member of The HTML Writers Guild for years. But for some reason I never have done anything about it. Perhaps now that my HTML skills are so far out of date, I should get more active on that front. Eh?"
Posted by jason at 08:05 AM
August 31, 2001
":-:squish:-: Emma always says, ""Write"
:-:squish :-: Emma always says, ""Write it down."" any time I say anything. I always thought that it was because I have such a non-selective memory. Perhaps there is another reason."
Posted by jason at 06:35 PM
The Boredom Patrol... has set
The Boredom Patrol... has set of bonfires in my mind.
Posted by jason at 05:08 PM
I wanna join.
I wanna join. "
Posted by jason at 04:10 PM
August 30, 2001
Got The Catherine Wheel's xx
Got The Catherine Wheel 's xx CD, along with NIN's PHM and Dead Can Dance's into the labyrinth . Never bought CDs of any of these bands, but have had MP3s of them all. Same goes for the Jane's Addiction I got last week. Only the SUICIDE I've already got on vinyl is a repeat purchase. 5 CDs in one month is a record."
Posted by jason at 06:43 PM
Yuka and I are trying
Yuka and I are trying to go to Ottawa and see Gustav Klimt: Modernism in the Making . Can't find accommodations however. That sucks. But I think I'm close. Found space Sunday and Monday nights. Can go out Sunday morning and return Tuesday night, perhaps. I don't know Klimt from squatt, except he painted lots of women. Don't know why. Or if I like it. But Yuka does. And that's enough for me."
Posted by jason at 06:39 PM
The Works of Charles Baudelaire
The Works of Charles Baudelaire are housed at the Joseph Sable Centre for Nineteenth Century French Studies, originally belonged to one of Canada's first and most dedicated Communist activists."
Posted by jason at 01:21 PM
Damme.mp3 is a song off
Damme.mp3 is a song off the Shinchan CD I got. I don't think that anyone has ever sung so obnoxiously. Beware, this IS for kids. I have a Crayon Shinchan page as well."
Posted by jason at 09:43 AM
August 29, 2001
Divinely Delicious Dave : my
Divinely Delicious Dave : my funny motto has a blog"
Posted by jason at 11:15 PM
This is the first draft
This is the first draft of a poem I'm working on. For fun, obviously. Thanks to Dave and Sarah for help so far. And if you have any comments, let me know. There's no ending, and a bunch of flat bits, but it still makes me laugh. The Lay of the Channel Vampire. I was in a pub in Britain last June, and there was this crazy eyed-guy about my age. He was asking me what I did, no doubt hoping to talk a pint out of me. I was bored taking notes for this article I'm writing called Anne of the Undead, about how Anne of Green Gables is really a bain sidhe (banshee). His eyes lit up when I told him this, hoping to scare him away, but he said wait, and grabbed his pint, and said he'd one to make my day. ""Ya, he said, ""it is about a vampire named Daisy from Gurnsey."" When I'd mopped up all the beer that had forced its way out my nose has he'd been speaking, he waited patiently, then began his ""Lay of the Channel Vampire."" Daisy was a night girl, a vampire you could say. And though you'd find her up all night, she's never up all day. Dear Daisy was from Guernsey, from that charming Channel Isle that lays aside the France coastline, that's British in its style. Now Guernsey is an ancient place, steeped in Celtic rite, and Daisy's been for centuries its mistress of the night. All the locals love her, for she is their local goddess, presiding over births and deaths; festivals great and modest. To the women she is big sister with time all night to chat, always with a magic cure for this or song for that. To men she's the nocturnal muse to guide them through the night sometimes finding long lost sheep or mending hearts to right. She's a radiant blond-tressed lass, though her smile's the oddest, and to the kids she's quite the goth in her flowing Celtic bodice. She's been theirs for centuries, and they've been hers as well, taking care of their wants and saving them from hell. For daisy is a priestess, and she does quite a good job keeping her beloved Guernsey safe from the foreign mob. She used to ward off pirates, and thieves of cutthroat glee, she'd grab them by the epaulettes, and toss them out to sea. But not before extracting her bloody liquid toll and also taking, many say, their lost immortal soul. But Daisy has a weakness, one we all know quite well that could wreck her great good works, undue her special spell. For be she demon or divine or just an eldrich waif she's oft in need of blood and stuff to keep her body safe. And through the decades of the night she feels her blood run cold; she feels her bones go brittle though she knows not what's foretold. And she seeks in forest and in fen some liquid quite sublime, searches her long memory for insight that's divine, she feels her nights are numbered and no longer without end unless she finds some salve that might her body mend. The people of the isle of Gernsey, fair, and soft and green are wracked with worry and dismay, all feel a fear quite keen for if they loose the blessings of their Daisy of the night they fear their world will not survive, all will end in blight. Without Daisy, soft and fair, their savior of the dark the Victorians will subvert their isle to an amusement park. First they tried fresh victims far from their gentle shore but even Asiatic blood did not, the solution, store. Next they tried beasts and fish of land and ocean deep in hope that some lost compound their lady's health would keep. Lastly they tried elixirs of milk and honey sweet but at her lips they could not pass, but backward must retreat. Their children they send far and wide a salve each to discover that will allow their goddess fair to flourish and recover. After years and years of searching one child's path resulted in studying science at Edinburgh's university exulted. There in she met a funny man disheveled and quite bald who taught sciences of foods and health and all that is involved. He told his students that the key to the planet's health lay not in nature's bounty, but in the chemist's wealth of fixes and solutions of which he was informed that all the planet's needs he quickly would, nay needs must transform, for though the body lived on foods that from the store did come there were elements missing that would leave the body numb. And so this Guernsey student thought she had the perfect man with whom they might their goddess save, and so she built plan. Seduced she did, this hapless chap, and brought him to her heart so that he left his family and her waters he did chart, until she had him quite besotted, to her beck he called and attended to her every wish, for he was quite enthralled. One night, warm in her bed, she told him of her land and left him with the problem that she had close at hand. If he wished to keep her love and live with her forever he'd better apply the skills he had to help her life's endeavor and find a way to save the one, the savoir of her people and if he failed he'd find his balls cast off the highest steeple. With her that summer off he went to research on the isle and fell in love with her lost world far from the golden mile. He poked and prodded Daisy, with her will and leave in order that he may discern her illness, and her save. Though he found no sickness, in the mundane mortal sense he realized that her diet was quite without recompense. For living on the sacrifice of the wayward long lost tourist she still required some vitamin in food or elixir purest. Daisy, he told her one summer's night, was in quite dire need of a source of sunlight that was lost to her indeed, and if she did not find a source of that vitamin of D all that was the vampire would finally cease to be. But as she would not ever sup on food that was not bloody he needs must find some enhancement to that liquid ruddy. So this besotted scientist of chemical acumen put his mind and soul to task, the deficiency to mend. All through winter's sabbatical he stayed on Guernsey Isle and with his love they labored though both worrying all the while. For Daisy was quite frail now, and could not mend the bone that had broken in the autumn and cast her from her throne high on the chalken cliffs from which her powers came and many said their Daisy would never be the same. The good people of Guernsey full of portents of doom were sure their goddess of the night would be leaving them quite soon. But the Edinburgh lad full enlightened and of science's spell had finally an ideal that might set things to well. For mixing cows milk with the blood was a disaster true and he'd tried most everything, and thinking he was through he realized that he'd not listened to the stories of the isle and started on to thinking in a most mysterious style. Perhaps, he thought that Daisy's power, coming from the cliffs held a science secret deep hidden in the rifts of chalky stone and surf and sea he might there find the truth if he could but research it, might therein find proof. But there was not time to test it out for Daisy was quite weak so he must needs experiment on her upon that peak. They carried her up to lofty heights and laid her on the heath and with his own quite human blood his life he did bequeath. Thus mixing blood with ancient chalk he found that it did hold and feeding it to sweet Daisy upon the midnight wold she drank his life and her sweet soil she'd guarded though centuries the mixture fast revitalized her powers and energies. The dawn found him all alone, and rather close to death but his love drew him to her, his head upon her breast and all day long she sang to him of his great acts and deed of how he'd come to save them all in their dark hour of need and how forever she'd love him, if he'd come back to her and if he never did return her love she'd not defer. Then as the sun when down below the horizon in the west did Daisy the goddess of the night return to the isle blessed. She kissed them both and bade her rise, she carried him away to the village brought him and these words she did say, ""To you all whom I love more than endless life itself I've pledged my heart and soul and praised above all else but this man who is not of us, has loved our dearest child and has given me salvation of his mind and blood compiled. For now I am not only whole but am forever strengthened at the point where all my art and magic had forsakened."" And then with her own wicked teeth, she pierced her forearm pale and fed him of her divine blood til his health was hail. And all the people gathered round and kept the morning vigil then with the morning's purple haze, she signaled their dismissal. And from that night on forever more Daisy's strength grew on and for another hundred years her people did grow strong and the grand children of her saviours to her heart she drew and with her ancient magic to her people she is true. Now all know of Daisy's lactose intolerance and how the Scot, as he is known, came to her defence. And though he's gone his memory is sang each summer's eve and Daisy cries red tears of thanks with each soul she bereaves and mixes blood with native chalk whenever she does drink to keep her bones all strong and hail, and her body young and pink."
Posted by jason at 06:05 PM
August 28, 2001
I'm up north in Port
I'm up north in Port McNicoll, at the southern end of Georgan Bay... marking papers, and visiting family. Family being Dad and 7yr old sister Emily. I'm staying in the boat house, which is wonderful. Actually, I'm marking papers for CTL1000. THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN HANDED IN!!! 4 done, 3 to go, 3 to be submitted. Then fun fun fun."
Posted by jason at 05:08 PM
August 27, 2001
Getting real: Virtual communities that
Getting real: Virtual communities that break the fourth wall by By Derek M. Powazek, Posted 2001.07.30 seems to want to ramp the community thing up to the next level."
Posted by jason at 10:43 AM
August 25, 2001
Spent the afternoon on the
Spent the afternoon on the Toronto Islands, and had coffee with the lovely and talented Yuka at the The Rectory Restaurant and visited old haunts of the family's when they lived on the island. It turns out that there are some B&Bs there, which is very cool. But my feet are tired, and I'm going to see Apocalypse Now Redux with Nicky and Dave ."
Posted by jason at 06:13 PM
August 24, 2001
"Snow Peak Carry-On Chopsticks $36.00?Canadian? . Yuka asks, how do you clean them?"
Snow Peak Carry-On Chopsticks "
Posted by jason at 09:43 AM
This just proves the previous
This just proves the previous point: Metafilter | Community Weblog I think I just melted my irony meter. The radically innovative new plan at VA Linux is to reach profitability by selling proprietary software. (Larry Augustin has invented Microsoft!) But not just any software; they're going to sell the software which operates SourceForge, one of the largest repositories of open source software in the world. And this is now going to become the core business; they may even change the company name. I can't wait to see what the folks on SlashDot think of this! (VA Linux also operates SlashDot.)"
Posted by jason at 09:30 AM
I've gotta read Metafilter |
I've gotta read Metafilter | Community Weblog more often. Like thraxil, only not."
Posted by jason at 09:29 AM
Who owes what in a
Who owes what in a racist world? By?RICK SALUTIN ---- I couldn't not email him... ---- Hi Rick; I was shocked by your column. I don't usually read them, but the topic caught my eye, and I thought I'd read a bit of reactionary ranting. I was embarrassed to read ""There ought to be at least some common ground between these cases, yet they are treated as if there is none. I don't have an answer on this; I'm pointing at it in amazement."" Wonderfully put. I liked the whole article. And I thought of my mother, who has a very strong 'where will it end' panic when any issue comes up. Personally, I can't wait until my generations demands reparations from the boomers who appropriated our future to their own advantage. Not too likely, but a wonderful 'if'."
Posted by jason at 09:24 AM
"Why does the story, Giant"
Why does the story, Giant Pontoon Launched in Russia to Help Raise Sunken Sub , have some emotional impact? I don't think that it is BigToyism. I'm a small toy person. A new pizza tray, or bookshelf, is my idea of fun... It is not militarism in any way. I think it is another story of people trying to accomplish something impossible together, not for glory, but because it is a messy job that just needs to be done. It is unglamorous, more like cleaning up the apartment after a party. But some how there's a dignity to the task that is greater than sending someone to the moon, because it will never garner great praise. Hmmm... what am I thinking."
Posted by jason at 08:28 AM
August 23, 2001
Tarantino Keeps Alive Those Killer
Tarantino Keeps Alive Those Killer B's . i wanna go to the Tarantino amusement park. but why, oh why does it have to be in Texaaaas?"
Posted by jason at 09:58 AM
August 22, 2001
I just realized that no
I just realized that no one reads my blogs. How sad. I know because I have this beautiful icon next to each post. It is so pretty and beautiful that it would motivate even the most wordless reader to post a comment. But no. It is quiet, the summer is long, and the blog is uncommented."
Posted by jason at 08:20 PM
August 21, 2001
Salmon came by to borrow
Salmon came by to borrow Lyotard's book thingy and I lent her Derrida's the gift of death , and then we went shopping at the UofT bookstore; she to get her own copy of the gift of death . She ended up wiht it, and we both got the Simpsons and Philosophy aka the D'oh! of Homer. I also got Introducing Derrida (cause I need pictures.) and Horkheimer/Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment , which I read parts of back in '87, but haven't thought of since until it was re-recommended to me by an old prof, of that vintage, for ENV321Y. And a good time was had by all. $69.23 was the bill. ChargeIt!"
Posted by jason at 02:50 PM
August 20, 2001
K.I.S.S. makes me happy:
K.I.S.S. makes me happy: A Baudrillard Chronology . Don't ask why, and it isn't for Baudreillard."
Posted by jason at 07:16 AM
"I had Nicky, Dave, Yoshie,"
I had Nicky, Dave, Yoshie, Yuko, Yuka, Valdo, Emma, Hildegarde and salmon over for dinner last night. Wild Boar Pizzaaaaa with my new pans! Boar was a bit of a bore. Not enough character to make it stand out. I'll stick to marinated boar steaks, and do more interesting stuff with pizza next time. Salmon and Hilde sung a duo, as did nicky and I. We sucked, they didn't. And a good time was had by all."
Posted by jason at 12:18 AM
August 19, 2001
I want a Graphire2!
I want a Graphire2! "
Posted by jason at 07:20 PM
I spent the afternoon with
I spent the afternoon with Salmon, Hildegarde and Yuka-the-Transcendant... at IKEA . Packed up the fish mobile with tonnes of stuff for us all. The cool bit is that we all ended up spending right in our expectation range. I'm sure they'll tell you what they got, but yuka and I got tonnes of small wooden boxes for things; 2 large ivar glasses managerie cases. And things in which to hang things. What more could one want. It was a family outing."
Posted by jason at 06:37 PM
Maybe I can get J-Soft
Maybe I can get J-Soft - Web Design > Reblogger working on my blog. It has to much CSS stuff to work with what I use on my other blogs."
Posted by jason at 08:32 AM
August 18, 2001
ej: food is what Emma
ej: food is what Emma kant eat. http://emmajane.net/food/emmakant.shtml"
Posted by jason at 05:37 PM
Miao's baby has been entered
Miao's baby has been entered in a photo contest. Her baby is the cutest on the planet. So click and: Vote For Kitten !"
Posted by jason at 08:06 AM
I made up a blog
I made up a blog for Resurrecting the Garden 2.0 , which I start teaching this fall."
Posted by jason at 12:17 AM
August 17, 2001
Yuka and I saw her
Yuka and I saw her favourite movie: Purple Noon (Plein Soleil) again tonight. Amazing movie. Cool poster too.
Posted by jason at 12:29 AM
August 16, 2001
"Miao's Babyblog asked ""Will you"
Miao's Babyblog asked ""Will you send your kid to music or whatsoever lessons?"" ""Does this help providing her more choices and opportunities for her future or mostly just a fullfillment of your parenthood dream?"" To: Miao From: JASON NOLAN Subject: baby music and language Comments. My friends helmut and kazue speak english one day and japanese the next around their daughter Erika. She's now bilingual. And they throw in German. As an ESL specialist, you may agree that modeling practice is more important than any lesson. As for music, I play 7-8 instruments. I play often and I have fun. I'm also very bad. The worst of all my friends. But they all read music. Many had careers in music. All gave up because they weren't good enough. Some played for major international orchestras. I still play. Why? Cause I love it. Challenge kitten's mind with music and the making of music, not the study of music or appreciation, if you want her to have a tool for life... of course you two have to play/sing to her often. Who cares if it is bad, even better. I used to think that my parents never shared music with me, as they can't play anything. But I grew up with my dad singing in the car very badly, and I can still sing those songs, badly. There's my opinion. Blog it if you will. Jason"
Posted by jason at 08:06 AM
Net Author - Reference Site
Net Author - Reference Site for Writers To: NetAuthor@yahoogroups.com From: JASON NOLAN Subject: Re: what Robert loves about writing This is a hard topic. I sometimes wonder if he does love writing. Personally, and this is primarily a result of experience with him online via email and CVEs, I think his love is placed elsewhere. I think he loves making other people write. Yep, there is it in a nutshell, or case, as the case may be. He promotes, supports, cajoles, implores, implodes and just all around transmogrifies your average, usually American, adult, without respect for age, gender, orientation, race, religion or from the respectable consumer of media products into a demon of discourse, villian of verse, a paragon of prose, or even an angel of alliteration. Loves to write? Ha! He's Robert the Motivatrix if you ask me. Now if you had asked the question, ""What do YOU love about writing?"" and I took the YOU to refer to ME, then the answer would have been clear as day. I don't. I hate writing. But you see, I met Robert, and he infected me with a discourse metavirus that has wrapped itself around my brainstem, and, as Isaiah says, as recorded by William Blake ""I was then persuaded, and remain confirmed, that the voice of honest indignation is the voice of God, I cared not for consequences but wrote."" And my life has been a shambles ever since. Jason"
Posted by jason at 07:44 AM
August 15, 2001
Welcome to Zanpo >> Virtual
Welcome to Zanpo >> Virtual City >> build your world. THis is either genius, or horribly stupid. I'm not sure which, but leaning to the latter."
Posted by jason at 01:04 PM
"Miao has returned, after months"
Miao has returned, after months absence with her wonderful Baby Blog !"
Posted by jason at 08:30 AM
August 14, 2001
Would that be nice?
Would that be nice?"
Posted by jason at 06:30 PM
August 13, 2001
KIPLOG is something I need
KIPLOG is something I need to ready every day. I wonder why I ignored it for so long... proabably because Emma was telling me to do 300,000 things. At least I bookmarked it, and then couldn't figure out what a Kiplog was, so I clicked. Cool."
Posted by jason at 08:18 AM
August 12, 2001
The Web Standards Project: Fighting
The Web Standards Project: Fighting for Standards in our Browsers as emma reminds us."
Posted by jason at 02:24 PM
I just bought a copy
I just bought a copy of The Design of Everyday Things . I think emma told me to, but I'm not sure."
Posted by jason at 02:21 PM
August 11, 2001
gbund is my buddy Gary's
gbund is my buddy Gary's blog. He's a prof at Nodak, starting there this fall. I hope he blogs more."
Posted by jason at 11:12 AM
"Wow, logicalpositivism.com is available. I've"
Wow, logicalpositivism.com is available. I've been looking for a domain... and this one could be it. Unless you take it first. I was also thinking of jasonnolan.net, phyzik.com, and a raft of others."
Posted by jason at 11:11 AM
August 09, 2001
University of North Dakota Faculty
University of North Dakota Faculty in Teaching and Learning this is the place gary works at... I'm just showing blogs to him toooo."
Posted by jason at 07:38 PM
August 02, 2001
The unconditional net: Derrida and
The unconditional net: Derrida and virtuality in the future of the university is the title of a conference proposal that I'm sending in to AERA today. Or one of them. I had pasted it here for Hildegarde to read, but I didn't want to leave it here... so it is gone, and this note remains."
Posted by jason at 06:43 PM
July 30, 2001
"Morning after post... Well, 8"
Morning after post... Well, 8 people signed my guest book, and 112 visited my site, and I had over 400 page views. That makes me feel as if someone was watching ;-) I will add $8 USD from my pocket. That's about $12 CND. I said in a post somewhere that I'd donate $1 for every guest book entry. And I have 2 late sponsorships which didn't make the deadline. I don't know what the total was for me, and for the 3 of use who blogged for Triangle. Emma, our fourth, couldn't blog at the last minute due to a terrible family misfortune, but all of her sponsors were moved over to Hildegarde, I think. I know for a fact that our total will be over $500 CDN but that's all I know. The end of the story... I finished my last blog at 3pm and thought I'd go straight to bed. Then I chatted with Arun on the phone... during actually, as he called just in time to be part of my last post. I had a glass of beer, Dave's Post Apocalyptic Porter, and mulled about. Next thing I knew, I was scanning photos and fighting with a bad FTP connection to Yuka's web site. We did get a new picture of her and MAUD up on the cover page which is really nice. It is from our June trip to scotland. Then there were phone called between Helmut/Kazue and Miyoko who were trying to connect up but both were running around town and neither had a cell phone. I finally got to sleep around 5:30, and slept to 7am. I am up, and going to do some yoga, and pretend that I feel as good in body as I do in mind. Thus endeth the tale. I'll post final numbers when I get them, but otherwise this blog will return to normal. Thanks again, Jason"
Posted by jason at 07:35 AM
July 29, 2001
The final statement of this
The final statement of this blogathon is left to Arun Blake of Montreal who says, over phone...""What do you want me to say... what's the conversation been so far...? Is that it?"" Well, I guess that leave a lot for future unpacking. Goodnight BlogLadies GoodNight!"
Posted by jason at 03:00 PM
aMooHaiku this day remains imbounded:
aMooHaiku this day remains imbounded: our friendship. we three wind blogged voices echo on.
Posted by jason at 02:29 PM
Salmon: she can logout any
Salmon: she can logout any time she wants, but she can never !blog."
Posted by jason at 02:15 PM
I am eating pizza that
I am eating pizza that I made. You can find it throughout this blog, mostly below. And throughout my computer, under the keyboard."
Posted by jason at 02:09 PM
I am less blurry and
I am less blurry and more opaque. Full of unfounded suppositions and randomised experiences, the past decade has collapsed into 48 half hour segments. Like a comedy, the situations have a radius beyond which sense cannot be made, and inside which sense is everywhere. I decided to blog poetry for the next hour, since logic is even less of an option now thatn it was before."
Posted by jason at 01:57 PM
Joshua T Rex has returned
Joshua T Rex has returned with his shopping list. Atleast I think so. He has not really self identified. But I don't feel personally responsible. How could I at this juncture? There is a whole world out there, and I'm typing something like my 56th post into this blog. Actually, I think it is just punnishment. I make my students blog. I promote blogs. I want to construct my own blog. So, why shouldn't I put my fingers where my mouth is an blog for as long as I can stand it.?"
Posted by jason at 01:37 PM
"Out, Dam'ned blogSPOT!"
Out, Dam'ned blogSPOT!"
Posted by jason at 01:09 PM
Ok. Me bad. But I
Ok. Me bad. But I have multiple intersecting excuses. My cam. I had a cam for the whole blogathon, but it was not mine. I bummed 3 cams from school for Salmon, Hildegarde and as a back up. I was going to use my beloved Kritter Cam. But it borked. And borked and borked. But when hildegarde told me to get my camera back on so her sister could see if I was awake, I wanted MY camera... Do I hunted and poked and prodded. I dumped preference files, and reinstalled the known universe. Unfortunately, it was the wrong universe. Some sort of sick sidereal motion of the stars and the entire cosmic circumference was perspiring against me. The dam'ned inhibiting factor could not be found and disinhibited. What was I to do? I puzzled, and fuzzled, til my muzzler was sore. And yet, I had no more sense of a concrete reality of the situation than did the flight attendant with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Airways. Forlorn and undaunted, I severed, and cut to the quick. Throwing out all extensions including willy and nilly. Rebooting ad nauseum... until! What in a wondering eye should appear, but the right configuration, and my crittercam is here!"
Posted by jason at 01:07 PM
Dave is going shopping in
Dave is going shopping in China town, for his Sunday ritual. [+][beam] dave is going grocery shopping at a far too crowded supermarket in Chinatown [+][beam] jason [to dave]: why? [+][beam] jason says, ""never mind ;-)"" [+][beam] dave says, ""it's the Sunday ritual"" [+][beam] jason [to dave]: enjoy it... [+][beam] dave says, ""it's brief and cheap ;)"" [+][beam] jason asks, ""you describing shopping or sex?"" [+][beam] jason says, ""I need sleep"" [+][beam] dave falls apart laughing, gasping and pointing at jason. [+][beam] Hildegarde falls apart laughing."
Posted by jason at 11:49 AM
"Ok, 4 more hours at"
Ok, 4 more hours at the outside, and the Blogging for Triangle crew are over the deep end. We're now conceptualizing changes to our CVE... and we're not responsible for our actions..."
Posted by jason at 11:11 AM
"Ok, now for my next"
Ok, now for my next trick, I'll make fruitjuice. I have on pineapple, two kiwi, two mango, somepears and apples and stuff... watch on the cam... what a mess!"
Posted by jason at 10:39 AM
The mighty traveller (Matthew Beerman)
The mighty traveller (Matthew Beerman) our Nebraskan programming dude of repute has logged on from his summer haunts in Germany to check up on things... mostly to see if I've destroyed anything...
Posted by jason at 10:10 AM
I visited Soulflare looking for
I visited Soulflare looking for ideas, and ended up leaving this comment. ""As a gay-positive educator, who is bloggin in support of Canada's only school for queer youth, I can voice support for your activism. I can't offer much advice, as the struggle seems more clear when it is less personal... I'm just not qualified. But in working with Triangle, I've come to realize that the best resource is the individual, and the most important thing is to DO something you think is positive, along side traditional political activism, that helps solve a small daily problem. As a way to build bridges with people who may hold differing viewpoints, the smallest step may be the hardest, but is in the end perhaps the most important. Best of luck. (And I apologize for any incoherence, but I've been blogging for 17 hours.)"""
Posted by jason at 09:38 AM
"[+][beam] jason says, ""but fair"
[+][beam] jason says, ""but fair verbage for a cyborg..."" [+][beam] jason asks, ""but at this stage, you're more cybork, right?"" [+][beam] salmon asks, ""cybork?"" [+][beam] Hildegarde says, ""that's me"" +][beam] jason [to salmon]: that's half machine, all fucked up"
Posted by jason at 08:53 AM
"if (this.extra_html != """")"
if (this.extra_html != """") extra = {@extra, tostr("" Audio: "")}; if (typeof(this.extra_html) == LIST) for n in (this.extra_html) extra = {@extra, n}; endfor else extra = {@extra, this.extra_html}; endif endif I have no idea what it means, but it is a hack on our moo that I wrote to do something cool."
Posted by jason at 08:41 AM
"I need sleep, and I'm"
I need sleep, and I'm kicking code butt! We've had a problem in our virtual environment such that sounds were not playing on various rooms. Our code wiz said he'd fixed it, but it was not working. I'm no coder, but I had a sleep deprived epiphany, and fixed it in 5 minutes. For my sins, I'm now having to fix the same thing on players, which I probably can't do... But, look at the balcony cam."
Posted by jason at 07:59 AM
"Salmon says ""A woman without"
Salmon says ""A woman without a blog is like... I'm not going to even touch that one. "" But I will. ""A woman without a blog is like... can opener without a catfood can."""
Posted by jason at 06:56 AM
I just had a wonderful
I just had a wonderful gift. My best oldest friend signed my guest book: Hi Jas, Hang in there. I'm on my way to work so figured I'd say hi. This is great stuff. Good for you. Love Di Di and I have had trouble communicating over the past couple of years. I know it is me, but when you've known someone for well over 25 years it has got to happen. Especially when you meet in grade 7. But she knows I'm there when the call goes out. And those words show me that she's there for me. What else do you want out of life. (A maudlin 6:46am thought that will still be true after sleep.)"
Posted by jason at 06:48 AM
I'm starting on my 1
I'm starting on my 1 litre of beer... as it is 6am already, and I forgot. It is our last batch of beer before dave moves to England. One of our best: Dave's PostApocalyptic Porter. mmmmmm"
Posted by jason at 06:31 AM
I finally made it to
I finally made it to the blog chat... I can see why I didn't get there before now. I'm just not cut out for group aim... MOO yes... I can handle polysynchronicity, but mere synchronous chat? No thanks."
Posted by jason at 06:06 AM
Blog-A-Thon Babes!!! have a blog
Blog-A-Thon Babes!!! have a blog that is so fat it will not fit on my 1152x768 pixel screen. That's a 15.2"" LCD screen on my TiBook. They must have 28"" monitors, or something. But they're doing it! Blogging away, so they have my praise.n"
Posted by jason at 05:49 AM
I just noticed that it
I just noticed that it is starting to get light outside... 5:33 am, according to my clock. Blogging the night away."
Posted by jason at 05:35 AM
Gaaaaa... my blogs have not
Gaaaaa... my blogs have not been going to the right place... I've been sending them to my teaching blog... I'll go get them... see? I did blog. I swear I did. CTL1000 Sunday, July 29, 2001 throughyoureyes.com's host Dyanna (perhaps an alias) visited Achieve! Bringing joy to our tiny lives. posted by Jason Nolan 5:18 AM it's all in the way's owner VenusEnvy dropped by the moo to say hello... so cool when people drop by. posted by Jason Nolan 4:33 AM it's all in the way's owner VenusEnvy dropped by the moo to say hello... so cool when people drop by. posted by Jason Nolan 4:33 AM I must say, I'm having buckets of fun now. Talking with hildegarde and salmooon is more fun than anything I can imagine at 4am. I'm going to look out the balcony to see if the world has forgotten about me. posted by Jason Nolan 4:04 AM Saturday, July 28, 2001 BLOGGER mentions the blogathon!!! I had a nice lone 7:36 blog, but the phone ate it. So, I'm eating Za posted by Jason Nolan 7:38 PM BTW, blogger is 2 minutes off. When I blogg at 3:00, it says 3:02. I swear. posted by Jason Nolan 3:34 PM"
Posted by jason at 05:31 AM
I'm blogging absolutely nothing. Proving
I'm blogging absolutely nothing. Proving that I blogged. Proving that I'm no slagg. And I'm typing way to much on the MOO to fill up this space, overly. Want more? Sign my guest book, and let me know what yo want."
Posted by jason at 03:46 AM
Salmon and Hildegarde say it
Salmon and Hildegarde say it is time to blog again. Interesting topics... why salmon is a goth, why I don't find guys attractive, and the fact that camp is not camping. Want more? Come to AchieveMOO "
Posted by jason at 03:08 AM
"It took me a while,"
It took me a while, but I have my BlogCamAlbum up and running. It covers the first 12 hours or so... Enjoy... and there's no back button."
Posted by jason at 02:34 AM
"Well, I got coffee... I"
Well, I got coffee... I hope I have the energy to make it. I'm equally worried as to what will happen if/when I drink it..."
Posted by jason at 01:44 AM
I don't want to
I don't want to know what is on TV. I'll watch it, but don't tell me... "
Posted by jason at 01:02 AM
"So far, I'm impressed with"
So far, I'm impressed with one thing. And that one thing is my total inability to do or say anything interesting tonight. I don't know what the motivating factor is. The fact that I MUST do something? The fact that I have a splitting headache and have been overworked teaching my course all summer. Or the fact that I'm just a borderline putz who just has nothing to contribute to the discourse of the universe. Perhaps there is a quiz in there somewhere."
Posted by jason at 12:48 AM
I'm only 5 foot 1
I'm only 5 foot 1 Got a pain in my heart All night I been working in an amusement park with a fist full of asprines and a hat full of jokes I wish I could go homwe with all the big folks I'm only 5 foot 1 I'm only 5 foot 1 I won't grow any more! I won't grow any more! more! more!
Posted by jason at 12:33 AM
"[+][beam] EvaB says, ""i told"
[+][beam] EvaB says, ""i told sigother about people blogging all night and she shrieked in horror, give them some money, people crazy enough to blog all night need to be paid"""
Posted by jason at 12:18 AM
Slick BlaqIce should get an
Slick BlaqIce should get an award for minimalism in the face of Charity. I won't say who pointed me to it. ;-) And I'm running out of movies... Singing in the rain is over... I guess it will have to be the DVD Kiss Me Deadly..."
Posted by jason at 12:06 AM
July 28, 2001
Nearly just fell asleep...
Nearly just fell asleep... but Singing in the rain saved me!!! "
Posted by jason at 11:30 PM
Eeek. I'm late. But I
Eeek. I'm late. But I have an excuse. I'm watching one of my favorite movies, hint ""No no no, yes yes yes!"" Or check the blogcam."
Posted by jason at 11:21 PM
"Now, here's an electric thought"
Now, here's an electric thought for the Blogathon... Come on baby, light my blog! "
Posted by jason at 10:33 PM
Just finished at 10pm. Good
Just finished at 10pm. Good movie. Still an experience of romanticism that overwhelms anything I've encountered since the shillers and schlegels' ilk. "
Posted by jason at 10:00 PM
Hildegarde reminded me to make
Hildegarde reminded me to make my thoughts more clear. I was not intending to make an empirical or definitive statement, but state an opinion that I did not ever plan to defend. If I'm going to present opinions I don't intend to empirically support I'd better make sure I don't get drawn into discussions regarding them. Live and learn. Thanks Hildegarde."
Posted by jason at 09:40 PM
"[+][beam] Hildegarde asks, ""tell me"
[+][beam] Hildegarde asks, ""tell me why crouching tiger isn't a very asian movie?"" [+][beam] jason grins. [+][beam] Hildegarde says, ""and...."" [+][beam] Hildegarde asks, ""does the nature of the medium imply a certain cultural...form?"" [+][beam] Hildegarde asks, ""I mean, can an american medium adequately reflect a non-american reality?"" [+][beam] jason grins. [+][beam] jason asks, ""what is so american about movies?"" [+][beam] jason says, ""I wouldn't essentialize film as american."" [+][beam] Hildegarde asks, ""didn't movies come out of north america?"" [+][beam] jason says, ""they neither invented it or do it best"" [+][beam] Hildegarde asks, ""motion pictures in general? Where did it come from?"" [+][beam] jason says, ""Lumiere brothers are one of the first, if not first."" [+][beam] jason asks, ""and hollywood was jewish imigrants mostly,right?"" [+][beam] Hildegarde falls apart laughing. [+][beam] jason says, ""movies are as american and e=mc^2"""
Posted by jason at 09:03 PM
I can't imagine a less
I can't imagine a less asian movie, from my perspective than 'crouching tiger'. To me it is a movie of high german romanticism. But maybe that is the sign of a good chinese movie. Or perhaps a good chinese movie is the best of german romanticism? Well, chinese culture is older... Chinese wins. Now lets apply that romanticism to humanitarianism? We'll leave problematizing that for later."
Posted by jason at 08:32 PM
"The famous John Robert Brown,"
The famous John Robert Brown, aka jacobius, just phoned to wish me well on my blogathon. John is a friend of mine in teacher's college a decade ago, and we've kept in touch ever since. WoooohoooO!"
Posted by jason at 08:04 PM
I'm now going to watch
I'm now going to watch Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon with Yuka . The cam will be pointed on the screen for the next 2 hours. Enjoy."
Posted by jason at 07:48 PM
JOSH STREET is the cooolest
JOSH STREET is the cooolest street in the union. Look for the River Run institute."
Posted by jason at 07:19 PM
I'm trying to find a
I'm trying to find a friend's home page, and he won't tell me what it is, but I knew that he had a links page to his (josh), mine, and Yuka's (me wif). SO I searched google... Google Search: Josh Yuka jason and see what happens ;-)"
Posted by jason at 07:15 PM
"Ok, foood time. I'll get"
Ok, foood time. I'll get some Za picts up."
Posted by jason at 07:05 PM
And someone named one_guest from
And someone named one_guest from morticia03.slip.yorku.ca visited the moo... I'd like to slip into morticia. But some one beat me to it.
Posted by jason at 06:36 PM
s m i l e
s m i l e . IV . m a r i a just came by Achive to talk with us..."
Posted by jason at 06:29 PM
Brin tells me that I'm
Brin tells me that I'm late in my blogging. Can you imaging that someone would a) check, b) remind me, and that I'd do it? Too much. I'm still cooking, that's what's taking up my time... but I've finished a 1 litre bottle of water... better drink water, or I'll break out the beer... and it is bad. The last of my brewing with Dave... it is Dave's Post Apocalyptic Porter. Excellent stuff."
Posted by jason at 06:11 PM
Pizza time. I've got the
Pizza time. I've got the cam in the kitchen, and I'm making pizza. 2 balls of organic spelt dough olive/garlic pasta sauce, reducing on the stove, with redwine organic smoked bacon yellow and orange peppers milde chedder (organic of course) AND organic cornmeal muffin mix in place of flour to keep everything from sticking. Amazing."
Posted by jason at 05:29 PM
"Don't bug me, I'm playing"
Don't bug me, I'm playing the guitar. Old 'Only Ones' and 'Vibrators' tunes... now... ""hanging around"" by the stranglers!!!"
Posted by jason at 05:02 PM
My camera is on different
My camera is on different objects... presently it is on Crayon Shinchan . I had the very first Crayon Shinchan page on the internet... and my office is full of shinchan stuff."
Posted by jason at 04:52 PM
We're hanging on Achieve.... [+][beam]
We're hanging on Achieve.... [+][beam] Hildegarde says, ""I've discovered that there are some blogs I can't copy the text off"" [+][beam] Hildegarde asks, ""who does that?"" [+][beam] Hildegarde asks, ""I mean, why?"" [+][beam] Brin [to Hildegarde]: Because they can. [+][beam] jason says, ""you can put a blank frame on top that is transparent."" [+][beam] salmon grin. [+][beam] jason says, ""some people don't share stuff because they're scared that the one good idea that they had in their life may be stollen."" [+][beam] jason says, ""imaginative poverty, imho."" [+][beam] salmon [to jason]: let me catch my breath.. cam will be up soon [+][beam] Hildegarde says, ""it sucks rocks"" [+][beam] Brin exclaims, ""5 minutes!"" [+][beam] salmon [to jason]: that's a cool comment [+][beam] jason says, ""if you have an idea, set it free. if it comes back, copywrite the shit out of it."" xgrin [+][beam] jason grins."
Posted by jason at 04:29 PM
Hildegarde sent me to see
Hildegarde sent me to see Intergalactic Hussy - v5, Digital Goth Girl. . What more can you do than visit and blog about it. Someone sponsor this girl!!!!"
Posted by jason at 04:25 PM
"Well, I have my cat"
Well, I have my cat cam working, with my backup Labtech cam, since my krittercam is busted. And I have the countdown working... More soon, as soon as I relax."
Posted by jason at 04:03 PM
"Oh, Oh. Oh, Oh! (that's"
Oh, Oh. Oh, Oh! (that's salmon speak for, ""I just bought Katherine Hayles' ""How we became posthuman"".) I did. And she told me to."
Posted by jason at 03:45 PM
Someone's clock is off by
Someone's clock is off by 2 minutes. It is not me. When it says I blog at 3:02, it is really 3:00. So there. I'm listening to CBC radio's DNTO.! Check out CBC radio one: http://radio.cbc.ca/cbcr1-qt.html"
Posted by jason at 03:37 PM
"Ok, this is starting off"
Ok, this is starting off just right. I spent the last 30 minutes just trying to get my camera to work. I've have a camera for 2 years. And it has always worked. It just works. And my cam is just something I take for granted. So, now, just when I need the fucking thing. It is not going to respond, or play. I think I'll start drinking now. Do you mind?"
Posted by jason at 03:32 PM
And we're off!!!!
And we're off!!!!
Posted by jason at 03:02 PM
"Greetings, and welcome to the"
Greetings, and welcome to the PreBlogathon warmup show. I'll be doing playbyplay with our BlogColourCommentary Specialist Hildegarde of Bingen and our BlogTheorist Salmon de la Squish , as we BLOG FOR TRIANGLE. I'm Jason Nolan, aka Spazzmodius, and I'll be your host at this location of the 100+ person Blogathon for charities. To chat or meet the team, please visit Project Achieve and log in as guest, and say hi."
Posted by jason at 02:03 PM
July 27, 2001
This is the starting
Posted by jason at 10:58 PM
The blogcamera is up!!!! Look
The blogcamera is up!!!! Look for the link on the left, or right."
Posted by jason at 10:37 PM
"Ok, I'm reasserting my identity."
Ok, I'm reasserting my identity. Jason is now blogging for Triangle, along side Spazzmodius. Just stop me."
Posted by jason at 07:06 PM
24-Hour BLOGATHON! starts tomorrow 12
24-Hour BLOGATHON! starts tomorrow 12 noon PST, that's 3pm for people in the civilized part of the planet. I've changed the colour of my blog out of respect for Cat Connor who's running this zoo. Watch out for the 5 web cams we'll have up to capture our participation. If you've not sponsored us yet, do it now!!! [scroll down for the link to sponsor Spazzmodius' Travel Blog!!!]"
Posted by jason at 08:09 AM
July 17, 2001
Here's my new NL-13: Titanium
Here's my new NL-13: Titanium Light G4 Powerbook Carry Case Ken, at willow, is making it for me in black without a blue stripe. Buy canadian."
Posted by jason at 06:25 PM
July 16, 2001
The Language Teacher Online 22.02:
The Language Teacher Online 22.02: Godzilla Can MOO, Can You? MOOs for Construction, collaboration & Community and Research What could larry be up to?"
Posted by jason at 11:07 AM
July 10, 2001
I'm now blogging for triangle
I'm now blogging for triangle dot net with everyone..."
Posted by jason at 11:16 AM
July 08, 2001
I've put up the first
I've put up the first 80 odd images from our scotland trip: Index of /scotland . I've put up animals and images relating to Lucy Maud Montgomery. There is no text. This is just rough work for Yuka's web site (yukazine ). Enjoy. Jason"
Posted by jason at 05:03 PM
Neil Gaiman - American Gods
Neil Gaiman - American Gods uses Blogger. Is there nothing new under the sun? (emma pointed this out)"
Posted by jason at 02:44 PM
I'm spending most of my
I'm spending most of my blogging energy these days on the CTL1000 blog. I'm thinking interms of this blog, but time being what it is, it sticking me here."
Posted by jason at 09:31 AM
June 29, 2001
"On July 28, I'm"
On July 28, I'm going to blog for 24 hours. All money I raise will be given to The Triangle Project, Canada's only school for Queer youth. I'm setting up the hetronormative auxillary committee ;-)"
Posted by jason at 11:45 PM
June 28, 2001
I'm back from Scotland. Give
I'm back from Scotland. Give me a couple of days to unwind. I just found out that I a) got the ITCDF grant I'd been asking for. I hope I got all 6K. AND, I'll be teaching a section of CTL1000 at OISE/UT this summer it seems. So many things happen when I'm on vacation."
Posted by jason at 08:16 PM
June 25, 2001
Don't deny it. He's back.
Don't deny it. He's back.
Posted by jason at 05:04 AM
May 29, 2001
We're here. And I'm fighting
We're here. And I'm fighting with a british keyboard. Horrors. Excellent weather. Excellent Jeff. We're inches away from Arthur's Seat, one of the hills of Edinburgh. Well, not really, but close to the part that it is in. Walked for 5 hours today. And cooked dinner for Jeff. Yuka is holding up better than I, but she was also a bit jet lagged, which I was not. I dread getting a car on saturday. Too much responsibility. More later, if this saves... Waiting for Sarah. Jason"
Posted by jason at 08:30 PM
May 25, 2001
What will I do without
What will I do without Spazz? Where will I be? I hope he has a good time in the land of the Scots, but I cry for my poor little soul...."
Posted by jason at 03:06 PM
Hmmm... not working.
Hmmm... not working.
Posted by jason at 12:36 PM
"Ok, I'm moving my existing"
Ok, I'm moving my existing blog (greymatter) to Edublog, using BloggerSoft for the time being. This blog will start off with my travels to scotland starting this sunday. Actually,right now, as I go off to get my car reservation, and then my glasses, and then mail my dad's father's day present, and then wrap up some loose ends."
Posted by jason at 12:28 PM